Category Archives: Danny Boy Limerick

David Icke – Controlled Opposition – Shill

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“A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries.”

Notably Vladimir Lenin said:
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

So why is it obvious the David Icke is not really one of us? … That he is not our guy…. That he is working for (((them)))… so many reasons:

Media appearances and previous jobs

Firstly, Icke has appeared on mainstream television here in the UK on quite a few occasions, many times in fact, even appearing on a very popular morning television program just a few years ago. And, of course, he was on prime time TV when he was just starting out with his ‘conspiracy theories’. The Zionists are not going to allow anyone onto mainstream TV stations that they don’t want on there. Come on.

At one point he was also a politician here in the UK! (The Green Party) That’s right, he was one of them. And he worked for Zionist / Marxist run BBC as a presenter… the BBC! Does it look like he was groomed and put in place already – with just these few points? … It does, doesn’t it? … Keep reading there is a great deal more.

He also has huge, massive talks, and a very popular website ( I believe some of his presentations have been almost day long affairs, they go on for many hours anyway, with no real solutions offered… and you don’t need this long to explain what’s going on and who is behind it and how to fight back – lots of distraction and deflection from Icke though)

How many people have been censored and shutdown on Youtube and various other social media websites… loads. Does Icke get censorship? Nope, hardly any, if any at all. Who owns all these social media websites? Hmm…

(Update: May 2020 – Icke has actually had some censorship now.  Whereas many thousands of other Truthers have been chucked off of YouTube and Facebook a long time ago. Huge amounts of people – many that I followed – have had their channels taken down over the years, while Icke always stayed up. More about Icke’s recent censorship later in the article.)

And within the alternative media look who Icke works with: Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the most obvious Controlled Opposition shill out there.  He also works with Luke Rudkowski  from ‘WeAreChange’ – another hugely obvious Controlled Opposition shill… I could go on…

David Icke Controlled And Working Against Us
David Icke Controlled And Working Against Us

Fake Terrorism

Icke does not expose terrorist events as being faked – staged drills passed off as real, with nobody dying in them. And he does not expose the Freemasonic / jewish gematria coded into them and the Freemasonry symbology on display. He calls some of them false flags, but there is a big difference between a false flag and a hoax. Boston bombing, Orlando shooting, Las Vegas, Paris Bataclan, Manchester Arena, Nice Bastille Day etc etc, ( so many more, pretty much all of them ) all hoaxes – set up by the Zionists and Freemasons. See my article on all the Fake Terrorism.

New Age Nonsense

He perpetuates lots of New Age nonsense – pacifying New Age nonsense. This is one of the (((powers that be))) main aims: To Pacify People. Icke says: The only truth is ‘infinite love’, and we must focus on ‘infinite love’ and loving thoughts to free ourselves etc… nonsense, love is obviously a powerful motivating force, but just thinking loving thoughts will not save us!!! And love is not the only thing that is real. When you think of the universe, think more about the rules of nature, natural laws, its about living in balance with nature – and often it’s mainly about survival. Not sitting back and just thinking loving thoughts. Meditation and sitting back and thinking loving thoughts didn’t stop the Tibetan monks and Tibet being taken over by China. Just thinking loving thoughts is a psyop.

Icke likes to say ‘it’s all simply a cosmic game’… more pacifying from him… it is not just a game… or he says that ‘nothing is real’ another pacifying comment, and a very pointless and unhelpful comment as well.

He also says you attract everything into your life… more New Age nonsense – he says that if we fear something we attract it to us… this is inline with a lot of New Age psyops – inline with controlled shill ‘channelers’ that I have exposed elsewhere in this site … anyway this is an enormous exaggeration and a deception from Icke. There are billions of souls on this planet, each with free will, with varying agendas. I did not attract to myself living on this insane planet and being ruled over by psychopaths because I am afraid of it! Little children do not attract physical and sexual abuse because they are afraid of it! I could go on and on. Yes, energy and frequency play a part, but not like this New Age nonsense purports. We do not entirely create our own reality. It’s a Free Will planet and universe, billions of souls on this planet, all with agendas. And often these dark souls seek out and attack the innocent pure souls, they set out to corrupt.

