Raw Footage Shot In Ukraine Featuring Ukrainian People Telling Their Story

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Another excellent video showing the stories from Ukraine the fake hysterical media are desperate for you NOT to see…

This is real footage shot in Ukraine featuring Ukrainian people telling their story.. It shows that Russian troops are feeding starving Ukrainians not killing them, and its the Ukrainian Nazis that are killing Ukrainians trying to stop them leaving their towns and cities in search of food, they want them to stay to be used as human shields…

Please share the truth…


Danny Boy Limerick

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Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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The Truth About Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky And Hes Bitch Volodymyr Zelensky

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The Truth About Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky And Hes “Bitch” The President Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky



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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei https://www.facebook.com/mciummei Melissa Ciummeihttps://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummeiMelissa Ciummei https://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummei.officialhttps://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummeiJohn…
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Danny Boy Limerick

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Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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This Documentary DVD on the ‘Dangers Of ALL Vaccinations’ “unsurprisingly” proved extremely difficult to acquire, it seemed to be banned, removed and censored from nearly every site it was posted or mirrored on. After watching just a mere few minutes of the Garys Nulls (Ph.D) “Deadly Deceptions: Exposing The Dangers Of Vaccinations ” I was beginning to see why. I won’t say another word here so as to avoid any *Spoiler Alerts and in turn spoil any anticipation, all i will say is that every caring parent (emphasis on the word “caring”) on the planet needs to see this video A.S.A.P.

You Tube Censored

This video is “unlisted” on YouTube. I accidental discovered it on the TruthZone (also now censored) whilst searching and fishing for some good vaccination related images for another blog that i have in the pipeline.

Truthzone You Tube Embed Also Censored

It gets crazy, Truthzone claims to have discovered it at the  Progressive Radio Network which has ALSO since been taken down or the domain name has at the very least expired or been revoked ???!!!.

In fact, the deeper i dug looking to unearthing Gary Nulls Documentary “DEADLY DECEPTION: EXPOSING THE DANGERS OF VACCINES the harder i found to obtain a copy (even a trailer was hard to come by), It was around the same time and during those internet searches that i realized that the video had been removed from various different websites, blogs, marketplaces, forums, social media and a host of other platforms. That’s when i knew I could now stop at nothing to get my hands on a copy and help give it the coverage that needed before it became another victim of Tyrannical Nazi type Fascism And Censorship.

So please, share this blog as far and wide as possible. It’s Wednesday morning the 16th of March 2022, this blog is still only a draft with a few hours work left on it before i can finally publish it and I am already worried about it being taken down and my WP account along with it, so much so, that I am going to back up my entire website and WordPress files for fear that i might have to use them when migrating to my own web hosting platform in the next few days (possibly without any prior notice or notifications from WordPress ?) Normally when these documentaries (the ones that really hit home) receive this calibre of censorship, you can be sure that the “Powers That Be” send their minions over at the “clandestine organisations” to go to great lengths to have the content or materiel, that could jeopardise or get in the way of their multi billion euro industries and with it world agendas, removed, sometimes at any the cost, including but not limited to murder (you know, the “accidental” / “misadventure” deaths or suicides, of such individuals as Aajonus Vonderplanitz who have vociferously spoken out against “Medical Terrorism” namely “Big Pharma”. So I have just created a Medium account where i will make a backup of this blog and several more copies on various blogging platforms and some social media platforms with blogging functionality such as minds.com to ensure that this Documentary stays as “out there” and “accessible” as possible for the concerned public to obtain should they need to.



There is an epidemic, the likes that we have never seen in the history of this country. One in 6 children in America is learning disabled, one in 9 has asthma, one in 48 are becoming autistic, and millions more are suffering with brain and immune dysfunction, which can not be explained. Children are now exposed to more vaccinations than earlier generations. The number of vaccines is expected to increase dramatically with over 250 new vaccines in the pipeline. While there is an untold number of children and adults that have been injured from vaccines, most Americans remain skeptical of the fact that vaccines can and do cause injury, disability and death.

What will happen when vaccine-injured children, with brain and immune system dysfunction, reach adulthood and are unable to function in society? It is a tremendous cost burden to care for someone with a disability over their lifetime and the American healthcare system is incapable of handling the larger cataclysm that awaits as vaccines become mandated.

Conventional medicine claims that vaccines prevent infectious diseases and are proven to be effective and safe. We are that these diseases can be eradicated if the population is fully vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity.” However, does the science support these claims?


Executive Producer, Gary Null Ph.D.
Directed by Gary Null, Ph.D.
Produced by Valerie Van Cleve
Associate Producer, Richard Gale
Edited by Valerie Van Cleve

Nonprofits & Activism

Gary Null
Uploaded on Jan 17, 2018

Vaccination Horror Show Cover Telegram comP

Vaccination Horror Show


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1 2 3 4 5
Vaccination Horror Show Cover Telegram comP

Vaccination Horror Show


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List of 30 Studies Facemasks Useless

List of 30 studies showing face masks are useless against COVID-19

https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/ https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.18.21257385v1.full-text https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29395560/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32590322/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15340662/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26579222/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31159777/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4420971/ https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.01.20049528v1 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.30.20047217v2 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2006372 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2749214…

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Danny Boy Limerick

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Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/dannyboylimerick
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Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

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Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyBLimerick
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/dannyboylimerick
The Shills Hunters: https://mewe.com/join/theshillhunters (Shill Hunters Only)
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/dannyboyeire
Gab: https://gab.com/DannyBoyLimerick

Minds: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=LaurelGreenNeedleDan
PocketNet (Bastyon): https://pocketnet.app/dannyboylimerick?ref=PFD6mB3CHhXq7AStVgi5XpTQ1whaSJb2bn

New You Tube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GO_BP5py-JI76LWudOWMA/

Donate: https://dannyboylimerick.website/donate/

Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

Landing Page (Linktree)


Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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The illusion Warfare : The Russia And Ukraine Staged War

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Illusion Warfare Report: The Road to Ukraine.

-Join Twitter Handle @Lez LuTHOR as he LARPs hes way onto the Hollywood movie set we know as UKRAINE.

Will the matrix allow him to peak behind the curtains of a manufactured and manipulated world staged event?

The Journey begins…
On the 3/3 I took a flight from Luton, England to Krakow, Poland.

Via Poland seemed the easiest way into the Ukraine.

Note: all the 33’s.

Evan tho unvaxxed, I entered Poland with ease on the condition I left within 24 hours.

So I wasted no time, and took a train from Krakow to Przemysl.

The only sign of WAR was the name of the cafe’

Lights, Camera….ACTION!!!

Przemysl Train Station (the Refugee movie set)

A well planned stage managed route ensures the Ukrainians arriving are bottled necked and compressed into the ticket hall so the media can create the illusion of ‘hell on Earth’.

Visual effects are key!

Outside the Refugee train station, police vehicles leave the lights flashing.

Every 20 minutes, the sirens turn on and vehicle does a loop around the block.

Stage Management …

The ‘Video Village’ of Przemysl.
Here we find the director and producer of the refugee movie.

All staged photos need good lighting.

I am unable to find a hostel or hotel,
full of refugees you ask?

No! All the hotels in this town are taken up by the press

Whilst these scumbags sleep in luxury, poor Ukrainians are left to sleep at the railway station.

