Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
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In the words of those who were there, then. Listen to these quotes from the horses’ mouths. Treachery in the name of religion, not God, for cruelty and greed have nothing to do with Love. Wolves in sheeps’ clothing.
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
Fred Schwab was born in Frankfurt. In 1935, he managed to leave Germany. His wife, Marianne Rothschild, came from the town of Bad Homburg. After the 1938 Pogroms, she fled to the USA via Britain. The couple visited their former country as guests of the City of Frankfurt, to which they kept close emotional ties. Both returned often, met former classmates and spoke at schools.
Klaus Schwab’s family tree, on his mother’s side
Their daughter Madeleine was invited by the City of Bad Homburg in 2013. She attended the opening ceremony for a deportation memorial in her mother’s home town. From here, her grandparents had been deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1942.
Fred Schwab: “We need to look ahead”
Fred Schwab was born as Friedrich Ernst Schwab into a Jewish family with a centuries-old history in Germany and Frankfurt.
Born into this metropolitan city in 1918, he grew up at Rheinstraße 7 in Frankfurt’s Westend district and visited the nearby Goethe-Gymnasium. Fred’s father owned a large business at Moselstraße 4 (Gebr. Feisenberger. Kurzwaren, Spielwaren, Strumpfwaren).
The family was firmly established among Frankfurt’s society. His parents married at the traditional Frankfurter Hof hotel, together with Christian and Jewish friends. The family was not very religious and attended the liberal Westend Synagogue. They celebrated “Weihnukka”: Hanukkah as well as Christmas (“Weihnachten” in German).
When Hitler was installed, the family did not even remotely consider leaving the country. At school, Fred hardly noticed antisemitism and the Nazis at first. However, in 1935, he left school with a ten-year General Certificate of Secondary Education (Mittlere Reife) to start a commercial apprenticeship.
Fred and Marianne (Rothschild) Schwab in the USA in the late 1940s, private.
The family thought more and more about emigrating. First they sent Fred, the youngest member, to the USA, because he had no prospects in Germany. His father and the older brother Hans (Hank) were arrested during the 1938 Pogroms and deported to Buchenwald.
After about four weeks, both were allowed to leave the camp, because Fred’s mother managed to get emigration papers, with the help of an uncle in the USA. In Buchenwald, the father lost 30 kg (66 lbs.) and any hope of staying in his native country.
In 1942, Fred was drafted into the US Army and sent to Germany, because he knew the language. Back then, he already worked for better communication. Not all Germans were Nazis to him, and not all party members were Anti-Semites. This attitude allowed him to pick up old friendships and make new ones in his later career in the chemicals industry. His contacts often led him back to Germany.
In 1995, the former Frankfurt resident got the Federal Cross of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz) in 1995 for his lifetime achievements and his reconciliation efforts.
“We need to look ahead,” was his motto in life. Still, he cared about remembering the crimes of the Nazi regime and the fates of Jewish families.
In 1992, 55 years after fleeing Germany, Fred Schwab came back to Frankfurt as an official guest. The Project Jewish Life in Frankfurt arranged for him to speak at his former school, Goethe-Gymnasium. His wife Marianne and daughter Madeleine accompanied him.
Marianne Rothschild and Friedrich Schwab had known each other in Frankfurt and later reunited and married in the USA.
Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild: “I always feel a little homesick for Bad Homburg”
Marianne was born in Frankfurt in 1919. She grew up in the town of Bad Homburg, where her father, Louis Rothschild, managed a bank. The family lived right downtown at Louisenstraße.
Louis and Melanie Rothschild at their wedding in Bad Homburg, private
Unlike Fred Schwab’s family, the Rothschilds, were very religious and active members of the Jewish congregation. Marianne first attended the girl’s high school (Lyzeum) in Bad Homburg (today Humboldtschule). Later, she began an apprenticeship as a kinesitherapist.
During the 1938 Pogroms, on 10 November 1938, she witnessed the destruction of her parents’ apartment. After this sobering experience, the parents decided to send their children abroad first and follow later. On 17 March 1939, Marianne left Germany together with her grandmother. Her brother, Eduard, called Edu, was sent to the Netherlands. From here, he tried desperately, but without success, to also reach the USA. Marianne kept frequent mail contact with her parents. Her parents were forced to leave the house at Louisenstraße in Bad Homburg. First they moved in with relatives, later they had to move to a ghetto house at Gorch-Fock-Straße.
Red Cross letter from Melanie and Louis Rothschild to their daughter on the day before their deportation on 28 August 1942, private
Marianne was unable to get her parents out of Germany. On 28.8.1942, they were deported to Theresienstadt. One day before being carried off, Louis Rothschild sent a message to his daughter through the Red Cross.
It was limited to 25 words: “This farewell brings your parents’ ardent greetings. Tomorrow, we are brought to Theresienstadt! Much love from Daddy and Mommy. 27 August 1942 Father“
After the deportation, Marianne Schwab received two more postcards from her parents. Letters that reached the USA through an acquaintance in Portugal brought her some news of her parents’ situation in the concentration camp.
“My mother let me know indirectly that she finally had a good figure. She used to be plump. So we weren’t stupid, we knew well what was going on.”
Marianne Schwab is her family’s only survivor. Her father, Louis Rothschild, died on 19 September 1942. Her mother, Melanie, died on 15 August 1944. Her brother Eduard was arrested in the Netherlands and died in Mauthausen. The official German Memorial Book (Gedenkbuch) states his death date as 12 November 1942. He was declared dead, because the exact circumstances are not known.
Marianne and Fred Schwab at the memorial for Bad Homburg’s deported Jews, 1990s, private
Marianne Schwab visited the town she grew up in several times throughout the 1990s. She met classmates and neighbors, spoke to students at her former school and at Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium, the school her brother Eduard had attended. One of these visits was filmed. Marianne Schwab’s account of the 1938 Pogroms is particularly impressive.
Despite the sad memories, Marianne Schwab feels closely connected to her former home town:
“I always feel a little homesick for Bad Homburg,” she describes her feelings.
Marianne and Fred Schwab at the memorial for Bad Homburg’s deported Jews, 1990s, private
On one of her trips, she visited the Holocaust memorial built in 1988.
“Thinking of it is sad and painful. Where the synagogue used to stand, a memorial plaque shows the name of my brother. We were there, and I see my father’s name, Louis Rothschild, Melanie Rothschild, née Emmerich, and Edu Rothschild. I had to touch the plaque, the names of my father and my mother. I had to touch their names and make a symbolic connection. After all, I have no graveyard to go to.”
Madeleine Gerrish, née Schwab: “Hate poisons the soul”
Marianne Schwab passed on her love for Bad Homburg to her children. In November 2013, the City of Bad Homburg invited Marianne Schwab’s daughter, Madeleine Gerrish, to the unveiling of a plaque at Bad Homburg’s central station commemorating the deportations. The invitation was initiated by the Hochtaunus Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation (Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit Hochtaunus). Two major transports departed from Bad Homburg: one on 10 June 1942, the other on 28 August 1942. The second transport deported the parents of Marianne Schwab – the grandparents of Madeleine Gerrish – to the Theresienstadt concentration camp.