Reptilians and Archons

Icke uses the Reptilian rhetoric as a deflection and distraction. Politicians and Royal Family members being shape shifting reptiles etc… I don’t believe this at all. Sure, there are going to be some extraterrestrial intelligences having a big influence this planet, probably mainly offworld somewhere, but this shape shifting rhetoric is nonsense in my eyes, zero proof for it.

(It was designed to make Truthers look like they were nuts and without credibility – notice how Icke does not talk about this subject anymore)

Icke also uses the information about the Archons that came from the ancient Gnostic Nag Hammadi texts… but really he is just using John Lash’s work. John Lash painstakingly studied and interpreted the texts. But John Lash says more than Icke tells us, and says that:

“According to the Gnostic warning, the Jews, who follow the agenda of racial supremacy, and domination of the goyim (non-jews), are proxies of the Archons.”

– John Lash

But David Icke won’t tell you this part – as this is who David Icke ultimately works for – he is working toward the jewish New World Order. And yes, it is absolutely a jewish agenda, Icke won’t emphasise this. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Zohar, the Kaballah, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)… it’s all there in them… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from… not difficult to work it out really…

Let’s get this clear, Zionism is the term we are allowed to use, to some degree, but the reality is that it is International Jewry and Judaism that want this One World Government / New World Order – they are behind the open borders and Globalisation. Its the jewish state of Israel, the jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the jewish Talmud, the jewish Kaballah, jewish Zohar, jewish run Central Banks, jewish run Media, jewish run Hollywood etc etc etc… and it was the jewish run atlantic slave trade, the jewish bolsheviks who killed many millions of Russians, the Ukrainian genocide ‘Holodomor’ was done by jewish people … I could go on

Lash also tells you that the Gnostics were killed off because they told people the ‘god’ of the jews ‘Yahweh or other names’ was a demented malevolent extraterrestrial intelligence… and Lash also said that the Gnostics were easily killed off as they were too passive and lacked hate. Lash says you must hate and fight against that which wishes to oppress etc. Icke wont go into this as it goes against his pacifying New Age nonsense.

This is a clear example of how limited hangouts work. They will often take someone else’s work, make it seem as if it is their own and leave out certain important pieces of information. John Lash clearly tells us that the Gnostic Nag Hammadi texts tell us that it is judaism and international jewry that are being used by extraterrestrials and artificial intelligences to manipulate and oppress the planet.

An addition – October 2020:

A video of David Icke saying that the Evil Cult behind the New World Order is White people:


Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

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Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

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YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Danny Boy Limerick 2.0

Share This To: just deleted my entire website from their server. Website Terminated Website Terminated

We won’t lose too much sleep over it. Sometimes life throws these curve balls, and you can bet your house and your car that one will encounter more than a few “bumps in the road” when exposing corruption, government “agendas” or world leaders /controllers real identities and their front-men. It is all part and parcel of the “freemasonry type smear campaigns” that the “them”, the local politicians and their minions target and direct at us, for calling their bluffs, speaking out and shouting the actual truth from the rooftops, they detest this, and immediately begin to throw their “toys out of their prams” and retort to “character assassination” (by informing social media Headquarters censorship teams and intel groups such as 77th Brigade Intel Arm Of The Bristish Army also known as “Paid Shills/Trolls” who waste no time) by targeting , gang stalking, slandering, discrediting, ridiculing, threatening, harassment, (both offline and online) when they realize that we are not as stupid or as thick as they first thought us to be. Most of us that are doing what I am doing here in Ireland, such as defending free speech, exposing the “bad eggs” pushing pro life groups and agendas, promoting alternative health, just to mention a few , are no strangers to this type of relentless and ruthless smearing, along with being permanently banned from social media platforms, in a futile attempt to silence us indefinitely. Well we have a message for you……

“You Might Be Able To Slow Us Down Using Your Minions, Infiltrators And Big Tech But You Can’t Stop Us, Just Like The Truth, We Will Prevail”