Creating more staged photo opportunities for the press

1min walk away from the movie set…
Life is normal.

Creating a Scene🎥🎬

Here you can see how perfectly fine doors are blocked by signs and volunteers(aka stage hands)…

Bottle necking everyone through one door, the camera crews set up to capture this manufacturing chaos for the cameras.

Strike a pose…

You larp as a photographer, il larp as a young man heading off to war.

The train into Lviv, Ukraine.

Lviv, Ukraine(Railway station)… another movie set.

I arrive around 2am, I help an old lady with her bags as she seeks information on travel to her home town of Odessa.
Once she is sorted with tickets I take a closer look around.
(The 33 continues to follow me)

Lviv Railway station…

Manufactured chaos once again, a curfew is enforced form 8pm till 8am meaning travellers can’t leave the station and are forced into participating the fully immersive 4D crisis experience, complete with props like the TRASH CAN FIRE.

The train into Kyiv

-I talked my way onto the overnight train.
(Around £5 and a warm place to sleep).

There are many Ukrainians heading back in.

Just for the record, you can just buy a regular train ticket into Kyiv, either online or at the station.

Trains are running as normal.

(4th March I arrived)

Filming around Kyiv train station was near impossible.
Talking/texting on the phone was ok.
The moment you turned the phone into the filming position… Agent Smiths with guns would appear.

(Agent Smith=Government/police)

I got pulled aside twice within 10mins.
So I left.

I take a walk to the supermarket, no signs of a war yet.

Only the very familiar feeling of a LOCKDOWN, is this the result of war? Or is this the government and corporations creating the illusion of a war to economically force People out of the city?

The Media claimed intense fighting had reached Kyiv.

I walk the street and see no evidence of this as of yet.

(6th of March)

My first Air raid siren… and no one cares.

Audio sound effects are another way to create the illusion of war.

(6th of March)

Illusion warfare tactics…

Shut everyone inside for a curfew and blast sirens across the city to scare the shit out of people.

(There is never a follow up explosion)

Everyone told me “there is no hotels or hostels in Kyiv, it’s a war zone!!”…

Truth, there is an abundance of places to stay!!

I picked a cheap hostel as I’m on a budget.

(so everyone understands, im a night club bouncer with about £1000 to my name).

Each day I wake up, grab a coffee and continue to walk the streets in search of a War.

I gave up on taxi drivers on day one, they wanted cash (which is hard to find in Kyiv as all ATMs are dry) but understandably they didn’t want the attention of driving a foreigner to Irpin.

Kyiv, Ukraine.
grannies walk their dogs as normal, the reporters wear flak Jackets.

The city of Kyiv is now a Movie set…

Come experience the illusion of war as we walk though the Hollywood set know as Kyiv.

PROPS such as abandoned cars, blockades and checkpoints are placed around the city by the visual effects team for a fully immersive 4D experience.

Tip: Always carry an item and receipt whilst walking around a movie set like Kyiv.

(There are many Agent Smiths in blacked out vehicles driving around)

There is lots of food in Kyiv!

If there are people in the city that can’t eat it’s more likely because they have been economically destroyed by the government shutting down any way to earn a living.

Alcohol has been prohibited.

I walk in the direction of Irpin and come across this hospital, there’s armed guards outside so I film the side.

Irpin is a 30min drive away, wouldn’t there be sounds of war? And wounded soldiers?

(Just think with this blank canvas how much digital overlay fakery is possible)

I walk and walk, getting onto the Irpin film set is near impossible.

The metro is open and running but has armed police that want to search you before entry.

It’s ‘papers please’ even for regular Ukrainians.

Kaboom!!!! Has a bomb lander close by????

No, the boiler fell off the wall and the water is spraying across the shower room slowly flooding the 1st floor.

Good news is I get moved to a room with a heater. Nearly had room 33.

The 8th of March…

And blizzard with coffee to start the morning.

After endless walking around the city for the past few days, I decide to revisit Kyiv’s main train station.

Another manipulated crisis situation that could be avoided if the government really cared about its people.

Still no visible signs of a war in the city.
Kyiv is the big cheese is this illusion, I have no interest in the hundreds of ex soviet empty and derelict villages.

The military has been using those villages for target practice and war games since the USSR fell.

The more people that leave Kyiv the more the city becomes a blank canvas… just think how many ‘soldiers fighting’ they could digitally add to this scene.

“The noose is tightening around the capital” -a reporter in Kyiv train station wearing a flak jacket whilst nobody else is.

It’s true, the station was mad busy a few days ago, but he has perfectly placed himself on the walk way, the lower levels are empty these days.

The Q(ueue) movement in Kyiv…

I would encourage people to look up ‘The Art of Queueing’…
Disney has invested billions into the psychological research of Queueing.

Queueing is a demoralising activity and very important in all PSYCHOLOGY OPERATIONS.


(Cue the Tank🎬🎥)

One tank drives down the street.
Do you think he’s just driving the long way to the front lines?

Or is this part of the illusion? ordering one tank down the street to scare people.

Believe it not, whilst I was filming this I had an army guy walking 2 steps behind me (I didn’t know of course).

He asked what I was doing here. I just replied “google said there is a supermarket close by, do you know where it is?”

(He spoke good English, he was a nice guy)

Running out of food they say….

Or maybe they are not aloud to work and earn money?
Maybe their right to ignore this and carry on living has been taken away.

Maybe the innocent Ukrainians are being economically forced into LARPing this war.

Filmed on the 9th of March.

Originally tweeted by Lez LuTHOR (@LezLuthor) on March 5, 2022.

Mirror Or Back Up Copy In The Event That The Above Twitter Thread Is Taken Down



Danny Boy Limerick

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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
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FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/DannyBoyLimerickActive (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/DBLProjectCounterintel (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyBLimerick
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/dannyboylimerick
The Shills Hunters: https://mewe.com/join/theshillhunters (Shill Hunters Only)
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PocketNet (Bastyon): https://pocketnet.app/dannyboylimerick?ref=PFD6mB3CHhXq7AStVgi5XpTQ1whaSJb2bn

New You Tube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GO_BP5py-JI76LWudOWMA/

Donate: https://dannyboylimerick.website/donate/

Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

Landing Page (Linktree)


Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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The Kalergi Plan For European Genocide 2020-2040

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Most People Have Never Heard Of “The Kalergi Plan”, Those That Did, Would’nt Have Been Taken Serious…….That is until…….It Is Happening In Our Own Back Yards Right Now, So To Speak.

The Russia /Ukraine War Is Just Another Smokes And Mirrors For More Of The Same “Migration Replacement” , United Nations Agenda 2021 And Agenda 2030 (Plans For A Global Fascist Dictatorship Under The Guise Of “Sustainability Goals”) but not before the plan for European Genocide , The “The Kalergi Plan“.


The unification of Europe, the opening of its borders, the invasion of muslim hordes, the influxes of illegal immigrants are all part of “The Kalergi Plan, put forward” by Richard Nikolaud Eijiro, Count Of Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was financed by Baron Louis de Rothschild, of the Satanic family of that name, and Max Warburg, a founding memeber of the Federal Reserve.

The Kalergi Plan is a genocide project which was created and worked out by the politician and mestizo Mr. Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove Kalergi together with his Free Mason colleagues.