This visit to Germany was very important, yet ambivalent, for Madeleine Gerrish. She reported feeling sad when thinking of her mother happily running through Bad Homburg’s streets as a child. Her son Michael was able to accompany her for some days. They sought for traces at her grandparents’ former house, at the house of her father’s family in Frankfurt, at the commemorative wall around the old cemetery at Börneplatz in Frankfurt and at Kurpark in Bad Homburg, where the synagogue stood until being burned down on 10 November 1938. Madeleine met friends of her mother and visited the schools her mother and her uncle Eduard had attended. At both schools she spoke to the students about the fates of her ancestors, her parents’ escape from Germany, their new life in the USA, and how she grew up with these experiences.
The students were impressed by Madeleine Gerrish’s openness, and especially by Marianne and Fred Schwab teaching their children not to foster hate, despite all the harm done to their families.
One of many questions the students asked was: “How was your mother able to develop such an attitude?”
“I found most interesting that Madeleine said you shouldn’t spend your life full of hate. Her mother did not hate all Germans and even returned here. I find that remarkable. I expected her to bear a certain animosity towards the Germans.”
Another student remarked that this positive attitude did not mean to forget, but to deal with the past:
“I was surprised that Mrs. Gerrish spoke so honest and upright of her thoughts and experiences and of her parents’ tales. Also at her approach to taking the harder route and dealing with what happened, instead of suppressing it.”
These school talks showed how important it is for later generations to exchange about the stories of their Jewish former neighbors and how the Holocaust is treated in Germany and other countries.”
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
I thought I would return to the Senatus Consultum website that Kim Goguen mentioned a few months ago. I included a link to that site in a previous post of mine called, The Fox, The Savior and the Global Chessboard. Essentially this Senatus Consultum website is run by the Order of the Black Sun side of the Deep State. I’m guessing one purpose is to glorify their members for the status they have achieved so they can be envied. After all, you must be ‘worthy’ of such an invite to join them, having earned it through mastering the skills of lying, acting, and a slew of perversions I would rather not think about. Marry that with their delusional beliefs they are special and therefore chosen (because they are so special), in the eyes of at least one of their fake gods, and you get a nice tidy list of the distinguished Satan lovers.
Mission senatusconsultum.eu “…‘an invite’ only society, characterized as a House of Leaders, Intellectuals, Spiritualists and Experts in their sectors. We cross-fertilize professionalism and in-depth knowledge areas to realize added value and to anchor and achieve desired results.“
New Society Members
What I found interesting right off the bat was that they have updated their site and the Society Members page seemed to have quite a few additions. While I cannot remember all the players the last time I looked (because a lot of names were just not familiar to me in the first place), there were definitely many new ones and some jumped out because I recognized the names. A few, who I think have been added recently are Kim Jung-Ung, Narendra Modi, Sheikh Hasina Wazed, and Queen Elizabeth. I would have thought the Lizard Queen was on the Dragon Family-Rothschild side, but so many play both sides it’s hard to know where their allegiances lie. She probably can’t figure out which side is likely to win and wants to cover all her bases. See my post, A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen – Part 5) for more information on Black Sun versus Dragon Families. Anyway, some new US members are, Judy Carline Woodruff (PBS News Hour), Steve Bannon, Chuck Grassley and Kellyanne Conway. And just for the record, it was getting really difficult not to see the theatre going on between Kellyanne and her husband, at least is was for me. Finally, I can’t forget Ra, King of the World, or rather wannabe King of the World, Richard Wiss.
The subtractions from the site were even more interesting, but not surprising. So who is missing? Well former President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping of China. Well, well, well, how interesting. I wish it could be because they saw the light, flipped and decided to be on the side of humanity. That would certainly be grounds for removal from the Order of the Black Sun. But that justification is very unlikely. Having listened to the Life Force calls over the last couple of months, it aligns with what Kim was saying which was they would have to undergo a “shaming” by their superiors and peers for failing in their missions. They are no longer worthy of being included in this elite Society I suppose. I guess it also incentivizes the other psychopaths, I mean Society members, to step of their game. I mean, they wouldn’t want to undergo similar unsavory consequences should they not live up to expectations.
I imagine this can’t be a comfortable position to be in for our former President DJT. After all, he is very known for saying he never ever gives up. And he values loyalty above everything. So it looks like he wants back in, at least based on his support of the vaccine and recently using his daughter as a prop. Can youimagine what it’s like to be them? You can never be assured of anything when lying is the foundation of everything.
Senatus Consultum – Society Members (As of April 28, 2021)
I thought I would outline the entire list names which can be found under the Society Members tab, in case I want to check back again in the future and compare who was added and who was removed. I can’t help but notice the names are in red ink against a black background, probably signifying blood feeds the darkness. The names are all in capital letters too which in a contract means you’re dead. At least it does for the livestock. Yep, I would agree with that, they are spiritually dead. And some are most definitely physically dead too since Vladimir Putin and Mike Pence are still on the list.
The order of the names follows the slide show on their website and I don’t know if the order has any significance. I highlighted some of the additions I could remember, as well as General John E. Hyten. I’m pretty sure he isn’t new, just of more interest as you’ll find out below.
GENERALJOHN E. HYTEN —-Currently playing the part of faux President Joe Biden!
50. Gemma O Doherty
The Beacon .ie
The Beacon.ie is a dodgy AF site which stinks of Soros, Hasbara and Mossad.
It seems to be a double act consisting of ANNIE DE BHAL (real name Antje Scheuer, a Kraut) and her Brit fella BRYAN WALL.
The former reeks of paid Israeli asset. So does their ally ANETA SAFIAK (though they have fallen out), whose husband Jakub is a wealthy banker.
The NGOs placed her in Longford after she was run out of Poland for being a globalist worm she promptly proclaimed herself ‘queen of Longford’ and started hounding the natives hangs out with all the filthiest Zio scum in the land, Tom Doorley & the like. https://the-beacon.ie/
HE RICHARD WISS – Currently playing the role of ‘Ra’ – Or rather someone who thinks he’s King of the World
Richard Wiss, (Ra & King of the World Wannabe)
I believe Richard Wiss is the guy Kim mentioned on the Life Force 4-18-2021 call, who believes he’s in charge of the Quantum Mapping System and should have her job. In his deep delusional state of mind he believes he is Ra incarnate and therefore King of the World. He had many others believing it as well based on the many phone calls she was receiving on a diplomatic line which was never used for many years apparently. Several who called were not expecting her to answer. Rather they were expecting Richard Wiss. Fed Head, Jerome Hayden Powell was one who was particularly enraged. Evidently many in these ranks never believed Kim was the Trustee/Guardian to begin with, and even if they did, they were convinced she was going to be replaced. But now many in the Military are finding out that she is still in place and this Ra guy is lying. I suppose they will come up with yet another excuse as to why he still is not in charge. I bet the Summer Solstice will be the game changer. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Remember this guy, Jon Lovitz on SNL playing the pathological liar? I can’t imagine why I thought of him. https://www.youtube.com/embed/hV85E2S-Idw?feature=oembed Yeah – That’s the Ticket!
