All posts by dannyboylimerick

The illusion of truth effect – repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth

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“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist.

The illusory truth effect (also known as the illusion of truth, truth effect, or the reiteration effect) is the tendency to believe in false information after hearing it repeatedly.

The Thule Society feat Cover Image

The Thule Society

In past programs, we have stated that the New World Order could not have been…

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Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Danny Boy Limerick

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

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TRUMP = TOOL OF THE ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA with Wilbur Ross as 30+ year Puppet Manager. — See Video at bottom.

Click for Source Article on Philosophy of Metrics

1950s CE: Resorts International began as a CIA and Mossad front company to do DRUG money laundering for Rothschilds Crime MOB’s drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities. The connection between Baron Edmond de Rothschild, being one of the original principle investors of Resorts International, and Rothschild Inc. allowing Donald Trump to retain “ownership” over the Atlantic City DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING casinos, which saved him from bankruptcy, should not be considered a coincidence. AFGHANISTAN IN 2018 CE IS THE REASON AMERICAN TROOPS ARE STILL THERE WITH AMERICANS FOOTING THE BILLS!

1970s CE-1990s CE: Wilbur L. Ross Jr. spent 24 years at the New York office of Rothschild Inc. In the late 1990’s CE he started a $200 million fund at Rothschild Inc. to invest in distressed assets. In 2000 CE, on April Fool’s day, Ross raised an additional $450 million to invest in troubled companies. The timing of this strategy could not have been better, as this report from New York Magazine stated: “The 2000–1 rolling stock-market crash, 9/11, and a globally synchronous recession pushed scores of companies into bankruptcy. New Economy high-fliers like Enron, WorldCom, and Global Crossing went bust. But so did Old Economy stalwarts in industries like steel and textiles—victims of excess capacity, global competition, and generous union contracts.”

1978 CE-1990s CE: Trump’s brand manufactured by the Rothschilds Crime MOB’s Think Tanks starting in 1978 and into the 1980’s using the casinos in Atlantic City as DRUG MONEY laundering for the Rothschilds MOB’s Drug trade. In 1978 CE, the Spotlight newspaper reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, and David Rockefeller. “In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.” In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International using Rothschilds MOB MONEY managed by their agent WILBUR ROSS (Secretary of Commerce under Trump)! “Trump soon became a household name, with his colorful personality and his insistence upon naming a variety of luxury hotels, apartment houses and other commercial ventures after himself. But while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International remained hidden from public view.” But the support of the Rothschild’s would become even more apparent. After quickly expanding the reach of Resorts International to Atlantic City in the final years of the 1980’s CE doing DRUG money laundering, Trump found himself in financial trouble as the real estate market in New York tanked. Conveniently, Trump claimed bankruptcy due to the three casinos in Atlantic City under pretend threat from lenders. It was only with the further assistance and assurance of Wilbur L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. that Trump was allowed to keep the casinos and rebuild his threatened empire. All this was pure show as the Rothschilds NEEDED the MONEY LAUNDERING for their DRUG Trades. With Wilbur Ross managing Trump, the Trump Empire continued to roll forward and eventually expanded its brand into the realm of reality television, the newest method of socioeconomic and cultural engineering.

2005 CE: Trump said, “I have to start by saying that I’m a big fan, a very big fan, of the United Nations and all it stands for.”

2016 CE: Trump to AIPAC crowd said, “The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom. It’s not even a friend to the United States of America, where we all know, it has its home. And it surely isn’t a friend to Israel.”

2016 CE: Rothschilds Crime MOB agent $Billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr. supported the nomination of Donald Trump for president in a Bloomberg article dated March 9, 2016 CE saying Trump, “…a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage…” At no time in the history of the modern world and politics has an anti-establishment candidate (Trump is a Rothschilds Crime MAFIA Puppet) been given so much media attention and free airtime ($3+ Billion). The negative reporting of Donald Trump by most media is scripted by Rothschilds MOB Think Tanks use of their fine-tuned cognitive dissonance strategy.

2018 CE: TRUMP’s Cognitive Dissonance uses flip-flops to keep a constant focus of attention on LIES and PROPAGANDA in the mainstream media — A psychological method to manufacture conflict and cause extreme mental and emotional pain and confusion to weaken all its victims — a means to create mental and emotional socioeconomic engineering to transform a large populations. He is helping the Rothschilds Crime MAFIA to destroy the DOLLAR as the world currency by re-engineering Americans to accept their fate as the MAFIA moves to One World Dictatorship (United Nations as the FRONT ORGANIZATION). The MAFIA and Trump are using American Nationalism to transform America into being subservient to Rothschilds MAFIA run United Nations.

TODAY CE: Rothschilds Crime MOB support for front men, Ross and Trump, bringing jobs back to America at lower-wages will help industries like steel and textiles and will support both domestic growth and an increase in wealth for the ROTHSCHILDS MOB including Ross who invested in distressed American assets. The establishment is the international banking Syndicate (Rothschilds Crime MOB). All of the talking points about trade deals and bringing jobs back, as well as the United Nations, NATO, and the national debt, all fit within the methodology of the Rothschilds MAFIA’s monetary transition that weakens America.


Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Danny Boy Limerick

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Trump is Puppet of Kissinger, CFR and Rothschilds, the True Architects of Russian Collusion

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Chauncey Trump

Trump can be likened to the Chauncey Gardiner character of the 1979 film Being There, a simpleton installed in power by secret puppeteers. Like Chauncey, Trump “likes to watch,” and has a notorious appetite for television. Nor, like Chauncey, does he read. Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Trump’s 1987 book The Art of the Deal told The New Yorker that in the 18 months he spent with Trump, he “never saw a book on Trump’s desk, or elsewhere in his office, or in his apartment.”[1] Schwartz told the magazine, “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.” Trump explained he does not need to read extensively because he is able to come to correct decisions “with very little knowledge other than the knowledge I [already] had, plus the words ‘common sense,’ because I have a lot of common sense and I have a lot of business ability.”[2]

The movie ends with one of the most overt references to the Illuminati in modern film history, where pallbearers carry a casket to a tomb modeled on the pyramid on the reverse side of the American dollar bill, featuring a Masonic all-seeing eye, and discuss their plans to make Chauncey the next President of the United States.

The pyramid recalls a similarly Masonic-inspired pyramid featured on the roof of the Israeli Supreme Court. Instrumental in its construction was Yad Hanadiv, an Israeli charitable foundation chaired by Lord Jacob Rothschild. David Rockefeller, the founder of the CFR, has a longtime personal relationship with the Rothschilds. The CFR was a sister organization of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), both agencies of the Round Table, a secret organization created by Lord Nathaniel Rothschild at the bidding of diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes, and which was devoted to “the extension of British rule throughout the world.” David’s grandfather was John D. Rockefeller, a leading Robber Baron whose conquest of America’s oil industry was funded by the Rothschilds. In a press release, David Rockefeller said of the current Baron of the family, “Lord [Jacob] Rothschild and I have known each other for five decades. The connection between our two families remains very strong.”.[3]

Being There was based on a novel by Jerzy Kosinski, who was born in Poland and educated in the Soviet Union before he moved to the United States where he was funded by the Ford Foundation, a known CIA front.[4] Interestingly, the lead character in the movie is the aging business mogel Ben Rand, which may not be a reference to a single person, but to the people behind the powerful RAND Corporation, which was also funded by the Ford Foundation, as well as the Rockefeller Foundation, and where Henry Kissigner—CFR member, and leading agent of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers—was a major participant.

It is becoming increasingly evident that Trump does not possess the competence to have achieved the financial success he enjoys. In fact, a series of studies by the Financial Times has shown how after he suffered a string of six successive bankruptcies, Trump was bailed out by Russian crime lords. This same Russian Mafia and their ties to powerful oligarchs close to Putin helped orchestrate Trump’s successful election to president.

However, what the mainstream media is not exploring, is their ties to Henry Kissinger, the CFR and the Rothschilds. “I don’t doubt that the Russians are hacking us,” Kissinger told CBS’ Face the Nation in an interview that aired December 18, 2016. “And I hope we’re doing some hacking there.” “But it’s very difficult to communicate about it. Because nobody wants to admit the scope of what they’re doing.” In the same interview, Kissinger described Putin as a character out of Dostoyevsky, and said, “And he is a man with a great sense of connection, inward connection to Russian history as he sees it.”[5]

Kissinger then remarked, “I had not thought of President Trump as a presidential candidate until he became a President.” But Kissinger described Trump as “a phenomenon that foreign countries haven’t seen… And I believe he has the possibility of going down in history as a very considerable president.” Kissinger gives Trump credit for “having analyzed an aspect of the American situation, develop a strategy (AUDIO GAP) against his leadership of his own party and prevailing.” “I think he operates by a kind of instinct that is a different form of analysis as my more academic one,” Kissinger said. “But he’s raised a number of issues that I think are important, very important. And if they’re addressed properly, could lead to good—great results.”[6]

Sputnik reported that Kissinger was advising Trump on how to “to bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.”[7] According to Paul Craig Roberts, who was Kissinger’s colleague at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) for many years, this tells us that Kissinger is trying to use better relations with Russia in order to separate Russia from its strategic alliance with China. As Roberts explains: “Kissinger… is aware of the pro-American elites inside Russia, and he is at work creating for them a “China threat” that they can use in their effort to lead Russia into the arms of the West. If this effort is successful, Russia’s sovereignty will be eroded exactly as has the sovereignty of every other country allied with the US.”[8]

Comrade Heinz

Kissinger’s recent recommendations to Trump come from a long history of diplomacy inclined to the interests of the Russians. According to Colonel Michal Goleniewski, a former KGB agent, Kissinger had been recruited by Soviet intelligence during World War II.[9] Goleniewski defected to the United States in January 1961, after which he went to work for the CIA, until he was discredited when he claimed to be Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia, heir apparent to the Russian throne. Nevertheless, Goleniewski was responsible for uncovering a long list of KGB and GRU agents and officers.

Historian Richard A. Moss of the Naval War College recently published an authoritative book-length study titled, Nixon’s Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Détente, revealing how Kissinger established his own personal backchannel to the Soviet leadership in 1968, soon after being named Nixon’s national security adviser. Kissinger used Boris Sedov, a known KGB operative he met when he was visiting Harvard, to whom he conveyed his interest in improving US-Soviet relations. Additionally, Oleg Kalugin, the head of the KGB’s station in Washington, as he recounted in his own memoirs The First Directorate, boasted that the back channel with Kissinger forged a direct line between Nixon and Brezhnev. Kalugin maintains that the KGB preferred Nixon to his election rival, Hubert Humphrey, because no one would dare accuse Nixon of being soft on communism. According to Kalugin:

Again and again, in meetings with Sedov, Kissinger told us not to underestimate Nixon’s political abilities, not to overestimate his anti-Communism, and not to take Nixon’s hard-line campaign pronouncements at face value. Kissinger told Sedov that Nixon, if elected, would strive for a new era of improved relations between the two superpowers.[10]

Only after Nixon’s inauguration did Kissinger and Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin agree that all further communication would be through him. Nixon agreed to set up a secure phone line in the White House linking him directly to Dobrynin. According to Moss, the US intelligence agencies, the National Security Council staff and the Pentagon were kept in the dark about these conversations. Sedov later boasted to Kalugin that he had been so successful in cultivating Kissinger’s assistant Richard Allen that he wanted to try to recruit and even potentially blackamail Allen into becoming an agent, according to Kalugin. Although Kalugin rejected the proposal, Sedov and Allen continued to maintain their relationship, and Allen eventually served as national security adviser to Ronald Reagan.

As Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and a proponent of Realpolitik, Kissinger played a prominent role in American foreign policy between 1969 and 1977. During this period, he pioneered the policy of détente with the Soviet Union, orchestrated the opening of relations with the People’s Republic of China, and negotiated the Paris Peace Accords, ending America’s proxy war against Russia in Vietnam.

After leaving office in 1977, Kissinger was appointed to Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The CSIS board of trustees includes many former senior government officials including Zbigniew Brzezinski, William Cohen, George Argyros and Brent Scowcroft. Within the intelligence community, CSIS is known for having “some of the most insightful analysis and innovative ideas for strengthening our national security,” according to former CIA Director John Brennan.[11] In the University of Pennsylvania’s 2013 Global Go To Think Tanks Report, CSIS is ranked the number one think tank in the world for “Top Defense and National Security Think Tanks.”[12]

In 1982, Kissinger founded Kissinger Associates (KA), after loans had been secured from Goldman Sachs and a consortium of three other banks.[13] KA assists its clients in identifying strategic partners and investment opportunities, advising clients on government relations throughout the world. The firm does not disclose its list of corporate clients, and reportedly bars clients from acknowledging the relationship. In 1999 Kissinger joined Mack McLarty to open Kissinger McLarty Associates. McLarty was Carlyle Group Senior Advisor and White House Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton. Kissinger McLarty is a corporate member of the Council of the Americas, the New York-based business organization established by David Rockefeller in 1965.[14]

In November 2002, Kissinger was appointed by President George W. Bush to chair the newly established 9/11 Commission, under great controversy. Kissinger stepped down as chairman on December 13, 2002 rather than reveal his business client list, when questioned about potential conflicts of interest.[15]

In 2003, Kissinger was in Moscow where he heard George H.W. Bush deliver the keynote speech at a dinner for Russian business leaders, including Yukos-Sibneft founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky, on behalf of the Carlyle Group.

Bush was there to facilitate an $18 billion deal by American oil giant ChevronTexaco for a blocking stake in the new Yukos-Sibneft. Bush was also there to help complete a $500 million deal between Alfa and the Carlyle Group. Carlyle was the eleventh largest military contractor in the US, and a leading contributor to George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign. Former President George H. W. Bush has visited Saudi Arabia at least twice to successfully court bin Laden family financing for the Carlyle Group. Alfa’s dubious clout in Washington during the 1990s was assisted through the support of senior Democrats like Richard Burt and Republicans like Dick Cheney.

In May 2017, Alfa filed a defamation lawsuit against BuzzFeed for publishing the Trump Dossier, which alleges financial ties and collusion between Putin, Trump, and Alfa Bank’s owners in an attempt to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. Alfa, one of Russia’s largest privately owned investment groups, was founded by Mikhail Fridman, a CFR member and the second wealthiest man in Russia according to Forbes, and the eighth wealthiest Jew in the world, according to the Jerusalem Post.[16] Fridman is also co-founder of the Russian Jewish Congress.

As reported by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Knut Royce and Nathaniel Heller, Alfa’s “roots are imbedded in a legacy of KGB and Communist Party corruption, as well as drug trafficking and organized crime funds, according to Russian and U.S. sources and documents.”[17] A former KGB major said that Alfa was founded with party and KGB funds, and soon attracted rogue agents who had served in anti-organized-crime units. Two reports, one by a former US intelligence office and another by a Russian FSB officer, concluded that Alfa had been deeply involved in the early 1990s in laundering of Russian and Colombian drug money and in trafficking drugs from the Far East to Europe. The 2007 report of the global intelligence company Stratfor connected Fridman and Aven to Solntsevo mafia.[18]

The Moscow Times noted that the last Bush had come to Moscow was in June of 1998, just two months before the Russian economy imploded, for the lavish opening of Goldman Sachs’ office there. Kissinger was on the board of Khodorkovsky’s Open Russia Foundation, a position he said he accepted at the invitation of Lord Rothschild, another board member.[19]

For years, Kissinger has argued that promoting a greater balance of power between the U.S. and Russia would improve global stability. In his autobiography, Putin recalled that in the 1990s, he first met Kissinger who asked him a series of questions. “I worked in intelligence,” Putin finally told him. To which Kissinger replied: “All decent people got their start in intelligence. I did, too.” As Putin gained power in Russian politics, eventually becoming president, he and Kissinger kept up a warm rapport even as the United States and Russia grew further apart.[20]

Kissinger met with Putin on December 8, 2015, a few weeks after he had met Donald Trump on November 17, 2016, and one week before Putin and Trump were to meet at the Group of Twenty summit in Germany. These meetings took place despite the swirl of controversy about Russian interference in the election. Kissinger also met with President Trump at the White House in May 2017. This was following a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, a day after Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey, who was leading the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russian officials.

The American public only found out about thanks to photos posted to Twitter by Russia’s state news agency Tass, who photographer was the only one allowed in the meeting, while U.S. journalists were barred. Trump told those attending the meeting that firing Comey, who was “crazy” and a “real nut job,” had relieved “great pressure” on him.[21]

Trump also later confirmed via Twitter that during the meeting he shared information related to a potential airline plot by Islamic State, thought to involve a laptop bomb. Israeli intelligence experts were gravely concerned that Trump’s sharing of classified information with Russia may have compromised an Israeli agent.[22] Lavrov had met first with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to discuss Ukraine, Syria and other bilateral issues.

Journalists were later allowed into the Oval Office, but instead of Lavrov and Kislyak they found Trump sitting alone with Henry Kissinger.[23] Kissinger is one of the few people who can get Trump on the phone whenever he wants, according to one transition adviser.[24] Along with Tillerson, Kissinger is one of the few Americans to meet frequently with Putin.[25] At their meeting of November 17, 2016, Kissinger and Trump discussed “China, Russia, Iran, the EU and other events and issues around the world.”[26] In December 2016, Kissinger advised Trump to accept “Crimea as a part of Russia” in an attempt to encourage a rapprochement between the United States and Russia, as a result of frayed relations due to the Crimean crisis.[27] In a speech in February at the Gorchakov Foundation in Moscow, Kissinger used language familiar to Alexander Dugin: “In the emerging multipolar order, Russia should be perceived as an essential element of any new global equilibrium, not primarily as a threat to the United States.”[28]

Kissinger Associates

Neoconservative Richard Burt, a former Reagan State Department official and US ambassador to Germany, and close ally of Kissinger, helped craft Trump’s first major foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel, in Washington, hosted by the pro-Russia think tank Center for the National Interest (CFTNI) on April 27, 2016. Burt said the main theme he talked about to Trump was the need for the United States to pursue a “more realist foreign policy,” in which the United States would avoid seeking “regime change” abroad, and instead make protecting the itself and its interests the main policy goal.[29]

The Honorary Chairman of CFTNI, which is composed primarily of members of the CFR, is Henry Kissinger. In addition to belonging to Kissinger McLarty, Burt is also a Senior Advisor to CSIS. In 1989, President George H.W. Bush appointed Burt as chief negotiator for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) between the United States and the Soviet Union, with the rank of ambassador. Burt is also chairman of the American Committee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (IISS), founded in 1958 by members of the RIIA. He is also Vice Chairman of the American Council on Germany, and a member of the CFR.

Burt has served as an Advisor of Carlyle Group, was affiliated with the RAND Corporation, and the Aspen Institute. Along with Kissinger, he was affiliated with Hollinger International, whose parent was Hollinger Inc., a Canadian media company based in Toronto started by Conrad Black. Its flagship paper was the Chicago Sun-Times. Hollinger also owned The Jerusalem Post and interests in Australian and Canadian newspaper chains. Hollinger’s boards of directors and advisory boards included Baroness Margaret Thatcher, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Dr. Giovanni Agnelli, William F. Buckley, Newt Gingrich, Richard Perle, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Paul A. Volcker.

The CFTNI was established by former President Nixon in 1994 as the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom, and was renamed was renamed in 2011. The CFTNI publishes the National Interest, its foreign policy bi-monthly magazine, The National Interest, founded in 1985 by Irving Kristol, and which received funding by Hollinger.[30] The advisory council was chaired by James Schlesinger until his death in 2014. Schlesinger was a university professor, researcher at Rand, and became Director of the CIA in 1973. He served as Secretary of Defense from 1973 to 1975 under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He became America’s first Secretary of Energy under Jimmy Carter.

CFTNI’s Chairman Emeritus is Maurice R. Greenberg, chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), which was the largest insurance and financial services corporation in history. He is a past chairman, deputy chairman and director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He was also vice chairman and director of the CFR and a member of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. He is a former chairman and current trustee of the Asia Society, a trustee emeritus of the Rockefeller University, and is an honorary trustee of the Museum of Modern Art, all three institutions founded by the Rockefeller family.

CFTNI’s chairman is General Charles Boyd, a program director of the CFR s and as president of Business Executives for National Security.  Vice Chairman of the CNI is CFR member Drew Guff, who was instrumental in the formation of Russia Partners Company, the first major private equity fund to invest in Russia, and on the Board of Trustees of the Eurasia Foundation. Fellow Vice Chairman is Richard Plepler, the CEO of HBO, a Time Warner company. Another Vice Chairman, Dov Zakheim, is also a member of the CFR, IISS and Adjunct Scholar of the Heritage Foundation.

Other board members include Graham Allison, professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, who was among those mentioned to succeed David Rockefeller as President of the CFR; Jeffrey Bewkes, CEO of Time Warner; Leslie Gelb, a former correspondent and columnist for The New York Times, and currently President Emeritus of the CFR. Governor Jon Huntsman, former Ambassador to China, who was recently selected by Trump to be the next Ambassador to Russia.[31] David Keene, opinion Editor of The Washington Times, President of the NRA and chairman of the American Conservative Union; Zalmay Khalilzad of RAND, and forrner ambassador to Afghanistan and the UN; David McCormick, a Trustee of the Aspen Institute and Carnegie Mellon University, member of the Trilateral Commission, the CFR and the Aspen Strategy Group.

Also on the board is billionaire Peter Peterson, who succeeded David Rockefeller as Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1985 and served until his retirement in 2007. Peterson currently serves as Trustee of the Rockefeller family’s Japan Society and of the Museum of Modern Art, and was previously on the board of Rockefeller Center Properties, Inc. In 1985, Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman, who had previously worked together at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc., founded Blackstone Group, the largest alternative investment firm in the world. Blackstone Group is located in River House on Park Avenue at Fifty-first Street, in a building also occupied by Kissinger Associates.