Few People Know That One Of The Main Initiators Of The Process Of European Integration Was Also The Man Who Designed “The Genocide Plan” Of The Peoples Of Europe.
He Was A Dark Person, Whose Existence Is Unknown To The Masses, But The Elite Consider Him As “The Founder Of The European Union”.

Hes Name Is


The UN’s Global Compact for Migration will facilitate and force mass migration into the west, while shutting down all opposition to the agenda.

Download The full UN Global Compact document Here:


Imagine for a moment the world has only type of dog. Imagine the world having only one type of cat. Imagine the world having only one type of bird. Imagine the world having only one type of tree. Imagine for a moment that there is only one type of food. Imagine for a moment there is only one type of building. Would you be happy with any of those scenarios?

The human race is filled with different cultures, customs, religions, ethnicities, and races, each is unique and has a history whether big or small. We are opposed around the world by a ruthless conspiracy of largely Jewish and Zionist forces who seek to destroy the genuine diversity of the human race. What they seek would be like merging all marker colours into one dark boring color instead of keeping the different colours and their uniqueness.


This Video Is An Introduction To The dark Plan The E.U. Has To Destroy The Cultures Of European Countries.


Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was born to an Austrian diplomat in 1894. In 1915 he married 13-year-old Jewish actress Ida Roland who was very active with him in the movement which would become the Kalergi Plan. He also is viewed as a founding father of the European Union. Richard was able to gather a lot of attention and support from high ranking officials given his father was a diplomat who spoke many languages including Hebrew. His father was friends with none other than one of the founders of Zionism, Theodore Herzl.

The agenda that the powers that be behind this had was nothing short of pure evil and sinister.

  • Placing their agents everywhere.
  • Take control of the media to use it for their propaganda for their evil plans.
  • Start fights between different races, religions, and classes.
  • Use bribery, threats, and blackmail to get their way.
  • Use Free Masonic lodges to attract potential public officials.
  • Appeal to successful people’s egos.
  • Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail.
  • Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communist rule, then despotism.
  • Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by the Zionists.
  • Sacrifice people when necessary.
  • Eliminate religion (not Judaism); replace it with science and materialism.
  • Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect.
  • Rewrite history to their benefit.
  • Create entertaining distractions.
  • Corrupt minds with filth and perversion.
  • Encourage people to spy on one another.
  • Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor.
  • Take possessions of all wealth, property, and especially gold.
  • Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
  • Introduce a progressive tax on wealth.
  • Replace sound investments with speculation.
  • Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments.
  • Give bad advice to governments and everyone else.

Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples Paperback – January 14, 2019 Available To Order On Amazon

Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples Paperback – January 14, 2019

Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples Paperback – January 14, 2019


by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi


In 1921, Kalergi joined a Masonic lodge and had the full support of free masonry in his evil agenda.

In Vienna in 1922, he founded the Pan European Movement which sought to create a new world order and destroying the nation states.

Two years later according to Kalergi in his biography, he received a call from none other than Louis de Rothschild. Rothschild said that Max Warburg read his book about his Pan European manifesto and he wanted to get to know them. Max Warburg is a Jewish Rothschild banker and brother of Paul Warburg, one of the architects of the Federal Reserve in the United States. Max Warburg offered 60,000 Gold Marks to finance the movement for the first three years.

In 1925, he went to the United States and started to get support from Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, and Ludwig Von Misses. All of them are Jewish Zionist financial elites of course.

Paul’s brother Felix Warburg was married to none other than Freida Schiff who’s father was none other than the Jewish Zionist banker Jacob Schiff. This is the same Jacon Schiff who funded the Bolshevik revolution which killed tens of millions of European Christians and millions of Central Asian Muslims.

Jacob Schiff hailed the Bolshevik butchers according even to the New York Times.

Paul Warburg’s son James Warburg said before the Senate of the United States, “We shall have world government, whether we like it or not, by consent or by conquest.

In 1925, Kalergi wrote a book called Practical Idealism, and he outlined the fact he wanted to destroy the previous identities of Europeans. He called for Europeans to mix with Asians, Arabs, and Africans. These people of course don’t do this out of some desire for Europeans to get along better with Asians, Arabs, and Africans. The banking elites and other oligarchs have ruthlessly exploited the Asia, Africa, and the Arab World. More than that these are the Jewish Zionists who have been massacring Arabs for over 80 years with the goal of expelling them from their land. Of course he never calls for Jews to mix with other races. He and his Jewish banker supporters have sought to destroy identity and the routes of the peoples of the world so they are more easy to control.

As is well known, none other than “Israeli” government NGOs, and Jewish groups are leading the fight for mass immigration into the west. In “Israel” also they are the ones who not only don’t take the immigrants they demand the West take, but Jews can’t even marry non Jews.

The way this agenda gets carried out is by having their puppets in government destabilize, go to war with, and ruthlessly exploit the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Theodore Herzl and the criminal Jewish Zionist cabal have gotten just about everything they could ask for and then some.

Placing their agents everywhere. One doesn’t need to look any further than AIPAC, the Zionist Organization of America, the American Jewish Committee, and the ADL.

Take control of the media to use it for their propaganda for their evil plans. 90% of the American media is owned by six corporations. General Electric, Newscorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. In the media of course you see a disproportionate number of Jews and even more Zionists. Outlets such as CNN if you are involved in supporting the Palestinian people, like Marc Lamont Hill, they fire you.

There is one common thing about Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Michael Lynton, Gary Barber, Steven Spielberg, Harvey Weinstein, Larry David, Woody Allen, Bob Iger, Jeff Zucker, Summer Rothstein, Steven Hirsch, Steve Orenstein, Greg Lansky, Ezra Levant, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Dell, and countless more. They are Jewish and Zionist, as they have gotten their guys into the corporate and media world.

Start fights between different races, religions, and classes. In the Middle East they supported terrorist groups in Lebanon that tried to set the Christians against the Muslims. In Palestine they have been trying to set off religious conflict for a long time between the Palestinian Christians and the Palestinian Muslims. In Syria, they have been supporting the terrorist rebel opposition in Syria. That support came for both groups like the FSA and its allies (including Al Qaeda), ISIS, and the Marxist terrorist SDF. The former Mossad head Efraim Halevy told the world why, and it was because Al Qaeda has never attacked “Israel”. In Iraq, “Israel” continues to support the breaking up of Iraq, and have attacked the forces for stability in that troubled country.

The reason “Israel” supports the mass immigration of largely Wahhabi men into Europe is because they know about the violence that they bring, and subsequently many Westerners turn their resentment to the Islamic community as a whole and not just the Wahhabis and the Jewish Zionist groups that they bring in. Their nightmare is seeing the Christian European/Western world, having excellent relations with stable peaceful countries in the Arab world and wider Islamic world where the people don’t have to leave their homes.

Use bribery, threats, and blackmail to get their way. As said earlier, the “Israel” lobby is absolutely massive and corrupt. The oligarchs in America are disproportionately Jewish and Zionist. “Israel” bombed the USS Liberty deliberately and then threatened to share intelligence with the Soviet Union if the US didn’t stop the investigation. As for blackmail look no further than what Jeffrey Epstein was, as he was a Mossad agent who blackmailed countless numbers of elites.

Use Free Masonic lodges to attract potential public officials. America has had masons in the political system dating all the way back to the founding.

Appeal to successful people’s egos. The Zionist elites are always pumping up Donald Trump’s ego as they have even put it in his head that he’s like a King of “Israel”.

Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail. All AIPAC has to do is just flood the two major candidates in an individual race and they have that goal solidly achieved.

Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communist rule, then despotism. This was written at a time where the monarchy was far more prevalent and had much more powers. Moses Hess was a founding Zionist who preceded Theodore Herzl, and he was known as the communist rabbi. Hess helped to write the communist manifesto with the Jews Karl Marx and Frederich Engels. Major Bolshevik leaders like Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Lev Kamenev, Felix Dzherzhinsky, Lazar Kaganovich and Genrikh Yagoda. Vladimir Putin himself admitted the first Soviet government was predominantly Jewish. Meanwhile noble prize winning historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn explained that without Jews there would not have been Bolshevism.

Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by the Zionists. The Zionist occupiers are able to basically get away with whatever they want while Palestinians are subjected to apartheid and absolutely hellish living conditions.

Sacrifice people when necessary. That is what the elites do when they send American and Western troops to go and fight another war for “Israel”.

Eliminate religion (not Judaism); replace it with science and materialism. In the White House the only religious symbols you will see there allowed are Jewish. Prayer in school is no more, teaching of the ten commandments is no more, God has been removed from the culture, but there is no shortage of Jewish symbols.

Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect. The US spends more on education per capita than everywhere else in the world and the performance of our students continues to worsen.

Rewrite history to their benefit. Just one example of this is the Katyn Massacre has been falsely attributed to the Nazis, even when the CIA exposed the fact the US covered up the fact that it was Stalin’s butchers who carried it out.

Create entertaining distractions. Sports, Hollywood, Music, and other such items serve to distract people from the realities they and their country face.

Corrupt minds with filth and perversion. Hollywood is a cesspool of filth and perversion in its own right, but the situation as it pertains to pornography in the West is even worse. Millions of people are addicted, children at younger and younger ages are seeing pornography and they are getting addicted. Pornography is a weapon of control and none other than the Zionist occupation regime used it against the Palestinians in Ramallah when they illegally occupied that Palestinian land. The pornography industry is disproportionately Jewish, with many of the famous pornographers and site owners being Jewish. Greg Lansky, Steve Orenstein, Ron Jeremy, and Al Goldstein are well known examples of this reality.

From AZ Quotes.

Al Goldstein made clear why his brethren were in this industry, “the only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks”.

Encourage people to spy on one another. America has a surveillance state that not even the East German Stasi could have dreamed to have. One of the primary authors of the Patriot Act, was US-“Israeli” dual citizen Michael Chertoff after all.

Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor. America and the West overall has seen a rather consistent trend of stagnation in wages, while the costs of everything continue to rise. That is a mix of outsourcing and flooding the community with cheap labor. Meanwhile these same people are the ones exploiting the third world and keeping in a cycle where they are very unlikely to grow and prosper.

Take possessions of all wealth, property, and especially gold. They got their wish when Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the seizure of the gold of Americans.

Introduce a progressive tax on wealth. That has long since been implemented and of course the elites don’t pay taxes at a rate their employee does.

Replace sound investments with speculation. That is exactly what happened in Thailand in 1997 with the George Soros orchestrated financial crisis in that country, and also what happened in the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 and 2009.

Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments. This kind of debt trap and usury has been used all over the world especially countries like Greece and Argentina who get crushed by the devastating interest totals.

Give bad advice to governments and everyone else. They regularly give the puppets in government horrible advice whether it is pertaining to economic policies, or foreign policy. The West does not economically win anymore despite having all the resources to do so.

We face a ruthless and evil enemy who seeks to destroy our religions, identities, and races. They want the Christian and the Muslim, the Westerner and Arab, the Westerner and Persian, among many others to fight while they screw us over and destroy what makes us unique and different forever. We must fight as best as we can to stop the wars and corruption that lead to mass immigration, while focusing on the real enemy.

Danny Boy Limerick

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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
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Telegram: https://t.me/DannyBoyLimerickLive
The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) – https://t.me/TheGoodPeopleFightingGoodFight

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/DannyBoyLimerickActive (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/DBLProjectCounterintel (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyBLimerick
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/dannyboylimerick
The Shills Hunters: https://mewe.com/join/theshillhunters (Shill Hunters Only)
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/dannyboyeire
Gab: https://gab.com/DannyBoyLimerick

Minds: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=LaurelGreenNeedleDan
PocketNet (Bastyon): https://pocketnet.app/dannyboylimerick?ref=PFD6mB3CHhXq7AStVgi5XpTQ1whaSJb2bn

New You Tube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GO_BP5py-JI76LWudOWMA/

Donate: https://dannyboylimerick.website/donate/

Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

Landing Page (Linktree)


Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.


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Rumble Is Similar To YouTube But Without Censorship

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Rumble Video Sharing Platform helps you to manage your videos. It provides you the ways to make your video viral. It gives you the platform to add value to your video. It let you create your own video channel.

It enables you to host and distribute your video. Upload, share, broadcast and promote your videos around the web. We are a YouTube alternative, focusing on bringing value to video. it helps you make more revenue and better distribution within no time.

Rumble connects video creators to all points of the internet, from a single centralized video platform. There is no better place to host, share, distribute, and extract value from your video. For newsrooms or brands, there is no better place to connect with creators.

Specialities: Rumble Video Sharing Platform specialties are video, online video, video platform, video creators, digital rights management, content discovery and much more.

Support The Danny Boy Project By Way Of Referral – Join Rumble Here:


What Is Rumble?

Rumble is a place for uploading videos and sharing them.

In that way, it’s like YouTube, another site where you can upload and share videos on YouTube. If you’re really good at that, you can become one of the top YouTube influencers (check out Top YouTube Influencers Small Business Trends (smallbiztrends.com) and make money (How Much Money Do YouTubers Make? – Small Business Trends (smallbiztrends.com).

You can make money on Rumble too. Is it an easier platform for earning money? Can you make more money? Let’s explore.

An Introduction to the Rumble Video Hosting Website

Rumble isn’t a new website. It’s been around since 2013. That’s when it was launched by technology entrepreneur CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski.

In August 2020, Pavlovski felt YouTube was unjustly censoring and pulling select videos which did not conform to YouTubes own set of values and beliefs. In response to his belief, Pavlovsky decided to shift the focus of Rumble. Going forward, he said, Rumble would be a site that allowed creators of videos to freely express thoughts and views, without fear of unjust censorship.

That’s not to say that Rumble doesn’t censor any videos. A video which includes unlawful content, such as pornography or bullying, would not pass the editorial review process.

Rumble would adhere to the principle of free expression and be “immune to cancel culture,” Pavlovski said. Video content creators could post videos on Rumble, which would operate as a “free and open internet” site where users could post videos and free express their views. On Rumble, users would be free from “cancel culture” Pavlovsky said.

And at the same time, users would become profit sharing users, who could make money.

Rumble filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google Search in January 2021, claiming it controlled search results, meaning users searches didn’t freely explore all results. The lawsuit is ongoing.

Meanwhile, the use of the Rumble video platform grows. In 2021, there were 36 million average users per month. That’s an increase from 1.6 million users per month in 2020. In January 2022, Rumble had 39 million users.

How to the Use Rumble Video Platform

How to use Rumble video hosting is simple. It’s easy to join Rumble.