Another Black Sun Agent – “The Viking”
So Richard Wiss is ‘The Viking’s’ boss evidently. Once Black Sun, always Black Sun and George, aka “The Viking” was recalled. I can’t say I was surprised to hear that The Viking was an infiltrator all along with the mission to bring down Life Force and Kim. I assume anyone who had a position in the cabal circles, still has a position. They will never help humanity in the way we’d like. The Assemblies that the Life Force team is helping to organize and support will continue to be infiltrated by these degenerates until they are finally starved out and no longer exist in our timeline.
So in the meantime, it’s through the dark that we find the light and who better to expose more muck than those embroiled in it. Unfortunately Kim has to wade through them. Although, I would bet the farm she is not too surprised at the Viking’s real mission either, (wink-wink). Unfortunately it has to be this way so the weed killer can permeate to the deepest roots that continue to enmesh the numerous layers of mind controlled slaves who still believe they are the slave masters.
No, the Viking’s deception truly didn’t surprise me at all. I’ve been paying particular attention to him due to his mysterious past and very high security level. What I am surprised at though was how blatantly honest he finally was. I mean there is no ambiguity as to what his real motivation was for the Black Sun if he’s telling Kim to her face she needs to commit suicide. Nobody at the highest ranks will ever flip. They are way too enslaved, mind-controlled and invested in this genocidal agenda. For more information on The Viking, see my post, The Viking’s Message to the Remnants.
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
Prince Lelio Orsini is an owner of the Cleveland crime family and an owner of factions of the Israeli Mafia including the organization run by the international ecstasy trafficker and Israeli mobster Zeev Rosenstein. Belgium is a major producer of ecstasy and the Orsinis of Italy are married with the Belgian Ligne family with Isabella Orsini the wife of Prince Eduardo de Ligne. The Orsinis have a rose on their coat of arms and are married with the Rosenberg families of Austria and Germany which also have roses on their coat of arms. The Italian Orsinis and German-Austrian Rosenbergs are managers of the secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Order of the Rosy Cross which uses a rose for its symbol. The Rosicrucians are alchemists and alchemy is the manipulation of the mind and body through drugs and chemicals. Ecstasy is an alchemical drug and is often used for mind control and brainwashing. The Orsinis and Rosenbergs work with the Merck family of Germany which have three roses on their coat of arms and they created and own Merck Group a pharmaceutical company. Merck Group patented the drug ecstasy also called MDMA in 1912. The Merck family also created Merck Fink Bank and the Orsini’s German cousin Prince Alois Konstantin Lowenstein-Werthiem-Rosenberg worked for Merck Fink bank. The Orsini family are owners of the Ursino Ndrangheta Mafia clan with Luigi Ursino a high ranking mafia boss and Giuseppe Ursino who ran a large drug trafficking network in Toronto, Canada until his recent arrest. Prince Domenico Napoleon Orsini is the official head of this family and a ruthless chemical terrorist. The Orsinis married with the very large and influential Sanseverino family which have been nobles all over southern Italy. Today Prince Francesco Luca Costa Sanseverino of Bisignano is the head of this family and he resides in Hong Kong and manages Chinese Triad gangs which are involved in child trafficking networks. The Orsinis are the owners of the Cleveland crime family which has a very close alliance with the Detroit Mafia. The Orsinis have an alliance with the Odescalchi family of Rome and sold them one of their palaces. The Odesclachis own the Detroit Mafia and the music executive and Jewish mobster Paul Rosenberg is an associate of the Cleveland crime family.
Prince Domenico Napoleon Orsini is a top owner of the Israeli Mafia, Cleveland crime family, and the Ursino mafia clan.
Prince Edouard de Ligne of Belgium with Princess Isabella Orsini who is an Italian actress and close relative of the House of Orsini. Belgium is the primary manufacturer of ecstasy and the Israeli Mafia are the primary traffickers of ecstasy. Prince Edouard is pure evil. Prince Edouard’s father was honored by the Israeli government and President Reuvin Rivlin.
Prince Charles-Antoine Lamoral of Ligne la Tremoille is a high level Belgian noble and the owner of Kelfield Co. based in Switzerland which is a company that mines gold and silver.
Prince Lelio Orsini-D’Aragona with his father Prince Raimondo Orsini-D’Aragona are part owners of the Sicilian Mafia, Cleveland crime family, Ursino Ndrina, and Israeli Mafia.
Prince Francesco Ruspoli and his family are owners of the Rizzuto crime family of Montreal and various Mexican and South American drug cartels. Several Mexican drug cartels pay tributes to the Ruspolis. His father Prince Alessandro was in the movie Godfather III. The Ruspolis married with the wealthy Mattarazzo family of Brazil and they own some Brazilian drug cartels. The Ruspolis have also had several members of their family who were born in and lived in South America. The Ruspolis married with the American billionaire Getty family which have Scottish ancestry. The Ruspolis merged with the Italian Marescotti family which originated from Scotland. Prince Francesco Ruspoli’s uncle Prince Lilio Ruspoli owns vacation properties on the Venezuelan island of Margarita. El Chapo of the Sinaloan cartel has had meetings with Venezuelan cartel leaders and corrupt government officials on the island of Margarita. Spain settled Venezuela and the Ruspolis are both Italian and Spanish nobles. The Ruspolis married with the Roman Del Dragos which are really from the Romanian House of Drago. Prince Filippo Del Drago is a top member of this family. The Ruspolis are also friends with the Romanian Sturdza family which own a private bank in Switzerland called Banque Erik Sturdza. The Rizzuto crime family which the Ruspolis own established drug operations in Venezuela while headquartered in Montreal. Today the Rizzutos and Cuntrera-Caruanas are merged as the Montreal crime family. The Italian Bourbons own the Caruanas and the Ruspolis own the Rizzutos. Prince Lilio Sforza Ruspoli and Prince Francesco Ruspoli are members of the Grand Magistrate of the Italian Bourbon’s Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George. The name Rizzuto is an Italian variant of rice and also for ricin and Caruana refers to the Caruncle which is part of the Castor Bean plant which produces Ricin. The mafia use ricin for covert assassinations. Leonard Rizzuto is a the top member of the Rizzuto crime family of Montreal. Tau Ruspoli is a member of this family and he was married to the Hollywood actress Olivia Wilde. Prince Francesco Ruspoli is married to Angelica Visconti-Ferragamo from the billionaire Ferragamo family which own the high end luxury goods company which became famous through its store in Hollywood.
Prince Francesco Ruspoli the Prince of Cerveteri with Francesca Leone.
Duke Luis Ruspoli is a Spanish noble and part owner and authority over Mexican and South American drug cartels.
Princess Giacinta Ruspoli is a high level Amazon and witch.
Prince Lilio Sforza Ruspoli with his wife Princess Maria Pia Ruspoli. Prince Lilio is a major owner of the Mexican drug cartels and South American cartels as well as the Rizzuto crime family. In this photo Prince Lilio is at the Harvey Weinstein Election Night Party in New York.
Don Carlo Emanuele Ruspoli the Duke of Morignano is an Italian-Spanish noble born in Rome and he is an owner of various South American drug cartels. His wife is a noble of Spain and his mother was from El Salvador where MS13 originated.
Prince Filippo Del Drago. The Del Dragos have married with the Ruspolis and they work closely together. The Del Dragos are really related to the Romanian House of Dragos.