As reported by Alana Goodman for The Free Beacon, the Center’s ties to Russia extend throughout the organization. The advisory council of the National Interest includes Alexey Pushkov, a Russian Duma official who was targeted for sanctions by the US government in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Pushkov has been criticized for claiming that the Bush administration orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and for blaming the 2013 Navy Yard shooting on “American exceptionalism.”[32]

A Kremlin-backed think tank, the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation (IDC), was formed in New York in 2008 under Putin adviser Andranik Migranyan, which often partners with CFTNI. Migranyan was selected to run the IDC by Sergey Lavrov, according to a confidential State Department cable released by WikiLeaks.[33]

Goodman suggests the IDC originated when Kremlin adviser Gleb Pavlovsky, Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Paul Manafort to discuss forming a Russian-funded think tank, as reported in 2005 by the Russian-American newspaper Kommersant.[34]

According to Forbes magazine, Deripaska is Russia’s sixth-wealthiest man, with an estimated fortune of $13.3 billion.[35] In 2001, about a year after Putin signed a decree granting legal immunity to Yeltsin’s family, Deripaska married Yeltsin’s granddaughter, thereby cementing his own immunity and influence.[36] In 2010, the Financial Times published a story exploring Deripaska’s business relations with Sergei Popov and Anton Malevsky, alleged heads of Russian organized crime groups.[37]

Deripaska’s principle advisor is Nathaniel Rothschild, son of the current Baron of the family, Lord Jacob Rothschild. Nathaniel played a crucial role in 2000, when Deripaska and Roman Abramovich created a partnership and founded RUSAL, the largest aluminum company in the world.[38] Abramovich is the primary owner of the private investment company, Millhouse LLC and is best known outside Russia as the owner of Chelsea Football Club, a Premier League football club. In their 2004 biography of Abramovich, the British journalists Chris Hutchins and Dominic Midgely describe the relationship between Putin and Abramovich as like that between a father and a favorite son.[39] Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin that Putin be his successor.[40] Abramovich and fellow oligarch Lev Leviev would go on to become Chabad Lubavitch’s biggest patrons worldwide.[41]

As early as 2005, Manafort secretly worked for Deripaska on a confidential strategy that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and former Soviet republics to “greatly benefit the Putin Government,” The Associated Press reported.[42] Manafort told Deripaska he was pushing policies as part of his work in Ukraine “at the highest levels of the U.S. government — the White House, Capitol Hill and the State Department.”[43]

According to The Nation, Deripaska’s business partner, Nathaniel Rothschild, owns a stake in Diligence LLC, where Burt served as an Executive Chairman.[44] Diligence is a Washington-based, private global intelligence firm with William Webster, former director of the CIA and FBI on its advisory board.[45] Diligence was co-founded by Nicholas Day, a former officer with M15. The chairman of Diligence’s chairman is Michael Howard, the former head of the British Conservative party. In 2007, Diligence LLC was charged over allegations of corporate espionage in a case that involved the Alfa Group, for whom Burt functioned as an advisor, working closely with its co-founder, CFR member and the second wealthiest man in Russia, Mikhail Fridman.[46]

Diligence offered Deripaska corporate intelligence gathering, visa lobbying, and help in obtaining a $150 million World Bank/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan that was useful in providing cover for Western investors concerned about RUSAl.[47]

During the campaign, Burt also wrote white papers for Jeff Sessions on foreign policy and national security. In 2014, along with Dimitri Simes, a close friend of Putin and CFTNI’s President and publisher of The National Interest, Burt served as a foreign policy advisor for Rand Paul’s campaign for president. Simes was born in Moscow, where he graduated from the Moscow State University.  He studied and worked at the Institute of the World Economy and International Relations, an influential foreign policy think tank in the Soviet Union at that time, while also serving as the deputy secretary of the Young Leninist League (VLKSM).[48] Simes emigrated to the US in 1973. He was selected to lead CFTNI in 1994 by Nixon, for whom he served as an informal foreign policy advisor and with whom he traveled regularly to Russia and other former Soviet states as well as Western and Central Europe.

Before the CFTNI was established, Simes served as Chairman of the Center for Russian and Eurasian Programs at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he was also a Senior Associate. Earlier, he was the Director of the Soviet and East European Research Program and a Research Professor of Soviet Studies at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University. Prior to his work at SAIS, Simes was a Senior Research Fellow and subsequently the Director of Soviet Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Simes is the author of After the Collapse: Russia Seeks its Place as a Great Power (1999), which predicted the rise of Russian authoritarian nationalism.

“No one directly addresses Putin at Dimitri Simes’ level,” noted a Washington-based Russia policy expert. “It just doesn’t happen.”[49] In 2013, Simes attended Valdai International Discussion Club alongside Putin, where both took part in a two-hour panel discussion. Other participants were Germany’s former defense minister and prime ministers of France and Italy. Putin meets Valdai Club’s participants every year since 2004. Among many other Kremlin officials attending Valdai meetings are Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister; Sergei Ivanov, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office; Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Sergei Shoigu, Defense Minister and others.[50] On February 27, 2017, CFTNI hosted a talk on “The Future of U.S. — Russia Relations.” The speaker, Dr. Andrey Sushentsov, works for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is a managing partner with Moscow’s Foreign Policy Advisory Group, and a program director of the Valdai Foundation.

Writing in The National Interest, Simes predicts a revival of a new Cold War, warning that Russia is capable of inflicted more damage than it is on the United States, and that the Americans should be seeking to normalize its relationship with Russia.[51] Washington should do so without illusions, and from a position of strength.”[52] Similarly, during his foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel, Trump said that “an easing of tensions and improved relations with Russia, from a position of strength, is possible.” Sitting in the front row was Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.[53] Simes, the publisher of The National Interest and the organizer of the event, introduced Kushner to Kislyak and three other ambassadors.[54]

Back Channels

Like his mentor Henry Kissinger, a key element to Kushner’s attempts at diplomacy would involve the creation of direct back channels to the Russians. Prior to the inauguration, Kushner met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. CNN alleged that American intelligence officials have claimed Kislyak is a top Russian spy and spy recruiter, which Russian officials have denied.[55] It has also been reported that Kusher met with Sergey Gorkov, who is close to Putin, was trained by Russian intelligence, and runs a state-owned bank that has been placed on a US sanctions list.[56] Yet, Kushner failed to disclose these and dozens of other contacts when sought the top-secret security clearance, which required to report all encounters with foreign government officials over the last seven years.[57]

Kushner also failed to disclose his business ties with George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans.[58] This despite the fact that not only is Soros the brunt of Russian propaganda as a leading “globalist,” and supporter of liberal causes, he is the subject of many discredited right-wing conspiracy theories, in particular, widely blamed on the right for having allegedly paid anti-Trump protesters like town halls and the Women’s march since inauguration.

Also meeting with Kislyak was Trump’s pick for Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who in his confirmation hearings said that he did not have contact with Russian officials during the 2016 US presidential campaign. In March 2017, news reports revealed that Sessions had twice met with Kislyak in 2016. A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had “substantive” discussions on matters including Trump’s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for US-Russia relations in a Trump administration.[59] Sessions subsequently recused himself from any investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election while some Democratic lawmakers called for his resignation.

The New York Times reported that Kushner and Ret. Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, then Donald J. Trump’s incoming national security adviser, had an undisclosed meeting with Kislyak in December 2016 to “establish a line of communication” between the new administration and the Russian government, the White House said.[60]

Trump’s personal counsel, Michael Cohen, along with Trump’s Russian mob-affiliated Lubavitcher business associate Felix Sater, and Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii V. Artemenko, delivered a “peace” plan for Russia and Ukraine to Flynn before he was asked to resign on February 13, 2017. The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.[61]

Similarly, former Blackwater founder Erik Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. On January 17, 2017, The Intercept reported that Prince was advising Trump “from the shadows.” In July, Prince told Steve Bannon that the Trump administration should recreate a version of the Phoenix Program to fight ISIS.[62] On January 11, 2016, nine days before Trump’s inauguration, the United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting between Prince and a Russian close to Putin as part of an effort to establish a back-channel communications to between Trump and the Krelim, according to US, European and Arab officials.[63]

Flynn is the co-author of The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, with neoconservative and former Gladio operative Michael Ledeen, published in 2016. Flynn sees Islam as one of the root causes of Islamist terrorism, describing the religion as a political ideology and a “cancer.” He stated in a Twitter post that “fear of Muslims is RATIONAL” and included a video link claiming that Islam wants “80% of people enslaved or exterminated.”[64] Flynn has been a board member of ACT! for America, an American conservative political group founded in 2007 to “promot[e] national security and defeat terrorism.” Laurie Goodstein of the New York Times states that it, “…draws on three rather religious and partisan streams in American politics: evangelical Christian conservatives, hard-line defenders of Israel (both Jews and Christians) and Tea Party Republicans.”[65] ACT! members have introduced David Yerushalmi’s anti-foreign law bill (also known as anti-Shariah bill) in several state legislatures, accompanying it with “a public outreach blitz about the ‘threat’ of Sharia to America.[66]

In 2013, as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Flynn travelled to Moscow where he became the second director of the DIA to be invited into the headquarters of the GRU, though he will later boast of being the first. “Flynn thought he developed some rapport with the GRU chief,” a former senior U.S. military official said.[67] Records show that Flynn collected nearly $68,000 in fees and expenses from Russia-related entities in 2015. The bulk of the money, more than $45,000, came from Russia Today, when he was invited to a gala in Moscow in honor of RT, to participate in a panel on “Geo­politics 2015 and Russia’s changing role in the world.”[68]

Flynn, who had made semi-regular appearances as an analyst on RT after he retired from government service, sat next to Putin, and at the same table as Green Party candidate Jill Stein. According to the Trump Dossier, a Kremlin official involved in US relations commented that Russian operations involved supporting various political figures, including indirectly funding their recent visits to Moscow, including a delegation from Lyndon Larouche, Jill Stein, Carter Page and Michael Flynn.

Russian Collusion

It has also been reported that Kushner met with Sergey Gorkov, who is close to Putin, was trained by Russian intelligence, and runs a state-owned bank that has been placed on a US sanctions list.[69] Gorkov’s bank, VEB, is regularly used by the Kremlin to finance politically important projects, including some of the infrastructure for the Sochi Olympics in 2014, which cost the Russian government a total of about $50 billion.

VEB employed and financed the defense of a Russian intelligence operative, Evgeny Buryakov, who was deported in April 2017 after pleading guilty and being sentenced in 2016 to prison for his role in a spy ring. That ring also attempted in 2013 to recruit Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who has sought to do business with Gazprom. Another Trump campaign adviser, Michael Caputo, did work for Gazprom Media in the early 2000s.[70]

Jared and Putin confidant Roman Abramnovich have met three to four times in social settings, and their wives have been friends for a decade.[71] Jared and Ivanka were introduced to Abramovich’s wife, Dasha Zhukova, by Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife Wendi Deng. Deng is also one of Ivanka’s closest friends, and a friend of Karlie Kloss, the longtime girlfriend of Kushner’s brother, Josh.[72] Deng was rumored to be dating Putin, which she has since denied.[73] All of them were guests in August 2016 on medial mogul David Geffen’s Geffen’s $200 million yacht off the coast of Croatia, and a few weeks later at the US Open.[74] Zhukova reportedly attended Trump’s inauguration as Ivanka’s guest.[75]

Jared and Ivanka attended a charity event with Abramovich in early 2014, just a few months after the Miss Universe Moscow pageant and Sochi Olympics, that included representatives from Russia’s Alfa Bank, and numerous Russian oligarchs.

Also in attendance was Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’ partner in the Bank of Cyprus, Vladimir Strzhalkovskiy, who worked with Putin in the KGB in the 1980s.[76] When Trump found himself in financial trouble when his three casinos in Atlantic City were under foreclosure threat from lenders, he was bailed out by senior managing director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Wilbur Ross. Ross, who is known as the “King of Bankruptcy,” specializes in leveraged buyouts and distressed businesses. In the late 1970s, Ross began 24 years at the New York City office of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, where he ran the bankruptcy-restructuring advisory practice. Along with Carl Icahn, Ross convinced bondholders to strike a deal with Trump that allowed Trump to keep control of the casinos.

Ross has had direct financial ties to several leading oligarchs from Russia and the Former Soviet Union. As of February 2017, Forbes magazine lists Ross as one of the world’s billionaires, with a net worth of $2.5 billion. Ross has been Vice Chairman and a major investor since 2014 in the Bank of Cyprus, the largest bank in Cyprus, one of the key offshore havens for illicit Russian finance. Since the 1990s, Cyprus has served as one the top three offshore destinations for Russian and former Soviet Union flight capital, most of it motivated by tax dodging, kleptocracy, and money laundering.

