Remarkable Initiative Vaccination Seminar For Children

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A Remarkable Initiative Vaccination Seminar For Children

I found myself fighting off the swelling lump in my throat and subsequently, the tear drops hastily building up in my eyes the first time I watched this. These children are nothing short of remarkable and deserve a standing ovation for their efforts and awareness to the pharmaceuticals poisons.

The programme itself is absolutely paramount to children’s education and health all over world. Every parent, teacher and child in Ireland should be made aware of the severe adverse side effects and permanent damage caused by poisonous jabs administered to their children at birth including but not limited to

– Eczema
– Chronic Ear Infections
– Diabetes
– Allergies
– Asthma
– Visually Impaired……Just to mention a few ……as a result of toxicity in the body that these poor babies / children do NOT possess the ability to rid, expel of, naturally.

Find Out More Here:

Deadly Truth About Vaccinations (A Must See !)

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