Grand Duke George Mikhalovich of Russia in the middle at the same party as Prince Filippo Del Drago. The Romanovs are related to Romanian royals and nobles. Romanov like Roman. Grand Duke George and his mother reside in Spain where the Ruspolis are also nobles. Margarita Louis-Dreyfus who is worth about 8 billion is from Russia and an agent of the Ruspolis. Margarita makes child sacrifices on mafia owned resorts run by the Ruspolis on the Venezuelan Island of Margarita.
Prince Marcantonio Del Drago and wife Princess Giada Del Drago. Their young daughter was a bridesmaid for Lady Gabriella Windsor. The Black Nobility have a close alliance with the British royal family.
Prince Francesco Ruspoli with the Romanian Princess Francois Sturdza on the left.
Prince Eric Sturdza is a Romanian noble who owns and runs a private bank Banque Eric Sturdza in Switzerland.
Tau Ruspoli the nephew of Prince Lilio Sforza Ruspoli with his ex wife Olivia Wilde who is a major child murderer and leader of a cult of Amazons. Olivia Wilde literally rapes, murders, and cannibalizes children.
Olivia Wilde with her friend the sexual predator Harvey Weinstein who was knighted by the British Crown.
Don Enrique Ruspoli is a Spanish noble and overseer of the Ruspolis Mexican and South American cartels and mafias.
Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea is a Sicilian noble and an owner of the Lanza crime family of San Francisco which has spread throughout the United States. The Lanza crime family is an extension of the Los Angeles crime family which is run by the Gambinos. The Lanza crime family have spread to the East Coast and have infiltrated the FBI with Andrew Lanza a New York Senator who was Jesuit educated from Fordham and Jeff Lanza a former and recent FBI agent. The Lanza family of Sandy Hook are FBI assets and relatives of the Lanza di Scaleas and they helped to stage the fake Sandy Hook massacre which was used for gun control propaganda. The mafia and corrupt federal agents are involved in child trafficking networks and they want society disarmed out of fear of what society will do to them when they realize what is really going on. It is proven that Sandy Hook was staged with CNN caught using green screen during an interview with a “victim’s” parent, Adam Lanza’s death certificate being issued in New Hampshire and dated the day before the Sandy Hook fake massacre occurred as well as the many interviews with parents of “victims” who never cry and Robbie Parker who was caught laughing and smiling the day after his young daughter was supposedly murdered as he walked up to give a speech which set the media up for their gun control agenda. The Sicilian Lanzas claim to be descendants of the Bavarian Wittelsbach royal family from over 1000 years ago and they partly are. The Lanza di Scaleas also established a Lancellotti branch in Campania which later merged with the Massimo family of Rome with the current members Prince Ascanio, Prince Filippo, and Prince Ludovico of the House of Massimo-Lancellotti. The name Lanza like Lance means a lance. The Lanza di Scalea and Massimo-Lancellotti families have covert shares in Lancia the automobile company owned by the Agnellis. The Massimo-Lancelottis and Gaetani-Lovatellis are owners of the Philadelphia crime family headed up by Joey Merlino. Michael Lancellotti is also a high level mobster in the Philly Mob.
Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea with his former girlfriend the Italian actress Alba Parietti.
Prince Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti is an owner of the Sicilian Mafia and owner of the Lanza crime family of San Francisco which has national operations today. Prince Ascanio’s mother was an Odescalchi. The Massimo-Lancellottis are also married with the Belgian Merode family.
Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti is a high authority over the Order of Druids and a part owner of the Philly Mob and Lanza crime family. Joey Merlino is the top boss of the Philly Mob and Michael Lancelotti is a high level mobster of the Philly Mob. Merlin and Lancelot.
Michael Lancelotti on the left is a high level gangster in the Philadelphia crime family.
Joey Merlino the top boss of the Philly Mob
Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea with Salvatore Scardina who was convicted for association with the mafia.
The Theodoli family are a powerful and very evil bloodline of the Black Nobility involved with the Vatican and Papal States and they have residences in Italy, London, and Miami. The Theodolis are likely part owners of some London crime firms. They intermarried with the Roman-German Braschi family creating the Theodoli-Braschi line. Brasch is a German name from Hamburg and the Braschis really originated from Germany. The Jesuit educated Pope Pius VI or Giovanni Angelo Braschi came from this family. Don Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi is the head of the family and the Duke of Nemi in Italy. The Theodoli family have a residence in London like most of the top families of the Italian Black Nobility. They work closely with the British Crown and British Peerage which do business at the City of London Corporation. They also own palaces in Rome and are still connected to the Vatican. The Theodoli family have another branch that bought the luxury yacht company Magnum Marine Corporation under Prince Filippo Theodoli and it is still owned by the Theodoli family today with Katrin Theodoli, and her children Lavinia Theodoli Spirito, Livia Theodoli-Wing, Francesco Theodoli and Giovanni Theodoli. Giovanni Theodoli manages GTMM branch of Magnum Marines which uses the Maltese cross for its logo. Lavinia Theodoli Spirito is a religious brainwasher as the teacher of Catholic Way Bible Study and she resides in Kentucky. Francesco Theodoli is a high level member of this family as president of Theodoli Marine Group and he operates out of Miami where Magnum Marine is headquartered. The Theodolis are owners of some Italian Mafia operations in Miami and Fort Lauderdale and they are involved in child trafficking and disposing of bodies in the ocean. The Italian hitman Chris Paciello who was convicted of murder now operates in Miami as an agent of the Theodolis and he owns bars, restaurants, and clubs and associates with celebrities. Paciello snitched on numerous members of the Italian Mafia and from what I hear they castrated him for it. Paciello still works with factions of Cosa Nostra. Paciello is friends with the gangster rapper Rick Ross who named himself after the drug trafficker Freeway Ricky Ross. The rapper Rick Ross is a boss of a Miami based crime organization involved in drug trafficking and works under Paciello. Chris Paciello later took his mother’s maiden name Paciello rather than his father’s German name Ludwigsen. Prince Alberto Theodoli of Sambuci was on the board of directors for the Bank of Rome which later merged with the Bank of the Holy Spirit, Capitalia, and finally Unicredit which has more than 18% of the shares in the Bank of Italy. The Bank of Italy was in contract with banks in Libya and more recently Italy’s central bank put a freeze on Banca UBAE in Rome which was tied in with huge amounts of Libyan assets. This appears to have been a long term plot to extort the Libyan gold owners. The Bank of Italy which is the privately owned central bank of Italy has been the third largest holder of gold.
Duke Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi and his wife in London. Don Giovanni is an investment banker that has worked as a top executive for Citicorp, First Boston, and Citibank.
Donna Costanza Theodoli-Braschi on the right and she is a sadistic witch.
Princess Ines Theodoli-Torlonia with Prince Guido Torlonia. Theo means god. A poem the Torlonias put up on their Wikipedia biography is this: “The head of everything is God, the Lord of heaven, After Him comes Prince Torlonia, lord of the earth, Then comes Prince Torlonia’s armed guards, Then comes Prince Torlonia’s armed guards dogs, Then comes nothing at all. Then comes nothing at all. Then comes nothing at all. Then come the peasants. And that’s all.” That is the Torlonias making a death threat towards humanity.
