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14 Dangers of Red Bull for Your Health and That of Your Children.

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Red Bull, Dark Dog, Rockstar, Burn and Monster… Sales of these energy drinks are exploding in France. Every year, Red Bull sells more than 6 billion cans in 171 countries around the world. The problem is that these drinks are not without health risks, especially in cases of high consumption. And not only are their sales constantly increasing, but they are also easily accessible to minors. This is why more and more scientific research is looking at the risks associated with these drinks, which are supposed to “give us wings”. On the one hand, energy drinks contain less caffeine than traditional coffee. However, their sugar content is extremely high.

The problem is that teens and pre-teens love these energy drinks and consume them without moderation ! As a result, we are seeing more and more dangerous side effects among minors (children and adolescents) due to excessive consumption of Red Bull. Because yes, this energizing drink is bad for your health. Here are 14 dangers of Red Bull for your health and that of your children . Watch:

1. Increases the risk of cardiac arrest

The lethal dose of Red Bull? It is impossible to calculate it precisely. But it is known that even moderate consumption of energy drinks can cause cardiac arrest in people with heart problems. Before consuming energy drinks or caffeine, it is important to know your heart health. A scientific study published in the Journal of Amino Acids reveals that energy drinks cause the heart to contract more forcefully. So this is a side effect of Red Bull. And that can be dangerous for people with certain heart conditions. According to a study published in the scientific journal Clinical Toxicology , U.S. poison control centers received 4,854 calls over a two-year period regarding the side effects of energy drinks. Alarmingly, 51% of these calls concerned children. Another study shows the link between excessive consumption of energy drinks and cardiac incidents in adolescents. According to the study, adolescents should limit their consumption to 250 ml of energy drink per day, and never before or during a sporting activity . According to this other 2016 study , people aged 18 to 40 who drink energy drinks have a significant increase in QTc interval prolongation. It is a measurement used to detect an abnormal heart rhythm.

2. Triggers migraines and headaches

Overconsumption of energy drinks can cause severe headaches and persistent migraines. Where do these headaches come from? These are the most common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal . In fact, simply changing your daily caffeine “dose” will cause headaches to become more frequent. To remedy this, the only way is to reduce the dose of energy drinks, or better, to stop completely.

3. Increases anxiety

4. Severely disrupts sleep

Sometimes we drink Red Bull to avoid sleeping. To keep you awake, energy drinks do their job well! But the problem is that Red Bull keeps you so awake that you can’t fall asleep… As a result, taking Red Bull can lead to serious insomnia risks , especially if consumed regularly. Also know that lack of sleep reduces the functioning of your body. It particularly affects your performance on activities that require your concentration, making driving dangerous for example.

5. Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes

A side effect of Red Bull for heavy consumers is the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Because of its particularly high sugar content , Red Bull stimulates the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin . Obviously, this is also true for all energy drinks like Dark Dog, Rockstar, Burn and Monster. The problem is that by drinking these drinks regularly, your pancreas produces more and more insulin, until it becomes exhausted . As a result, you end up with type 2 diabetes .

6. Creates serious side effects with medications

Some ingredients in energy drinks can cause dangerous interactions with medications. Yes, taking Red Bull is strongly contraindicated if you are taking medication at the same time. The risks are even higher if you take prescription medications, including antidepressants. In any case, if you drink Red Bull and your doctor prescribes medication, ask him what he thinks.

7. Creates a strong addiction

People who consume Red Bull can quickly become addicted to it . And that’s true with any beverage that contains caffeine. It’s a real addiction. If they don’t get their daily dose, these people will experience the debilitating effects of addiction . And given the price of Red Bull , drinking several energy drinks a day can also quickly drain your piggy bank.

8. Promotes risky behavior

A study was published in the Journal of American College Health. Researchers have shown that adolescents are more exposed to risky behaviors when they have consumed energy drinks like Red Bull. As a result, teens are more likely to take risks in everyday life. Which ones? Examples include drunk driving or unprotected sex. But that’s not all! Red Bull consumption also promotes violent behavior such as fights and assaults, even without alcohol.

9. Causes tremors and increases nervousness

This scientific study showed that the high caffeine content of Red Bull causes tremors and makes some people more nervous than normal. According to the same study, this nervousness disrupts the execution of tasks and can even cause emotional disorders.

10. Causes vomiting

Overconsumption of energy drinks can cause vomiting. If vomiting is frequent, it can of course dehydrate the body. But more seriously, it also causes erosion of the esophagus and tooth enamel .

