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Researching “Chemtrails” Don’t Use The Word “Chemtrail”

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Don’t Use The Term “Chemtrails” as the term is not a recognized scientific one. Instead you will be met with all kinds of “Conspiracy Theory Hoaxes” pages, Intel Agency Social Media Honeypots, Fact Checkers, Snopes , Censorship systems and other minions of the establishment waiting to debunk the chemtrail tag, gang stalk and ridicule you, discredit your research and slander you for merely mentioning it. Instead use the recognized scientific terms :

  • GeoEngineering
  • Climate Engineering
  • Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
  • Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI)

In doing so you will unlock a whole new world of information and irrefutable evidence of such operations through “Google Scholar“, “Patents” for the technologies , scientific journals, peer reviewed and independent studies. You will now be able to get your hands on research that you might not have been able to using other “search terms” or search engine “keywords” such as “Chemtrails” (Ya the elite are that sneaky !)

Google Scholar
Google Scholar


Climate Engineering

Solar Radiation Management

Stratospheric Aerosol Injections

Geoengineering - Google Scholar
Geoengineering – Google Scholar


Want The Patents For The Technologies Now, No Problem !

Now You Can Easily Search For The Patents For These Technologies


Google Patents
Climate Engineering - Google Scholar
Climate Engineering – Google Scholar

Climate Engineering

Solar Radiation Management - Google Scholar
Solar Radiation Management – Google Scholar

Solar Radiation Management


Stratospheric Aerosol Injections

United States Patent and Trademark Office

0462795 – July 16, 1891 – Method Of Producing Rain-Fall

803180 – October 31, 1905 – Means for Producing High Potential Electrical Discharges

1103490 – August 6, 1913 – Rain-Maker

1225521 – September 4, 1915 – Protecting From Poisonous Gas In Warfare

1279823 – September 24, 1918 – Process and Apparatus for Causing Precipitation by Coalescence of Aqueous Particles Contained in the Atmosphere

1284982 – November 19, 1918 – Process and Apparatus for Procuring and Stimulating Rainfall

1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists

1358084 – November 9, 1920 – Method of Producing Fog-Screens

1619183 – March 1, 1927 – Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft

1665267 – April 10, 1928 – Process of Producing Artificial Fogs

1892132 – December 27, 1932 – Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts

1895765 – January 31, 1933 – Artificial Production of Fog

1928963 – October 3, 1933 – Electrical System And Method

1957075 – May 1, 1934 – Airplane Spray Equipment

1993316 – March 5, 1935 – Apparatus for and Method of Producing Oil Fog

2052626 – September 1, 1936 – Method of Dispelling Fog

2097581 – November 2, 1937 – Electric Stream Generator – Referenced in 3990987

2173756 – September 19, 1939 – Process of Producing Fog or Mist by Partial and Flameless Combustion

2352677 – July 4, 1944 – Artificial Fog Production

2476171 – July 18, 1945 – Smoke Screen Generator

2409201 – October 15, 1946 – Smoke Producing Mixture

2480967 – September 6, 1949 – Aerial Discharge Device

2527230 – October 24, 1950 – Method of Crystal Formation and Precipitation

2527231 – October 24, 1950 – Method of Generating Silver Iodide Smoke

2550324 – April 24, 1951 – Process For Controlling Weather

2582678 – June 15, 1952 – Material Disseminating Apparatus For Airplanes

2611992 – September 30, 1952 – Engine Exhaust Operated Fluent Material Distributor

2614083 – October 14, 1952 – Metal Chloride Screening Smoke Mixture

2633455 – March 31, 1953 – Smoke Generator

2688069 – August 31, 1954 – Steam Generator – Referenced in

2721495 – October 25, 1955 – Method And Apparatus For Detecting Minute Crystal Forming Particles Suspended in a Gaseous Atmosphere

2730402 – January 10, 1956 – Controllable Dispersal Device

2903188 – April 2, 1956 – Control of Tropical Cyclone Formation

2756097 – July 24, 1956 – Process for Weather Control

2801322 – July 30, 1957 – Decomposition Chamber for Monopropellant Fuel – Referenced in 3990987

2835530 – May 20, 1958 – Process for the Condensation of Atmospheric Humidity and Dissolution of Fog

2871344 – January 27, 1959 – Long Distance Communication System

2881335 – April 7, 1959 – Generation of Electrical Fields

2908442 – October 13, 1959 – Method For Dispersing Natural Atmospheric Fogs And Clouds

2962450 – November 29, 1960 – Fog Dispelling Composition

2963975 – December 13, 1960 – Cloud Seeding Carbon Dioxide Bullet

3019989 – February 6, 1962 – Atmospheric Space Charge Modification

2986360 – May 30, 1962 – Aerial Insecticide Dusting Device

3046168 – July 24, 1962 – Chemically Produced Colored Smokes

3056556 – October 2, 1962 – Method of Artificially Influencing the Weather

3126155 – March 24, 1964 – Silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Generator

3127107 – March 31, 1964 – Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals

3131131 – April 28, 1964 – Electrostatic Mixing in Microbial Conversions

3140207 – July 7, 1964 – Pyrotechnic Composition

3174150 – March 16, 1965 – Self-Focusing Antenna System

3234357 – February 8, 1966 – Electrically Heated Smoke Producing Device

3274035 – September 20, 1966 – Metallic Composition For Production of Hydroscopic Smoke

3284005 – November 8,1966 – Weather Control by Artificial Means

3300721 – January 24, 1967 – Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases

3313487 – April 11, 1967 – Cloud Seeding Apparatus

3338476 – August 29, 1967 – Heating Device For Use With Aerosol Containers

3375148 – March 26, 1968 – Pyrotechnics Comprising Silver Iodate, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitrocellulose and Nitrate Esters

3378201 – April 16, 1968 – Method for Precipitating Atmospheric Water Masses

3410489 – November 12, 1968 – Automatically Adjustable Airfoil Spray System With Pump

3418184 – December 24, 1968 – Smoke Producing Propellant

3429507 – February 25, 1969 – Rainmaker

3432208 – November 7, 1967 – Fluidized Particle Dispenser

3441214 – April 29, 1969 – Method And Apparatus For Seeding Clouds

3445844 – May 20, 1969 – Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System

3456880 – July 22, 1969 – Method Of Producing Precipitation From The Atmosphere

3518670 – June 30, 1970 – Artificial Ion Cloud

3517512 – June 30, 1970 – Apparatus for Suppressing Contrails

3534906 – October 20, 1970 – Control of Atmospheric Particles

3545677 – December 8, 1970 – Method of Cloud Seeding

3564253 – February 16, 1971 – System And Method For Irradiation Of Planet Surface Areas

3587966 – June 28, 1971 – Freezing Nucleation

3595477 – July 27, 1971 – Fog Dispersing Method and Compositions

3601312 – August 24, 1971 – Methods of Increasing The Likelihood oF Precipitation By The Artificial Introduction Of Sea Water Vapor Into The Atmosphere Winward Of An Air Lift Region

3608810 – September 28, 1971 – Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions

3608820– September 20, 1971 – Treatment of Atmospheric Conditions by Intermittent Dispensing of Materials Therein

3613992 – October 19, 1971 – Weather Modification Method

3630950 – December 28, 1971 – Combustible Compositions For Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable For Cloud Modification And Weather Control And Aerosolization Process

USRE29142 – May 22, 1973 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

3659785 – December 8, 1971 – Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material

3666176 – March 3, 1972 – Solar Temperature Inversion Device

3677840 – July 18, 1972 –
Pyrotechnics Comprising Oxide of Silver For Weather Modification Use

3690552 – September 12, 1972 – Fog Dispersal

3722183 – March 27, 1973 – Device For Clearing Impurities From The Atmosphere

3748278 – July 24, 1973 – Process and Agents Having an Influence on the Weather

3751913 – August 14, 1973 – Barium Release System

3769107 – October 30, 1973 – Pyrotechnic Composition For Generating Lead Based Smoke

3784099 – January 8, 1974 – Air Pollution Control Method

3785557 – January 15, 1974 – Cloud Seeding System

3788543 – January 29, 1974 – Uniform Size Particle Generator

3795626 – March 5, 1974 – Weather Modification Process

3802971 – April 9, 1974 – Pyrotechnic Formulations for Weather Modification Comprising a Mixture of Iodates