Don Giovanni Theodoli is a part owner and manager of Cosa Nostra’s criminal operations in Miami. He runs GTMM a division of Magnum Marine which uses the Maltese cross for its logo.
Don Francesco Theodoli is the head of Theodoli Marine Group in Miami and an owner of the some Miami based Italian Mafia operations including the Chris Paciello network all which are involved with trafficking children. Don Francesco previously worked in London trading in government debt.
Prince Ottaviano de Medici dei Toscana is a top authority over the international banking mafia and an owner of the Chaldean Mafia which is headquartered in Detroit headed up by Louis Akrawi and his family. Prince Ottaviano de Medici is from the Medici of Ottajano family of Naples and this family had business banking deals with the Rothschilds of Naples. The Medici of Ottajanos are part owners of some Camorra clans in Naples and owned the old Giuliano clan. Their banking agents own Medici Firma an international investment firm covertly connected with various international financial groups like HSBC and BlackRock. Medici Firma is involved in banking, investments, real estate, and business intelligence. Medici Firma infiltrates banks and investment companies and this investment firm is being covered up like its non existent like the mafia and their Omerta. Prince Lorenzo de Medici who was born in Milan oversees Medici Firma. The Medicis were the most powerful bankers in Europe for centuries and developed many modern banking practices like the double entry booking system. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is of similar architecture to their Palazzo Medici-Riccardi. The Medicis have maintained their wealth over the centuries by storing gold in their palace vaults and by creating and investing in small banking proxies in Switzerland and Europe. The Medicis which ruled France have a covert alliance with the Jewish Dreyfus family of France which own an large agriculture company, private bank called Dreyfus & Sohnes Banque in Switzerland, and own Dreyfus Corporation in New York which is now part of BNY Mellon. The Medicis produced four popes and were members of royalty in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Austria as well as ruling as the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. The Medicis are the original Zionist bankers and they are both royalty and Black Nobility. The Medicis had two Queen regents of France and ruled in Florence close to Corsica. The Medicis are also part owners of the Corsican Mafia which still have an international heroin-opium network. The Medicis were the owners of the East Harlem Purple Gang which is now run by the criminal rap group Dipset who rap about selling drugs, wear purple, and are from Harlem. The Medicis likely have some ownership of the Genoveses which are primarily owned by the Savoys. The Medicis and Savoys are intermarried. The Medicis have a statue of Hermes at their palace in Rome and they are the head of Hermetic orders like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with Prince Ottaviano’s cousin Prince Giuliano de Medici dei Ottajano as a top authority. Prince Giuliano is extremely evil. Hermeticism was partly based on Chaldean scriptures and is a form of alchemy. Alchemy is chemical. The name Medici means medical. They use chemical warfare through the medical industry to persecute people. The most common symbol in the medical industry is the Staff of Asclepius which is very similar to the Staff of Hermes. The Medicis are really related to the Chaldean royals including the Sasanian dynasty which are the ancestors of the Jewish Sassoons which came from Iraq which was part of Chaldea. The Sasanian dynasty helped to establish the Chaldean Catholic Church. The Chaldean mobsters are Chaldean Catholics.
Prince Ottaviano de Medici di Toscana the Prince of Ottajano has a portion of ownership over the Genovese crime family and is the owner of the Chaldaean Mafia. Prince Ottaviano also has authority over many Jewish white collar criminals in New York City.
Prince Lorenzo de Medici is a Tuscan noble with oversight over international banking and Swiss banking and is connected with Portugal.
Archduke Sigismund is a top member of the Austrian House of Habsburg-Lorraine and they have Medici blood through the Lorraine lineage of Christina of Lorraine and this is why he currently holds the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany. Archduke Sigismund resides in Switzerland. The recent Bank Medici in Austria was shut down for corruption involved with the Bernie Madoff scandal. Grand Duke Sigismund was covertly running Bank Medici.
Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari with his mother Princess Elisabetta de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari. These two are pure evil and are trying to hide their identity by using their friends to pose as them. These Medicis are insanely evil.
Count Muzio Sforza-Cesarini is an owner of the Stidda Mafia clan of Italy and the Sforzas and their cousins the Viscontis are part owners of the Trafficante crime family and Seattle crime family. The Viscontis and Sforzas are basically the same family. The Sforza coat of arms has a serpent eating a child. The Sforzas and their mafias are major child traffickers. There is a large sex trafficking ring in Seattle of Asian women and children. The Seattle crime family are known for owning strip clubs they use as brothels. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos both live in Seattle and they finance bribes to enable the trafficking of women and children. Gates is partly an agent of the Gaetanis and Bezos is an agent of the Sforzas and Viscontis which have a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms. Constrictor serpents are sexually size dimorphic which means the females are larger than males and snakes are often cannibals. Bezos owns Amazon named after the Amazon Rainforest where constrictor serpents like boas and anacondas are common. The Amazon Jungle was literally named after the ancient Tribe of Amazons which were a feminist clans of warlike women. The Sforzas have some ownership over the Casamonica Mafia clan in Rome which seems to be partly owned by all the top Black Nobility bloodlines including the Pallavicinis and Lucchesi-Pallis. The Casamonica clan is a major defense for the Black Nobility. The Sforza-Cesarinis are a papal nobility with ancestors that ruled in Milan and today they manipulate and extort the Milan Stock Exchange. Many Italian billionaires are connected with Milan and work for the Sforzas and Viscontis like the Berlusconi, Doris, and Del Vecchio billionaire families. Leonardo Del Vecchio is worth over 20 billion from “selling sunglasses.” Silvio Berlusconi is from Milan and deeply connected with the mafia as well as being a billionaire with a mass media monopoly and four time prime minister of Italy. Berlusconi created the Forza political party. Sforza and Forza means force. The Stidda mafia clans also have operations in Milan. The Fiocchi family with Pietro and Carlo are ammo manufacturers with operations in the United States and they are from Milan where their company is headquartered. Pietro Fiocchi was educated in Missouri a major headquarters for paramilitary and contract killers. They work with the mafia and are involved with contract killings. The Viscontis have a close alliance with the Federici family which served them during their rule in Milan. Both the Sforzas and Viscontis use the biscione or serpent eating a child on their coat of arms which represents pedophilia and cannibalism. The Sforza’s mafias are child traffickers. Trafficante refers to traffickers. The Sforza’s closely related cousins the Viscontis are married with the Borromeos which are married with the Agnellis and they own Alfa Romeo which has the biscione for a logo. The head of this family is Prince Bosio Sforza-Cesarini.
Prince Muzio Sforza-Cesarini with his wife. Prince Muzio is an owner of Camorra, Stidda mafia clans, and Casamonica Mafia clans as well as an owner of the African-American Mafia.
Count Giangaleazzo Visconti di Modrone is an owner of the Seattle crime family, Stidda Mafia clans, and the Trafficante crime family of Florida.
Count Luchino Visconti di Modrone. The Swiss city of Bellinzona was ruled by the Viscontis and still uses the Milanese biscione serpent for its coat of arms. Southern Switzerland is mostly Italian speaking.
Countess Madina Visconti di Mondrone is a high level witch and cannibal who manages female Wiccan covens and gang stalkers.
Countess Marisela Federici and Count Paolo Federici. The Federici family were nobles of Milan that served the Viscontis and they still work under the Viscontis today.