  1. Set up a Rumble account.
  2. Create a profile with your name, user name, password, address, birthdate and other information.
  3. Choose what type of Rumble account you want. You can have 3 choices: Free, Publisher, Business or Personal.

With each type of account, you’ll upload videos which are your own videos. Those videos will be shared by live streaming using the internet.

What are the differences between the types of accounts? Keep reading.

How to Make Money on Rumble by Uploading Videos

One basic difference between the types of accounts is how your videos will be used, and how you will be paid.

  1. Free account – Your videos will be shared only on Rumble. If you video is approved, you’ll make $50, and if your video makes the “front page” of Rumble you’ll make $100. If Rumble advertisers are connected to your video, you’ll earn 60% of the ad revenue.
  2. Publisher account – Rumble manages your videos. Your videos will appear on Rumble and Rumble may also share the content with YouTube and other social media platforms. You’ll be paid 90% of what the video earns on YouTube and 60% of what is makes on other sites. Rumble’s other partners include MTV, XBox, Yahoo, MSN and others.
  3. Business account – You’ll pay $25 a month for a Rumble Business account and enjoy ad-free viewing. Most business account users are uploading, sharing and selling stock footage.
  4. Personal – Your Rumble videos will only be shared with the family and friends you choose.

Pros of Using Rumble

  1. Good platform monetizing users videos with good titles, original content.
  2. Many users like that there’s no need to build subscribers before you start to earn money with your first video on the Rumble platform.
  3. Rumble editors help with your video platform titles and good descriptions.
  4. Rumble editors help with placement on chosen social media platforms (with the Publisher account).
  5. Emphasis on free speech ahead of censorship.

Cons of Using Rumble

  1. To date, YouTube has a stronger broad audience of users.
  2. To date, users report that Rumble can’t match YouTube’s upload speeds.
  3. Licensing Options – In order to use the Publisher Rumble platform, you give Rumble exclusive rights to manage and share your video. With non-exclusive users the video only appears on Rumble.
  4. Non-exclusive users of Rumble – those who retain rights to their videos – can only use the Rumble free account. You can earn money based on viewings on Rumble, but your video won’t be shared to other platforms.
  5. To date, Rumble doesn’t have enough subscribers to compete with YouTube. But stay tuned as the Rumble platform grows.

Rumble Vs. YouTube

Both Rumble and YouTube are free to join and provide equal opportunity. Which has the easier monetization rules? Each has different monetization rules.

Instant monetization is one of the things users like about Rumble. But with a non-exclusive license your video will only appear on Rumble.

YouTube’s path to monetization has particular requirements:

You need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time before you start making money. Once you reach that threshold, you’ll earn $3 to $20 per 1,000 views (these are averages).

The site called Rumble has no subscriber number requirement, which is a plus for someone just getting started with a blog post.

Sharing a funny video with Rumble doesn’t mean you’re excluding YouTube. If you have a Rumble publisher account, your video platform may expand to the YouTube Channel and other sites.

Tips to Maximize Your Rumble Revenue

Here are a few more things you need to know that will help you earn the most money you can on Rumble:

  1. Don’t overlook specific videos you’ve previously posted on other sites. Rumble may use your old YouTube videos if you have a publisher account.
  2. You can make a little money by tagging videos on Rumble. You’ll earn .05 for each video you tag.
  3. Explore Rumble with a free account. Get started and see how you like the site.
  4. Do the math. If you don’t feel you’re making enough as your video is only viewed on Rumble, you can change your account to Publisher.

My Rumble Channel And Videos


You know the video you’re shooting is loaded with opportunities to go viral and for YOU to get paid, but that’s not happening… is it?

Introducing Rumble.com, a platform that brings value to your video! First, you Shoot your video Second, you Upload your video and third, you select your licensing option (opt for either profit sharing or sell it for upfront cash)

Within twenty-four hours, the Rumble algorithms, based on sharing and tagging, will determine the quality or value of your video.

If it checks out, we take you on the front page of rumble dot com and help place your content on MSN, YAHOO, XBOX, MTV and MORE.

Why Rumble.com? Simple! We’ll give your approved content access to the outlets that monetize video over TEN TIMES better than YouTube. Stop giving your great content away and get access today to the market that delivers more revenue and better distribution. Upload your video today and see what happens. It’s time to Rumble!


Support The Danny Boy Project By Way Of Referral – Join Rumble Here:


Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

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Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

Website + Resources



YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


Telegram: https://t.me/DannyBoyLimerickLive
The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) – https://t.me/TheGoodPeopleFightingGoodFight

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/DannyBoyLimerickActive (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/DBLProjectCounterintel (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyBLimerick
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/dannyboylimerick
The Shills Hunters: https://mewe.com/join/theshillhunters (Shill Hunters Only)
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/dannyboyeire
Gab: https://gab.com/DannyBoyLimerick

Minds: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=LaurelGreenNeedleDan
PocketNet (Bastyon): https://pocketnet.app/dannyboylimerick?ref=PFD6mB3CHhXq7AStVgi5XpTQ1whaSJb2bn

New You Tube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GO_BP5py-JI76LWudOWMA/

Donate: https://dannyboylimerick.website/donate/

Website: http://DannyBoyLimerick.website

Landing Page (Linktree)


Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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The Thule Society

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In past programs, we have stated that the New World Order could not have been realized had it not been for the intense activities of various secret societies throughout the world. We have mentioned one world-wide secret society, the Brotherhood Of Death Society, whose symbol is the skull with two crossed bones. The German Brotherhood of Death Society is the Thule Society.

Adolph Hitler joined this society in 1919, becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart. Later, the Thule Society selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, as Eckhart revealed on his deathbed, saying,

“Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers.”

(Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear Of Destiny, p. 91).

Hitler’s Mentor: Dietrich Eckart, His Life, Times & Milieu


In August, 1990, President George Bush announced that the world had now entered into a New World Order. Shockingly President Bush is an adept in an American Brotherhood of the Yale Skull and Bones Society. As we stated earlier, Bush’s New World Order is virtually identical with Hitler’s; the key connecting point is the common membership in their respective Brotherhood ..

(Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81; Introduction To The Order, p.7).

Behold A Pale Horse

We will study this connection in depth today. Let us begin with a quick overview of the Thule Society, beginning with a study of its practices and relevant history.

  • They were Satanists who practiced Black Magic — this means that they were.
    • “solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to awareness of evil and nonhuman intelligences in the universe; and with achieving means of communication with these intelligences.”(Ravenscroft, p. 161). Concentrate on that seemingly innocent word, rituals. Christians equate a ritual to a church service, thereby not understanding its occultic meaning. The New Age Dictionary defines ritual as a “ceremony to restore balance with nature…and bring back lost harmony and sacredness.” Remember we are dealing with the Satanic world, where good is called evil and evil good. The sacred-ness mentioned here is a Satanic sacredness. Rituals literally are proscribed activities designed to allow demonic power to flow through the participants. These activities are proscribed chants, formula wordings, and carefully planned actions. As we noted last week, the effect is devastatingly powerful, as demonic force pours through the participants, delivering a counterfeit spiritual experience which literally transforms their lives. Never skip over the word ritual, as it is a word of Satanic power.
  • Thule members practiced a form of Sexual Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member. Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 19th Century. “The origin of this…medieval magic…can be traced to a Freemason, Robert Little, who founded the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865… (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 164-5). While the actual sexual perversions which were practiced are too offensive to share, the results are not. Author Revenscroft stated that “indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of Evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers.” (Ibid. p. 167). This is the Thule Society.