3808595 – April 30, 1974 – Chaff Dispensing System

3813875 – June 4, 1974 – Rocket Having Barium Release System to Create Ion Clouds In The Upper Atmosphere

3835059 – September 10, 1974 – Methods of Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification And Apparatus Therefore

3835293 – September 10, 1974 – Electrical Heating Apparatus For Generating Super Heated Vapors

3858805 – January 7, 1975 – Ice Nucleation by Micas

3877642 – April 15, 1975 – Freezing Nucleant

3882393 – May 6, 1975 – Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere

3887580 – June 3, 1975 – Method of Crystallization of Water in Supercooled Clouds and Fogs and Reagent Useful in Said Method

3896993 – July 29, 1975 – Process For Local Modification of Fog And Clouds For Triggering Their Precipitation And For Hindering The Development of Hail Producing Clouds

3899129 – August 12, 1975 – Apparatus for generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification

3899144 – August 12, 1975 – Powder contrail generation

3915379 – October 28, 1975 – Method of Controlling Weather

3940059 – February 24, 1976 – Method For Fog Dispersion

3940060 – February 24, 1976 – Vortex Ring Generator

3990987 – November 9, 1976 – Smoke generator

3992628 – November 16, 1976 – Countermeasure system for laser radiation

3994437 – November 30, 1976 – Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals

4042196 – August 16, 1977 – Method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changes

RE29,142 – February 22, 1977 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

4009828 – March 1 1977 – Organic Nucleating Agent for both Warm and Cold Clouds

4035726 – July 12, 1977 – Method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al

4096005 – June 20, 1978 – Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition

4129252 – December 12, 1978 – Method and apparatus for production of seeding materials

4141274 – February 27, 1979 – Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser

4167008 – September 4, 1979 – Fluid bed chaff dispenser

4347284 – August 31, 1982 – White cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays

4362271 – December 7, 1982 – Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure

4373391 – February 15, 1983 – Relative Humidity Sensitive Material

4396152 – August 2, 1983 – Aerosol Dispenser System

4402480 – September 6, 1983 – Atmosphere modification satellite

4412654 – November 1, 1983 – Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids

4415265 – November 15, 1983 – Method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy

4470544 – September 11, 1984 – Method of and Means for weather modification

4475927 – October 9, 1984 – Bipolar Fog Abatement System

4600147 – July 15, 1986 – Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus

4633714 – January 6, 1987 – Aerosol particle charge and size analyzer

4643355 – February 17, 1987 – Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions

4653690 – March 31, 1987 – Method of producing cumulus clouds

4684063 – August 4, 1987 – Particulates generation and removal

4686605 – August 11, 1987 – HAARP Patent / EASTLUND PATENT – Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

4704942 – November 10, 1987 – Charged Aerosol

4712155 – December 8, 1987 – Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

4742958 – May 10, 1988 – Method for Making Artificial Snow

4744919 – May 17, 1988 – Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer

4766725 – August 30, 1988 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

4829838 – May 16, 1989 – Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas

4836086 – June 6, 1989 – Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog

4873928 – October 17, 1989 – Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation

4948257 – August 14, 1990 – Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing

1338343– August 14, 1990 – Process and Apparatus for the production of intense artificial Fog

4999637 – March 12, 1991 – Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth

5003186 – March 26, 1991 – Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

5005355 – April 9, 1991 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5038664 – August 13, 1991 – Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

5041760 – August 20, 1991 – Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration

5041834 – August 20, 1991 – Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

5056357 – October 15, 1991- Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium

5059909 – October 22, 1991 – Determination of particle size and electrical charge

5104069 – April 14, 1992 – Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft

5110502 – May 5, 1992 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5156802 – October 20, 1992 – Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics

5174498 – December 29, 1992 – Cloud Seeding

5148173 – September 15, 1992 – Millimeter wave screening cloud and method

5242820 – September 7, 1993 – Army Mycoplasma Patent Patent

5245290 – September 14, 1993 – Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect

5286979 – February 15, 1994 – Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin

5296910 – March 22, 1994 – Method and apparatus for particle analysis

5327222 – July 5, 1994 – Displacement information detecting apparatus

5357865 – October 25, 1994 – Method of cloud seeding

5360162 – November 1, 1994 – Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

5383024 – January 17, 1995 – Optical wet steam monitor

5425413 – June 20, 1995 – Method to hinder the formation and to break-up overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality

5434667 – July 18, 1995 – Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering

5436039 – July 25, 1995 – Artificial Snow in an Aggregate Form of Snow Granules

5441200 – August 15, 1995 – Tropical cyclone disruption

5492274 – February 20, 1996 – Method of and Means for Weather Modification

5546183 – August, 13, 1996 – LIDAR Droplet Size Monitor for In-Flight Measurement of Aircraft Engine Exhaust Contrails, Droplets and Aerosols

5556029 – September 17, 1996 – Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)

5628455 – May 13, 1997 – Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog

5631414 – May 20, 1997 – Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state

5639441 – June 17, 1997 – Methods for fine particle formation

5762298 – June 9, 1998 – Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth’s weather

5800481 – September 1, 1998 – Thermal excitation of sensory resonances

5912396 – June 15, 1999 – System and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions

5922976 – July 13, 1999 – Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector

5949001 – September 7, 1999 – Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis

5984239 – November 16, 1999 – Weather modification by artificial satellites

6025402 – February 15, 2000 – Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin

6030506 – February 29, 2000 – Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species

6034073 – March 7, 2000 – Solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity

6045089 – April 4, 2000 – Solar-powered airplane

6056203 – May 2, 2000 – Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds

6315213B1 – June 21, 2000 – Method of modifying weather

6110590 – August 29, 2000 – Synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same

6263744 – July 24, 2001 – Automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector

6281972 – August 28, 2001 – Method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution

20030085296 – November 2, 2001 – Hurricane and tornado control device

6315213 – November 13, 2001 – Method of modifying weather

2002009338 – January 24, 2002 – Influencing Weather Patterns by way of Altering Surface or Subsurface Ocean Water Temperatures

20020008155 – January 24, 2002 – Method and System for Hurricane Control

6382526 – May 7, 2002 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

6408704 – June 25, 2002 – Aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus

6412416 – July 2, 2002 – Propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method

6520425 – February 18, 2003 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

6539812 – April 1, 2003 – System for measuring the flow-rate of a gas by means of ultrasound

6553849 – April 29, 2003 – Electrodynamic particle size analyzer

6569393 – May 27, 2003 – Method And Device For Cleaning The Atmosphere

20040060994 – April 1, 2004 – Method for Influencing Atmospheric Formations

20040074980 – April 22, 2004 – Method and Device for Generating a Liquid Mist

0056705 A1 – March 17, 2005 – Weather Modification by Royal Rainmaking Technology

6890497 – May 10, 2005 – Method For Extracting And Sequestering Carbon Dioxide

2446250 – January 4, 2007 – A dust or particle-based solar shield to counteract global warming

20070056436 – March 15, 2007 – Challenger to Natural Twisters, Technology

2007033448 – March 29, 2007 – Production of Localized Artificial Rains in Polar Stratospheric Clouds, to Promote a Rain Wash in the CIO Gas, Reduce the Destruction of the Ozone Layer and a Replacement Process in situ of the Stratospheric Ozone

20070114298 – May 24, 2007 – Hurricane Abatement Method and System

20070158449 – July 12, 2007- Tropical Hurricane Control System

20070215946 – September 20,

2007 – Broadband Communications System via Reflection from Artificial Ionized Plasma Patterns in the Atmosphere

7965488 – November 9, 2007 – Methods Of Removing Aerosols From The Atmosphere

8048309 – August 28, 2008 – Seawater-Based Carbon Dioxide Disposal

20080203328 – August 28, 2008 – Outer Space Sun Screen for Reducing Global Warming

20100072297 – September 24, 2008 – Method for controlling hurricanes

7434524 – October 14, 2008 – Machine to Get Rid of Hurricanes

8012453 – October 27, 2008 – Carbon Sequestration And Production Of Hydrogen And Hydride

