I’m here to remind you that the self proclaimed elites always finance both sides
Tommy Robinson & English Defense League are paid puppets & controlled opposition.
Zionist Jews couldn’t hijack the BNP, so they funded Tommy Robinson & English Defense League to create a Jew-friendly version of Nationalism.

“Rumble” The New Video Hosting Platform (New You Tube) Censored The Original Video I Had Up And Then Deleted My Account, Permanently.
Nick Griffin (former head of BNP), explains what happened. He starts speaking at the 0.13 mark.
[ame=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYR8OXVCX2w”]Jews tried to bribe BNP to ignore Jew paper money, & attack Islam. Jews set up EDL, fake sites – YouTube[/ame]
Tommy Robinson the Zionist Fraud – The Real Enemy of Freedom of Speech

Before you read this article it may be beneficial to read our past 2 articles “Police infiltrated by Zionists” https://www.facebook.com/JusticeWatchMerseyside/posts/1519914471452161 “Existentialism” https://www.facebook.com/JusticeWatchMerseyside/posts/1505874499522825 just to help give you more context
Tommy Robinson well that was his name before his real name was exposed in 2010 as Stephen Yaxley which he then changed to Stephen Yaxley Lennon because his step father name Thomas Lennon but he also uses 2 other British Passports going by the names of Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris, he posted a quick covert video from an airport where he was getting his bags searched at the end of the video he guard passes him his passport back and saids “there you go phil” the video was quickly deleted as replies started to be posted mentioning the name change. I think he is currently going by the name of Stephen Christopher Yaxley Lennon as I write this. Would you trust somebody who changes his identitiy so many times? Why was he using the name Tommy Robinson in the first place and why was it exposed?
In 2014 he was convicted for conspiracy to fraudulently obtain two mortgages which involved a mortgage broker called Deborah ROTHSCHILD, he pleaded Guilty to the crimes just like Mrs ROTHSCHILD pleaded guilty to four charges of conspiring to commit fraud and wait for it Tommys cousion Anjee Darcy also pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit fraud along with 2 other gang members Steven Vowles and Lisa Moore who also pleaded guilty to fraud. This was not a witch hunt by the police, this was not the police harassing Tommy Robinson or disruption tactics, this was a clear case of fraud which was carried out by this gang which all members of the gang pleaded guilty! Because Tommy boy is a FRAUD by nature, the Judge Andrew Bright QC described Robinson as the “instigator” which I think is very interesting. https://www.mortgageintroducer.com/edl-leader-jailed-for-mortgage-fraud/
…..I forget Steven Vowles also admitted to being in procession of Cocaine with the intent to supply which makes sense since Tommy boy also has conviction for drug offences.
Talking about cousins, Tommy boy cousin Kevin Carroll was a candidate for the Police Crime Commissioner job in Bedfordshire in 2012 which is interesting.
In 2009 the EDL was launched which is basically another state controlled opposition group in order for the State to play the “Far Right” off the “Far Left” in a simple way to divide and conquer the public by getting them to pick sides (Identiterianism, ID politics, Idenity Politics read our previous article which breaks this down in more detail https://www.facebook.com/JusticeWatchMerseyside/posts/1505874499522825 ). During these staged and clearly orchestrated conflicts between these 2 sides the State is able to then bring in more fascist laws under the illusion of cracking down on “extremism”. This then must make the self confessed leader of the EDL Tommy Robinson a Police Asset!
These pre planned “protests” and “counter protests” are no different then football hooligan fights in the 1970-1980’s, the Police practice the same techniques in crowd management and surveillance, most of the “Far right” are in fact ex football hooligans and where this culture is relevant in Europe they are still active football hooligians. In fact in February 2016 it was organised for Polish football hooligans to be sent into Liverpool where they openly walked around with sport tracksuits with “Polish Hooligans” written on them ( https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/far-right-polish-hooligans-recruited-13962683. ) They chant adapted football songs, wave flags and banners, alcohol abuse is common and just like the football hooligan days they arrange fights with opposing groups. It should come at no surprise that in these firms had police undercovers and police informants infiltrating theses football hooligan gangs (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3172431.stm ) which is very likely where Tommy Boy was recruited by the Police and put on their pay roll. Tommy boy was a member of the Luton firm The MIGs (Men In Gear) in the 1980’s joined up I am assuming because he was angry that his daddy left him, its also very interesting despite the violence he was involved in he was never charged with any crimes apart from the old Public Order Act.