Ravenscroft records its effect upon Hitler,

“…sexual perversion took a central place in [Hitler’s] life… a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his whole existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity.”

(Ibid., p. 171).

Eckart‘s final act was to initiate Hitler into,

“a monstrous sadistic magic ritual… after which he was sexually impotent. Hitler’s impotency had a deep psychological foundation. He knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes of sadism and masochism…”

(Ravenscroft, p. 155, 173)

This impotency delivered a final devastating blow to Hitler’s psychological foundation, finally making him into the sadistic murderer that history knows.

  • Thule society believed in “communication with a hierarchy of Supermen — The Secret Chiefs of the Third Order”. (Ibid) The quality which make these beings supermen was occultic spirituality. Further, they believed in Madame Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, which teaches that certain superman had survived the destruction of Atlantis with their higher levels of consciousness intact. These supermen were Aryans. These two beliefs combined into one through the Thule Society and Hitler, culminating into the Nazi Death Camps. (Ibid, p. 166). When one group of people incorporate into their spiritual belief structure that they are inherently superior to another group of people, it is inevitable that genocide will be attempted as soon as possible. 
  • The Thule Society regularly held occultic seances, during which time they communicated with demons who were either masquerading as a dead person or who were just appearing as their guiding spirits. Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Adolph Hitler invoked the Anti-Christ into manifestation at the mediumistic seances of the Thule Group in Munich. (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 168) Eckert believed he had been told by his guiding spirit he would have the privilege of training the coming Great One, the Anti-Christ. From the beginning of their association, Eckert believed Hitler was Anti-Christ. Therefore, Eckert spared no occultic knowledge, ritual, or perversion in his attempt to fully equip Hitler for the role. Once the training was completed, Hitler believed he was,
    • “born anew with that super-personal strength and resolution he would need to fulfill the mandate … ordained for him.”(p. Ravenscroft, p. 93-4)Hitler literally equated this with the Christian claim to be born again.

Now, let us look at the Skull and Bones rituals and beliefs. Little is firmly known about Skull and Bones, because their secrecy since they were established in 1833 is as complete as any society in the world. However, they possess all the requirements of a true secret society.

  1. They were formed in secret and all their activities are carried out secretly.
  2. Membership is by invitation only. Potential members are carefully screened as to suitability before they are invited to join.
  3. The first night of the new member, who is called an initiate, is critically important. The initiate swears total obedience and loyalty to the secret society. This pledge is bound by serious oaths, some of whom would be deadly if actually carried out. The first night is also critically important as it bounds the initiate to the society by means of ritual, oaths, and confessions.

The Skull and Bones also incorporates sexual activities into their practices.

“The death of the initiate will be as frightful as the use of human skeletons and ritual psychology can make it…”

(Esquire Magazine, “The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones”, Ron Rosenbaum, p. 89).

Sexual perversion is part of ritual psychology. Ron Rosenbaum, author of the Esquire Magazine article, stated that on initiation night, called tap night,

“…if one could climb to the tower of Weir Hall, the odd castle that overlooks the Bones courtyard, one could hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb as the 15 newly tapped members were put through what sounded like a harrowing ordeal…”

(Esquire, September, 1976, p. 86).

Further, [initiates]

“lay naked in coffins and tell their deepest and darkest sexual secrets as part of their initiation.”

(Esquire, p. 85).

These experiences in the coffins incorporated sexual pain and resulted in being born-again, into the Order, as we mentioned above. (Cooper, p.95) Powerful force charges through the participants of these ceremonies, transforming their lives dramatically. This type ritual is classic Satanism. Anton LaVey states, in his book The Satanic Rituals: Companion To The Satanic Bible, (p. 57)

“The ceremony of rebirth takes place in a large coffin… This is similar to the coffin symbolism that…is found in most lodge rituals.”

Make no mistake about it: Any organization which utilizes this coffin ritual to simulate rebirth is practicing Satanism, including Skull and Bones.

The Skull and Bones believes that on the night of initiation, the initiate,

“dies to the world and be born again into the Order…”

(Esquire Magazine, September, 1977, p. 89).

Remember Hitler’s belief that he had been born anew after his ritualistic initiation and training? This term is a common one in occultism. During the 1988 Presidential Campaign, a TV reporter asked Vice-President Bush if he were a Christian. Bush initially stammered, but then said, “if you mean born again, then, yes, I am a Christian”.

As born-again Christians carry out the ritual of water baptism by immersion to demonstrate that they have died to the old way of life and have been reborn into a new life, the occultists have their ritual to demonstrate the same life transformation. Rosenbaum continues his expose’ of the born-again experience,

“then it’s into the coffin and off on a symbolic journey through the underworld to rebirth, which takes place in room number 322. There, the Order clothes the newborn knight in its own special garments, implying that, henceforth, he will tailor himself to the Order’s mission.”

(Ibid., p. 89, 148).

This ritual description is as occultic as any I have read, and truly reveals the Skull and Bones as occultic.

One of the most sobering facets of this counterfeit born again initiation ritual is that the initiate swears to an allegiance to the Secret Order that transcends any allegiance later in life.

Author Bill Cooper captures this disturbing fact most succinctly,

“…Members of the Order (Skull and Bones) take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order…according to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States means nothing.”

(Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81-82).

Since the oath as President occurred after the Oath to Skull and Bones, it is not worth the paper on which it is printed. That kind of hold is powerful. Indeed, as Ron Rosenbaum began the research necessary to write his article for Esquire, he was warned about the power of Skull and Bones.

“The power of Bones is incredible. They have their hands on every lever of power in the country.”

The only thing which is important to the Skull and Bones is their goal of a New World Order. In conjunction with this understanding, remember one other Secret Society belief, i.e., the ends justify the means.

As Rosenbaum continued his research, he found definite links between Bones and the Bavarian Illuminists. The Bavarian Illuminists were part of the original Masters of the Illuminati. First, Rosenbaum discovered documents which detailed the origins of Bones back to Germany.

These documents stated, “Bones is a chapter of a corps of a German University…” The document described at length its relationship with this German Secret Society (the Thule Society) which lead to the founding of the Skull and Bones in 1832.

Secondly, Rosenbaum discovered that, “above the arched walls above the vault of the (Bones) sacred room, #322”, is a painting of skulls surrounded by Masonic symbols. Above this painting is the slogan, in German, which means,

“Who is the fool, who the wise man, beggar, or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.”

This means that only the works which one does in this life is what matters; in death, all men share the same fate. This statement is very consistent with the teachings of Secret Societies, showing their Works-oriented philosophy.

Thirdly, Rosenbaum discovered a,

“haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremberg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room’s center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by…a skull and crossed bones that look exactly like the particular arrangement of jawbones and thighbones in the official Bones emblem. {Finally}, the skull and crossbones was the official crest of another key Illuminist lodge…”

(Esquire, p.88).

It is shocking also when we realize that German Nazi death camp guards wore this emblem of Skull and Bones on the shoulders of their uniforms.

