” Get out off my face, i’ve identified myself an hour ago ” says Garda.
Pastor Sean Cronin was arrested for speaking at a Service in Abundant Grace Church, where one of the Garda officers Struck him midriffed ( in the diaphragm ) with quite an assertive Push, said Sean.
You Can’t “Catch” a Virus (Part 2) – Tom Barnetts Reply To The World !
Tom Barnett has become quite the media sensation as of late. I first became familiar with Tom, as did a lot of people, after watching one of his videos from a few months ago that was titled, something like โyou cant catch a virus.โ
In this video, “You Can’t Catch A Virus – (Part 2)” the controversial and heavily censored heroic whistle blower Tom Barnett replies to the Parasitic “Controllers”, Big Pharma, MSM (Mainstream Media), the shills, minions and other ‘lackies’ of the oligarchical government that feebly attempted to discredit, defame, radicule, character assassinate him after he spoke out during hes first video (That was banned worldwide on every mainstream social media networking platform) after he exposed the snake oils, smokes and mirrors and Trojan horses of ‘the establishment’ (namely the corrupt rockefellas foundations medical industry, the zionist banking cartel and other agendas of the rothschilds empire) during a live stream he made for friends.
In this video Tom ties up a few “loose ends” in excellent fashion, addressing some of the lame excuses the “minions” tried to to throw at him, with ease.
If you hav’ent heard of this god send by now, I would STRONGLY ADVISE watching hes first video here again and sending it to not only your loved and faithful ones but to every person on your contact list, to put their minds at ease about the fake pandemic and even more fake theoretical “Virus”.
If you hav’ent heard of this god send by now, I would STRONGLY ADVISE watching hes first video here again and sending it to not only your loved and faithful ones but to every person on your contact list, to put their minds at ease about the fake pandemic and even more fake theoretical “Virus”.
You Can’t “Catch” A Virus ! ! ! (Part 2)- Tom Barnetts Reply To The World – BANNED
Tom spent over a decade with chronic fatigue, and it was through his learning and understanding which he developed through six years of study of science which included medicine, six years of natural health and medicine, and three years solely looking into the nature of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans and parasites, that he cultivated the knowledge to reclaim his health and taught others how to do the same.
Be sure to check out my new website to where i will be re-posting a lt of Tom Barnetts content/material as he seems to be one of the only few on the planet that know what they are talking about.
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
Well done by the Polish soldiers who understand that the state is failing its citizens. They stood up as a protective wall between the police and the protesters, who wanted respect for human rights .
MKH Jens
Godt gรฉet af de polske soldater, der forstรฉr, at staten svigter sine borgere. De stillede sig op som en beskyttende mur mellem politiet og demonstranterne, som ยขnskede overholdelse af menneskerettighederne ‘
In France, military police and civilian police decide not to favour the globalist system and stand by the population, they will not close businesses and collect goods from citizens.
hey decided not to tear up the constitutional rights of their own homeland.
Now the rest of the world need to follow suit!!!!!!
You Can Not “Catch A Virus”, Because It Is Impossible.
This is further proof that your oligarchical government, their corporate interests, Big Tech, politicians and their minions here in Ireland are lying through their teeth ! ! !
This video will clear up any questions or doubts anyone has about “CATCHING” the virus.
This guy studied naturopathic medicine at CNM.
This information is available on the pages of any ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY text book
This Video Has Been Banned From Rumble (You Can’t Catch A Virus)
Tom Barnett,
Tom Barnett has become quite the media sensation as of late. I first became familiar with Tom, as did a lot of people, after watching one of his videos from a few months ago that was titled, something like โyou cant catch a virus.โ
In this video, “You Can’t Catch A Virus – (Part 2)” the controversial and heavily censored heroic whistle blower Tom Barnett replies to the Parasitic “Controllers”, Big Pharma, MSM (Mainstream Media), the shills, minions and other ‘lackies’ of the oligarchical government that feebly attempted to discredit, defame, radicule, character assassinate him after he spoke out during hes first video (That was banned worldwide on every mainstream social media networking platform) after he exposed the snake oils, smokes and mirrors and Trojan horses of ‘the establishment’ (namely the corrupt rockefellas foundations medical industry, the zionist banking cartel and other agendas of the rothschilds empire) during a live stream he made for friends.