So lets go back to the Fraud case, this apparently came about after Tommy boy held an old woman hostage at her home 3 months before he was arrested for Fraud. This old woman happened to be a mother of an EDL member and Tommy boy threatened to harm and kidnap the mother allegedly for reason not known to us but had something to do with conflict within the EDL. It is alleged that he was arrested over the incident on his way to fly to Glasgow and the police took his computers and electronic devices and during this investigation they found out about the Fraud . This is an EDL member testimony the son of the mother who he claims who was held hostage, its credibility is your judgement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz-jDJcmQV4 in this other video Tommy boy does seem to be saying things that do line up with the alleged hostage kidnap story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SW2Agh0FDI&t=370s
Even Tommy boy himself admits to being asked to become a Police Informant in 2015, he said the Police attempted “blackmail” him into becoming a double agent, to feed them information on Britian First leader Paul Golding. Do you really think Tommy boy would turn down the offer? He is a narcissists and fraud and would jump at the opportunity to make himself feel of some importance. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/12/05/tommy-robinson-claims-pol_n_8726770.html
How many times has Tommy boy snitched to the police on members of the public, in this video you can clearly see him calling the police because some members of the public gave him a reality check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxSNeD7tbI
This coward who claims of being Harassed by the Police has a panic button or buttons place all around his house which connects directly to the Police, in this staged event on Zionist Alex Jones Show/ Info Wars he “accidentally” knocked the panic button just as they where about to go on live air and guess what the pigs turn up to protect him and he is ever so thankful. go to 28 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcXqMHk_yDY
So Tommy boy who was a member in the BNP (Britain National Party), which basically morphed into the EDL (English Defence League), with family connection to the BFP (British Freedom Party), with him having direct connection to the Britain First group, the person who set up the PEGIDA UK, you have to ask yourself what is he doing. Its also interesting how all these groups minus the BNP have strong links Zionism and all these groups support the fascist state called “Israel”
…..And the Zionist connection….this is where it gets interesting!
Tommy Robinson is a self confessed Zionist and openly supports the most FACIST state on earth, lets have a quick recap on “Israel”
An apartheid racist state
African people who practice Judaism are not welcome in “Israel” the self confessed “Jewish State” a white “Jewish” state. In “Israel” you have concentration camps just for African Jews who immigrated to “Israel” most are refugees fleeing genocides in Sudan which “Israel” are complicit in (https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-role-in-south-sudan-…/) these refugees are treated like dogs with no equal rights in fact they named “infiltrators” by the Zionist regime . They house over 200,000 African Jews in in these concentration camps some are permitted to leave the camps to be basically slaves for the Zionists in “Israel” (https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/c…/middle-east/israel) , some are offered $3,500 each to leave the “Israel state” for good (https://www.independent.co.uk/…/israeli-government-to-pay-a…) and for the African Jewish woman they are given birth control injections without their consent or knowledge just like the Nazi Euthenics programs they rolled out in Germany (https://www.independent.co.uk/…/israel-gave-birth-control-t…” ).
“Israel” is racist to its core it is an apartheid state where you have roads and paths only for white “Jews”, you have white “Jews” that feel so comfortable they can grab a homeless African Jew who is using the beach shower to wash himself and take a selfie trophy on their phone like they have been hunting and captured a wild animal (http://observers.france24.com/…/20180501-shocking-photos-mi…) the racism and fascism in this so called state is on a level like never seen, worse then Nazi Germany, you have Zionists that claim to be “Left Wing” protesting in the hundreds against a mayor who allowed African Jewish Children to attend white “Jewish” schools… imagine that ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YtaYX7Rstc )
They lock up 11 year old girls who dare slap an Israel Defence Force officer because her 15 year old cousin had half of his head blown off by the Zionist regime https://www.haaretz.com/…/.premium-behind-ahed-tamimi-s-sla… you can see in this video in the link below they think shooting at Palestinians is some type of game or a sport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duRAy789aAE
and the Arabs in Palestine well…the Zionists kicked out 800,000 Palestinian Arabs including Palestinian Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druzes from their homes and made them all refugees with the help of the British Army. Some left for a small strip in Palestine known as Gaza, the Zionists built a wall around the strip and it basically became like it is to day an open air prison. Where prisoners have no right to travel, they have no drinking water and only allowed 2-3 hours of electricity a day. The Zionists control their diet since they control what goes in. They are not allowed to fish pass a certain distance, if they stray they get shot at by the Zionist navy. The Zionists bombed their airport and randomly drops bombs on this tiny strip of 6 miles with 2 million people having no way of defending or protecting themselves. In a recent article an Ad for Israeli maternity ward portrays fetus as future soldier https://972mag.com/ad-for-israeli-maternity-ward-portrays-fetus-as-future-soldier/135694/
So how can somebody who claims to be fighting for Freedom Of Speech support such a FACIST state known as “Israel”? A State that arrests hundreds of Palestinians including children over Facebook posts https://972mag.com/ad-for-israeli-maternity-ward-portrays-fetus-as-future-soldier/135694/https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/israel-digitally-policing-palestinian-minds-171205071733121.html and when Palestinians peacefully protest they get the genitals shot at.