Without doubt, we have established Skull and Bones to be a Brotherhood of Death Society, which is itself tied into the Masters of the Illuminati. It is no wonder that Bush has been proclaiming the New World Order


We have studied the common philosophical and religious links between the German Thule Society and Skull and Bones. We now need to study the historical results of the attempt of the Thule Society to establish a New World Order. After the Thule Society selected Adolph Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, they faced the problem of practical implementation of this goal.

They realized that their plans for world domination required control of military power of Germany; however, the military is controlled by those holding political power, and Germany was a democracy. Therefore, the Thule Society created the Nazi Party.

The Guiding Spirits of the Thule Society became the Guiding Spirits of the Nazi Party. In only 10 tumultuous years, Hitler gained high political office, from which he catapulted himself into the position of absolute dictator in 1933. In 1938, Hitler began the Final Solution of the Jewish problem by initiating the Holocaust.

In 1939, Hitler initiated World War II, which lasted until Mid-1945. As I read the results, remember James’ words,

“Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death.”

By 1945, the occultic sin conceived by the Thule Society had come to full completion. These are the results:

(Source is The Webster Family Encyclopedia, Volume 19, 1984, p. 492-3)

Enormous armies were mobilized around the world.

  • Russia 12,500,000 men
  • America 12,400,000 men
  • Germany 10,000,000 men
  • Japan 6,000,000 men
  • France 5,000,000 men
  • Britain 4,700,000 men
  • Italy 4,000,000 men
  • China 3,800,000 men
  • Canada 1,100,000 men
    Total World-Wide Mobilization: 59,500,000 men

The death toll was almost incomprehensible.

1. Russia 10,000,000 soldiers – 10,000,000 civilians
2. Germany 3,000,000 soldiers – 500,000 civilians
3. Japan 2,000,000 soldiers – 500,000 civilians
4. Italy 330,000 soldiers – 80,000 civilian
5. Britain 350,000 soldiers – 60,000 civilian
6. France 200,000 soldiers – 200,000 civilian
7. China 1,300,000 soldiers – (no estimate on civilian deaths)
8. Poland 600,000 soldiers – 5,000,000 civilians
9. America 390,000 soldiers (negligible civilian deaths)

Total human lives killed was: 18,200,000 soldiers and 16,300,000 civilians for 34,000,000 total deaths.

When you add 18,000,000 deaths from Hitler’s Death Camps, you realize that over 54 million people lost their lives as the final result of the occultic practices and goals of the New World Order of that German Brotherhood of Death Society, the Thule Society. The 6,000,000 Jewish deaths from Hitler’s Final Solution represented two-thirds of the total world-wide Jewish population.

Hitler came close to winning WWII, but God’s timing was not yet come. However, some of the after-effects of WWII served to set the stage for the current drive toward the New World Order.

Alice Bailey states in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, that the world must be united regionally before it can be united into one. Stalin repeated this concept shortly before his death in 1953. World War II certainly provided the impetus for this type reorganization. The World was reorganized militarily into NATO in Europe, the Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe, and SEATO in Asia. Economic regionalization also occurred along approximately the same lines. Repeated cultural, economic, and religious regionalizations have been created since WWII.

The infant One-World Government was created as the United Nations, in 1948. A similar effort was orchestrated after WWI as the League of Nations, but was defeated. One of the first actions of the United Nations was to create the nation of Israel, thus fulfilling God’s prophecies to return her back to her Promised Land in the Last Days.

Tremendous technological progress was achieved under the impetus of war. The atomic bomb was created, as were the jet engine, the rocket, and modern telecommunications. New Age author, Allen Neuharth, in his book, Nearly One World, states that these inventions have brought the world to the threshold of a One-World Government, Economy, and Religion, i.e., the New World Order.

This brief review of the after-effects of WWII clearly shows much was achieved that set the stage for the current New World Order. Let us now review some of the goals which Secret Societies today have for the New World Order. Keep in mind that the Skull and Bones is the driving force and is the “first among equals” among all other Secret Societies and all other open organizations which are committed to this new order.

  • One World Government — the only answer to man’s problems.
  • One World Economy
  • One World Religion — Man’s evil actions historically are ascribed to his divisions into many different religions. Therefore, much emphasis is being laid on the re-uniting into one religion. The current Ecumenical Movement is leading the charge toward this all-important goal. In a seminar held in Boston in August, 1991, the current New England Director of the Theosophical Society stated that, at the proper moment in world history the Roman Catholic Pope would travel to Jerusalem to address a world-wide religious conference. In his speech, he would declare all the world’s religions to be united into One.

Thus, Alice Bailey’s Plan, stated almost 50 years ago, would be realized, i.e., that the Great One would reinstate the Ancient Mysteries Religion as the New World Order Religion.

“These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths.”

(Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 573, written in 1946).

One of the most basic plans after the New World Order is established is to reduce the world’s population from its present 6 billion to 2 billion … (Constance CumbeyHidden Dangers of the Rainbow). Thus, birth control and abortion were early identified as necessary to begin reducing population. Our current emphasis on man’s devastating effects upon the earth and upon Global Warming and pollution are designed to convince people that only united, drastic action from the United Nations can save this planet from collapse.

How can this drastic reduction be achieved within this short time frame? The basic answer is war.

  • Bailey, in her book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 548, states that the atomic bomb will be turned over to the One-World Government and will be used against any nation who refuses to go along with the New World Order.
  • Bill Cooper, in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars from his book, Behold A Pale Horse, quotes a document from the Bilderberg Secret Society, which is an offshoot of Skull and Bones.
    • “Since most of the general public will not exercise [economic] restraint…[we must] take control of the world by the use of economic silent weapons in a form of quiet warfare and reduce [the dangerous levels of consumption] of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.”(p. 49). 
    How could anyone ever think of slavery and genocide as being benevolent? This was the precise thinking of Hitler as he was planning his New World Order. He was going to rid the world of all the undesirables by benevolent warfare. We reviewed the horrible results in the beginning of the pro-gram; however, these figures pale in comparison with the deaths of 4 billion people.

At this point, you may protest that the drive to the New World Order is being achieved peacefully. This is true, and when it is fully achieved will fulfill Biblical prophecy which states 1 Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Further, these plans, if carried out, will also fulfill Biblical prophecy in Revelation 6:4

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Thus, we see that the New World Order goals of the Secret Societies, chief of which is Skull and Bones, when completed, would fulfill many Biblical Prophecies.

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei https://www.facebook.com/mciummei Melissa Ciummeihttps://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummeiMelissa Ciummei https://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummei.officialhttps://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummeiJohn…
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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Scientific Nazi Occultism

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The Nazis were and are spiritual-occultic supremacists. The Nazi Party was formed from the Thule Society which was founded by Rudolf von Sebottendorf. Rudolf was a Freemason, Islamic mystic or Sufi and trained in alchemy, astrology, and numerology.

Alchemy is the manipulation of the human psyche and biology through chemicals. Astrology is about interpreting celestial patterns to predict likely events based on cause and effect. It is used for making predictions similar to the idea of predicting the weather by studying warm fronts and air currents. Numerology is about developing words and phrases into a geometry which gives the words and phrases more influence through a geometric structure. Numerology is for designing mind control spells. Freemasonry is an occultic organization and is involved with numerology, astrology, and alchemy and most high-level politicians in the world are Freemasons including former US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, and George Herbert Walker Bush. The Nazis incorporated their occultic beliefs into their technologies. After WWII Nazi scientists and intelligence officers were brought into the United States under Operation Paperclip.