20090008468 – January 8, 2009 – How to Tame Hurricanes and Typhoons with Available Technology

7520237 – April 21, 2009 – Hurricane Prevention System and Method

20090255999 – October 15, 2009 – Production or Distribution of Radiative Forcing Elements

20090290761 – November 26,

2009 – Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Wind Direction, Speed, and Turbidity Monitoring using Digital Imaging and Motion Tracking

7645326 – January 12, 2010 – RFID environmental manipulation

7655193 – February 2, 2010 – Apparatus For Extracting And Sequestering Carbon Dioxide

20100074390 – March 25, 2010 – Method for Weather Modification and Vapor Generator for Weather Modification

20100127224 – May 27, 2010 – Atmospheric Injection of Reflective Aerosol for Mitigating Global Warming

7748662 – July 6, 2010 – Aerial Delivery System

20100170958 – July 8, 2010 – Hurricane Mitigation by Combined Seeding with Condensation and Freezing Nuclei

20100252648 – October 7, 2010 – Climate Processor

20100264230 – October 21, 2010 – Severe Storm / Hurricane Modification Method and Apparatus

20100282914 – November 11, 2010 – Enhanced Aerial Delivery System

20110005422 – January 13, 2011 – Method and Apparatus for Cooling a Planet

20110049257 – March 3, 2011 – Method and Apparatus for Local Modification of Atmosphere

20110101124 – May 5, 2011- Hurricane Abatement System and Method

2011073650 – June 23, 2011 – Atmospheric Delivery System
20110168797 – July 14, 2011 – Method of Weakening a Hurricane

20110174892 – July 21, 2011 – Apparatus and Related Methods for Weather Modification by Electrical Processes in the Atmosphere

20110198407 – August 18, 2011 – Method and Apparatus to Break Up or Annihilate Typhoons, Tornadoes, Cyclones or Hurricanes

20110204159 – August 25, 2011 – Weather Management Using Space-Based Power System

20110284649 – November 24, 2011 – Apparatus and Method for the Mitigation of Rotating Wind Storms

8079545 – December 20, 2011 – Ground based Manipulation and Control of Aerial Vehicle during nonflying operations

20120024971 – February 2, 2012 – Methods for Environmental Modification with Climate Control Materials and Coverings

8262314 – September 11, 2012 – Method for Decreasing the Intensity and Frequency of Tropical Storms or Hurricanes

0117003 – October 5, 2012 – Geoengineering Method Of Business Using Carbon Counterbalance Credits

20120267444 – October 25, 2012- Artificial Freezing Apparatus and Freezing Method Therefor

20120286096 – November 15, 2012 – Aerial Delivery Devices, Systems and Methods

20130008365 – January 10, 2013 – System and Method for Decreasing the Intensity and Frequency of Tropical Storms or Hurricanes

20130015260 – January 17, 2013 – Concept and Model for Utilizing High-Frequency or Radar or Microwave Producing or Emitting Devices to Produce, Effect, Create or Induce Lightning or Lightspeed or Visible to Naked Eye Electromagnetic Pulse or Pulses, Acoustic or Ultrasonic Shockwaves or Booms in the Air, Space, Enclosed, or Upon any Object or Mass, to be Used Solely or as Part of a System, Platform or Device Including Weaponry and Weather Modification

8373962 – February 12, 2013 – Charged seed cloud as a method for increasing particle collisions and for scavenging airborne biological agents and other contaminants

20130038063 – February 14, 2013 – Apparatus and Method for Inhibiting the Formation of Tropical Cyclones

201300043322 – February 21, 2013 – Processes and Apparatus for Reducing the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones

8402736 – March 26, 2013 – Method and Apparatus for Suppressing Aeroengine Contrails

8439278 – May 14, 2013 – Apparatus for Producing a Mass of Water Vapor, Apparatus for Producing, Moving, and Climbing a Mass of Water Vapor, and Method of Causing Artificial Stimulation of Rain

20130175352 – July 11, 2013 – Method to Influence the Direction of Travel of Hurricanes

20130186127 – July 25, 2013 – Ice Floater for Facilitating Ice-Freezing on Water Surface

20130206912 – August 15, 2013 – Moisture Dispersion

20140055876 – February 27, 2014 – Method for Controlling Land Surface Temperature using Stratospheric Airships and Reflector

20140131471 – May 15, 2014 – Apparatus to Channel Large Air Masses for Climate Modification

20140145002 – May 29, 2014 – System for Facilitating Cloud Formation and Cloud Precipitation

20140224894 – August 14, 2014 – Technique to Mitigate Storms using Arrays of Wind Turbines

8825241 – September 2, 2014 – Autonomous Wave-Powered substance Distribution Vessels for Fertilizing Plankton, Feeding Fish, and Sequestering Carbon from the Atmosphere

8944363 – February 3, 2015 – Production or Distribution of Radiative Forcing Agents

20150077737 – March 19 2015 – System and Methods for Monitoring an Environment

9002660 – April 7, 2015 – Device and Method for Determining and Indicating Climate-Relevant Effects of a Contrail Produced by an Airplane

20150230415 – August 20, 2015 – Methods for Decreasing Local Temperature using High Albedo Materials

20150337224 – November 26, 2015 – Microwave Acceleration of Carbon Gasification Reactions

9311539 – April 12, 2016 – Aircraft Contrail Detection

9429348 – August 30, 2016 – Method and Device for Producing Snow

9491911 – November 15, 2016 – Method for Modifying Environmental Conditions with Ring Comprised of Magnetic Material

9589473 – March 7, 2017 – Method and System for Automatically Displaying Flight Path, Seeding Path, and Weather Data

9715039 – July 25, 2017 – Apparatus and System for Smart Seeding within Cloud Formations

20170217587 – August 3, 2017 – Vehicles and Systems for Weather Modification

20170303479 – October 26, 2017 – Warm Cloud Catalyst, Preparation Method Therefor and Application Thereof

20180006422 – January 4, 2018 – Methods for Disrupting Hurricane Activity

20180006421 – January 4, 2018 – Methods for Disrupting Tornadic Activity

9924640 – March 27, 2018 – Modifying Sunlight Scatter in the Upper Atmosphere

20180217119 – August 2, 2018 – Process and Method for the Enhancement of Sequestering Atmospheric Carbon through Ocean Iron Fertilization, and Method for Calculating net Carbon Capture from said Process and Method

10189753 – January 29, 2019 – Fog-Generating Device Comprising a Reagent and Ignition Means

2019203461 – June 6, 2019 – Airships for Weather Manipulation

10314249 – June 11, 2019 – Systems and Methods of Inducing Rainfall

10375900 – August 13, 2019 – Rain Induced by Supercontinuum Laser Beams

10433408 – October 1, 2019 – Methods for Affecting Spinning Atmospheric Phenomena

10435165 – October 8, 2019 – Aircraft Electrically-Assisted Propulsion Control System

20190364748 – December 5, 2019 – Method and System for Expressing Airborne Cloud Seeding Line Considering Cloud Water

20200187430 – June 18, 2020 – Helical Artificial Generator of Tornado, Hurricane, Yellow Dust, and Typhoon

20200196539 – June 25, 2020 – Device for Seeding a Cloud Cell
10701871 – July 7, 2020 – Systems for Maintaining and/or Decreasing Water Temperature using High Albedo Materials

20200233115 – July 23, 2020 – Method and System for Determining Cloud Seeding Potential

WO2020148644A1 – July 23, 2020 – 3d Reduced Graphene Oxide/Sio 2 Composite for Ice Nucleation

20200261939 – August 20, 2020 – Apparatus for Generating and Optically Characterizing an Aerosol

2020101897 – September 9, 2020 – Artificial Rainmaking by High Power Laser Initiation Endothermic Reactions through Drone Aircraft Remote Control System

20200288650 – September 17, 2020 – Technology and Technique to Prevent, Diminish or Interfere with the Formation of Hurricanes on Earth from one or more Platforms in Space

20200288651 – September 17, 2020 – Methods for Cooling Water Temperature using High Albedo Materials