In this video Tom ties up a few “loose ends” in excellent fashion, addressing some of the lame excuses the “minions” tried to to throw at him, with ease.
If you hav’ent heard of this god send by now, I would STRONGLY ADVISE watching hes first video here again and sending ir loved and faithful ones but to every person on your contact list, to put their minds at ease about the fake pandemic and even more fake theoretical “Virus”.
You Can Not “Catch A Virus” Because It Is Impossible.
Tom spent over a decade with chronic fatigue, and it was through his learning and understanding which he developed through six years of study of science which included medicine, six years of natural health and medicine, and three years solely looking into the nature of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans and parasites, that he cultivated the knowledge to reclaim his health and taught others how to do the same.
Be sure to check out my new website to where i will be re-posting a lt of Tom Barnetts content/material as he seems to be one of the only few in the world that know what they are talking about.
Tom Barnett gives a very clear message about how you cannot catch a virus! this is in direct opposition to what most people are thinking after their years of medical brainwashing.
Two choicesโฆ listen to him or read down below where Marilyn Williams transcribed the videoโฆ an easy read. โฆ begin transcript โฆ
Iโve had quite a few questions over the past few weeks. So Iโm making this video to clear a few things up.
First and foremost, YOU CANNOT CATCH A VIRUS! Why canโt you catch a virus?
Because itโs impossible! So why is it impossible to catch a virus?
Is a virus alive? NO!
Is a virus a living thing? NO!
So how is it that people think you can catch something that is not alive?
Now I know a lot of people are genuinely concerned. Thatโs why Iโm making this to hopefully โcureโ some of the unnecessary fear and stress. Apart from that itโs because
you are causing it for yourself! A quick look at my background
Just so you know that Iโm not sitting here making stuff up, a quick look at my background so I can tell you how and why Iโm telling you these things:
I was one of those kids that could read and write before I even started school.
Knew my 1 to 12 times tables before other kids knew how to open a book!
I went to โฆโฆ and two expensive private schools including 6 years of science which included medicineโฆ
Followed by 6 years of natural medicine.
Then I did 3 years solely looking into the nature of viruses, bacteria protons, fungus and parasites. As a practitioner I treated myself and a number of other people
successfully long term for conditions โฆ.
When I did my last aptitude test I was taken into a separate room and interrogated to see if I cheated.
More than anything, unlike Google and Facebook I donโt have vested financial interests pertaining to what I can say. I donโt have shares in vaccine companies. So, what is a virus anyway?
The virus is nothing more than a solvent and these solvents are created within the cells of the body. This is why you cannot catch a virus. A virus is created cellularly.
Now the body can create hundreds of thousands of different viruses at any time. So why does cell need to create a virus or a solvent?
They are created in response to the built-up toxicity that we have in our bodies. So how does a cell become toxic?
Well, a lot of people have spent a number of years putting sh** in the minds and sh** in their bodies. Why do people think that itโs totally fine to eat supermarket food, then
microwave it, just get flu shots injected into you every year, drink your tap water!
People that go after organic food are tinfoil hat wearing boogas! The thing is that nature doesnโt care what you believe. You can believe any of those things are true but
nature doesnโt care what you believe. So a lot of people have asked me โWhat is the flu?โ
Well, the flu is a viral detoxification or a cleansing.
A cold, on the other hand, is mostly bacterial.
For the most part, what needs to be cleaned out of the cell are environmental toxins and heavy metals, plastics, any type of environmental industrial pollutants, the
chemicals that you use in your home to clean things with, things you put into your body and so forth.
Now a virus does not attack cell tissue. What happens is that as a virus, as a solvent, breaks down the toxic residue within a cell. It creates essentially a toxic waste. So
thatโs why you feel shy if youโve got a viral infection. What can happen is thereโs a lot of sh in your cells?
Youโre going to create a lot of toxic waste as the virus breaks it down. What happens is that if there is too much of it it can actually cause cell damage, and in extreme
cases it can cause cell death. The nature of a virus
So there is actually one way you can catch a virus and Iโm going to tell you what that is in a minute. You need to learn a bit about the nature or a virus before I can tell you
how you can catch one!
