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Geo-Engineering 01-04-22 East Lothian Scotland Edinburgh

Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
If you see something like this and think they are CONdensation you have been successfully brain washed .
Uploaded for johnnny who is on a ban . https://www.facebook.com/522967701/posts/10159315207882702/
LINING up for bad weather next week
2 KC 135s 5 f15s in formation.
East Lothian Scotland Edinburgh

Images Archived – https://ibb.co/album/k27gj1
Limerick City Ireland 03 – 04 -22
Back Up Album – https://ibb.co/album/VwhgMR
Limerick City Ireland 28 – 04 -21

Not a single aircraft in the sky all day ✈️ and not a single “trail” cloud.
Instead, what we are seeing is an accumulation of all of the “trails” that were left after Mondays heavy spraying, dispersed, combing to form what appeared to be a layer or “hazey layer” that in turned blocked out our sun. That “haze” eventually broke down and separated into what appears the be an accumulation of artificial clouds.
These criminal callous, inhumane weather modification programs need to be monitored and recorded carefully.
Professor David Kieth is one of the key players of the so called SRM (Solar Radiation Management) programs.
The military industrial complex are behind these unethical military sky operations that serve many purposes such as:
- Emulate/Fabricate Climate Change
- Modify The Weather The Create Extreme Catastrophic Events.
- Destroy Crops
- Restrict Our Travel
- Block Out Our Sun
- Pollute The Water Supply
- Destroy The Agriculture Industry
- Disrupt All Form Of Biological Life Supply
- Environmental Pollution
- Compromise Wildlife
- Assist 5G technologies
The only thing the Solar Radiation Management (SRM) operations DO NOT DO is reflect all of our sunlight back into space, as they claim. (To cool down an overheating planet or some other BS like that. It’s all lies)
The establishment are getting away with this for far too long, it’s having detrimental effects on the general publics health, in many forms. (No doubt they will blame a non-existent virus for these criminal activities also )
Enough is enough. We need to start up as many local groups as possible so as to create as much awareness about these ominous activities.
Those willing to join me in Limerick to create awareness of these illegal operations email me
We need to start contatcing all local Politicians personally, all local councils get leaflets out there, do door to door if need be.
What you will notice now is that the chemical bearing aircraft will stay away again for a few days or at least until those artificial MANMADE clouds dissipate and we get another beautiful day where we have a clear blue sky and sammy sunshine in full view. That’s when the public need to be extra vigilant, phones and cameras at the ready. Keep diary’s, keep notes, jot down times, utilize PLANE TRACKING APPs and hot down the details the apps are giving for those particular aircraft, at those particular times.
Take not of any illnesses/sickness of any members of your family, friends or acquaintances, compare the symptoms.
These operations are going on years unbeknownst to the general public but now they stand to get much worse in coming weeks and months as a result of the elite ramping up their “Agendas”.
The Covid Agenda is slowly falling apart and “they” know it so this is why they are getting geared up to ramp up the “Climate Change” agenda once more. If that fails they are going to attempt an “Operation Blue Beam” where they will try to convince the gullible masked sheep of alien invasions or extra terrestrial activities. Make no mistakes about it, these “elite” are ruthless and relentless sociopathic silver spoon babies that don’t value human life and will stop at nothing until the have their one world government, through eugenics by way of whackzines 💉, population management, ego-engineering, 5Geee technologies, fear, propaganda, biological warfare, socialism/communism, eradication of the family unit, trans humanism just to mention a few…….
This isn’t going away anytime soon. If you don’t stand up now be prepared to fall when it’s already too late.
Join Our New Telegram Channel Today And Post
And Document Our Geo-Engineering Findings

Danny Boy Limerick
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If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
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Thanks !
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou
#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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