20200315104 – October 8, 2020 – Propagating Sound Through Bodies of Water, to Generate and Direct Wind, for the Purpose of Moderating and Affecting Weather Patterns

20200386970 – December 10, 2020 – Aerostatically Stabilized Atmospheric Reflector to Reduce Solar Irradiance

10888051 – January 12, 2021 – Intelligent Systems for Weather Modification Programs

20210037719 – February 11, 2021 – Planetary Weather Modification System

10941705 – March 9, 2021 – Hanson-Haber Aircraft Engine for the Production of Stratospheric Compounds and for the Creation of Atmospheric Reflectivity of Solar Radiation in the 555nm Range and to Increase Jet Engine Thrust and Fuel Economy through the Combustion of Ammonia and Ammonia By-Products

2021063943 – April 8, 2021 – Bacterial Preparations for Ice Nucleation

20210153442 – May 27, 2021 – Systems and Methods for Rain Cloud Initiation

20210163157 – June 3, 2021 – Artificial Ring, Solenoid System to Terraform

20210235638 – August 5, 2021 – Weather Management of Cyclonic Events

2021152336 – August 8, 2021 – Method of Cloud Seeding using Natural Ice Nucleating Agents

20210285851 – September 16, 2021- System for Sampling and Analyzing Contrails Generated by an Aircraft

20210289720 – September 23, 2021 – Systems and Methods for Producing Rain Clouds

2021105881 – October 21, 2021 – Process for Generating Marine Clouds and Ocean Microbubbles

20210329922 – October 28, 2021 – Compositions and Methods for Enhanced CO2 Capture and Storage

20210329852 – October 28, 2021 – Method for Preventing a Formation of, and/or for Dispersing, a Tropical Cyclone, and Arrangement Therefor

20210352856 – November 18, 2021 – Aerial Electrostatic System for Weather Modification

2021107294 – December 9, 2021 – Wind Turbines for Marine Cloud Brightening Dispersion

2022003028 – January 6, 2022 – Apparatus for Precipitation of Atmospheric Water

23220065599 – March 3, 2022 – Rocket for Artificial Rainfall using Ejection Hygroscopic Flare

11274534 – March 15, 2022 – Artificial rain to support water flooding in remote oil fields

20220113450 – April 14, 2022 – Calculation Method of Total Artificial Precipitation in Seeding Area Compared to Non-Seeding Area

2022094269 – May 5, 2022 – Reflective Hollow SRM Material and Methods

3994976 – May 11, 2022 – Apparatus for Electro-Spray Cloud Seeding

11330768 – May 17, 2022 – Systems and Methods for Producing Rain Clouds

20220268505 – August 25, 2022 – Method and Apparatus for Making Falling Snow

2022186970 – September 9, 2022 – Method of Geoengineering to Reduce Solar Radiation

20220355925 – November 10, 2022 – Aeronautical Car and Associated Features

20220357482 – November 10, 2022 – Method and System of Analyzing Ingredients of Artificial Rainfall for Verification of Cloud Seeding Effect

20230050373 – February 16, 2023 – Electromagnetic System to Modify Weather

20230075132 – March 9, 2023 – System for Moderating Energy Absorption at the Earth’s Surface with a Programmable Forcing Network of Climate Control Panels

20230117390 – April 20, 2023 – System and Method for Proactive and Reversible Mitigation of Storm/Hurricane/Typhoon/Cyclone

20230126982 – April 27, 2023 – Method for Analyzing Effect of Hygroscopic Seeding Material Sprayed on Ground Aerosol Concentration Through Airborne Cloud Seeding Experiment

20230141493 – May 11, 2023 – Device for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Deploy a Rainfall Catalytic Bomb

20230149876 – May 18, 2023 – Coated Chloride Salt Particles and Methods of Making and Using the Same

Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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“Great Culling” of the Human Population has Quietly Begun Will your genetic lineage survive?

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(The “Great Culling” of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive?

That’s what this article explores: WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? HOW can you protect yourself from those threats? WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving the great culling.

First, let’s dismiss any idea that the great culling is some sort of fanciful conspiracy theory. World power brokers like Bill Gates and Ted Turner openly discuss reducing the world population by 90%. Bill Gates, in particular, happily funds infertility technologies, vaccines and GMOs, all of which are purposely designed to cause infertility and halt new baby births, thereby sharply contracting the human population.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example provided significant funding to the University of North Carolina to develop ultrasound infertility technology that could render human sperm unviable for up to six months. Reported by the BBC, this technology was proven effective on rats, and it’s only one of 78 different research projects the Gates Foundation has funded under the guise of “global health programs.”

Bill Gates famously explained his depopulation agenda through the use of vaccines with this quote, delivered to a live TED audience in 2010:

The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. (

“Eliminate the weak”

That this is the desire of the global controllers is no secret. It’s not debated. This is what today’s politicians, bureaucrats and even some misinformed activists of the “environmental” movement wish to achieve — the reduction of world population to under one billion people. To them, humanity is seen as a threat to the planet and even to itself.

From one point of view, this analysis may actually be correct. It’s difficult to see how today’s mindless masses of dumbed-down consumers — steeped in video games, television and junk food — can offer any meaningful contributions to the future of human civilization. So, from the point of view of the global controllers, “culling the herd” of humanity is actually a good thing. It makes humanity stronger, they say, in much the same way that culling the weaklings from a herd of wild animals improves the aggregate gene pool of the targeted species as a whole.

The globalists argue that today’s human gene pool is stalled. The weak and the stupid reproduce just as much as everybody else — if not more so. The human gene pool is actually devolving, they say, and the only way to bring it back to a point where we have a species capable of reaching for the stars is to eliminate those who aren’t smart enough to deserve a spot in the human gene pool.

The word for this is, of course, eugenics. Adolf Hitler pursued the same philosophy: Improve the human race through genocide. Eliminate the weak, the ugly, the stupid. Fire up the incinerators, disarm the target race to be exterminated, and herd them into gas chambers or open pits.

Modern eugenics

Toda’s eugenicists are more subtle. They’ve learned, through experience, that openly gassing entire populations doesn’t win over the hearts and minds of the public. So they’ve developed covert methods of accomplishing the same thing. These coverts methods include convincing people to eat genetically modified foods — which promote infertility — to drink fluoride, take vaccines, use synthetic chemicals, increase abortions and pursue other actions that either kill people outright or drastically reduce rates of reproduction.

The idea behind these is that, first off, the culling of the human race can now be accomplished without all the horrifying images of Nazi Germany’s gas chambers. While the Jews in World War II had to be forcibly lined up and herded into railroad cars, today’s eugenics victims willfully line up at pharmacies to be injected with flu vaccines containing stealth cancer viruses that accomplish the same thing: Death.

Death by vaccines is just slower and more covert than death by Zyklon B.

The great intelligence test

Importantly, the genocidal properties of vaccines, GMOs, chemical food additives, medications and other synthetic chemicals function as a sort of intelligence test for the population. Those who routinely take vaccines are, of course, stupid. Removing the stupid people — the “useless eaters” — from the gene pool is one of the goals of the global controllers. Thus, vaccine propaganda serves as the perfect filter for removing “stupid genes” from the human gene pool. This is no doubt why globalists so aggressively push vaccines on low-income families — they equate “low income” with “not qualified to reproduce.”

Importantly, vaccines contain stealth cancer viruses that are passed along through multiple generations. The SV40 viruses introduced to the population through polio vaccines in the 1950’s still exists today in the grandchildren of those who were first vaccinated. This is openly admitted by top scientists who helped develop these vaccines (

Meanwhile, the efficacy of these vaccines is completely and utterly fabricated, as has been exposed by two whistleblower scientists who blew the lid on scientific fraud taking place at Merck (…).

Many pharmaceuticals directly cause infertility, by the way. Propecia, a Merck baldness drug, has now been linked to infertility and ejaculation disorders (….).

The game is on: You are living a reality game called “Survivor”

The big picture here is this: The game is on. You are a contestant in a reality game called “Survivor.” If you win, you survive and your genes go on to represent the future of the human race. If you lose, your genetic lineage is annihilated… permanently removed from the future of the human race.