According to the Associated Press, starting in 2006, Deripaska made annual payments of $10 million to Paul Manafort through the Bank of Cyprus to advance Putin’s global agenda.[77]

The Bank of Cyprus is led by CEO John Hourican, the former Royal Bank of Scotland head of investment banking that resigned after the group settled with US and UK authorities over Libor fixing. In 2014, the bank selected former Deutsche Bank head Josef Ackermann, as chairman. During Ackermann’s tenture, the bank paid Between $630 and $650 million in those fines for allegedly laundering $10 billion in Russian money suspected to have ties to Putin’s family and associates. Deutsche Bank has also been and still is Trump’s main creditor, and for a long time, the only major bank that would lend him significant money.[78]

Ackermann’s appointment was supported by Ross and Viktor Vekselberg, one of the richest men in Russia with close ties to the Kremlin, and whose Renova Group is the second largest single shareholder in Bank of Cyprus. Vekselberg and Len Blavatnik had formed the Renova investment vehicle, and then the two joined with Fridman’s Alfa Group to form the AAR venture. The Wall Street Journal reported that Ukrainian-born billionaire Sir Leonard “Len” Blavatnik, is part of a number of rich donors to the Republican Party account that Trump is using to fund his legal battles in the Russia Probe. Blavatnik, who was named Britain’s richest man in 2015, founded Access Industries which now owns Warner Music Group. Blavatnik and Vekselberg hold their 15.8 percent joint stake RUSAL. Blavatnik is also embroiled in investigations about his friend Benjamin Netanyahu’s alleged attempts to influence the Israeli media while he was both Prime Minister and Minister of Communications in Israel.[79]

During the 2015-2016 election season, Blavatnik contributed a total of $6.35 million to Trump and the political action committees for Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and John McCain. Blavatnik donated another $1 million to Trump’s Inaugural Committee.[80]

Both Vekselberg and Blavatnik were at the gala attended by Jared and Ivanka, as were Alexey Reznikovich, the head of LetterOne Technology, which is controlled by Alfa Group’s Mikhail Fridman; and Ekaterina Vinokurova, the daughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, with her husband Alexander Vinokurov, who sits on the board of Alfa Group.[81]

In May 2017, Alfa filed a defamation lawsuit against BuzzFeed for publishing the Trump Dossier, which alleges financial ties and collusion between Putin, Trump, and Alfa Bank’s owners in an attempt to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.

According to the Trump Dossier, a top level Russian government official reported that the Alfa Group, led by Fridman and his partners Petr Aven and German Khan, are on very good terms with Putin, providing him informal advice on foreign policy, and especially about the US. A key intermediary is Oleg Govorun, currently Head of a Presidential Administration department, and a close ally of Vladislav Surkov.[82] Govorun apparently previously served as Alfa’s “bag man” delivering illicit cash to Putin when he was mayor of St Petersburg. The Dossier alleges that Alfa held these details as “kompromat” on Putin, who in turn was able to use his own political influence to induce Alfa do his bidding.

On October 31 and November 2, 2016, Slate reported that there had been unusual repeated activity from between two computer servers registered to Alfa Bank in Moscow and a server owned by the Trump Organization. The activity also included communications to a server at Spectrum Health, a medical facility chain led by Dick DeVos, the husband of Betsy DeVos.[80] On 10 March 2017, CNN reported that the FBI was continuing to investigate the unusual computer activity between Alfa Bank and the Trump Organization which had occurred in the summer of 2016, and which had been reported in the media just before the U.S. presidential election.[81] In June 2017, President Trump nominated Brian Benczkowski, Alfa’s former attorney, to be to become Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice.

Further Reading

Sarah N. Lynch. “Exclusive: Alleged Russian agent Butina met with U.S. Treasury, Fed officials.” Reuters (July 22, 2018).

Betsy Woodruff. “Maria Butina: Private Messages Reveal Accused Russian Spy’s True Ties to D.C. Wise Man.” The Daily Beast (August 29, 2018).


[1] Rachel Desantis. “Trump ‘does not read books’: report.Entertainment Weekly (January 25, 2017).

[2] Ibid.

[3] Laurie Bennett. “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds Make a Deal.” Forbes (May 30, 2012).

[4] Mervyn Rothstein. “In Novels and Life, a Maverick and an Eccentric.” The New York Times (May 4, 1991).

[5]Face the Nation Transcript December 18, 2016: Conway, Kissinger, Donilon.” CBS News, Face The Nation (December 18, 2016).

[6] Ibid.

[7]Kissinger to Advise Trump on Bridging Gaps With Russia.” Sputnik (December 27, 2016).

[8] Paul Craig Roberts. “What is Henry Kissinger Up To?” Institute for Political Economy (December 28, 2016).

[9] Frank A. Capell. “Is Kissinger a Soviet Agent?The American Mercury (Summer 1974).

[10] Oleg Kalugin. The First Directorate: My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West. (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), p. 111.

[11] ““ORemarks by John O. Brennan.” The White House. [Retrieved October 7, 2013].

[12] “Global Go To Think Tanks Report” (PDF). University of Pennsylvania. p. 51.

[13] Walter Isaacson. Kissinger: A Biography. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, updated 2005), p. 732.

[14]Council of the Americas Member: Kissinger McLarty Associates.” Council of the Americas. [Archived from the original on February 23, 2007].

[15]Kissinger resigns as head of 9/11 commission.” CNN Inside Politics. (December 13, 2002).

[16]Mikhail Fridman Forbes Profile.” Forbes. (April 1 2017); The World’s 50 Richest Jews. Jerusalem Post (September 7, 2010).

[17] Knut Royce & Nathaniel Heller. “Cheney led Halliburton to feast at federal trough.” The Center for Public Integrity (August 2, 2000).

[18] Zarina Zabrisky. “Nixon Center—Kremlin—Trump.” Medium (March 9, 2017).

[19]George Bush Sr In Russia On Carlyle Business.” The Moscow Times (September 15, 2003).

[20] Nahal Toosi & Isaac Arnsdorf. “Kissinger, a longtime Putin confidant, sidles up to Trump.” Politico (December 24, 2016).

[21] Matt Apuzzo, Maggie Habermas & Matthew Rosenbermay. “Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation.” New York Times (May 19, 2017).

[22] Luke Baker. “Israeli intel experts alarmed by Trump leak but play down any damage.” Reuters (May 17, 2017).

[23] Julie Vitkovskaya and Amanda Erickson. “The strange Oval Office meeting between Trump, Lavrov and Kislyak.” Washington Post (May 10, 2017).

[24] Eli Lake. “Kissinger’s Washington Is Coming Back Around.” Bloomberg (January 4, 2017)

[25] Nahal Toosi and Isaac Arnsdorff “Kissinger, a longtime Putin confidant, sidles up to Trump.” Politico (December 24, 2016).

[26]Trump Holds Meetings With Haley, Kissinger and Sessions.” ABC News (November 11, 2017).

[27] Andrew Buncombe. “Henry Kissinger has ‘advised Donald Trump to accept’ Crimea as part of Russia.” The Independent (27 December 2016).

[28] Henry Kissinger “Kissinger’s Vision for U.S.-Russia Relations.” The National Interest (February 4, 2016)

[29] Mark Hosenball. “Former Reagan aide helped write Trump foreign policy speech.” Reuters (June 8, 2016).

[30] Paul Waldie. “Black, Radler used Hollinger money for donations in their names: committee.” Globe and Mail. (September 1, 2004).

[31] John McCormick. “Trump Chooses Jon Huntsman for Ambassador to Russia, Official Says.” Bloomberg (March 8, 2017).

[32] Alana Goodman. “Rand Paul’s Russian Connection.” Free Beacon (August 20, 2014).

[33] Ibid.

[34] Ibid.

[35]Deripaska, Mogilevich Hired Top U.S. Lobbyists, WSJ Says.” Moscow Times (April 18, 2007).

[36] Mark Ames & Ari Berman. “McCain’s Kremlin Ties.” The Nation (October 1, 2008).

[37] Catherine Belton. “Rusal: A lingering heat.” Financial Times (January 25, 2010)

[38] Landon Thomas. “The Man Who May Become the Richest Rothschild.” New York Times (March 9, 2007).

[39] Ben Schreckinger. “The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin.” Politico (April 09, 2017).

[40] Richard Sakwa. The Crisis of Russian Democracy: The Dual State, Factionalism and the Medvedev Succession. (Cambridge University Press, 2011). p. 135.

[41] Ben Schreckinger. “The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin.” Politico (April 09, 2017).

[42] Jeff Horowitz & Chad Day. “Manafort Had Plan to Benefit Putin Government.” Bloomberg Politics (March 22, 2017).

[43] Jeff Horwitz and Chad Day. “AP Exclusive: Before Trump job, Manafort worked to aid Putin.” AP News (May 22, 2017).

[44] Mark Ames & Ari Berman. “McCain’s Kremlin Ties.” The Nation (October 1, 2008).

[45] Zarina Zabrisky. “Nixon Center—Kremlin—Trump.” Medium (March 9, 2017).

[46] Stephanie Kirchgaessner & Stephen Fidler. “Agency ‘engaged in corporate espionage’” Financial Times (March 16, 2007); Ben Schreckender & Julia Ioffe. “Lobbyist advised Trump campaign while promoting Russian pipeline.” Politico (July 10, 2016).

[47] Mark Ames & Ari Berman. “McCain’s Kremlin Ties.” The Nation (October 1, 2008).

[48] Zarina Zabrisky. “Nixon Center—Kremlin—Trump.” Medium (March 9, 2017).

[49] Alana Goodman. “Rand Paul’s Russian Connection.” Free Beacon (August 20, 2014).

[50] Zarina Zabrisky. “Nixon Center—Kremlin—Trump.” Medium (March 9, 2017).

[51] Dimitri Simes. “Commentary: Russia and America: Destined for Conflict?National Interest  (September/October 2017).

[52] Ibid.

[53] Manu Raju & Marshall Cohen. “Exclusive: Top Trump aide’s email draws new scrutiny in Russia inquiry.” CNN (August 24, 2017).

[54] Ryan Lizza. “How Jared Kushner Helped the Russians Get Inside Access to the Trump Campaign.” The New Yorker (July 25, 2017).

[55] Tom Lister. “Who is Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States?” CNN (March 2, 2017).

[56] Max Boot. “The Russia Scandal Has Reached the Trump Family.” Foreign Policy (March 27, 2017).

[57] Jo Becker & Matthew Rosenberg. “Kushner Omitted Meeting With Russians on Security Clearance Forms.” New York Times (April 6, 2017).

[58] Jean Eaglesham, Juliet Chung & Lisa Schwartz. “Trump Adviser Kushner’s Undisclosed Partners Include Goldman and Soros.” Wall Street Journal (May 3, 2017).

[59] Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima & Greg Miller. “Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show.” Washington Post (July 21, 2017).

[60] Michael S. Schmidt, Matthew Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzomarch. “Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says.” New York Times (March 2, 2017).

[61] Megan Twohey & Scott Shane. “A Back-Channel Plan for Ukraine and Russia, Courtesy of Trump Associates.” New York Times (February 19, 2017).

[62] Jeremy Scahill. “Notorious Mercenary Erik Prince Is Advising Trump From the Shadows.” The Intercept (January 17 2017).

[63] Adam Entous, Greg Miller, Kevin Sieff & Karen DeYoung. “Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel.” New York Times (April 3, 2017).

[64] Mariam Khan. “Trump’s National Security Adviser Has Called Islam ‘a Cancer’”. ABC News (November 18, 2016); “Donald Trump’s national-security team takes shape: Jim Mattis would be a reassuring choice; Mike Flynn is an alarming one.” The Economist. (November 26, 2016).