Countess Lydia Sforza-Cesarini with Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini.
Count Muzio Sforza-Cesarini with Prince Guglielmo Giovannelli-Marconi. The Giovannelli-Marconi family are part owners of the Colombo crime family. Prince Guglielmo is the First Secretary of the Order of the Roman Aquila an order today run by the Mussolini family.
Prince Giovanni Riario-Sforza
Prince Johannes Schwarzenberg an Austrian prince and his wife Princess Francesca Riario-Sforza. The Schwarzenbergs are an old Bohemian nobility that serve the House of Habsburg. Prince Johannes father Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is a Czech politician and member of Bilderberg as well as a long time friend of George Soros. George Soros’ real last named is Schwartz and he is a covert relative of the Schwarzenbergs.
Prince Annibale Brivio-Sforza and his wife Princess Marta Brivio-Sforza and they are owners of the Stidda Mafia clans and part owners of the Trafficante crime family. Princess Marta is a Dame of Saint Lazarus a knighthood run by the House of Savoy.
Prince Bosio Sforza-Cesarini is a top mafia owner
Baron Emilio Galli-Zugaro is a Roman noble and Italian-German businessman who worked as the Head of Group Communications for Allianz a German insurance company that worked with the Nazis during WWII. Baron Fabrizio Galli Zugaro works for Volksbank an Italian branch of a German bank and previously worked for Commerzbank also a German bank. Baron Emilio is an owner of the Dixie Mafia and oversees the Cox family of billionaires in the United States which reside in Atlanta, Georgia. The Cox family are worth about 40 billion as the owners of Cox Communications. The name Cox means a rooster. The name Galli means a rooster and the Galli-Zugaro family have a rooster and morning star on their coat of arms. The Cox family oversee the Dixie Mafia for the Galli-Zugaros and some British nobles with French ancestry. The Dixie Mafia is a massive organized crime group with at least dozens of factions. The Dixie Mafia operates all over the South and Mid West and much of their territory was part of the French Empire’s New France. Several British nobles like the Beauforts and Somersets have French ancestry and they also have part ownership over the Dixie Mafia. The Italian Pallavicinis established a British branch during the 17th century through Horatio Pallavicini a British financier and they renamed them the Paravicinis and they are currently married with the Somersets with Charles Vincent Somerset Paravicini as a member.Vincenzo Galli-Zugaro is the founder and CIO of Seven Pillar Capital Management in the United Kingdom and he is a high level banker operating in London and works with the British nobles that have part ownership of the Dixie Mafia. The Dixie Mafia traffic weapons and drugs and have rackets on tobacco, moonshine, and ginseng which is a multi billion dollar industry. They have dry counties in some southern states in the US and the Dixie Mafia are behind this so they can monopolize the alcohol industry there. The Dixie Mafia pays tributes to the Galli-Zugaros through the Lucchese crime family which is owned by the Lucchesi-Palli family of Italy and Austria. Baron Emilio’s grandmother was Princess Fabiola Massimo. The Galli-Zugaros are a noble clan from Viterbo, Italy and they married with the Massimo, Lucchesi-Palli, and Gaetani families. The Galli-Zugaros are agents that have infiltrated Germany for the Massimos.
Baron Emilio Galli-Zugaro is an owner of the Dixie Mafia and oversees some Italian crime operations in Germany and Switzerland. Baron Emilio was the head of Communications for Allianz Group a German insurance company that worked with the Nazis. He also works in media and is a lecturer and assistant professor at the Bavarian Wittelsbach’s Ludiwg Maximilian University in Munich. Baron Emilio works with numerous Berlin based German media companies as a consultant.
Baron Fabrizio Galli-Zugaro is an Italian banker for German banks and an owner of the Dixie Mafia. Baron Fabrizio is a banker that worked for the Italian division of the German Commerzbank as the head of Cash Management and International Business and works on the management board for the German based Volksbank in South Tyrol, Italy.
Vincenzo Galli-Zugaro is the founder and CIO of Seven Pillar Capital Management in the United Kingdom and he is a high level banker and money launderer for the Galli-Zugaros. Vincenzo also worked for Morgan Stanley and Meryll Lynch. The British nobles which French ancestry like the Somersets are part owners of the Dixie Mafia. The Somersets are related to the House of Beaufort which originated in France. The Dixie Mafia mostly operate in the region of the United States that was once French Crown territory and called New France.
Baron Francesco Galli-Zugaro is an Italian-American and an owner of the Dixie Mafia.
Count Andrea Czarnocki-Lucheschi is a Venetian noble and part owner of the Lucchese crime family as well as an overseer of the Greek Mafia and Israeli Mafia. The Lucchesi-Palli family are ancient Roman nobles that claim ancestry from the Lombard Kings and have married with the House of Habsburg and House of Bourbon-Parma who then married with the royal family of Luxembourg. Count Andrea has private bank accounts in Luxembourg. Lux means light or illumination. Pope Lucius III of Lucca, Italy in the 12th century was from this family. The name Lucius means illumination. The Lucchesi-Pallis are the owners of the Lucchese crime family. They currently have residences in Tuscany and Austria. The family held titles and feudal rule in Sicily and Tuscany and originated in Lucca. The Lucchesi name derives from Lucca, Tuscany. The Pallis and Pallavicinis have similar origins. The Lucchesi-Pallis are Princes of Campofranco in Sicily. The Palli family came in during the Moorish invasion of Europe and settled in Sicily and mixed with French-Sicilian Normans. Prince Pietro Pio Lucchesi-Palli and Ruffo is the official head of this family. Prince Pietro Pio is an owner of the Lucchese crime family and Russian-Jewish-Hungarian Mafia headed up by the Jew Siemon Moglivech. The Lucchesi-Pallis in Austria reside near the Hungarian border. The Russian Mafia have had meetings in Austria. Prince Pietro Pio’s brothers are Count Ferrante Emanuele and Count Umberto Antonio whose daughter is Countess Stefania Lucchesi-Palli. Count Umberto has been an Italian Ambassador to Morocco and the Jewish Mafia have a large operation there. The Lucchesi-Pallis have ancient Moorish ancestry. Count Adinolfo Lucchesi-Palli and his son Enrico Lucchesi-Palli reside in Tuscany. Count Ludovico Lucchesi-Palli lives in Sicily. Count Pietro Pio’s sons are Count Stefano and Count Carlo. Susanne Lucchesi-Palli resides in Germany. The Lucchesi’s relatives established the Lucchese Boot Company owned by the wealthy Texan John Muse who is a businessman and financier. The lower part of Italy is referred to as the boot because it is shaped like a boot. Lucerne, Switzerland which is mostly Roman Catholic is connected with Lucca, Italy and the Lucchesi-Palli family gave the name to Lucca Sicula in Sicily which uses their coat of arms for its flag. Countess Rainiera von Waideck was from Lucerne, Switzerland and she married Prince Enrico Lucchesi-Palli of Campofranco. Lucerna is the Latin word for light similar to Illuminati. The Lucchesi-Pallis are the architects of the Illuminati. The name Palli is connected to the Latin word Pallium which means a cloak. Hidden in light. The Vatican uses false light to conceal itself. The Lucchesi-Palli family are one of the highest authorities of the Nero Aristocrazia or Black Nobility. They have covert shares in the bank Intesa Sanpaolo through its subsidiary of Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e della Lucchesia. The Lucchesis financed the creation of the private Swiss bank Reichmuth & Co which is based in Lucerne, Switzerland. Reichmuth enables tax evasion. Criminals evade taxes because their earnings are obtained criminally. Reichmuth bank managed $281 million in accounts connected with the United States and paid a fine of 2.6 million for enabling tax evasion. Christof Reichmuth, Remy Reichmuth, and Karl Reichmuth run this private bank. The Hollywood producer Gary Lucchesi is an agent and relative of the Lucchesi-Pallis. Gary Lucchesi produced the film called Gotti: The Rise and Fall of a Real Life Mafia Don. The Lucchese crime family were involved in the heroin trafficking operation called the “French Connection.” The French Connection or Mid Eastern heroin trafficking network into the US through the Corsican Mafia still continues to this day and mafias have been operating through ports in Baltimore. The Corsican Mafia still exists and is headquartered in Baltimore. They provide heroin to the rap group and mafia called D-Block in Yonkers through their Tanglewood Boys covertly headed up by Joseph Lubrano. The Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach have been under the authority of the Lucchese crime family with Russian gangsters paying them tributes through the Russian mob boss Marat Balagula an associate of the Luccheses. The Colombo crime family were extorting the Russian Mafia so Balagula made an alliance with Lucchese crime boss Christopher Furnari while paying them a smaller tribute than the Colombo crime family’s extortion rates. The Lucchese’s soldier Joseph Testa killed Vladimir Reznikov a Russian rival of Marat Balagula who had been threatening him. The Lucchese mafia also has an alliance with the Greek Velentzas crime family which specialize in infiltrating ports.