My goal is to help you — the intelligent reader of NaturalNews — ensure that your genetic material remains in the “survivor” side of this equation. I want you to beat Bill Gates at his own game. And surviving is winning

Remember: the goal of the controllers is to kill off roughly 90% of the existing population, either through a fast-kill weapon release, or the “slow kill” method of causing global infertility. While Bill Gates only publicly mentioned 10% – 15% in his 2010 quote (above), Ted Turner publicly announced, on video, that he believes the population should be reduced by roughly 70% to the “two billion” level. You can see that astonishing video, filmed by Luke Rudkowski, at: (This Video Has Since Been Taking Down So I’ve Reuploaded And Mirrored It Here

Behind the scenes at secret meetings, the real reduction levels being discussed are in the 90% range. If this is the real goal, it would mean a typical person only has a 1 in 10 chance of winning the survivor game.

In this article, I show you how to flip those odds, giving you roughly a 90% chance of winning the survivor game. That’s the ultimate victory: Surviving, having healthy babies, and raising them to contribute to the betterment of human civilization. There’s probably very little you or I can do to stop the culling of 90% of the population, as many people today seem bent on their own self destruction. But at least we can make sure we remain in the 10% of the survivors who go on to have healthy offspring and contribute to a future of liberty, freedom and spiritual advancement.

So, to begin, let’s first explore the threats to your life and your fertility. These are things you must avoid if you hope to win the survivor game.

The 7 threats to your survival and fertility

1) GMOs – Engineered to grow poisonous chemicals right in the crops themselves, GMOs are also designed to cause reproductive failure in any mammal consuming them.

2) Vaccines – Loaded with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants, vaccines are the primary cause behind today’s rising rates of infertility, birth defects and spontaneous abortions. Vaccines are aggressively pushed in minority neighborhoods and low-income areas.

3) Chemtrails – Formulated with aluminum, barium and other heavy metals, chemtrails cause human exposure to toxic metals that impair brain function and neurological function. This exposure may contribute to birth defects and deformities, but details need to be further explored.

4) Prescription medications – Prescription drugs and chemotherapy damage DNA, promote impotence and decrease both sperm quality and egg quality.

5) Chemical food additives – These chemicals damage DNA and egg quality, causing infertility to be passed down through multiple generations of females. What you eat today can damage the eggs of your great-great-great granddaughter. Poisons in the food supply right now include sodium nitrite (in nearly all processed meats), MSG, aspartame and chemical preservatives.

6) Biological weapons release – A possible “fast kill” scenario being explored by world governments, a biological weapons release can burn through the population with high kill rates while being conveniently blamed on any desired scapegoat such as a fictional terrorist group. “We are at war with Eurasia!”

7) Food fascism leading to starvation – Corporations like Monsanto are seeking total global domination (and corporate ownership) over the entire food supply. This concept is called “food fascism,” and it would allow corporations and governments to determine who eats and who starves. Notice how home gardens are under attack? ( Raw milk centers are raided at gunpoint? ( Backyard ranching is being criminalized? ( This is all part of the food fascism assault that’s already underway in our world.

Those are the top threats to your survival and fertility. What follows next is how to beat them.

The 10 strategies for beating the odds and winning the survivor game

#1) Avoid all poisons – These means eliminating all GMOs, fluoride, aspartame, MSG, artificial fragrances, chemical medications, chemical food additives and all other synthetic chemicals from your life. For most families, this means gutting your pantry, bathroom counters, garage chemicals and lawn care chemicals. Remember: The globalist controllers refuse to eat GMO and consume only organic foods. Ever wonder why? Because they know the chemical-laden, genetically modified foods are being used to kill off the uninformed masses.

#2) Use nutrition to protect your DNA – This is absolutely crucial. Good nutrition (superfoods, high mineralization, antioxidants, plant concentrates, etc.) can prevent DNA damage from exposure to low-levels of radiation as well as toxic chemicals. Above all, good nutrition boosts reproductive health, sperm quality, egg quality, and even brain function (so you think more clearly and don’t get suckered into globalist propaganda).

#3) Do not vaccinate your children – This is a key defense against the great culling. Those who vaccinate their children condemn them to increased risks of infertility, thereby putting their entire genetic line at risk of annihilation. By avoiding vaccines and allowing your children to naturally experience the chicken pox or measles, you actually make them stronger and more resistant to future infections.

#4) Grow your own food – The only food you can truly trust is food you grow yourself. Using heirloom seeds, ocean water trace mineral concentrates, soil probiotics and rainwater, grow food that nourishes your body and brain. Save your seeds and re-plant them each season. Over time, they will adapt to your specific soils and climate, improving yields and seed viability. See our heirloom survival seed solution at:

#5) Learn skills of self defense and physical security – Be prepared to physically defend your life, home and property against tyrants, looters, criminals or even zombies (!). Learn the fundamental skills of self defense, weapon competency and marksmanship. I teach this information in a downloadable preparedness course at:

#6) Reject mainstream propaganda – In order to protect your mind, you must refuse to subject yourself to the mind-numbing propaganda of the mainstream media. This means throwing out your television, shutting off cable news, and shifting to information sources such as truth-telling websites and books.

#7) Do not try to “save” everyone. Most of the masses will be culled. They are already beyond hope, having been poisoned with fluoride, vaccines, GMOs and other chemicals into a state of total denial. Have compassion for them, for they are the last of their kind. But do find other aware and informed survivors and get to know them. Share skills and knowledge. Form a community defense plan for a worst-case scenario possibility. Cross-train each other to spread skills across the group. There is strength in numbers.

#8) Follow a philosophy of core redundancies. Examine all the critical infrastructure necessary to support your life — food, water, heat, shelter, emergency medicine, defense, communications, etc. — and put at minimum a second layer of redundancy in place for each one.

#9) Train yourself for mental adaptability. In order to survive, you must not allow yourself to ever be locked into the “tunnel vision” of narrow thinking. To survive, you must be able to adapt, solve problems, and use resources in innovative ways. Training for this can include solving mental puzzles (including playing “problem solving” puzzle video games), exploring the outdoors, learning new skills (such as juggling), and trying out new hobbies. Do not let your mind stagnate. You will need it to be flexible.

#10) Avoid radiation exposure. Nothing damages your DNA faster than radiation, and sources of radiation are all around us. From the TSA body scanners at the airport to the CT scans ordered by your doctor, these harmful, ionizing radiation procedures damage your DNA and compromise fertility. Avoid using cell phones, Smart Meters and even wi-fi, if possible. Especially avoid medical imaging scans, dental X-rays and security scans of all kinds. Radiation damage is cumulative, meaning it gets progressively worse over time as you are exposed to repeated doses of low-level radiation.

Don’t be a victim, be a survivor

The point of all this information is simple: The “Great Culling” is upon us. (That’s also the name of a new documentary coming out that you’ll see announced here on NaturalNews.)

Population reduction has begun. For many, it’s already too late for their children and grandchildren because their DNA has been compromised beyond repair. They won’t realize this until their children or grandchildren can’t have their own children, but the damage has already been done now… today… in our time.

Remember: The eggs that produce a woman’s granddaughter are formed inside the womb of her own daughter during the time that daughter is forming in her own womb. (Yeah, really.) What a pregnant woman eats today, in other words, directly shapes the egg quality of her granddaughter. This also means it takes, at minimum, two generations to recover from toxic chemical exposure.

Years ago, I coined the term “Genopocalypse.” That genopocalypse is now under way, happening right in front of us. But most people aren’t aware of it, so they easily fall victim to it. But through awareness, education and proactive strategies of self-preservation, we can each refuse to become a victim of the depopulation agenda.

You are a survivor. That’s probably why you read NaturalNews. Now it’s time to put your knowledge and awareness into action. Make the changes outlined in this article — starting right now — and safeguard not only your own future, but the future of your entire genetic line for generations to come.

Learn more: via natural news

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Danny Boy Limerick

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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REVEALED: Antifa Has A Pedophile Problem

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ANTIFA NAZIs KKK All Cut From Same Cloth
Fascist Antifa Nazi Party Nazism KKK All Cut From The Same Cloth

Across the globe, it’s been discovered that many organized antifa groups have trouble with pedophilia in their ranks.