Coronado Naval Base in California has a barracks designed as a swastika

The Coronado Naval Base in California has a barracks designed as a swastika and is working with HAARP and other electronic systems used for mental harassment and mass mind control. Captain Scott Mulvehill is the head of the Coronado Naval Base with Christopher E. Sund as the Coronado’s Naval Air Station North Island.

The Nazi salute is the ancient Roman salute and the United States formerly used the Roman salute known as the Bellamy salute in the US for the pledge of allegiance.

Nazi scientists helped to develop the US rocket programs, US nuclear program, NASA, DARPA, and electronic systems. For decades the United States Department of Defense used tax paying dollars for their Project Stargate which was research into psychic phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, and astral projection or out of body experiences.

The Roman Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen was a Nazi military general and the chief of intelligence of the east. When the US took over Germany they used Reinhard Gehlen to continue running intelligence for them under their Gehlen Organization which later absorbed into the still existing Federal Intelligence Service of Germany which is allied with the CIA today.

Raytheon BBN Technologies is in contract with the Department of Defense and develops Parallel computing software used for predicting outcomes based on calculating all information similar to the concept of astrology and predicting patterns. Vannevar Bush founded Raytheon and was the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and Manhattan Project. Also Mission and Operation Epsilon was a US and UK joint operation where they “imprisoned” Nazi scientists working on the German nuclear weapons project which included the Nazi scientists Werner Heisenberg, Horst Korsching, Karl Wirtz, Walther Gerlach, Erich Bagge, Kurt Diebner, Otto Hahn, Paul Harteck, and Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker.

Operation Paperclip

The Nazi scientist Heinz Schlicke worked for Allen-Bradley a division of Rockwell Automation and specialized in electromagnetic emissions and was president of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Society. The modern-day electronics are emitting electromagnetic emissions or radio frequency interferences using geometric structures for the purpose of hacking into the human nervous system. US Patent 6506148 under Loos Hendricus G. is titled “Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors” and his other patent is US Patent US6238333B1 titled “Remote Magnetic Manipulation of nervous systems” and both support the scientific basis for using electromagnetic frequencies emitted from electronics to manipulate the physiology by hacking the human nervous system.

Erich Traub was a Nazi virologist who was brought into the United States and worked at Plum Island which is believed to be the source for Lyme disease. IG Farben was a chemical company that developed the deadly chemical agent Zyklon B used by the Nazis for carrying out genocides. IG Farben was redeveloped into several chemical and pharmaceutical companies like Bayer. Alchemy is used for covert chemical warfare on society. The Nazis were also financed and promoted by some American businessmen and companies like Henry Ford, Chase Bank, General Electric, IBM, and Standard Oil. Henry Ford was awarded the Order of the German Eagle under the Nazis for distributing Nazi propaganda in Europe. IBM developed electronic tracking for concentration camps. The US rounded up Japanese-Americans during WWII and put them in concentration camps.

More on this real soon………….

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei https://www.facebook.com/mciummei Melissa Ciummeihttps://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummeiMelissa Ciummei https://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummei.officialhttps://www.facebook.com/melissa.ciummeiJohn…
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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Mary Cahillane Vallely The Undemocratic Activist Wolf In Sheeps Clothing Hiding Behind The Guise Of A Primary School Teacher EXPOSED !

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This Video Exposes Mary Cahillane Of “Limerick Against Fascism” otherwise known as ANTIFA a known “Socialist Front” and ‘Domestic Threat Terrorist’ group with strong communist roots being funded by the same Globalist Junta behind dangerous intel/information/teorrist arms of the ruling class such as the “Far Right Observatory” and “Le Chéile” who claim they will “Wipe Out The Far Right in Ireland” and any others who speak out in favour of freedom, democracy, a mask free society, vaccinations, free speech, medical intervention, medical terrorism , draconian lockdowns, and in particular, the current mainstream media and government narratives.

Ní Ghoilla Mhuire MB, Maire Ní Cathalláin, Ní Cathalláin Maire, Mary Cahillane Vallely, Mary Cahillane or Mary Vallely, are some of the names that the former Solialist Party/Solidarity-People Before Profit Councillor Mary Cahillane uses online. In this video clip from activist Cathal McCarthys forthcoming documentary, “Operation Rosa: The Exploitation of Ashling Murphy,” Mc Carthy take a closer look at the activities of the failed politician.

ANTIFA NAZIs KKK All Cut From Same Cloth

Just Some Of The Comments And Replies Posted Under The Original You Tube Video “There Is Something About Mary” Where Parents And Private Citizens Alike Have Taken To Assert Their Grave Concerns And Vent Their Frustrations At The Mere Thought Of Such A High Prolific Individual Involved In Such Peculiar, Ominous And Nefarious Activities , Both Online And Offline (Not To Mention The Callous And Inhumane Political Ideologies Attached To Her “Work”) Is Actually A PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER At “Salesian Primary School, Fernbank, N Circular Rd, Limerick, Ireland” (More On That Below)

Source: https://youtu.be/QS8sDM1y6yE

How To Make A Formal Complaint, Report To TUSLA Or Discuss With Teachers Counsel, The Ombudsman Is Also A Great Service To Investigate All Of The Above With A Case Worker

Report Directly To Salesians School

Phone: (061) 455 442

Salesians Primary School

Salesians School Contact Details

Salesian Primary School | Limerick

Address: Fernbank, N Circular Rd, Limerick

Phone: (061) 455 442

Province: Munster

About Salesians School


Contact us:



And For What It Is Worth, There Would Not Be Any Harm At All In Contacting TUSLA (Who Are Only A Stone Throw Away From Salesians School) To Make Them Aware Of Cahillanes Unprofessionalism And Misconduct During And Outside Of School Hours)

Salesians Are Trigger Happy In Contacting Social Services Themselves On Any Individual That Speaks Out Against Their Curriculum For Such Programs As Their “Underaged Sexual Education Programmes” For Minors As Young As 5 And 6 Years Of Age, That Were Being Thought Behind Closed Doors , Unbeknowst To The Minors Unsuspecting And Unassuming Parents At Home Falsely Presuming That Their Child Is Safe At School. (More On That And Claire Rea Real Soon, There is legal stuff in the pipeline on the corruption there so timing is everything)

Please Support Cathal McCarthy in hes fight against lies, deceit, bullying and corruption…

Cathal McCarthy Community Activist


In “Operation Rosa: The Exploitation of Ashling Murphy” Cathal will give a full break down of Cahillane’s sectarian speech and it will feature exclusive interviews with participants in the Men’s Rosary and wn eye witness account of what really happened on the day, so be sure to subscribe and hit the bell for notifications….you won’t want to miss it!

Original Source : https://youtu.be/QS8sDM1y6yE

“There is something about Mary”

DISCLAIMER: With the exception of the inside Limerick Antifa source, all of the information presented in this video is in the public domain. All of the people referenced are real and all of their statements are real; there is nothing defamatory in repeating things that they said about themselves.

Cathal Mc Carthys Videos are available on the following platforms:
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zgKNREcnEnXU/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@CathalMcCarthy:2
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-953217
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkRkyD3HUOHs254UOp0Qg

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Source : https://itv.ie/theres-something-about-mary/

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#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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