11. Causes allergic reactions

Red Bull and other energy drinks contain many ingredients that are harmful to health. The problem is that there are so many ingredients in these drinks that some of them can cause allergic reactions that no one can anticipate. What types of allergies? These reactions include itching and constriction of the airways .

12. Increases blood pressure

All caffeine products, including energy drinks, can increase blood pressure. And when people who already have high blood pressure drink too many energy drinks in a short period of time , they put themselves at risk. According to this study , they are at risk of many health problems associated with high blood pressure, including stroke. This study also showed that blood pressure increases significantly in those who drink a 250cl can of Red Bull. On average, researchers observed that energy drinks increased blood pressure by 6.4% . Energy drinks have even more negative effects on blood pressure than drinks whose only active ingredient is caffeine. This is the conclusion of a recent study published by the American Heart Association . Researchers believe that the interaction of the many active ingredients in energy drinks poses a greater risk of heart problems… This risk is much greater than with more traditional drinks, such as coffee or tea.

13. Increases the risk of vitamin B3 overdose

In theory, the amounts of vitamin B3 in energy drinks are not necessarily bad for the body. Moreover, consumed in moderation, they can even be therapeutic. However, when drinking an energy drink, people who take vitamin B3 supplements are at risk of overdosing on this vitamin . Symptoms of a vitamin B3 overdose include flushing of the skin, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, itching, and diarrhea .

14. Increases stress levels

In this study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, researchers discovered that the energy drink Rockstar, in a 250 cl format, increases the secretion of a hormone associated with stress . In fact, the level of the hormone noradrenaline (also called norepinephrine) in people who drank an energy drink increased by 74%, compared to only 31% in the placebo group.

A particularly difficult weaning

Caffeine is an addictive substance . Additionally, its consumption is associated with anxiety disorders and sleep loss. As a result, quitting caffeinated drinks like Red Bull can be a nightmare. In fact, many people simply cannot function without their daily dose of caffeine. It’s no surprise that caffeine withdrawal is on the verge of being recognized as a mental disorder ! If you decide to quit energy drinks, don’t quit overnight. To avoid any adverse effects, the recommended method is gradual weaning !

WHO warns of dangers of Red Bull

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning about the dangers of energy drinks , particularly regarding the health risks to adolescents. According to the WHO, 68% of adolescents consume Red Bull or other energy drinks. To reduce the risks associated with energy drinks, WHO offers the following recommendations to health agencies around the world: – limit the amount of caffeine allowed in all products, – put informative labels on energy drinks and reduce their sale to children and adolescents, – apply industry practice regulations for responsible sale of their products, – train health professionals to detect and treat poisoning due to energy drinks, – control overconsumption of energy drinks in patients with a history of drug addiction, – raise public awareness of the dangers of mixing alcohol and energy drinks, – continue research into the adverse effects of energy drinks on young people.

To be consumed in moderation

As is often the case, everything is in moderation ! Yes, overconsumption of any substance is a potential danger to your body. Therefore, when drinking Red Bull, or any other energy drink, don’t drink it to excess . Remember that caffeine is a drug in its own right, along with the other ingredients found in energy drinks. And like all drugs, use them in moderation and take their dangers into consideration. To reduce the risks associated with energy drink consumption, education is essential. Consumers need to be made aware of the caffeine content of a beverage, or any product. Indeed, without informative labeling, parents cannot know what their children are drinking or educate them about the health risks associated with energy drinks.

Source: TRANSLATED FROM : https://www.comment-economiser.fr/14-dangers-du-red-bull-pour-votre-sante-et-enfants.html

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#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

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Countries Ban Popular Energy Drink Linked To Heart Attacks

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Red Bull, the most famous energy drink was developed in Austria. Red Bull’s marketing slogan promises that it will “gives you wings.” According to Red Bull, all of the ingredients are synthetically produced by pharmaceutical companies, which “guarantees the highest quality” of ingredients.

So what’s really in Red Bull that can “give us wings?” Each 250 ml (8.3 oz) can of Red Bull contains the following: 1000 mg of taurine, 600mg of glucuronolactone, 80 mg of caffeine, 18 mg of niacin (niacinamide), 6 mg of panto- thenic acid (calcium d-pantothenate), 2 mg of vitamin B6 (pyridoxide HCI), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine), inositol, and nonmedicinal ingredients: carbonated water, sucrose, glucose (27 grams of sugar), citric acid, flavors, and caramel.

Did you know that FRANCE and DENMARK have just prohibited it as a cocktail of death, due to its vitamin components mixed with GLUCURONOLACTONE ‘ — a highly-dangerous chemical.