[65] Laurie Goldstein. “Drawing U.S. Crowds With Anti-Islam Message.” New York Times. (March 7, 2011).

[66] Nathan Lean. “Hirsi Ali Teams Up With Act for America for Event on Islam.” Huffington Post. (August 12, 2015).

[67] Greg Miller, Adam Entous and Ellen Nakashima. “National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say.” Washington Post (February 9, 2017).

[68] Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger. “Trump adviser Flynn paid by multiple Russia-related entities, new records show.” Washington Post (March 16, 2017).

[69] Max Boot. “The Russia Scandal Has Reached the Trump Family.” Foreign Policy (March 27, 2017).

[70] Evelyn N. Farkas. “Jared Kushner’s Not-So-Secret Channel to Putin.” New York Times (June 8, 2017).

[71] Stephanie Baker, Irina Reznik, & Katya Kazakina. “Billionaire Ally of Putin Socialized With Kushner, Ivanka Trump.” Bloomberg (August 17, 2017).

[72] Ben Schreckinger. “The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin.” Politico (April 09, 2017).

[73] Sierra Marquina. “Rupert Murdoch’s Ex-Wife Wendi Deng Is Dating Vladimir Putin.” US Weekly (March 31, 2016).

[74] Anneta Konstantinides. “Who cares about the tennis? Ivanka Trump sits with wife of Russian oligarch as she and husband Jared join Wendi Deng, Karlie Kloss, billionaire Clinton-backer David Geffen, Princess Beatrice and Democratic activist at the US Open.” The Daily Mail (September 12, 2016).

[75] Susanne Craig, Jo Becker & Jesse Drucker. “Jared Kushner, a Trump In-Law and Adviser, Chases a Chinese Deal.” New York Times (January 7, 2017).

[76] Lianna Brinded. “Bank of Cyprus Funded and Controlled by Ex-KGB, Billionaires and Controversial Former Financiers.” International Business Times (November 11, 2014).

[77] Ruth May. “GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia.” Dallas News (August 3, 2017).

[78] John Reed. “Following the Money: Russia, Cyprus, and the Trump Team’s Odd Business Dealings.”
Just Security. (March 30, 2017).

[79] Tal Shalev & Lahav Harkov. “Kafe Knesset for September 11.” Jewish Insider (September 11, 2017).

[80] Ruth May. “GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia.” Dallas News (August 3, 2017).

[81] Grant Stern. “Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump Invested Money With A Russian Oligarch.” The Stern Facts (August 31, 2017).

[82]В Кремль вернулся опытный кремлевец”, Kommersant, (October 12, 2013).

[83] Franklin Foer. “Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?Slate. (October 31, 2016).

[84] Pamela Brown & Jose Pagliery. “Sources: FBI investigation continues into ‘odd’ computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization.” CNN (March 10, 2017).

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Did you also know that Hamas — which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” — would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state? That the Israelis helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups? That Hamas is blowback?

Former Israeli official Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat. Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009 that Hamas is “Israel’s creation.” Hamas was the result of this, as Mehdi Hasan explains. First, the Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors; then, the Israelis switched tack and tried to bomb, besiege, and blockade it out of existence.

1 2 3

Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Danny Boy Limerick

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FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

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PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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An Elite Israeli Intelligence Unit’s Soldiers Are Sworn to Secrecy – but Tell All on LinkedIn

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Soldiers in Israel’s 8200 intelligence unit are so highly prized in the high-tech world that companies want to poach them even before they’re released, leading them to share their knowledge on the professional social network

Of Israel’s intelligence units, 8200 may be the most well-known. It receives frequent attention from the media – partially due to the pipeline funneling unit graduates to high-tech companies – but its operations are secret. Or, at least, they’re supposed to be. Even though its active-duty soldiers have their faces blurred on-camera, many are divulging specifics on one particular social media site.

“Hi LinkedIn, after two years of significant service at Unit 8200… I’m looking for my next challenge.” This is how a soldier nearing discharge from the exclusive unit opened her post on the professional social network. The soldier noted her position in the unit and the various software she worked with – and quickly received some 170 replies, mostly from HR personnel at high-tech firms.

The signal intelligence unit’s soldiers are prohibited from identifying themselves as such on social media, but it appears that this rule is flouted on LinkedIn. Many of them make LinkedIn profiles before they are even discharged, specifying the name of the unit and their own position, preparing themselves for the day after – when they turn overnight from soldiers to highly sought-after employees at startups and tech juggernauts. Overall, there are several hundred profiles on LinkedIn by users identifying themselves as 8200 personnel.

Another profile, by a soldier-student alumnus of 8200 who was recently discharged following over five years of service, noted that he headed an R&D team of seven engineers, specified methodologies he integrated in said team, and more.

IDF Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Tamir Hayman, former intelligence chief, visit an intelligence base. Credit: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit

“HR recruiters contact soldiers from 8200 who make LinkedIn profiles,” says Ravit Segev, global recruiting managed at Cyberproof. “The goal is to start the process with them before they’re discharged and get offers from a whole lot of places, to direct them there before they go out in the world and be the first to offer them a salary.”

She says that “Everybody does it. That’s how you get a situation where these soldiers haven’t been discharged yet, and already have five or six offers.” Segev adds that the main demand for the unit’s alumni comes from cyber firms, and specifically for positions in development and analysis.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in response: “Those serving in 8200 are instructed not to reveal their organizational association or role in the unit on social media. As part of the effort in this regard, debriefings and unit-wide inspections are held, and every violation is being handled by the chain of command.”


‘The tech units have become a showcase’

Of the Intelligence Corps’ tech units, 8200 is the largest and best-known. It began as a radio and wire interception unit, and over the years, it expanded its encryption and data security technology capabilities. A smaller unit, more tightly focused on technological innovation, is Unit 81, which provides specific services for special operations and other security forces. The IDF has a defensive cyber unit as well.

A former officer in one of these units recently told TheMarker that “The tech units have become a showcase.” He stressed that soldiers who know they are being observed from the private sector might change their behavior, and want to maintain a good relationship with their fellow soldiers and commanders, “including due to thoughts of the startup the friend or commander might launch the day after [they are discharged]. The business world is in the consciousness of these units. That’s something that doesn’t exist in other units in the military.”

Many companies are made up of former 8200 personnel, and some of the unit’s former top commanders are senior figures in the world of Israeli venture capital. Tech unit alumni command impressive starting wages in the private sector – 30,000 to 60,000 shekels (about $9,750 to about $19,500) per month, according to market estimates. The median household income in Tel Aviv, for comparison, is 16,000 shekels (about $5,200).

As the IDF cannot compete with the wages offered by the private sector, in some cases, entire 8200 teams go on after discharge to work for startups or companies formed by their commanders. The recruiting in these firms is often done by friends bringing one another onboard. Tech units also have non-profit organizations to maintain networking contacts and locate jobs.

“The feeling of ‘end of an era’ and thoughts about the next step push [soldiers] approaching discharge to do things such as publishing data on social media, or giving information to third parties like placement agencies, when you don’t know if their data is secured,” says Demi Ben-Ari, co-founder and chief technology officer at cyber firm Panorays.

“In the recruiting process in our company, we don’t pounce on candidates like that,” he says. “Instead, we connect soldiers ahead of discharge with various cyber firms – even ones that compete with us directly for talent. We contact units like 8200 and 81, and offer them a tour of the companies’ offices, within the military’s framework. That’s how you make connections safely.”

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Danny Boy Limerick

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Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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How Israel Censors the Internet

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An exposé on Israel’s detailed projects – some public, some covert

An exposé on Israel’s detailed projects – some public, some covert – to influence what people see on the Internet, and what they don’t. From the article, “How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet – – the article has additional information and citations. Since the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, it is essential that Americans are thoroughly informed on this issue.

Original Source:

1 2 3

Vaccination Horror Show Cover Telegram comP


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List of 30 Studies Facemasks Useless

List of 30 studies showing face masks are useless against COVID-19…

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Danny Boy Limerick

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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
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YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Danny Boy Limerick Was Removed From Rumble Video Hosting

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️

“Rumble” Video Hosting Is Not Your Friend ✋🛑🎥📽️📺


I got booted off of the video hosting platform “RUMBLE” without any prior notification or warnings, whatsoever. The last 2 emails I received from rumble team was simply to notify me that there were 2 unread comments for me to view, when i went in to check them, I discovered that the account “no longer existed”

Luckily for me I have all the videos backed up and I think I’ll wait and upload them to my own server instead.

I have built my own social media platform instead, to escape the existing horrors of the dystopian existing social networking platforms out there, tirelessly trying to evade totalitarian censorship systems.

All you have to do is look at the options when signing up for rumble , the choices we have are

  • – Sign Up With Facebook
  • – Sign Up With Google
  • – Sign Up With Email

All cut from the same cloth.

All corporate owned shillbag controlled opposition platforms.

What’s the safest and best uncensored website hosting server companies out there where I can set up my own video hosting website ????? (Answers in the comment section below, please)

Basically I’ll design my own you tube but I’ll need a safe place to host it.

Please and thanks in advance.

ENTER YACK BACK ! ! ! ! ! !

It’s time To Start YAKING BACK Against Technocratic Dictatorship !

Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Danny Boy Limerick

Paypal Donation Button

Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
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YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Danny Boy Limerick YakBack Update

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Hi lads , just back after another FB ban.

I’ve taken a backseat from social media myself in the last few months and concentrated all that time, effort and energy into setting up my own entire social media platform.

I’ve been real busy the last 3 months setting up the new UNCENSORED Social Media platform “YakBack” that is still in testing stages (Beta Version) almost ready for launching.

The new community driven non-corperate privately owned YakBack Social Media Networking Platform has caused a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where it is today but it is finally almost here.

I still have a lot of work to do on the project yet and will be incorporating video sections and stories /reels functionalities similar to that of FB, Insta, TikTok and the likes, just to mention a few.

I’m expecting another ban on here today but I’m not fretting, because they won’t be able to ban any of us on my new social platform.

YakBack can be accessed from either of the following domain names.

(The .ie domain is currently undergoing SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption.

Right now new members are being slowly accepted onto the platform (moderated) whilst the back bone security is still under construction.

YakBack will come equipped with state of the art security measures and I hope to open the floodgates to new users in the next few weeks once I am happy that the project is stable enough and mainstream worthy.

YakBack will come equipped with a Messenger much the same as Telegram “secret chat” which will provide “end to end encryption”.

Please help by reporting any issues or bugs to the YakBack telegram chat here

I’ll be back on with more updates soon. In the meantime I will post any major platform upgrades or news to the telegram channel

Just before I go……there is another government account sowing discord amongst the movement/community that goes by the name of

“Seamus Eire”.

Another Troll Account pushing the usual controlled opposition platforms and state agents.

All you have to do is look at the people commenting under he’s posts to build the network of the state agents.

Seamus Eire

Mass report and block.

I’ll be back soon with more updates and if Facebook delete another one of my accounts I’ll simply create another 3. It’s THAT easy.

Chat soon lads. Take Care.

BTW. Phil Beirnes is working directly for the government. He is paid handsomely for what he does.

Later guys. I’ll keep doing what I can to safeguard our free speech and our children’s futures in the meantime beware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They are ramping it up lately because Gemma and Dolores , Graham and Dee Wall etc etc are all getting exposed.

Keep up the good work. Keep PUSHING back and YAKBACK !!!!!!!!!!!


There are more than a few ways to skin a cat.

*Watch this space.