L.A.F. Hyena Bullies

What is important here after losing an entire website, is first and foremost, we need to remain calm, it’s not the end of the world (at least, not yet), Remaining calm is easier said than done, i know, and realize this more than most, but when we can master this we will 101% reap the rewards from it. It is important to stay calm because when we “React” instead of “Responding” we “react” on an ’emotional level’, and when we act on an “Emotional Level”, we are not capable of thinking straight and with it of “logical thinking” and more importantly again the act of “reasoning”, Why? you may ask, because when we are in an “emotional state” (Anger, Sad, Livid, Frustrated, Agitated) after “Reacting” to a situation or incident, not only are we allowing ourselves to manifest into an “negative state” of energy which can later impact those around us by becoming the “Stone In The Pond Ripple Effect” but we now find ourselves thinking on an “emotional level” too, things like “I’ll get them back”, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”, “Their day will come”, “They will get what’s coming to them”, “Sooner they get their comeuppance the better”, all very negative stuff, and we can easily spend days/weeks or months in these states, becoming depressed and anxious as a result, and be stuck in that rut, which will only serve as counter productive and not very constructive, at all. Not the mention how it could bounce off of those we surround ourselves with in our close circle connections, not to mind the fact that it sends a very clear message to the “bullies” that we are upset and they have won, after all bullies not only thrive on that, but it helps them get through their days by filling their egos and fulfilling their insecurities, at least temporarily. Why bother, we really need to ask ourselves, are they actually worth it ? Are they worth that kind of time and energy that could be better spent with family, friends , work or hobbies ? The straight and simple answer is “No” the the bullies are NOT. Period. There will never be a shortage of Hyenas in Ireland waiting to sell the rest of us down the river for a few pieces of measly silver, we will never rid the country of them, on the contrary there is currently an infestation of epic proportions of these minions doing the dirty work of the Corporations and Junta behind them. Learn how to avoid and block and them out of your life, as they come along.

“Sometimes it takes a chain of very negative events in life to set off the positive ones, Own it, Capitalize on it”

Danny Boy Limerick

Secondly ignore all those taunting you, bragging about having your website taken down, boast, like everything else, they will have their 5 minutes of fame and glory , then the dust will settle, we are creatures of habit and boredom is one of our traits, whether we like it or not, they will get bored and move onto their next victims just like the hyenas that they are.

And last but not least , after we remain calm, we can teach ourselves to take advantage of the situation, negative or not, this is still a window of opportunity and it is important that we capitalize on that. After all, sometimes it takes a chain of very negative events in life to set off the positive ones, and more often than not, those of us that are fortune enough to have to endure those painstakingly long and sometimes painful experiences and end up better people for it, are the ones that will go on to do great things in life. These are YOUR experiences in life, nobody elses, Own them, Capitalize On Them. This not only strengthens the soul, but sends a clear message to the haters that you are NOT AFRAID, and still going strong, and their attempts at putting you down failed miserably , you can be sure this strong mental attitude and show of strength will reduce your haters to tears, they will be livid, desperate, emotionally drained. More importantly, this positive attitude will lead to a positive output, be the positive ‘stone in the pond’ that ripples positive vibes across your close circle connections and every other aspect of your life , this positive mental attitude will help us to thrive and is so pro-productive and constructive in all other aspects of our lives such as physical and mental health, work , hobbies and more importantly, our loved and faithful ones.

Take Advantage Of Every Opportunity; Where there is none, make it for yourself ~ Marcus Garvey
Take Advantage Of Every Opportunity; Where there is none, make it for yourself ~ Marcus Garvey


The mere fact that these hyenas went to such great extremes to have me zapped from their platform completely without leaving much as a trace of data behind ( staff refused to release my media files) proves in itself that we are rattling a few cages and unnerving a few more, that, against the evils of mankind, is an achievement in itself and
speaks volumes about exactly just how worried “they” are, about us, after months of filtering through red pill disinformation, getting the actual truth out there, so i take satisfaction in that, and the fact that i backed the entire website up (all xml files). It’s back to the drawing board for now but “onwards and upwards 🇮🇪🍀💚
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ~ Voltaire ENTER DANNYBOYLIMERICK 2.0

George Orwell Telling the Truth A Revolutionary Act
George Orwell Telling the Truth A Revolutionary Act

Roadmap For DannyBoyLimerick 2.0

Besides Spending Extra Time With Loved And Faithful Ones, This Is How I Spent My Time When The Site Went Down Designing A Roadmap Mapping Out The Next Phase Of DannyBoyLimerick Website


Upgrade To DannyBoyLimerick 2.0

Boost SEO

  • Compress Thousands Of Site Images
  • Rename And Resize Images For Better Fit/SEO
  • New And Improved Featured Images (Post Cover Images)
  • New Image Descriptions
  • New Post “Taxonomy” For Improved Queries/Systematics, Category Classification.
  • New Theme Headers
  • New Theme Widgets
  • New And Improved Site Security
  • Create Multiple Backups Hard/Soft