On March 4, a conservative student group in Ireland revealed they had completed a year-long project operating undercover as an antifa cell.

Antifascist Students Ireland revealed themselves to be a project of Irish conservative student news outlet The Burkean on their Twitter page,

The Burkean’s actions directed significant attention towards Ireland’s official Antifa organization, Antifascist Ireland, a group that has come under fire in the past for the history of its alleged founding member and leading figurehead, Pat Corcoran—a convicted pedophile.

Corcoran is a former civil servant who worked with the Irish Department of Arts, Heritage, and Gaeltacht. In 2009, he was found to be in possession of over 7,000 images and 21 videos featuring child sexual abuse and torture. He was handed the lenient sentence of 3.5 years suspended—meaning he never served a day in prison. The decision caused outrage amongst Irish commentary writers, one of whom used Corcoran’s case as an example of Ireland being a “pedophile’s paradise.”

Corcoran was fired from his government position, but around the same time of his sentencing, Corcoran joined left-wing grassroots publisher Indymedia where he worked undetected until 2013. Once the publisher discovered his disgusting history, he was immediately resigned. Indymedia issued a statement condemning Corcoran, and insisting they had no knowledge of his abusive past.

But Corcoran was not disinvited from all of his activist groups. Independent media and citizen reports out of Ireland allege that Corcoran has been seen engaging in public activism with left-wing groups as recently as November 2019.


Even Indymedia of which he was chief editor in what was supposed to be a coop, kicked him out on hearing this. Indymedia statement>

But Antifa needed his back for his organisational skills and he is now head of the Antifa fold again. Read the Kilkenny Journal article.

Corcoran was many times seen out canvassing for Abortion on Demand in Dublin city centre. He is also returned to the various lefty campaigns for more refugees.

In one of the photos he is standing beside Trotskyite ‘People before Profit’ TD Richard Boyd-Barrett. PBP have tried a few times to ring up hotels to bully them into cancelling Irish Freedom Party events around the country.

Anyway as Antifa in Ireland were started and again led by a convicted paedophile we believe they should change their name to Pantifa. We also suggest a new logo – see image above.

But Ireland is not the only country whose main organized antifa group has had trouble with pedophilia in its ranks.

In February of 2020, seven Russian antifa members were sentenced to 6-18 years in prison for planning bombings intended to disrupt the 2018 Russian presidential elections.

Of the seven, one of the principal figures, Arman Sagynbaev, was revealed to have a disturbing history with women and girls.

Seven women came forward to recount details of their experiences with Sagynbaev, some of which have been translated to English. The women, some of whom were as young as 14 when they had their experiences with the antifa leader, were all horrifically sexually assaulted. They were used as domestic slaves, forced to shoplift, routinely beaten and threatened into performing degrading sexual acts, and one was even infected with Sagynbaev’s HIV.

Some of the abuses were so unconscionable, “leaving no room for doubt,”  that Anarchist Black Cross—a network of activists supporting political prisoners—withdrew all assistance from Sagynbaev during his legal battle with the Russian state. They also removed him from their list of political prisoners.

Even the United States has had its own case comparable to those in Ireland and Russia.

In Portland, the epicentre of antifa activism, a leading activist has faced multiple arrests for the sexual abuse of minors.

Micah Isaiah Rhodes of Portland’s Resistance was arrested in 2014 and in 2015 for sexually abusing a minor girl and minor boy. During his trials, the county Sheriff revealed that Rhodes had an inappropriate history with minors dating to his youth. At 14, Rhodes was caught sexually abusing a 9 year old boy, and at 15, Rhodes was caught with three much younger boys.

Despite his history, Rhodes was spared all prison time as the judge claimed Rhodes was “trying to change.”

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Danny Boy Limerick

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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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An Incomplete List Of Antifa In Ireland (This List Will Be Updated Regularly, So Keep Sending As Much Intel As Possible)

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Feel Free To Name Another ANTIFA Member In The Comment Section Below This Blog And I Will Be Sure To Add Them To The Lists Or Send Them Directly To

An Incomplete List Of Antifa In Ireland (This list will be updated regularly) I would strongly advice blocking each and everyone of the profiles so as to ensure that your Patriotic freedom and democracy groups, pages, channels, protests, movements are not thwarted by these sub-human degenerate freaks. It also would not be any harm at all to report every profile on the list for terrorism, hate speech, harassment, fascism or the likes, before blocking them.

Please share this list FAR AND WIDE, these parasitic paedophilia sympathizers and supporters pose a SEVERE risk to your children’s liberties. Antifa is classified as a terrorist organization in the USA and several other countries. Antifa is a far left, communist organization which has links to middle eastern terrorist groups, to other violent far left terrorists, to criminals, to drug gangs, international drug dealers and people trafficking gangs. Some members of antifa listed below have past affiliations with foreign terrorist groups.

Antifa are actively involved in the following: engaging in violent protests, looting, rioting and vandalism. There have been many news reports about this internationally. physically assaulting opponents, including  catholics, protestants, christians, jews, and other religious people, business people, professional peoples, the police, and any people they think are conservative, religious or right wing. – Threatening and intimidating people – Killing people in some countries – Lobbying and pressurizing police and politicians to not investigate or prosecute certain criminals and gangs in court – Making false allegations of racism and fascism against innocent people. And inciting hatred and violence against innocent people online and offline,  especially in public – Doxing and de-platforming opponents online and offline and in communities – Slandering and defaming innocent people in public and in communities and housing estates  – Holding counter protests to undermine the freedom of speech of others – Spying on people, data protection breaches, data privacy intrusions, stalking and following people, monitoring and surveillance of opponents with the objective of harassing innocent people.

ANTIFA NAZIs KKK All Cut From Same Cloth

This includes contacting the employers and landlords of their opponents to get them fired from jobs or evicted from homes. And includes passing on people’s private details to other more violent terrorist organizations and criminals – Calling for censorship of all opposing views online and in the press and media. Contacting the businesses which advertise on the press and media and pressurizing them with threats and false allegations of “racism”, “fascism” etc. to remove their advertising from specific press and media if certain views are not censored. This interferes with the Constitutional rights of a free press and free speech. – Pressurizing press and media organizations and elected politicians to follow antifa’s views and impose their narrow views on the population – Targeting elected politicians who they deem to be conservative or “right wing” – Acquiring arms and weapons Using NGO’s as a cover or smokescreen for their illegal and criminal activities. Many of these NGO’s get taxpayer’s money. – Some antifa are involved in abusing illegal drugs and illegal ‘house parties’. Some antifa are drug dealers. – They are anti nationalist and despise and hate national culture in nations.  They love and support globalism, mass migration and multiculturalism and they hate nationalism and see it as outdated. Many antifa support anti Irish racism and are anti Irish racists. – They support Open Borders and the people trafficking associated with it. This includes women and child trafficking.  – Plotting for and calling for the overthrow of democratically elected governments, and democracy itself, and imposing their form of communism or a red fascist style government on countries. – Imposing governments tyrannical “lockdowns”, unlawful “Mandatory”, “guidelines/rules”, unconstitutional “restrictions”, and dangerous untested experimental biotech gene therapy COVID JABS. – Rotschilds Minions *This has been confirmed by the police, military and security services in several countries. 