In 2016 Tommy boy visited “Israel” with his friends from Rebel Media which is basically a Mossad front which is owned by another Zionist Ezra Levant , he travelled with another Zionist a presstitute from The Times Of Israel Brain Thomas Tommy boys old time friend who goes by the name of Dr. Brain of London on youtube said in one of his videos:
‘I toured Israel with Tommy, in fact Tommy toured Israel with me, I’ve known Tommy for a long time, back to the early days of the EDL. I watched the EDL very carefully. I knew that they were good or at least I knew Tommy and those around him were good from early on. I just knew it.”
David Collier
So who is David Collier who was has been involved in “Tourism” to “Israel a self confessed “independent researcher” who feeds the media with “anti Semitic” stories, if you have read out previous article https://www.facebook.com/JusticeWatchMerseyside/posts/1519914471452161 you will understand how the “anti Semitism” card is used as a weapon to crack down on free speech….oh wait a minute isnt Tommy Boy meant to be apposing censorship? David Collier has had many bullshit stories printed in mainstream presstitute papers like The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/08/labour-suspends-party-members-in-antisemitic-facebook-group David Collier acts just like the Campaign Against Antisemitism group defaming and attacking Jeremy Corbyn or David Icke or anyone in the public eye who dares to question and speak out about the FACIST state known as “Israel”. For Tommy Boy to be associated to David Collier via
Dr Brian John Thomas whos job it is to censor people and get people arrested and put in jail for talking negatively about “Israel” seems slightly odd and how and why does David Collier have such a close relationship with mainstream presstitute media.
On his travels to “Israel” he also took along a woman called Kay Wilson who is yes as you guessed is another proud Zionist who is friends with Neil Masterson who served 16 months in prison for violently attacking, for no other reason other than a hatred of free speech, George Galloway MP https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-94ecz0Q47C4/WrIAFDJ-CrI/AAAAAAAAmiw/1Bvf0yrjlOsU4ynkKy_mJjTbf1g6pbI5gCLcBGAs/s640/%2540wilson%2Bmasterson.PNG here is the link to the attack https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11286954/George-Galloway-attacker-Neil-Masterson-jailed.html
Kay Willson, David Collier and Tommy boy also protest the right for members of the public to go on a Al Quds Day march in London which has been going on for years and years without any incidents. Al Quds day is a peaceful protest that happens all around the world created by Iran in the 1970’s to oppose Zionism but Tommy boy wants to ban a protest in England…..but I thought he believed in freedom of speech. Back to the “Israeli” tour you can see him meeting with members in the IDF even posing ontop of a tank, how can someone who believes in freedom support “Israel” who do not even allow Palestinians freedom of travel.
This whole Tommy Robinson phenomenon has to stop and people have to come to their censors, isnt funny how EVERY TIME hes arrested its on camera and pimped out across the media because its all staged, its ALL theater. The Government creates the Problem, waits for a public Reaction then provide the Solution, you are being emotionally and psychologically manipulated by the State, Tommy boy is no beckon of freedom of speech, he is rent boy for the British government and Zionists he is being used to bring in more censorship and fascist laws into this country under the mask of tackling “Extremism” . First they attack the “Far Right” then the “Far Left” and then censor the rest of us, do not support this clown. I am happy he is in jail and hope he gets taught a lesson inside even tho this whole event is to make him into a martyr. How can anyone support this piece of shit that shamelessly exploited children being raped for their own political propaganda, he is no different then rapists and pedophile grooming gangs he goes on about. He is using racism and hatred towards Muslims to divide the public so the British Government can conquer, you can support freedom of speech without supporting these police assets both on the “Far Right” and the “Far left”.
Sources :
https://bnp.org.uk/news/national/battle-heart-and-soul-street-protest-movement-two-short-videos-say-it-all (link removed)
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