New Wesbite Interactivity And Functionality

  • New And Updated Plugins
  • New Better And More Comprehensive Block Editors
  • Add Post Carousels
  • New Forms
  • Create Mirror Sites As A Safety Precautionary
  • New Adsense Capabilities (Irish Brands Only)
  • Full Disclosure Linking Individuals Ties to Big Pharma And Other Corporations


Full Disclosure

  • Expose The Ukraine Propaganda
  • Expose All Regime Propagandists Operating in Ireland
  • Expose All New Aged (Lucis Trust Groups, Pages And Channels)
  • Expose All Wolves In Sheeps Clothing (Posing As Patriots)
  • Create Mirror Sites As A Safety Precautionary
  • New Adsense Capabilities (Irish Brands Only)
  • Expose Politicians Affiliations With The World Controllers
  • To be continued……
Take A Knee of Take A Stand
Take A Knee of Take A Stand

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
Read More
Donation By Paypal

Support The Danny Boy Project So That He Can Continue To Fight Corruption, Expose The Shills, Modern Day Stasi, Gestapo
That Have Sold Us Down The River For A Few Pieces Of Silver And A “Spot” In The “New Great Reset World”.
Help Danny To Expose The Ruling Class, Debunk Their MSM Narratives, Discredit Government Narratives
With Facts And Unmask Just About Every Element Of Their “Agendas” In Achieving
Global Fascist Dictatorship And With It, World Domination.
They Must Be Stopped, At Any The Cost.

Danny Boy Limerick is on @buymeacoffee !

You can support Danny Boy Limerick Project Costs And Website By Buying A Coffee For Him ☕️ here —

Project Costs include

  • Web Hosting
  • Domains
  • Bandwidth
  • Marketing
  • Software
  • Hardware

Go raibh mile maith Agaibh Go Leir , Thank you all very much 🇮🇪💚☘️


Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

Buy Me A Coffee Logo
Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

Website + Resources



YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Rumble Is Similar To YouTube But Without Censorship

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Rumble Video Sharing Platform helps you to manage your videos. It provides you the ways to make your video viral. It gives you the platform to add value to your video. It let you create your own video channel.

It enables you to host and distribute your video. Upload, share, broadcast and promote your videos around the web. We are a YouTube alternative, focusing on bringing value to video. it helps you make more revenue and better distribution within no time.

Rumble connects video creators to all points of the internet, from a single centralized video platform. There is no better place to host, share, distribute, and extract value from your video. For newsrooms or brands, there is no better place to connect with creators.

Specialities: Rumble Video Sharing Platform specialties are video, online video, video platform, video creators, digital rights management, content discovery and much more.

Support The Danny Boy Project By Way Of Referral – Join Rumble Here:

What Is Rumble?

Rumble is a place for uploading videos and sharing them.

In that way, it’s like YouTube, another site where you can upload and share videos on YouTube. If you’re really good at that, you can become one of the top YouTube influencers (check out Top YouTube Influencers Small Business Trends ( and make money (How Much Money Do YouTubers Make? – Small Business Trends (

You can make money on Rumble too. Is it an easier platform for earning money? Can you make more money? Let’s explore.

An Introduction to the Rumble Video Hosting Website

Rumble isn’t a new website. It’s been around since 2013. That’s when it was launched by technology entrepreneur CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski.

In August 2020, Pavlovski felt YouTube was unjustly censoring and pulling select videos which did not conform to YouTubes own set of values and beliefs. In response to his belief, Pavlovsky decided to shift the focus of Rumble. Going forward, he said, Rumble would be a site that allowed creators of videos to freely express thoughts and views, without fear of unjust censorship.

That’s not to say that Rumble doesn’t censor any videos. A video which includes unlawful content, such as pornography or bullying, would not pass the editorial review process.

Rumble would adhere to the principle of free expression and be “immune to cancel culture,” Pavlovski said. Video content creators could post videos on Rumble, which would operate as a “free and open internet” site where users could post videos and free express their views. On Rumble, users would be free from “cancel culture” Pavlovsky said.

And at the same time, users would become profit sharing users, who could make money.

Rumble filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google Search in January 2021, claiming it controlled search results, meaning users searches didn’t freely explore all results. The lawsuit is ongoing.