List of Antifa Members and Supporters in Ireland    Leah Doherty, one of the national leaders  Mark Malone,  one of the national leaders  –   Steven Bennett, Dublin antifa leader,  and one of the national leaders   –  Shane O’Curry, Dublin Antifa leader and one of the national leaders Shane O’Curry, is head of ENAR, the European Network Against Racism. They were set up and funded by the Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The HQ of the Muslim Brotherhood in Western Europe is in the Clonskeagh Mosque in Dublin. The directives of the Muslim brotherhood include open borders and speech control laws. Joe Loughnane (antifa galway) set up an affiliate of ENAR in Galway called GARN, Joe worked for CAGE in the UK, CAGE is an advocate group for terrorists and Joe’s boss at Cage is a convicted terrorist. Joe recently admitted to cocaine dealing and his paranoid rantings about racism are used by naive and gullible politicians to enact speech control laws. These NGO’s are funded with taxpayers money and they also receive funding from wealthy donors and foundations with sinister political agendas. Irish taxpayer’s money should not be used for criminal purposes.  Saoirse Bennett   –  Cieran Perry, politician, Dublin  Conor Reddy one of the Dublin leaders  Padraig Drummond, Dublin, linked to paramilitaries in northern Ireland  Garrett Mullan, politician, Dublin   Oghenetano John Uwhumiakpor, Dublin  –  one of the national leaders  Eamon Crudden, Dublin   Joe O’Brien, politician and TD, has attended a few antifa events in Dublin  Tom Byrne, Dublin  Jake Doyle,  Wicklow and Dublin and   and  many of his friends  are antifa  John Tighe, Dublin   Peter Richard Long, Maynooth, KIldare  Fionn Pollock, Dublin  Mark Bray, Dublin  Paddy Fleming, Dublin  Jo or Josephine McAteer, Dublin and KIlkenny  Thomas McDonnel, Dublin  American living in Dublin Tracy Canavan, Dublin  Dublin Fergus Jackson, Dublin  Dublin  Dublin  Florence Plummer, Dublin  

Aoife Geoghegan, Dublin    Sean Young, Dublin   Dublin  Dublin  Dublin   Wicklow / Dublin  Raymond Tuite, Dublin  Dublin   prominent antifa leader and editor of the Beacon, a radical communist publication National HQ for antifa in Ireland on Facebook  –  one of the antifa leaders in galway  –  Jimmy Clancy one of the antifa leaders in galway  –  one of the leaders of antifa in galway Joe Loughnane, Galway, people before profit party   –  one of the leaders of antifa in galway  –  very active antifa member in Galway  Caroline Stanley, very active in Galway  Elske Breathnach or Elske Walsh very active in Galway  Jessica Reid, very active in Galway  Brian O’Doherty, one of antifa leaders, Galway  Conor Dowling,  Galway  hardline  antifa, Galway  Joshua Forde, hardline  antifa, Galway    another page for Joshua Forde   –  one of the women leaders of antifa in galway  –  Joe Joyce, prominent antifa member in galway – Robin Koenig, prominent antifa member in galway  Dermot Browne, Galway  Oisin McDonagh, Galway  Cameron Loughnane, Galway  padraig brock, Galway  Callum McGinley  Galway   Galway   Cian Mortimer, Galway    and   Galway antifa groups on facebook  Conor Dolan, Galway    Barry King, Galway  Maxim Kelly, Galway  Tracy Lee, Galway  Paul Mulholland, Galway Gillan Hardesty, Galway  Niall O Reilly  –  leader of antifa in Sligo, very active, violent   Sligo  antifa  Paul McConigly  antifa leader in Mayo  –  leader of antifa in Donegal  Joe Craig, Donegal  – Dublin  one of the national leaders  Mary Cahillane Vallely, one of the Limerick leaders  James Tuohy, one of the Limerick leaders  Thomas Lake, one of the Limerick leaders  Daniel Ryan, one of the Limerick leaders  Limerick Limerick HQ for antifa on facebook  Paddy Magennis, Dundalk  Alan Holland, Dundalk   Lurgan, Armagh

htps://  Sean Murphy, Tipperary   Josh or Joshua Twohig    Caroline McCormack  –  Wicklow and Dublin   Navan, Meath   Aislinn or Aisling Wallace Wexford   Janet Sullivan  Denis McCool  Melvin Brennan  –  Cork city  –  Joe Moore,  Cork city antifa leader  – Charlotte O’Sullivan, one of the leaders in Cork city  Fiona O’Leary, Cork  Eric Foley, Cork  gerardy stewart, Belfast, northern Ireland  Belfast , northern Ireland  northern Ireland Christian Arra, Clare    Colin Clarke, Mayo  Anna Doyle, Wicklow   Solidarity/People Before Profit in each city and town are the party with the most Antifa links   John O Neill  Shane

Cullen, very active antifa member   Maura Moore  Bryan Wall  Diarmuid Mac

Dubhghlais  (Dermot McDouglas)  kildare antifa  British antifa with links to Ireland  Ella Downing,  British antifa  with links to Ireland  Gareth Murphy, British antifa with links to Ireland  Martin McGowan,  British antifa with links to Ireland  Maxime Cahill,  British antifa with links to Ireland  Ciaran Moylan, German antifa with links to Ireland   German antifa with links to Ireland   – Dutch antifa with links to Ireland 

Australia antifa with links to Ireland  American antifa with links to Ireland  Paul Killeen Swedish antifa with links to Ireland   Fredrik Österberg,  Swedish antifa  with links to Ireland

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Raw Footage Shot In Ukraine Featuring Ukrainian People Telling Their Story

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Another excellent video showing the stories from Ukraine the fake hysterical media are desperate for you NOT to see…

This is real footage shot in Ukraine featuring Ukrainian people telling their story.. It shows that Russian troops are feeding starving Ukrainians not killing them, and its the Ukrainian Nazis that are killing Ukrainians trying to stop them leaving their towns and cities in search of food, they want them to stay to be used as human shields…

Please share the truth…

Danny Boy Limerick

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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The Truth About Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky And Hes Bitch Volodymyr Zelensky

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The Truth About Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky And Hes “Bitch” The President Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky

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Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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This Documentary DVD on the ‘Dangers Of ALL Vaccinations’ “unsurprisingly” proved extremely difficult to acquire, it seemed to be banned, removed and censored from nearly every site it was posted or mirrored on. After watching just a mere few minutes of the Garys Nulls (Ph.D) “Deadly Deceptions: Exposing The Dangers Of Vaccinations ” I was beginning to see why. I won’t say another word here so as to avoid any *Spoiler Alerts and in turn spoil any anticipation, all i will say is that every caring parent (emphasis on the word “caring”) on the planet needs to see this video A.S.A.P.

You Tube Censored

This video is “unlisted” on YouTube. I accidental discovered it on the TruthZone (also now censored) whilst searching and fishing for some good vaccination related images for another blog that i have in the pipeline.

Truthzone You Tube Embed Also Censored

It gets crazy, Truthzone claims to have discovered it at the  Progressive Radio Network which has ALSO since been taken down or the domain name has at the very least expired or been revoked ???!!!.

In fact, the deeper i dug looking to unearthing Gary Nulls Documentary “DEADLY DECEPTION: EXPOSING THE DANGERS OF VACCINES the harder i found to obtain a copy (even a trailer was hard to come by), It was around the same time and during those internet searches that i realized that the video had been removed from various different websites, blogs, marketplaces, forums, social media and a host of other platforms. That’s when i knew I could now stop at nothing to get my hands on a copy and help give it the coverage that needed before it became another victim of Tyrannical Nazi type Fascism And Censorship.

So please, share this blog as far and wide as possible. It’s Wednesday morning the 16th of March 2022, this blog is still only a draft with a few hours work left on it before i can finally publish it and I am already worried about it being taken down and my WP account along with it, so much so, that I am going to back up my entire website and WordPress files for fear that i might have to use them when migrating to my own web hosting platform in the next few days (possibly without any prior notice or notifications from WordPress ?) Normally when these documentaries (the ones that really hit home) receive this calibre of censorship, you can be sure that the “Powers That Be” send their minions over at the “clandestine organisations” to go to great lengths to have the content or materiel, that could jeopardise or get in the way of their multi billion euro industries and with it world agendas, removed, sometimes at any the cost, including but not limited to murder (you know, the “accidental” / “misadventure” deaths or suicides, of such individuals as Aajonus Vonderplanitz who have vociferously spoken out against “Medical Terrorism” namely “Big Pharma”. So I have just created a Medium account where i will make a backup of this blog and several more copies on various blogging platforms and some social media platforms with blogging functionality such as to ensure that this Documentary stays as “out there” and “accessible” as possible for the concerned public to obtain should they need to.



There is an epidemic, the likes that we have never seen in the history of this country. One in 6 children in America is learning disabled, one in 9 has asthma, one in 48 are becoming autistic, and millions more are suffering with brain and immune dysfunction, which can not be explained. Children are now exposed to more vaccinations than earlier generations. The number of vaccines is expected to increase dramatically with over 250 new vaccines in the pipeline. While there is an untold number of children and adults that have been injured from vaccines, most Americans remain skeptical of the fact that vaccines can and do cause injury, disability and death.