โMillions of people are dying and you can catch a bad flu off a counter or by being around your friends!โ
A virus is specific to specific cells in your body. To someone with hepatitis for example, which affects the liver, does that affect the heart? Do they have lung problems? Do
they have a brain or gonad problems?
A virus that attacks the lungs will not affect the kidneys. The virus is specific to specific cells in the body.
Because a virus is not transmissible within your own body, it should make sense that a virus is not transmissible between people. And itโs especially impossible for a virus
to make the jump between different species!
This is why you canโt get:
Avian Flu,
Swine Flu
Bat Flu
Monkey Flu
or any other flu that affects an animal, except for one wayโฆ and weโll get to that!
So how is it that a number of people can get the virus as the same time? If it is created within the cells, how is it that a lot of people can get it at the same time?
If someone at home has a cold, someone at work or at your sporting club, does everybody in that place get a cold?
You know that the answer is NO, despite the fact that a bacterial infection can be contagious. Why can a bacterial or a fungal infection be contagious?
Because they are living things! A virus, remember, is NOT a living thing! So how is it that a number of people can get a virus at the same time?
There is an intelligence that runs through all of life. Itโs why seeds know when to germinate. Itโs why animals know when to mate, or to hibernate or to come out of
So the body knows when is a good time to undergo a cleaning, and it knows when itโs a good time from the environment and climatic conditions.
This is why a number of people in the same area can undergo a viral detoxification. But again, does everybody get a viral detoxification at the same time?
You already know that the answer is NO! So why is that?
Well, they may have already undergone a recent cleansing, or they may be very healthy people because they are always watching the way they eat. the way they think, the
way they move, the way they sleep.
The intelligence runs through all of life. It means that a body knows that it does not need to go through a viral detoxification at that time. Additionally, our bodies all talk to each other, particularly our immune systems.
This is one of the ways that we are attracted to the opposite sex โ we can sense their immune system. Itโs how we know that we can create a genetically diversse
offspring that will have the greatest chance of survival.
We sense anotherโs immune system, partly by a scent. This has been taken away a lot in modern life. Things like a perfume or colognes. Especially when women go on
the pill it can affect their ability to sense a manโs immune system!
This is why some women come off birth control when they decide itโs time to have a baby with their partner and they smell them for the first time and they realise they are
actually not attracted to them!
How do I condense ten years of learning into a short video? Hopefully thatโs enough to show you why you cannot โcatch a virusโ and you can start asking some questions
such asโฆ What is this Corona Virus really all about?
Well a lot of people were sus on this from the start for a number of reasons. Not everybody buys into from what they hear from the media.
Recently I saw a video from a guy who was clearly able to use his own brain, he asked a couple of good questions! Those questions led to the findings of vaccine patents. Vaccine patentsโฆ er what!?
So what you can do is look up these patent numbers right nowโฆ The first one being
US 200 625 7852
When you look at that, youโll see how long ago Corona Virus was patented!
The European one:
EP 317 231 9B1
That one you will see that the vaccine patent, which was funnily enough, just approved in November 2019.
When did we start seeing Corona Virus? So I guess itโs time to tell you the only way you can actually โcatch a virusโ!
The only way you can catch a virus is by having it injected into your blood stream. So remembering that viruses are created cellularly in response to your internal
environment, which means yesโฆ take the responsibility for your thoughts, actions and beliefs. All of these being a form of ignorance because if you have to believe
something itโs because you donโt know. How can a human get a virus from a pig, a bat, a bird or a monkey?
Remember that viruses used to be blamed on other races such as Mexicans, the Spanish Flu, and remember that viruses cannot cross species. You canโt even catch it
from within the same species because it has to be created within animal tissue, remembering that we are human animals. How can they create a virus that can be patented?
So the way you can create a virus is that you can get sick and unhealthy animal tissue and put it in a petrie dishโฆ it will create a virus and you can incubate that virus. The
only reason it can stay โaliveโ, remembering that itโs not alive to start with, the only reason a virus can actually be there and be in play is that itโs taken from within the toxicity
of the cells in animal tissue. So what happens to that incubated virus is that it is sterilized and put into a vaccine. Straight away you donโt want that because thatโs bad
news. Then when itโs added to 70-80 chemicals you definitely donโt want that in your body.