Count Andrea Czarnocki-Lucheschi is a member of a Venetian branch of the Lucchesis and he is an overseer of the Greek Mafia which has an alliance with Lucchese crime syndicate. The Lucchese crime family, Greek Mafia, Israeli Mafia, and Russian Mafia all work together. Many of the Greek-Byzantine nobles and merchants reestablished themselves in Venice before spreading into the Holy Roman Empire. Count Andrea is married to Archduchess Isabella of Austria a member of the Imperial House of Habsburg and her mother was from the Italian House of Savoy-Aosta which are currently married with the Greek royal family. The Habsburgs once ruled over Venice. Prince Andrea has residences in London and Veneto and has documented private bank accounts in Luxembourg which was revealed during a family dispute over the sale of their property in London.
Prince Pietro Pio Lucchesi-Palli and Ruffo is the official head of this family and a top owner of the Lucchese crime family and a part owner of the Calabrian Mafia and Israeli Mafia. Prince Pietro Pio resides in Austria. Frank Stronach is an Austrian businessman that owns horse race tracks in the US including the Rosecroft Raceway in Maryland where the Corsican Mafia are covertly headquartered. The Corsican Mafia partnered with the Lucchese crime family through their “French Connection” heroin operation. The mafia use horse race tracks as headquarters for money laundering. There was a Russian Mafia meeting in Austria during the 90’s. The Jewish Hungarian born Russian Mafia boss Siemen Moglivech manages Benny Gantz the former head of the IDF who was from Hungary. The Lucchesi-Pallis married with the Bourbon-Parmas who then married with the royal family of Luxembourg. The Zionist Congress created the Israeli Bank Leumi which was investigated and fined for enabling tax evasion for Americans through its branch in Luxembourg. The IDF has a intelligence operation which specialize in psychological terrorism and electronic harassment. This operation is called Unit 8200 and it uses Luxembourg based IntelSat. The Lucchesis also manage the Jesuits so the Jesuits and IDF work together.
Prince Umberto Lucchesi-Palli is an owner of the Lucchese crime syndicate and a part owner of the Russian-Jewish Mafia in Hungary which have infiltrated the Israeli military and IDF. The Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach, New York pay tributes to the Lucchese crime syndicate. Prince Umberto has also worked as an Italian ambassador to Morocco and is a part owner of some Israeli Mafia operations in Morocco. Princess Francesca di Paola Lucchesi-Palli was the great great grandmother of Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio and great grandmother of Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca the current heads of the Massimo family. Overall the Lucchesi-Pallis serve the Massimos.
Countess Stefania Lucchesi-Palli and Calice is a member of this family and she is involved with children’s charity rackets in Africa which are really involved with child trafficking.
Archduke George von Habsburg and his brother Archduke Karl von Habsburg who is the head of the Imperial House of Habsburg today. The Lucchesci-Czanockis are currently married with the House of Habsburg. The Habsburgs have been the most dominant royal family in European history and ruled in Eastern Europe most recently and also over Germany and Switzerland as well as Spain and Mexico. The Habsburgs frequently employed Court Jews as their bankers and financiers for centuries and today they have an authority over Israel and Zionism. George and Karl are both Knights of Malta because they serve the Black Nobility.
Prince Fabio Colonna di Stigliano is a member of the powerful House of Colonna which are part owners of the Vatican and are the primary owners of the Knights of Columbus. The Colonnas have the hereditary position of Prince Assistant to the Papal Throne with Prince Prospero meaning they assist the Pope and really oversee the Pope for the Black Nobility. The Colonnas are owners of the Vatican or Holy See. They descend from the Counts of Tusculum which produced about 6 popes. The Colonnas are also owners of the Colombo crime family and part owners of the Chicago Outfit. The Colonnas have part ownership over Columbian drug cartels and receive tributes from the Puerto Rican Mafia also called the Martinez crime family which is owned by their Spanish relatives the Fitz-James, Martinez, and Alvarez families and these bloodline are or have been the Dukes of Alba. Alba de Tormes, Spain takes its name from Alban Hills in Rome where the Colonnas originated. Prince Fabio Colonna di Paliano, Prince Stefano Colonna di Paliano, Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano, and Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano are primary owners of the Colombo crime syndicate with Chris Colombo as its top mafia boss and Michael Franzese as a covert consiglieri. The Colombo crime family dominate the cocaine industry and have business deals with South American drug cartels especially cartels in Columbia. The Colombos also run a child trafficking network and specialize in pedophilia and blackmail. There is a Columbian Mafia in New York City where the Colombos are headquartered. The Colonna family originated from the Counts of Tusculum and Peter de Columna who ruled in the commune of Colonna which takes its name from the Greek word Kolonus which means a column or pillar. Christopher Columbus was really a Colonna and he was born in Genoa and financed by the Doria banking family. The Dorias merged one of their noble lines with the Colonnas through a marriage. Christopher Columbus also called Christopher Colon’s son Diego Colon married into the Alvarez de Toledo family and they have also married with the Colonnas numerous times. The Knights of Columbus are named after Christopher Columbus and the nation of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus. The Knights of Columbus are a Vatican military order that specializes in infiltrating police departments with Carl Anderson as the Supreme Knight. The Colombo family are a branch of the Columbus family and in Italy the Colombos are currently involved with politics, business and law like with Gherado Colombo an Italian judge as well as the Italian born real estate developer Ugo Colombo who operates in Miami. Catherine Colonna was the French ambassador to Italy and she is now the French ambassador to the United Kingdom. Prince Fabio Colonna di Stigliano owns a jewelry and watchmaking company in Italy. They use jewelry companies for money laundering because they can easily fix and mark up the value of jewelry.