#DannyBoyLimerick #TheShillHunter #TheGoodPeopleFightingTheGoodFight #opWeCanSeeYou

Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
Read More

Sources :

Danny Boy Limerick

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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only.
If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going,
please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project.
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YakBack Social Network [uncensored]


The Shill Hunters (Group Chat) –

Facebook Page DBL:
(Censored Close To Unpublishing)

Facebook Page DBL 2.0:
(Censored – Restricted Shadow Banned)

FB Profile: (Restricted For 90 Days)

FB Profile: (Banned Multiple Restrictions)

The Shills Hunters: (Shill Hunters Only)

PocketNet (Bastyon):

New You Tube Channel –



Landing Page (Linktree)

Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.

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Dolores “Dolly” Cahill The Pro Vaccine Queen

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The following information is a presentation of evidence, combined with my opinions, based on factual details available in the public domain. My opinions are based on the evidence. I do not claim to present an overarching or objective truth, and I encourage all readers to engage in their own research by following the links available in this document. It is up to each individual to research for themselves in order to determine whether or not your conclusions align with my assessment and analysis of the evidence. Consider this document a starting point to a larger body of research and more thorough investigation.

Dolores Cahill is an Irish pro-vaccine queen and one of the leading voices of the so-called “anti-vaccine” movement. The mainstream media refers to Cahill as an “anti-vaccination” advocate and conspiracy theorist, who is spreading medical misinformation. Professor Cahill has a degree in Molecular Genetics and a Ph.D. in Immunology. Let’s take a look at Dolores Cahill’s career and see if the mainstream media’s representation of her is accurate.

From her Bio:

Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill is a world-wide renowned expert in high-throughput proteomics technology development and automation, high content protein arrays and their biomedical
applications, including in biomarker discovery and diagnostics.

What is Protemics?

What are Protemics used for? Here are a few papers and articles.

Proteomics for development of vaccine

Single-Cell Proteomics Tackles Vaccine Development

Proteomic contributions to our understanding of vaccine and immune responses

The role of structural proteomics in vaccine development: recent advances and future prospects

Prioritization of potential vaccine targets using comparative proteomics an designing of the chimeric multi-epitope vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Proteomics and Its Application in Pandemic Diseases

What is Biomarker Discovery? According to WikiPedia:

Biomarker discovery is a medical term describing the process by which biomarkers are discovered. Many commonly used blood tests in medicine are biomarkers. There is interest in biomarker discovery on the part of the pharmaceutical industry; blood-test or other biomarkers could serve as intermediate markers of disease in clinical trials, and as possible drug targets.

New developments and concepts related to biomarker application to vaccines

So far, just from the first line of her bio, we have learned that Cahill has been involved in working on vaccine technology and is connected to the
pharmaceutical industry through her work on biomarkers. Let’s continue. Prof. Cahill pioneered this research area at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany, and holds several international patents in this field with research, biomedicine and diagnostic applications.

Given that she holds several international patents in this field, it is fair to assume that any vaccine company that uses her technology will pay her a lot of money
for it. To put it another way, she stands to profit from the manufacturing and development of vaccines.

“The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics is a research institute for molecular genetics based in Berlin, Germany. It is part of the Max Planck Institute network of the Max
Planck Society for the Advancement of Science”.

More from her bio:

● Over 20 years expertise in high-throughput protein & antibody array, automation, proteomics technology development & biomedical applications in biomarker
, diagnostics & personalised medicine.

● Since 2005 to present, Full Professor of Translational Science, School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Academic, Researcher, Lecturer, Module Coordinator in
Pathology Teaching, School of Medicine & Conway Institute

● 15 years as Irish, EU & international expert & advisor including Seconded National Expert to European Commission

Company Co-founder & Shareholder (1997-2019) of Protagen AG in Germany ( Protagen Protein Services (2012-2019) contract services to
healthcare sector & pharmaceutical industry (

From Protagen’s website:

Protagen Protein Services (PPS) is a world leading CRO and recognized expert for analytical services in protein science regarding characterization, method development, validation and routine testing of antibodies, proteins, vaccines and other formates of biopharmaceuticals.

A CRO (Contract Research Organization) is a company that provides clinical trial management services for the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries.

Here is Protogen’s Vaccine Page.

From Cahill’s Bio:

● Since 2016, co-founding shareholder and Advisory Board member of Prof. Stephen Pennington’s UCD School of Medicine/Conway Institute spin-out company, Atturos Ltd.
working to improve Prostate Cancer diagnosis ( and

From Atturos’s website:

Atturos is a fast growing clinical diagnostics company developing molecular diagnostic tests to support better patient decisions. Currently focusing on the identification of serum protein
biomarkers, Atturos uses cutting edge technology in collaboration with key clinical consortia and big pharma.

If you scroll to the bottom of their page, you can see some of their Big Pharma partners which include Merck and Pfizer.

It is interesting that one of the leading voices in the so-called “anti-vaccine” movement co-founded and sits on the board of a company that partners with Merck, Pfizer and a handful of other Big Pharma companies. To put it another way, it is in her personal financial interest to make decisions that will benefit
companies like Merck and Pfizer as well as her own company, Atturos, Ltd.

Selected Academic Leadership and Contributions: Invited Speaker, Keynotes,
Conferences organised:

● Prof. Cahill has given over 100 Keynotes in USA, Europe, China, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, South America:
● 18th-19th May 2020:
Chair, Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytics & ATMP Manufacturing, Dublin.

What are ATMPs?

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) are medicines for human use with an active
therapeutic substance based on at least one of the following;
● Technology to modify patient genome
● Recombinant nucleic acids or genes
Substantially manipulated cells
● Cells intended for a different essential function in the patient versus the donor
Engineered tissue

We can learn more here, in this article by BioPharm International Editors.

NHC was announced as a preferred bidder in December 2020 to become one of the initial three centers to provide hands-on training for advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) and vaccine manufacture as part of the Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network (ATSTN)—a UK-wide initiative. ATSTN has been awarded funding by the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy for the delivery of training centers across the UK that will help to develop practical skills and address the growing need in vaccine and ATMP manufacturing.June 2020: Keynote Speaker, BioTech Pharma Summit, CBB 2020, Portugal.

Back to Cahill’s bio:

● 24th-25th Sept 2020: Guest Speaker, Biotechnology Business Workshop, British Embassy & Biotech Atelier Sofia.
● 8th-9th October 2020: Keynote Speaker, Global Engage, Liquid Biopsies Conference, London.

From Global Engage’s About Me Page:

Bringing Pharma, Biotech, Academia, Technology and Investment Together
Global Engage was founded in 2009 in order to create events that enhance the knowledge pool of the life science industries and engage key stakeholders. We have a particular focus on drug discovery, biologics, genomic sequencing, agriculture and health technology.

● 13th-14th February 2019: Keynote Speaker Companion Diagnostics & Biomarkers Conference 2019

From their website:

Clinical biomarkers and companion diagnostics deliver significant patient benefits, healthcare cost savings, and revenue opportunities while providing a foundation for precision medicine.
Pharmaceutical companies are embracing biomarkers as a way to decrease drug failures in the clinic by streamlining patient selection and stratification. The need for open discussion between pharma and diagnostics partners to find common ground, address strategy and technology issues, and form sustainable partnerships is at an all-time high. Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Companion Diagnostics and Clinical Biomarkers conference program is designed to bring together major stakeholders in the field of drug-diagnostics co-development to foster successful science and business strategies in the rapidly changing healthcare environment.

Cahill’s Bio:

● 13th-15th March 2019: Speaker, Intergovernmental meeting in Bulgaria
● 10th -11th October 2019: Chair and Speaker, Immuno-oncology, London
● 13th-14th September 2018: Speaker, 5th Precision Medicine & Biomarkers Leaders
Summit, Munich & Chair of Roundtable on Personalised Medicine & Adverse Events

Sounds like quite the sorcerer to me. The rest of her bio is also worth a read. I won’t hash out the entire bio here, but if we read it in full, we will find that she was also honored with a lifetime award from the Federation of European Biochemical Societies in Norway for her research, as well as the BMBF BioFuture Prize by the German Minister of Science. You can read all about BioFuture here. I am sure you will find it quite enlightening. At this point, I’d like to pause and ask a very simple and reasonable question.

Would the Federation of European Biochemcial Societies and German Minister of Science give these awards to someone whom they believed was threatening their business goals? Is it safe to assume that these awards are reserved for only the select few people that actually go above and beyond in not only their own professional achievements, but also their ability to help these entities achieve their goals?

It is also interesting to note that Dolores Cahill was involved in developing a meningitis vaccine in Africa which may have caused the Ebola outbreak.

So far, we have learned (just from her bio) that this person who is known by the majority of the public as a leading voice in the “anti-vaccination” movement – has spent the majority of her career developing technologies for vaccines and drugs.

What a hero. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Obviously, there is no way this person would be allowed to have such a spotlight in the “opposition movement” unless she served the Global Agenda. But we don’t have to speculate or rely on unfounded conspiracy theories, we can see it all right there in her bio. So, what else can we learn about Cahill?

Well, how about we take a look at some of the things she has said to see if we can determine what some of her beliefs and opinions are. Let’s call this section:


Cahill: “What I want to publicize is, it’s well known in immunology, you can take preventive measures to boost your own immune system, so that even if you were a little bit malnourished or rundown, that if you take vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc, your immune system will be boosted, and also if you eat—good nutrition—so that if you come across the virus […] you will have hardly any symptoms, you will clear the virus.”

Really? And what virus is that? Is there any evidence that such a virus exists? Of course not. She may as well be talking about the tooth fairy , Covid was / is a HOAX. The poison is in the Vaccines

Cahill: “SARS virus circulated [since] 2003 and essentially every three or four years since, so that people are immune—so that everybody practically in the world is immune.

How can someone claiming to be an expert in these fields, with such an impressive professional resume – not understand that viruses don’t cause disease and there was no “circulation of SARS” or any other so-called viruses, because viruses don’t exist? Are these not very basic, elementary concepts? Is she stupid?

Cahill: “So when they reported in the California study, in the Bakersfield study, with Dr. Erickson, it turned out the percentage [of the population that are infected with COVID-19 was around 7% right? So globally the people have antibodies in general, whether for COVID-19 or not, that would test positive in these things—it’s between 7% and 15%. But it just means the other people don’t have antibodies that are detectable or they don’t need to develop antibodies, because they’re not attacked by these viruses and they don’t have any symptoms.”

Viruses can’t “attack” anything because there is no such thing as a virus. Has this person not read a single book about the origins and history of virology? How is it that we, mere mortal researchers understand this completely – but this person who has spent her entire career in the field has no idea about this fundamental and foundational concept about what causes disease?

Cahill: “Hydroxychloroquine […] was shown […] by doctors worldwide to be the most efficient treatment for the coronavirus.”

Actually, no. Drugs don’t treat viruses. Drugs (allegedly) treat illnesses, disease and symptoms. Saying that something treats a virus is the same as saying that if you weren bitten by a dog, you take medicine to treat the dog. But that’s nonsense, of course. You take medicine to treat the BITE WOUND. But the real issue here is that drugs don’t actually do anything except add toxicity to your body, which causes illness and disease.

Viruses have no nucleus.
There’s no respiratory system.
There’s no circulatory system.
There’s no digestive system.

Therefore, Viruses are not alive,

they are not transmittable nor transmutable.


Cahill: There’s been papers published by the U.S. Army, where they have certain flu vaccines in 2017 and 2018 given to soldiers, that when they naturally come across a coronavirus, they have a cytokine storm and are severely sick. So it turns out in the vaccines that were given in Wuhan and in Italy, in the Lombardy region, … these vaccines have been grown on dog tissue and dog tissues are known to have coronaviruses.

