Notice the sudden increase/spike in cyber attacks and Cyber Scamming/Phising reports accross Ireland today?
It’s all by grand design. All of it.
It’s all a FALSE EVENT to cover up/ sweep under the carpet the government genocidal conspiracies and HSE mistakes along with laying the foundations for the new “Citizen Social Credit Scoring Systems” spyware by way of software updates.
*Please drop your evidence/screenshots of any encounters /experiences that you have endured lately and I’ll write on blog on the topic and add them.
Your Governments handlers (being the Rothschild Controlled Banking Cartel) are once again, intentionally fear mongering to scare you shitless into ‘updating all of your devices and device software, that includes operating systems, android, phones, apple software, device and peripheral firmware so that they can once again control every aspect of your life both online and offline including injecting new covid trace and tracking code and spyware into all of your it equipment under the guise of “covid19 exposure”, “cyber pandemics”, “cyber attacks”, “social welfare scams”, “scammer attacks”, “spam scammer emails”.
You will especially notice the usual government bodies, state agencies, suspect shills, leftie minions and other lackeys pushing the narrative.
Take the scams quiet serious. The russians are very much owned (3/4 of their wealth) by the International Monetary Fund and WTO and are 100% in on The Covid 19 Psyops/Virus, The Great Reset, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Groups, Climate Summits, etc etc. and they could quiet possibly be HIRED to attack our health care systems and Cyber attack our country.
Remember For The Government To Create A New Infrastructure On Your Devices So As To Build A Dystopian Orwellian Spy System Of Their Own On Your Device, They First Need To ‘Lay The Foundation’ For The Spyware Or “Citizen Credit Scoring Systems” (https://www.businessinsider.com/china-social-credit-system-punishments-and-rewards-explained-2018-4?op=1).
Disable Their Ability To LAY THE FOUNDATION and it will delay their plans and make their entire operations more difficult.
Here Are Ways To Counter Their Tyrannical Plans/Agendas.
How to disable COVID-19 exposure tracking on Android
How to Turn Off Automatic Updates in Windows 10
11 Free Tools To Disable And Stop Windows 10 From Spying And Tracking You.
Government is spying on you: ways to protect yourself
5 ways to keep the government from spying on you
How to Disable Automatic App Updates in Android
How to Disable Auto Update on Android
Free VPN. (500MBs Per Month)
How Do I Block Android from Installing System Updates?
Yes, There Are Covert Government Troll Training PSYOP Programs. Enter : JTRIG (The ‘Honey Trap’)
What or who are “The 5 Eyes” ??
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label “Conspiracy Theorists” to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the “Official” Government Narrative
Danny Boy Limerick
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou
#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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