Meanwhile, the use of the Rumble video platform grows. In 2021, there were 36 million average users per month. That’s an increase from 1.6 million users per month in 2020. In January 2022, Rumble had 39 million users.

How to the Use Rumble Video Platform

How to use Rumble video hosting is simple. It’s easy to join Rumble.

  1. Set up a Rumble account.
  2. Create a profile with your name, user name, password, address, birthdate and other information.
  3. Choose what type of Rumble account you want. You can have 3 choices: Free, Publisher, Business or Personal.

With each type of account, you’ll upload videos which are your own videos. Those videos will be shared by live streaming using the internet.

What are the differences between the types of accounts? Keep reading.

How to Make Money on Rumble by Uploading Videos

One basic difference between the types of accounts is how your videos will be used, and how you will be paid.

  1. Free account – Your videos will be shared only on Rumble. If you video is approved, you’ll make $50, and if your video makes the “front page” of Rumble you’ll make $100. If Rumble advertisers are connected to your video, you’ll earn 60% of the ad revenue.
  2. Publisher account – Rumble manages your videos. Your videos will appear on Rumble and Rumble may also share the content with YouTube and other social media platforms. You’ll be paid 90% of what the video earns on YouTube and 60% of what is makes on other sites. Rumble’s other partners include MTV, XBox, Yahoo, MSN and others.
  3. Business account – You’ll pay $25 a month for a Rumble Business account and enjoy ad-free viewing. Most business account users are uploading, sharing and selling stock footage.
  4. Personal – Your Rumble videos will only be shared with the family and friends you choose.

Pros of Using Rumble

  1. Good platform monetizing users videos with good titles, original content.
  2. Many users like that there’s no need to build subscribers before you start to earn money with your first video on the Rumble platform.
  3. Rumble editors help with your video platform titles and good descriptions.
  4. Rumble editors help with placement on chosen social media platforms (with the Publisher account).
  5. Emphasis on free speech ahead of censorship.

Cons of Using Rumble

  1. To date, YouTube has a stronger broad audience of users.
  2. To date, users report that Rumble can’t match YouTube’s upload speeds.
  3. Licensing Options – In order to use the Publisher Rumble platform, you give Rumble exclusive rights to manage and share your video. With non-exclusive users the video only appears on Rumble.
  4. Non-exclusive users of Rumble – those who retain rights to their videos – can only use the Rumble free account. You can earn money based on viewings on Rumble, but your video won’t be shared to other platforms.
  5. To date, Rumble doesn’t have enough subscribers to compete with YouTube. But stay tuned as the Rumble platform grows.

Rumble Vs. YouTube

Both Rumble and YouTube are free to join and provide equal opportunity. Which has the easier monetization rules? Each has different monetization rules.

Instant monetization is one of the things users like about Rumble. But with a non-exclusive license your video will only appear on Rumble.

YouTube’s path to monetization has particular requirements:

You need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time before you start making money. Once you reach that threshold, you’ll earn $3 to $20 per 1,000 views (these are averages).

The site called Rumble has no subscriber number requirement, which is a plus for someone just getting started with a blog post.

Sharing a funny video with Rumble doesn’t mean you’re excluding YouTube. If you have a Rumble publisher account, your video platform may expand to the YouTube Channel and other sites.

Tips to Maximize Your Rumble Revenue

Here are a few more things you need to know that will help you earn the most money you can on Rumble:

  1. Don’t overlook specific videos you’ve previously posted on other sites. Rumble may use your old YouTube videos if you have a publisher account.
  2. You can make a little money by tagging videos on Rumble. You’ll earn .05 for each video you tag.
  3. Explore Rumble with a free account. Get started and see how you like the site.
  4. Do the math. If you don’t feel you’re making enough as your video is only viewed on Rumble, you can change your account to Publisher.

My Rumble Channel And Videos

You know the video you’re shooting is loaded with opportunities to go viral and for YOU to get paid, but that’s not happening… is it?

Introducing, a platform that brings value to your video! First, you Shoot your video Second, you Upload your video and third, you select your licensing option (opt for either profit sharing or sell it for upfront cash)

Within twenty-four hours, the Rumble algorithms, based on sharing and tagging, will determine the quality or value of your video.

If it checks out, we take you on the front page of rumble dot com and help place your content on MSN, YAHOO, XBOX, MTV and MORE.