Rather than admit and acknowledge that the unknown toxins in vaccines are causing the illness, she still insists that the virus is actually the source of the illness. And she sources “papers published by the U.S. Army” as a credible source – as if the military is the authority for truth and has an obligation or interest in providing the public with it. The job of the military is to conduct psychological warfare via fear, propaganda and deception.

Cahill: [Vaccines are] “not safety tested and a lot of the ingredients that are in vaccines are known themselves to actually be bad for the immune system, like aluminium or mercury, so there is absolutely no necessity for those kinds of toxic ingredients to be in vaccine adjuvants at all.”

Says the lady who has spent her entire career working for Big Pharma and developing vaccines?

Cahill: “It’s been known for like sixty years that just simple mineral-type oil is plenty antigenic for the body to elicit an immune response, you do not need to be adding in human DNA, mercury, aluminium.”

An immune response to what? Oh, right – an invisible thing that nobody has ever seen or proven exists.

Cahill: “There is no need for social distancing. There are only three organisms that are transmitted in that way, and it’s TB and smallpox and Ebola, so this one is not. This one is transmitted if a droplet is on a door handle.

Smallpox and Ebola are SCAMS. Anyone who has done even just a cursory amount of research into Smallpox or Ebola understands this clearly. Neither is caused by an “organism” and “this one” isn’t transmitted by a droplet on a door handle. In order to make such a claim, one would have to conduct valid scientific experiments to prove this claim, which nobody in the world has done.

Dolores Cahill is a liar.

Cahill: What a mask does, it’s entirely the wrong thing. It actually reduces the oxygen supply to you, so actually everybody has latent viruses within their body, and because you’re under oxygen stress, it allows viruses that were latent—because you’re under stress it decreases your immune system.”

Do you see how these swindlers operate? They always give you a bit of truth (masks reduce oxygen supply) and then misdirect you with a lie (viruses).

Cahill: “[COVID-19 patients become] immune for life and will no longer transmit the disease.”

Immune to what? Even if COVID19 was contagious (it’s not), and really was caused by a virus called Sars-Cov-2 (it’s not), how could anyone in the world know that you would be “immune for life,” when it’s only been a year since this started (at the time of her interview)?

But this is just another stupid distraction to get us to believe that people “transmit the disease.” Disease is not contagious.

Cahill: “Hydroxychloroquine will work for all these types of viruses, these coronaviruses.”

What Viruses? Who has a virus? The CDC doesn’t, and neither does anyone else in the world. Is this person an idiot? How can this person possibly be considered an expert? Of course she’s going to promote HCQ, because she’s a DRUG DEALER and a whore for Big Pharma. And if you take HCQ in too high of a dose, guess what will happen? YOU WILL BECOME DEATHLY ILL. Then, this lady will blame your illness on a mysterious new and invisible virus.

Cahill: In general these [corona]viruses have 30,000 nucleotides but in this [SARS-CoV-2]—there’s actually a stretch of 12 nucleotides that are not present in the other viruses, and this would not happen naturally.” [referencing Anderson et al. Nature Medicine, Figure 1]

As we can see, she is planting the seed for the suggestion of a “man-made pathogen” using the common, pathetic sleight-of-hand tactics that we are used to. Since there is no natural virus, then there can be no man-made virus. Cahill can create a conspiracy theory about a bioweapon and then the mainstream fact checkers can come and debunk her lies with their mainstream lies. It’s designed this way, and it works effectively.

But how precisely could anyone in the world possibly know how many nucleotides are in SARS-CoV-2, without first isolating SARS-CoV-2? And which image does she reference? A silly chart, designed on a computer, which came from the imagination of some scientists who have never observed a virus called SARS-CoV-2.

Colourful Chart.

Yes, her evidence is literally a colorful chart, created in a computer software program. This is how far we have fallen from reality.

Cahill: “The PhD student from this lab [in Wuhan] died and it was at her funeral, it seems, in Wuhan that people started to get the initial symptoms [of COVID-19] after her funeral.”

Oh, it seems so, does it? What an absurd statement. Should we base scientific discoveries and conclusions on things that seem to be a certain way? Or should we be conducting rigorous experiments, with negative control groups, and having those observations and conclusions confirmed by other scientists in a manner that is consistently repeatable?

So what were the details of the funeral story? Who were the people and how many got sick? Do they have names? What sort of symptoms did they develop?
Were they hospitalized? Did they recover? Were samples drawn? Any negative controls? Was toxicity ruled out?

Oh, to hell with all of that red tape … it seems so, let’s just go with that.So, what does Dolores have to gain from her role in the opposition movement, as she “fights” for the people of Ireland? Well, let’s have a look at her business dealings.

Doloros Cahill is the Co-Founder of Freedom Airway and Freedom Travel Alliance (FAFTA). From their website:

The community we are creating is a group of passionate trailblazers defending freedoms and rights to travel the world. We honor people’s right to travel freely, embracing cultures, wildlife, and the environment while creating shared economic opportunities.

Do you smell a rat? I do. Here’s their Facebook page. Note that they call themselves an Information Technology Company, but they also appear to be in the travel space. Exactly what they do is vague and ambiguous.

Want to join the community? Membership starts at $100 and includes $200 and $500 tiers.

Ahh yes, the inevitable sales pitch. Give your money to Dolores so that she can “fight for Ireland.” For those who decide to pay these people (to do what, exactly?), membership will “bring you into the effort to assure that your family’s natural health rights while traveling are protected from injurious regulation and discriminatory policy.”

I see. Apparently they’ll fight for freedom and travel rights, but only for those who pay them. Yes, it’s true. They will attempt to help people fly but only the people who pay for membership. So what have they accomplished for the people of Ireland so far? Hint – absolutely nothing.

On their membership page, we can also see that a monthly membership costs $11.11. They will always throw their occult numbers right in our faces, to mock us.

Recently, FAFTA was also “looking for 5 ANGEL SHARE Investors to partner with and support our 5 founders in 3 countries on 2 continents.”

So, the next obvious question is … who are the founders (other than Cahill)? Susan Sweetin/Kevin Jenkins/Tara Thorton are our three American founders and Susan Standfield is our Canadian founder. –Source

Kevin Jenkins is the CEO of Global Health Alliance. Here is their Facebook Page. Notice that it is almost identical to FAFTA’s Facebook page. Listen to this podcast to learn more about Kevin.

I found 3 people named Susan Sweetin in the United States, but only one with an online presence, and there is no mention of her having anything to do with this organization. Is Susan Sweetin a real person? Where does she live (which state)? You’d think one of the founders of this company would have more of an online presence, perhaps a LinkedIn page or something?

Tara Thorton is an interesting character. She is one of the founders of Freedom Angels. Note how they stage these events to make “anti-vaxxers” look like “right wing extremists.” The other co-founder is Denise Aguilar who is connected to undercover (agent) nurse Erin Olszewski (military special ops) and pro-vax con man Del Bigtree.

Multiple non-profit organizations appear to be the key vehicle funding Aguilar, Olszewski, and her now defunct and limp partner Kevin Gene Tuttle [USAF Public Relations]. Please see Greg Wyatt’s long standing detailed research on how these individuals are connected and the operations they are running. It must be understood that these deceivers are not grassroots and do not represent the people. They are controlled opposition agents.

Susan Standfield is the founder of Health Justice Tees. Here’s an interesting article where she made the news for some controversial T-shirts. Here’s another one. If you dig a little, you’ll find her doing interviews on all the same radio shows as the Bigtrees, the Sacha Stones, Rocco Galati, Mikki Willis, etc. etc. Same narratives, same boundaries, same “movement” with a lot of overlap. They are all networked together, running an operation.

Amazing how these folks are all connected, isn’t it? Do you think that’s merely a coincidence? Of course not. The fake “anti-vaccine” movement is a well organized, highly controlled machine. It is run by military and intelligence.

So now we have already connected FAFTA (which Dolores Cahill is one of the co-founders of) to other pro-vax groups and questionable characters (including Del Bigtree) with military ties in the United States. FAFTA was planning to issue ‘Faftacoins’ to members which, presumably, would be redeemable against flights. In March 2021, the FAFTA website advertised a Spring trip to Ireland with the words “Ready to celebrate Freedom & Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland? Nothing is more Irish than this trip hosting by our very own Freedom Fighter, Dr. Dolores Cahill!”

If we go to the “Freedom Talks” section of their website (currently), we find an upcoming talk by Kevin Jenkins and Dr. Christine Northrup, of course! All these pro-vaccine goblins promote each other and roll in the same circles, afterall. And here is the blurb associated with that talk:

At a time when truth has been silenced & trampled by big tech and conglomerate news networks, Freedom Talks is set to provide a platform for our Natural Freedom
Audience to be a part of the discussion so we can broadcast the true opinion of the masses.

Did you notice how they just hijacked your opinion in one sentence? These are the folks who will represent the opinion of the masses. Your opinion won’t matter, only theirs will. And theirs is a pro-vax, middle of the road voice. None of these people are pro-health and pro-freedom. They all love vaccines. This is something that everyone on planet Earth needs to learn.

Has the truth really been “silenced” by Big Tech and Conglomerate News when it comes to people like Dolores Cahill? Have most folks (outside of Ireland) ever heard of her before COVID19? Off to Google Trends we go…

As we can see clearly, the data shows that Dolores Cahill’s popularity saw a huge spike when the so-called “pandemic” started and she has been gaining popularity and fame ever since, just like fellow grifters Mikki Willis, David Martin, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Rashid Buttar, Del Bigtree, etc. etc. etc. To put it another way, Dolores Cahill is more famous now than she has ever been. More people search for her, more people know who she is, than ever before. So was she really censored? Or was she given an artificial boost under the costume of censorship? Faux-censorship, if you will.

We can even say that she’s a household name now (at least in the “truther communities” or what have you). In other ways, we can safely speculate that she is probably also making more money right now than she was before the “pandemic” (donations, speaking tours, membership fees, etc). That’s not including all the money that her companies will make.

In short, if we are speaking strictly from the perspective of censorship, this person has more reach, influence and more of a voice than ever before. If we’re speaking strictly from a financial perspective, the “pandemic” is maybe the best thing that’s ever happened to her.

Irish activist Gemma O’Doherty (*Update later exposed as being a double agent and member of the secret society The Order of the Black Sun ) had a very interesting audio that exposed Dolores Cahill for the fraud that she is, but that audio has vanished.

Gemma’s website and research are hard to find because Google and the rest of the Tech Giants suppress it. Unlike Dolores, who gets a boost and promotion from Big Tech, real censorship always happens quietly.

This is why most people have never heard of Gemma O’Doherty or Greg Wyatt and why Dolores has been handed to us on a silver platter with a strobe light attached to it and a disco ball
above her head.

“Are you ready to be a part of something bigger and make an impact on the future of travel, tourism, and freedom!”

Then sign up now and give us your money! Freedom comes at a cost, afterall!

Protagen AG – Co-Founded by Dolores Cahill in 1996, as a spin-out from the Max Planck Institute to “commercialise her diagnostic, companion diagnostic and personalised medicine applications of her discoveries”. She continued to be a shareholder in the company prior to its sale in 2019. At the time of the sale, Protagen had generated revenue of £1.7 million in the previous three years (2016–2018). Source

In 2012, Protagen sold its protein analytical business unit to one of Germany’s largest family-owned venture capital funds, ZFHN Heilbronn.

In 2014, Protagen Protein Services merged with PANATecs. In their company blurb, they noted in 2008 – “Panatecs GmbH rescued a Big Pharma block buster market authorization by its innovative protein analytical approach.” Cahill was also a shareholder at this time – “providing contract services to [the] healthcare sector & pharmaceutical industry.”