What will happen when vaccine-injured children, with brain and immune system dysfunction, reach adulthood and are unable to function in society? It is a tremendous cost burden to care for someone with a disability over their lifetime and the American healthcare system is incapable of handling the larger cataclysm that awaits as vaccines become mandated.

Conventional medicine claims that vaccines prevent infectious diseases and are proven to be effective and safe. We are that these diseases can be eradicated if the population is fully vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity.” However, does the science support these claims?

Executive Producer, Gary Null Ph.D.
Directed by Gary Null, Ph.D.
Produced by Valerie Van Cleve
Associate Producer, Richard Gale
Edited by Valerie Van Cleve

Nonprofits & Activism

Gary Null
Uploaded on Jan 17, 2018

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Vaccination Horror Show Cover Telegram comP


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List of 30 Studies Facemasks Useless

List of 30 studies showing face masks are useless against COVID-19…

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

Danny Boy Limerick

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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
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Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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The illusion Warfare : The Russia And Ukraine Staged War

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Illusion Warfare Report: The Road to Ukraine.

-Join Twitter Handle @Lez LuTHOR as he LARPs hes way onto the Hollywood movie set we know as UKRAINE.

Will the matrix allow him to peak behind the curtains of a manufactured and manipulated world staged event?

The Journey begins…
On the 3/3 I took a flight from Luton, England to Krakow, Poland.

Via Poland seemed the easiest way into the Ukraine.

Note: all the 33’s.

Evan tho unvaxxed, I entered Poland with ease on the condition I left within 24 hours.

So I wasted no time, and took a train from Krakow to Przemysl.

The only sign of WAR was the name of the cafe’

Lights, Camera….ACTION!!!

Przemysl Train Station (the Refugee movie set)

A well planned stage managed route ensures the Ukrainians arriving are bottled necked and compressed into the ticket hall so the media can create the illusion of ‘hell on Earth’.

Visual effects are key!

Outside the Refugee train station, police vehicles leave the lights flashing.

Every 20 minutes, the sirens turn on and vehicle does a loop around the block.

Stage Management …

The ‘Video Village’ of Przemysl.
Here we find the director and producer of the refugee movie.

All staged photos need good lighting.

I am unable to find a hostel or hotel,
full of refugees you ask?

No! All the hotels in this town are taken up by the press

Whilst these scumbags sleep in luxury, poor Ukrainians are left to sleep at the railway station.

Creating more staged photo opportunities for the press

1min walk away from the movie set…
Life is normal.

Creating a Scene🎥🎬

Here you can see how perfectly fine doors are blocked by signs and volunteers(aka stage hands)…

Bottle necking everyone through one door, the camera crews set up to capture this manufacturing chaos for the cameras.

Strike a pose…

You larp as a photographer, il larp as a young man heading off to war.

The train into Lviv, Ukraine.

Lviv, Ukraine(Railway station)… another movie set.

I arrive around 2am, I help an old lady with her bags as she seeks information on travel to her home town of Odessa.
Once she is sorted with tickets I take a closer look around.
(The 33 continues to follow me)

Lviv Railway station…

Manufactured chaos once again, a curfew is enforced form 8pm till 8am meaning travellers can’t leave the station and are forced into participating the fully immersive 4D crisis experience, complete with props like the TRASH CAN FIRE.

The train into Kyiv

-I talked my way onto the overnight train.
(Around £5 and a warm place to sleep).

There are many Ukrainians heading back in.

Just for the record, you can just buy a regular train ticket into Kyiv, either online or at the station.

Trains are running as normal.

(4th March I arrived)

Filming around Kyiv train station was near impossible.
Talking/texting on the phone was ok.
The moment you turned the phone into the filming position… Agent Smiths with guns would appear.

(Agent Smith=Government/police)

I got pulled aside twice within 10mins.
So I left.

I take a walk to the supermarket, no signs of a war yet.

Only the very familiar feeling of a LOCKDOWN, is this the result of war? Or is this the government and corporations creating the illusion of a war to economically force People out of the city?

The Media claimed intense fighting had reached Kyiv.

I walk the street and see no evidence of this as of yet.

(6th of March)

My first Air raid siren… and no one cares.

Audio sound effects are another way to create the illusion of war.

(6th of March)

Illusion warfare tactics…

Shut everyone inside for a curfew and blast sirens across the city to scare the shit out of people.

(There is never a follow up explosion)

Everyone told me “there is no hotels or hostels in Kyiv, it’s a war zone!!”…

Truth, there is an abundance of places to stay!!

I picked a cheap hostel as I’m on a budget.

(so everyone understands, im a night club bouncer with about £1000 to my name).

Each day I wake up, grab a coffee and continue to walk the streets in search of a War.

I gave up on taxi drivers on day one, they wanted cash (which is hard to find in Kyiv as all ATMs are dry) but understandably they didn’t want the attention of driving a foreigner to Irpin.

Kyiv, Ukraine.
grannies walk their dogs as normal, the reporters wear flak Jackets.

The city of Kyiv is now a Movie set…

Come experience the illusion of war as we walk though the Hollywood set know as Kyiv.

PROPS such as abandoned cars, blockades and checkpoints are placed around the city by the visual effects team for a fully immersive 4D experience.

Tip: Always carry an item and receipt whilst walking around a movie set like Kyiv.

(There are many Agent Smiths in blacked out vehicles driving around)

There is lots of food in Kyiv!

If there are people in the city that can’t eat it’s more likely because they have been economically destroyed by the government shutting down any way to earn a living.

Alcohol has been prohibited.

I walk in the direction of Irpin and come across this hospital, there’s armed guards outside so I film the side.

Irpin is a 30min drive away, wouldn’t there be sounds of war? And wounded soldiers?

(Just think with this blank canvas how much digital overlay fakery is possible)

I walk and walk, getting onto the Irpin film set is near impossible.

The metro is open and running but has armed police that want to search you before entry.

It’s ‘papers please’ even for regular Ukrainians.

Kaboom!!!! Has a bomb lander close by????

No, the boiler fell off the wall and the water is spraying across the shower room slowly flooding the 1st floor.

Good news is I get moved to a room with a heater. Nearly had room 33.

The 8th of March…

And blizzard with coffee to start the morning.

After endless walking around the city for the past few days, I decide to revisit Kyiv’s main train station.

Another manipulated crisis situation that could be avoided if the government really cared about its people.

Still no visible signs of a war in the city.
Kyiv is the big cheese is this illusion, I have no interest in the hundreds of ex soviet empty and derelict villages.

The military has been using those villages for target practice and war games since the USSR fell.

The more people that leave Kyiv the more the city becomes a blank canvas… just think how many ‘soldiers fighting’ they could digitally add to this scene.

“The noose is tightening around the capital” -a reporter in Kyiv train station wearing a flak jacket whilst nobody else is.

It’s true, the station was mad busy a few days ago, but he has perfectly placed himself on the walk way, the lower levels are empty these days.

The Q(ueue) movement in Kyiv…

I would encourage people to look up ‘The Art of Queueing’…
Disney has invested billions into the psychological research of Queueing.

Queueing is a demoralising activity and very important in all PSYCHOLOGY OPERATIONS.

(Cue the Tank🎬🎥)

One tank drives down the street.
Do you think he’s just driving the long way to the front lines?

Or is this part of the illusion? ordering one tank down the street to scare people.

Believe it not, whilst I was filming this I had an army guy walking 2 steps behind me (I didn’t know of course).

He asked what I was doing here. I just replied “google said there is a supermarket close by, do you know where it is?”

(He spoke good English, he was a nice guy)

Running out of food they say….

Or maybe they are not aloud to work and earn money?
Maybe their right to ignore this and carry on living has been taken away.

Maybe the innocent Ukrainians are being economically forced into LARPing this war.

Filmed on the 9th of March.

Originally tweeted by Lez LuTHOR (@LezLuthor) on March 5, 2022.

Mirror Or Back Up Copy In The Event That The Above Twitter Thread Is Taken Down

Danny Boy Limerick

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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