Why Simple! We’ll give your approved content access to the outlets that monetize video over TEN TIMES better than YouTube. Stop giving your great content away and get access today to the market that delivers more revenue and better distribution. Upload your video today and see what happens. It’s time to Rumble!

Support The Danny Boy Project By Way Of Referral – Join Rumble Here:

Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

Buy Me A Coffee Logo
Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

Website + Resources



YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Most Of My Old Accounts, Aliases, Groups, Pages And Channels

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Most of my old accounts, aliases, groups, pages and channels have since been battered with censorship, i have lost access or credentials or lost the accounts associated with them. some are still active, although most of the relevant content on them has since been zapped or wiped off the platform altogether.

This compiled list is of groups, pages and channels taken from and old blog i did back in 2017 and updated in 2018 when i was founder of platforms such as ‘New Truth Order”, The Truther Hub and And Co-Founder of many other “Intel Ops” with some good friends that i won’t be mentioning here for fear of putting them in a compromising position, bring them any unwanted attention or cause them any “inconveniences” afterall we were becoming a HUGE problem and headache for the Globalists , mainly “Big Tech” (until the penny dropped ‘fast , heavy and hard’ one time when it occurred to me and my fellow “Truthers”who or what we might have been in bed with ‘so to speak’.) Battling “CAKU” everyday was’nt helping either , it was like pushing a giant boulder uphill every other week. The globalist resistance to us was strong, they sent their shill by the droves ! ! !

CAKU (Worldwide Collaboration Of Intel Agencies)

Have you guys dealt with these modern day Gestapo and minions of the “Ruling Class” yet?

These “Cyber Warfare Units” And intelligence branch of the British Army ‘77th Brigade’ militants hide behind “honeypot” groups such as “Chemtrails Are Killing Us” (There is that infamous 33 again)

Chemtrails Are Killing Us

Notice the admin/mods in this group above are members of the R.A.F. Airforce, Military, Stasi, Secret services, Feds, Shills and the list goes on. If your brave enough go in and tell them about the chemical trails in ireland today. P.S. I would STONGLY NOT using our personal account. Again…..I can not stress this enough. Enter at your own peril!!!!!!

Find Out More About CAKU – JTRIG – 77th Brigade And Intel Agency Coups Here

Just for the record when i set out on my “Save The World By Virtual Means” mission back in 2016, i had no clue as to what “new aged paganism” was, or the ‘Luciferian’ “Lucis Trust Publishings” behind it, i was self admittedly roped into a lot of the “enlightenment”, “accession”, “light worker” Occultist brainswashing and it took a lot for me personally to wake up out of that “Stupor”, i too once considered myself an “Esoteric” Lightworker / Node doing the work of God (God Our Creator, NOT Lucifer all because i knew a thing or 2 that others did not, through research, findings secret doctrines and encounters with other like minded individuals , whom most turned out to me United Nation Plants, Or Shills.

A few years of non-stop “New Aged Propaganda” and Satanic Occultist Paganism wrapped nicely in “Red Pill” gift paper, a nice little “enlightenment” bow on the side and a little “Lightworker” figurine on top did the trick. It was back to the drawing board followed by months of depression after that. That was a rough moment of “realisation”.
The penny that dropped was hard and heavy. I vowed to never allow myself to be brainwashed by any other form of cultism no matter how it is “presented” to me, I was a natural born sceptic who had falsely assumed that I had “found my way”, only for it to be taken from me again, a “sceptic” i will be now again until I take my last breath. On the flip side the experience has made me who I am today and unfortunately sometimes we need to be put through these chains of very negative events so as to bring about the very “Positive Ones” and I have BIG Plans to.

These individuals are all part and parcel of the worldwide genocide Followed By The New World Order / One World Government, One World Religion , Prison Planet under the guise of Covid/Climate Change And “Sustainability Goals“.

Original Source:

New Truth Order

These are totalitarian “plans” that undemocratic world leaders across the globe (193 to be exact under the guise of these plans hiding behind labels such as “Sustainability Plans”, “Sustainability Goals”, “Climate Change”, “Climate Action” and all of the other hoodwinks, smokes and mirrors being knocked about.

I plan on combating that.

A “cyber War” on the “Oligarchic Globalists” if you will.