So when these viruses are loaded into vaccines and flow all over the world, and people are getting their flu shots and all their other vaccines, thatโs the only way you can
get animal tissue into your bloodstream. It is so far beyond the realm of possibility to get animal tissue into your bloodstream by way of being around people, or from
surfaces, or from the air, or from any other way other than injection.
So you really want to question all this advice thatโs been given out about your toilet paper and your hand sanitizers and everything elseโฆ and the idea that this virus is killed
upon contact with heat or anything else, because a virus isnโt alive in the first place, so how can you kill something that is never alive? So there are only two things that you need to do:
1 Donโt get a Flu Shot, in fact, donโt get any shot!
2 Donโt stay in your house! You want to be outside getting fresh air if you want your body to run optimally and not need to undergo a viral detoxification.
There is actually one more thing you can doโฆ turn OFF your TV and your Social Media. The so-called โpandemicโ
I did make this video to bring some common sense and start relieving some of that fear and stress. I donโt want to go too far into whatโs really going on with the worldwide
โpandemicโ โฆ
By the way, whoโs verifying these deaths?
Whoโs actually counting these deaths?
And whoโs actually verifying that the deaths that do occur arenโt from any standard flu, which by the way, flues kill half a million to a million people every yearโฆ EVERY
It only affects the weak and if itโs not an actual virus thatโs happening within your own body for beneficial purposes, the only way you can get that is to have an injection. Stop using the โcorrect wordsโ
So instead of thinking you are doing the right thing by using all the โcorrect wordsโ like Covid-19 and โself-isolatingโ and โsocial distancingโ, and instead of staying indoors like
a self-indulgent cactus, washing your hands like itโs going out of fashion and humping door-nobs, and dictating to other people what they should be doing with their lives
when perhaps they are immuneโฆโฆ
So folks if youโre doing that youโre not actually helping anything.
What you are really doing is youโreโฆ letting the long arm of the system get shoulder deep inside of youโฆ you donโt know whatโs going on behind the scenes.
Most people have no idea about how the world works and certainly donโt have any idea about how the mind and body works.
There are things happeningโฆ if this goes down the way the people are letting it go down, you can say goodbye to what you have left of your rights and freedoms in this
Get out sideโฆ do normal things, watch the streets and watch whatโs going on out there, because if youโre sitting in your house counting the number of days of your social
isolation, counting death tolls like itโs an Olympic medal tally on the TV, you are literally paving the way to losing your rights and freedoms, and you come out of your house
with less than what you had when you went in. Iโm not just talking about baked beans and toilet paper! Use your own mind!
Iโll leave you with one bit of friendly advice and that is to start using your own mind! If you donโt start using your own mind someone else is going to use it for you and itโs not
going to be for your benefit.
โฆ end transcriptโฆ
Your body is chock full of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, archaea and VIRUSES. Altogether, there are ten times more microbes in your body than there are human cells. Together, they make up about 1.5 kilograms of your body weight.
Every surface of our body โ inside and out โ is covered in microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and many other microscopic life forms.
It has been estimated that there are over 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us ! (A community collectively known as the human virome)
You canโt see them, but theyโre there. Microbes. Theyโre on you, in you, and you carry more than 100 trillion of them all by yourself. Thatโs fourteen thousand times more than the number of people on earth. Collectively, theyโre known as human microbiota.
Of the 100 thousand billion microbes in your entire body, the vast majority lives in your intestines. That’s an enormous proportion, with a role in your health that should not be underestimated. Intestinal microbiota consists primarily of bacteria, about 1,200 different species. SO…. FOR THE LAST TIME, YOU CAN NOT CATCH A VIRUS
FOR THOSE AT THE BACK ! Your Oligarchical Government, Their Corporate Interests, Big Tech, Politicians And Their Minions Here In Ireland Are Lying Through Their Teeth ! ! !
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
In a time of propaganda, the "truth" is always considered a "conspiracy"
Thanks for subscribing to the DBL Project [Counter Intel] ๐๐๐ฎ๐ช Don't forget to join YakBack.net and get involved with other Truthers , Researchers, Free Thinkers, Critical Thinkers, And DBL and others like him will do hes best to keep the shills and pied pipers off the platform ๐ซ๐