Sucrose and glucose: Simple sugars.One 16-ounce energy drink may contain 54 grams of sugar, the approximate equivalent of 14 teaspoons. They are metabolised quickly by the body and produce a quick energy burst, followed by a deep energy deficit. High intake of sugar raises blood fat levels and leeches essential minerals such as copper, chromium and zinc from the body, leading to deficiency diseases, immune system impairment and even insulin resistance.

Taurine: Amino acid. According to some studies on rats and guinea pigs, high intake is associated with liver dysfunction. And it can also enhance the toxicity of industrial pollutants such as carbon tetrachloride.

Vitamin B6

Intake of in excess of 1 gram per day of Vitamin B6 can result in nerve damage known as peripheral sensory neuropathy, caused by damage to the outer wrapping of nerves and degeneration of nerves. The daily requirement for this vitamin is about 1.2 to 2.0 mg per day, Red Bull supplies 250% of this.

Flavorings: Red Bull contains synthetic flavorings which are essentially the same chemicals as perfumes and can thus be considered to be neurotoxins, allergens and potential carcinogens.

Caramel: This type of caramel produced by ammonia process is a common food coloring. It has been associated with blood toxicity in rats. It’s been linked to damaged genes, slow growth. It can cause enlargement of the intestines and kidneys, destroy vitamin B and cause hyperactivity.

‘Red Bull has a pH of 3.3 — the same as vinegar. Combined with sugar, they are perfect for eroding the enamel on teeth, and causing a lifetime of dental problems.

In conclusion, Red Bull doesn’t do anything to nourish the body or replenish it after physical exertion. In fact, because of the drink’s high caffeine content, it can be very dehydrating and dangerous to your health.

If you like the taste of energy drinks, you’ve probably had a Red Bull at some point or another. The fizzy drink provides you with a quick boost of energy, and it also “gives you wings.” But is this popular energy drink helpful or harmful?

While Red Bull can be found at just about every grocery store and gas station in the United States, you won’t find it so easily outside of the U.S. In fact, several other countries have banned the popular energy drink due to its dangerous health effects.

A Closer Look At Red Bull

According to Red Bull’s official website, its benefits include improved:

  • Performance
  • Concentration and reaction speed
  • Endurance
  • Metabolism

The energy drink comes in eight ounce cans, filled primarily of caffeine and sugar. Red Bull does in face provide you with a quick boost of energy, but it can also cause some unwanted side effects. When the caffeine and sugar begin to wear off, you’ll begin feeling lethargic. It’s likely that you’ll crave another can.

Just one can of this popular stimulant can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke. It acts as a pre-cursor to cardiovascular problems. Just one hour after drinking a can of Red Bull, your blood system becomes abnormal. Thanks to these dangerous health effects, Red Bull is banned in Norway, Denmark and France.

Safety Concerns Of Red Bull

Red Bull has been related to several deaths. In 2000, 18-year-old Limerick Man and basketball player Ross Cooney died just hours after drinking Red Bull. He shared four cans of the drink with some friends before playing in a basketball game.

The high caffeine dose in Red Bull is just one of the main safety concerns. Everyone’s body processes caffeine differently. People can handle different doses. Another main concern about the stimulant is an ingredient known as taurine.

popular energy drink Red Bull

Taurine is a free form amino acid found in foods and manufactured in the body. It was first discovered in the bile of bulls. Sounds appetizing, right? It’s now produced synthetically by the truckload. Studies have shown that energy drinks can cause high blood pressure, strokes, seizures and even heart disease.

The Epilepsy Foundation warns the public to “think before you drink,” noting the death of Irish athlete Ross Cooney. If you’re looking for an energy boost, Red Bull will absolutely give you one. The problem is, it gives you too much energy, which can cause nervousness, irritability and arrhythmia. The energy then wears off rapidly, causing you to go into a tired slump. Are the health risks really worth the temporarily caffeine high? Several countries have decided that they are not.

Increase Your Energy Naturally

We all need an energy boost now and then. To optimize your energy levels without putting your health at risk, try one of these natural ways to increase your energy:

  • Make sure to get good quality sleep
  • Stick to whole-grain, low-glycemic carbohydrates that avoid the crash and burn effect
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
  • Make sure you’re getting enough B12
  • Drink herbal teas filled with antioxidants
  • Use peppermint essential oils to stimulate your mind and increase focus
  • Practice daily exercise to naturally boost your energy levels

Dedicated to the “Cookie Monster” 😀

Healthy Holistic Living
Red Bull
Medical News Today
The Epilepsy Foundation
NBC News
Global Healing Center
Dr. Axe

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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