To achieve this I will needs hundreds of groups on many platforms, each group acting as an Anti or “Counter Attack” Group for each of the elements on Dr Richard Days “List”.


The first thing on “The List” is ‘Population Control’ We already have groups for that:





(Globalist Minions, Psyop Agents or Nazi Sympathizers Need Not Apply)

We have a lot of groups set up on many social media networking platforms including more secure platforms outside of mainstream few.

But we need more, and admins and mods that specialize in all or any of the elements of “The Plans” whether it be political, environmental, Social, Government policy, political stability or instability, bureaucracy, corruption, competition regulation, foreign trade policy, tax policy, trade restrictions, labor/copyright/consumer protection laws, funding grants & initiatives, etc to aid us in our attempts to safeguard you and your families freedoms and democracies.

Please help by getting in touch and offering to help us on any of the following platforms.

We New Truth Order and The Truther Hub are willing to consider coalitions so as to network and branch out and awake the masses

We are now back up and running on…….

Daniel Frank O Shea

Founder Of New Truth Order, The Truther Hub and

Channels, Accounts, Groups, Pages



New Links updated for those of you who want to stay in touch

Facebook (Faschbook)




(The Truther Hub ‘International Group’)

(The Truther Hub – Irish Division)


‘The Truther Hub’ Facebook Feeds

Agenda 21: Depopulation, Monsanto, Chemtrails and Vaccines




Alternative Medicine + Health [Anti Conventional Medicine]





Wake Up People Woke AF

New Truth Order

Ireland Unhinged


20+ more pages to be added within week.



Wickr ID: Contact me privately for ID.


Mewe Groups:











Anonymous Ireland (Eire)


Yellow Vest (Mouvement des gilets jaunes)


Nationalism Vs Globalism



Green Needle:


My Blogs


The Shill Hunter:



My ‘Green Needle’ Blogs:

Yes, There Are Covert Government Troll Training PSYOP Programs. Enter : JTRIG (The ‘Honey Trap’)

The ‘Yellow Vest Movement’ (Mouvement Des Gilets Jaunes)

The ‘Yellow Vest Movement’ (Mouvement Des Gilets Jaunes) The “Heros” Rising And Standing Up Against The Greater Israel And Their Zionist Agenda, New Universal Agenda, Western Oligarchy Government, Media Propaganda, The Eugenicists, And That Brutal European Power That Be… The Nazi Super State aka ‘United Nations’ (Now Covenant Of Democratic Nations Since 2017) That Are Anything But Democratic




How The Shills And Trolls Story begun.


CAKU must be stopped.


The Largest CAKU, Badgers and Trolls Archive The Internet Will Ever See.



Tutanota (encrypted email services)

For anybody needing to contact me privately. (NOT IN USE ANYMORE SEE WEBSITE FOR NEW CONTACT DETAILS)


Wickr (encrypted messenger)


Vote Freedom

Vote Democracy

Vote Populism

Vote Anti-Globalism

Vote Anti EU

Vote Anti United Nations

Vote IreExit

Vote Patriotic

Vote Nationalism

Vote Freedom Of Speech

Vote Freedom Of Information

Vote Anti – Corruption Ireland

Vote Anti – Climate Cult

Vote our children’s futures

#TheTrutherHub #TTH #NewTruthOrder #NTO #CogentIe #CogentNews #DOD #GN #DAM #CogentNews #CogentIE #ChallengingTheGenerallyAcceptedNarrative #QuestionEverything #BeAwakeAF #ExposingCorporateOligarchy #ExposingTheLeft #ExposingClimateCult #ExposingDoomsdayism #ExposingCAGW #ExposingTheElite #Truth #ExposingTheMouthsOfTheEstablishment #ExposingCorruption #ExposingZionists #FreedomOfSpeechAdvocates #FreedomOfInformationAdvocates #AntiCensorshipAdvocates #ExposingTheRulingClass #ExposingThePoliticalClasses #ExposingTheUN #ExposingTheCovenantOfDemocraticNations #Dos #GN


*Remember To Not Forget, There are 7 BILLION OF US (98%) and only a few thousand of “them” (2%)

Anymore Shills Or Their Platforms To Report ? Contact Danny Here:

Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

Buy Me A Coffee Logo
Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

Website + Resources



YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
Thanks !

Buy Me A Coffee Logo
Support My Work By Buying Me A Coffee ? 🙂

Website + Resources



YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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