In 2016, Protagen announced a collaboration with Novartis AG, a major Swiss-based multinational pharmaceuticals company. In June 2020, Novartis signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Massachusetts General Hospitals to produce a Covid-19 Vaccine candidate.

In 2019, Protagen was sold to Oncimmune (a leading pharmaceutical company in the field of cancer detection) for £4.1 million, which means Dolores made a lot of money on her stock options.

So –
Professor Cahill who pretends to be fighting against the vaccine manufactures and Big Pharma is a pro-vaccine sorcerer who has spent the majority of her career working for Big Pharma, developing vaccines, and who co-founded a company that earned money by servicing pharmaceuticals.

She then sold the company to another pharmaceutical company and became a shareholder in that company, proportionate to her original holding in Protagen AG. Once that company was sold, she walked away with a pile of cash.

In January 2020, she purchased the White Castle in Athy for €435,000. Yes, she owns a CASTLE.

She then got money in the stimulus bill as part of a preservation grant for the castle.


Then, she used some of her profits to launch the Custodean Project and used the White Castle to host a ‘Festival of the Butterfly’ party, which of course made headlines for violating anti-lockdown rules. For the record, I have no problems whatsoever with people throwing parties in 15th Irish Century Castles. Hopefully they had a good DJ.

What is the Custodean Project, and what was this “Festival of the Butterfly” really about? I couldn’t find much online and don’t care to spend too much time on it, but these hustlers always do seem to be starting charity organizations and making lots of money in their humble efforts to save the world and fight for the people, no? You can hear Dolores promoting her project in this video. From the video’s description, “she alludes to the new Custodean Project which, based on her “research document,” will call for an “inquiry” into the deaths of our elderly by criminal medical malpractice during the SARS-CoV-2 emergence.

Ahh yes, another “inquiry” – sign up now and donate to the cause so that Dolores can make her “inquiry.” So here are a few questions. What does this “inquiry” entail? Is it an official document with an official procedure? Are their government officials or courts involved? What does the process consist of? Did anyone go to jail or lose their job as a result of the “inquiry?” What exactly will come from this “inquiry” – well, in case we haven’t learned yet – absolutely nothing. Dolores will continue to make lots of money though, and surely will have more “inquiries” in the future.

Most of my research on these individuals usually uncovers the same patterns and signs of charity fraud, deception, money laundering, etc. Inquiries and lawsuits that go nowhere and people connected to Big Pharma, Big Banking, Big Trees, Big This and Big That – and always making a lot of money. Enough to buy their own 15th century castle, in some cases.

In case you were wondering, Cahill’s current net worth is somewhere between $1 – $5 Million. Those figures are as of December, 2020, 3 months before she bought the castle. Not too bad for someone who claims to have been “censored” and is “fighting the establishment.” Also note, based on the information above, Cahill profits from diseases and pandemics. If diseases and pandemics disappeared tomorrow, she would lose a lot of money. You could say (from a financial perspective), that she (and her employers) might have an incentive to not only hope for diseases and pandemics but to maybe even create them out of thin air, just for profits. That’s mere speculation, of course.

If you’d like to join the Custodian Project, membership starts at €100 per year, and there is also a ‘family/business membership’ program. Who knows exactly what they’re doing – it all sounds innocent enough for now, but I’m sure if I spent more time digging, I would find even more damning information about this deceiver.

As noted in a previous paper, pro-vaccine queen Dolores Cahill is also running for political office in Ireland now. Do you think that this woman, who has spent her entire career working for Big Pharma, developing vaccines, is actually fighting against the interests of Big Pharma and for the people of Ireland? Of course she’s not! She’s a sub-par thespian and a pawn for globalists, engaged in deception.

She is employed by the very same people she pretends to be fighting against. You can watch, these grotesque theatrics she participated in recently to verify this. It should be clear to anyone with even only an ounce of discernment that these are nothing but third-rate, pathetic staged acts for public consumption.

She is nothing but a duplicitous actress involved in an elaborate con. Pay special notice to the part where she actually accuses the guard of rape. This is how they discredit those of us in the health and freedom movement who are sane, normal people. They do it by associating us with lunatics like this woman.

In that third video, notice the professional camera work and audio. Also take note of her “American campaign manager.” These folks are all calling plays from the same playbook, and they’re all on the same team as the bad guys. The facade of “good guys” vs “bad guys” is nothing but kayfabe. They run the same marketing and PR campaigns and manipulate the public into supporting their “causes,” “organizations,” and political aspirations. But do they ever accomplish anything?

All I see are more and more vaccines. Dolores will make them safer though, so let’s put our trust in her and send her more money!

The technocratic globalists put their false opposition minions in political office so that the people will feel a sense of victory, and have their faith in the political system restored. No need to file my own lawsuit or organize my community to stand up and fight, Dolores is on the case!

The public will remain docile and complacent because they think that these people are allies – fighting the system, demanding answers, filing lawsuits and going after corruption. Nonsense. It’s an intricate ruse (albeit a transparent one).

When was the last time any of these psychopaths went to jail for crimes against humanity? Think about that for as long as you need to. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it yourself.

We can see the clues clearly throughout these videos, such as when she says: “Let me in, I want to go into this building…” clearly hamming it up for the cameras with overacted and contrived antics.
Or another time when she talks to one of the “guards” .. .“Anyone who dresses up as a guard…”

…meaning, he’s not a real guard, he’s an actor, dressing up in a costume … and his name is Hugh Shovelin! That’s right, they’re “shovelin” it right in our faces.

Now, if you don’t understand that these are staged theatrics as part of a psychological warfare operation, pay very close attention to the way this “Hugh Shovelin” speaks and acts, and watch his body language. Also note that he’s basically the only one of these guards that interacts with her. Ask yourself if these are the mannerisms and dialogue of regular people, having normal conversations and interactions, or if they seem more like a rehearsed production. Watch all of the details in these videos and you will undoubtedly pick up a few things. Note the way it all feels rehearsed, and the production quality and strategy of the whole thing. Pay attention to the details of the cameras, the movements of the people and the way they speak.

To recap – One of the world’s “leading voices” in the anti-vaccine movement is a woman who has spent her entire life developing vaccine technology, winning multiple pharma awards, giving numerous high profile and prestigious Keynote Speeches at Big Pharma and Biotech conferences, and who co-founded a pharma company that partners with Merck and Pfizer, co-founded another company develops vaccines, and is a world leading CRO that provides clinical trial management services for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

That company (Protagen) also announced a collaboration with another company (Novartis), in 2016. She remained a shareholder in Protagen until 2019 when the company was sold. The following year, Novartis produced a COVID19 vaccine candidate.

Also, Cahill has made a lot of money from the sale of shares in pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines and drugs and has ties to other pro-vax undercover military operations in the United States. She also used some of her pharma money to buy her own castle and naturally has set up multiple organizations to “help humanity” and steer the “anti-vaccine” movement into an acceptable, dumbed down, soft-serve level of dissent, which she profits from as well.

And the mainstream media calls her an anti-vaccination activist. 😂

What they are correct about, however, is that Dolores actually is a conspiracy theorist and she is spreading medical misinformation, on purpose. By continuing to lie about viruses and all things virology, Dolores is participating in a conspiracy theory – the conspiracy theory that suggests that mother nature conspires to kill human beings via “deadly pathogens” that nobody can see or prove actually exist. Cahill is spreading medical misinformation by subscribing to these superstitions and worshipping in the holy Church of the religion of Germ Theory.

That’s how the fact-checkers can get away with their shenanigans. They trick us by wrapping up some of the truths with lies, and vice versa. Then they can come in and debunk her claims while causing mass confusion and division, which she can respond to by claiming “censorship!” – thereby garnering her more attention which leads to more money for her “cause.” A fabulous and cunning scam, if there ever was one.

At the same time, they can easily discredit all of the opposition, just by associating us with an insane person like her. At the end of the day, they all agree with her about viruses, contagion and Germ Theory – and that despite some injuries and deaths with this new experimental vaccine, most regular vaccines are generally safe and effective, thus further legitimizing Big Pharma and the vaccine industry and normalizing vaccines in general. These are the lies that they all protect together and the ultimate gates that they are guarding. Cahill is just pretending to be in opposition to the mainstream, in the same way that Macho Man Randy Savage pretended to “hate” Hulk Hogan. The public thought it was all a real feud, and they had a cold beer together, behind the curtain, after the show was over.

“Cheers for a job well done, we sure pulled one over on them tonight, brother!”

Could Ireland not find someone better suited and more qualified to lead the true, grassroots health and freedom movement, someone who actually represents the real voice of the Irish people? Someone who, I dunno – hasn’t worked for Big Pharma developing vaccines for most of her life? Maybe someone who is opposed to vaccination all together?

You know, someone other than Cahill who is clearly a hardcore proponent and champion of vaccines and has worked for pharma companies, profiting handsomely from the sale of vaccines for her entire career? Honestly, I’m not sure I can think of anyone less qualified to lead the opposition movement in Ireland.

Do we judge people by the words they say or by their current and past actions and achievements, professional and personal? What tangible results has Ireland seen from Cahill’s efforts – other than perhaps a meaningless, symbolic bone
thrown to them once in a while, for optics – and more vaccines? Anything? Of
course not.

Hopefully we can all acknowledge (given the evidence) that Dolores Cahill is at the very least – an unqualified and inappropriate person to lead the resistance movement in Ireland, and more egregiously – working for intelligence agencies and globalists. Intelligent Irish people understand that there is no such thing as a safe vaccine and surely deserve someone without the types of revolting conflicts of interest that Dolores Cahill has – someone who will represent them admirably. Personally, if I saw her on the street, I would turn around and run in the opposite direction, as fast as I could. I certainly wouldn’t let this demon anywhere near my children or pets, or even near my plants – let alone trust her to represent me in government or anything health related – given her extreme ignorance on the basics of virology and vaccines and her glaringly obvious financial conflicts of interest.

By promoting nonsensical, outdated medical mythology, Cahill (like all others of her ilk) has exposed herself as a simpleton who is living in the dark ages, in regards to understanding the basics about health and what actually causes disease. Given these unavoidable basic facts, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to listen to this necromancer for valuable medical information, or look up to her as a “thought leader,” “expert,” or “health advocate” for the people. That’s just my opinion, and you are free to disagree, of course.

Telegram 7/28/21

Dolores Cahill has just announced her latest business venture – The World Freedom Alliance. This website confirms that Dolores Cahill is a shareholder in companies that profit from vaccine manufacturing. If Dolores wants to be taken seriously as an advocate for health, shouldn’t she dissolve herself from these conflicts of interest? Doesn’t she have enough money laundering operations running already?

I’m sure her defense will be that the main opposition is the new experimental vaccines but that normal vaccines are generally safe, you see. That’s the deception these people are involved in. It’s an elaborate ruse to get us opposed only to the “unsafe” experimental vaccine, so that the “safe” vaccines will seem like a worthy and safe, alternative choice in comparison and thus normalized.


This is the undeniable truth and the elephant in the room that all of these Pro-Vax virus lovers continue to ignore. Why isn’t there a single leader in the so-called “anti-vaccine” movement who is truly 100% against all vaccines and admits that there are no such things as viruses?

Because they are all running an elaborate operation to hide the truth. They can’t admit that these viruses don’t exist because if they do that, then they also must admit that the entire concept of a vaccine is a lie, which stops the gravy train right in its tracks.

Dolores Cahill Needs Of The I.R.B. Needs To Take A Page Out Of Her Own Book And Me Done For Treason


Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️

👁️ Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei 👁️Mario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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