Prince Fabio Colonna di Stigliano is a part owner of the Colombo crime family and Chicago Outfit.
Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano is the Prince Assistant to the Papal Throne and a top manager of pedophilia networks at the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church. Through the Knights of Columbus they hired Robert Nadeau a gang stalker and Knight of Columbus to try and murder me with poison.
Prince Filippo Colonna di Paliano is a banker working for Bain & Company.
Princess Olimpia Colonna di Paliano is a child murderer and cannibal. She is obsessed with torturing and murdering children. The solution to dealing with these child murderers is executing them regardless if they are women or whoever. If they are child murderers they need to be executed. If they are members of the New World Order they need to be executed. They deserve painful deaths for all the suffering, torture, and misery they cause. Princess Olimpia is one of the worst.
Count Fabio Colonna di Stigliano in the middle with his wife Countess Vittoria Colonna and they are with Prince Lorenzo de Medici. These Colonna di Stiglianos own the Villa Torrigiani in Lucca, Tuscany and they have a close alliance with the Lucchesi-Pallis of Tuscany and also the Antinoris and Aldobrandinis of Tuscany.
Prince Jonathan Doria-Pamphili-Landi is a member of the Black Nobility and from the Doria and Pamphili families which produced popes for the Vatican. The Dorias were a top ruling family of Genoa and powerful bankers. The name Doria means gold and they work with the Sacchettis whose name means sacks. The Dorias and Sacchettis have many Jesuit agents including members of the Board of Directors running Goldman Sachs. The Dorias married with the Colonna family several times and merged branches of their families creating a Doria-Colonna bloodline. The Dorias and Colonnas have a close alliance. Prince Jonathan is a child murderer and major pedophile who needs to be executed.
Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano on the left and Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano on the right and they reside in Ireland. Their father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano different than the Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano is a top authority over Ireland and covertly manages the Grand Lodge of Ireland and Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Their father Prince Prospero is one of the highest level devils on the planet and he needs to be hunted down and killed along with his daughters. Princess Lucrezia and Princess Vittoria are top managers of female gang stalkers and major child murdering pedophile cannibals. Princess Lucrezia and Princess Vittoria are ruthless terrorists. They don’t get more evil than them.
Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra is an Italian prince, actor, and comedian as well as a top authority over the Freemasonic Royal Order of Jesters. Freemasonry uses the column or pillar for a common symbol. The Colonnas have a column on their coat of arms and their name Colonna derives from the Greek word Kolona which also means column.
Prince Stefano Colonna with his daughter Lorenza Foto di Bacca. Prince Stefano is an owner of the Colombo crime family and Chicago Outfit. Prince Stefano is a ruthless tormentor that manages alchemical secret societies and chemical companies like Walgreens and DuPont. The DuPonts are really French relatives of the Colonnas and have the same Colonna pillar on their coat of arms. The DuPonts married with the Alvarez di Toledo noble family of Spain which are also married with the Colonnas.
Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano with Ivana Trump in Rome while Ivana and Donald Trump were still married in 1990.
Chris Colombo is a top boss of the Colombo crime syndicate.
Princess Catherine Colonna di Stigliano with Prince Arvin Singh Mewar of India. Princess Catherine has murdered countless children.
Prince Piero Colonna is a member of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and he is a Jesuitical tactician for the House of Colonna.
Prince Oddone Colonna is an extremely depraved member of this family and he oversees the Oddfellow Order which is a Freemasonic organization based in England. The Oddfellows are also managed by the Barons Strange in the United Kingdom which use the Trisklion on their coat of arms. Sicily uses the Trisklion on its flag. Prince Oddone specializes in transsexualism, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, and sexual cannibalism.
Prince Carlo Odescalchi is the owner of the Detroit Partnership headed up by Jack Giacalone and the Tocco family. The Odescalchis are relentlessly evil. The Odescalchis are a Roman, Genoese, Croatian, and Hungarian nobility and they ruled in Eastern European regions where the Tocco family originated. They still have a Hungarian branch that are titled “Princes of Serbia” and they are owners of Serbian Mafias with Sreten Jocic a top Serbian mobster that has operated in the Netherlands. Prince Carlo is the Duke of Sirmia which is an old Serbian title of nobility near Zenum, Belgrade. The Odescalchis own the Zenum Mafia clan which has thousands of members. A Hungarian Odescalchi branch established residences in London and they still live there today. The Serbian Mafia have had operations in London and work with the Israeli Mafia there. The Odescalchis financed the Dutch takeover of the Kingdom of England and King Willian of the Netherlands and England made Henry Sydney who invited him to take over the 1st Earl of Romney which is where the Romney political family take their name from. The Romneys are politicians in Michigan and were involved with the Detroit auto industry which the mafia has infiltrated. Scott Romney is a lawyer and politician in Michigan. The Dutch also settled parts of Michigan like in Holland, Michigan where the mercenary owner and Christian crusader Erik Prince is from. Erik Prince has Dutch ancestry. Erik Prince is a covert Knight of the Parmese Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George which is run by the House of Bourbon-Parma and they are Italian royals and through marriage members of the Dutch royal family. The Jewish billionaire Dan Gilbert who owns the Cleveland Cavaliers also owns a large casino company he renamed Jack Entertainment to honor his boss Jack Giacalone the head of the Detroit Mafia. Dan Gilbert is worth about 7 billion and the Detroit Mafia make at least 1 billion per year off the books. They likely make billions per year through their labor rackets. Dan Gilbert employed LeBron James for about 11 years and rigged games for bets by bribing the referees into not fouling LeBron for his excessive charging. The Detroit Mafia and Giacalones disappeared Jimmy Hoffa and now have his son James Hoffa Jr. assisting them in labor rackets as President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Tom Cruise who is a top Scientologist was married at the Odescalchi Castle and he was covertly knighted by them. Scientologists are involved in hacking, electronic attacks through neuro hacking software like NEURON, BRIAN, and GENESIS which was created by the Jesuit Dr. James Bower. Those programs are neuro-biological “simulators” and are really designed to control electronic emissions and wireless frequencies and hack the human body and mind. The Odescalchis also have command over CERN in Switzerland with the Roman born Director of CERN Fabiola Gianotti. CERN has authority over most particle accelerators which are really nuclear powered weapons that increase gravitational pressure or weight in the atmosphere as a form of oppression. Scalchi in Ode-Scalchi refers to scales which measure weight. The Odescalchis are married with the Giustinianis and their name means Justice. Scales of Justice is a motto for judicial systems and John Roberts is a Jesuit professor at Georgetown and the Chief Supreme Court Justice and agent of the Odescalchis.
Prince Carlo Odescalchi the Prince of Bassano is a major owner of the Detroit Mafia and Serbian Mafia. Prince Carlo is a dangerously delusional psychopath who needs to be killed by any means necessary. This demented psycho tortures babies with his finger.
Prince Carlo Odescalchi with Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini and Countess Flaminia Patrizi Naro Montoro who is a sadistic witch and of lower level Roman nobility. The Odescalchis and Pallavicinis have a close alliance and both currently have Hungarian noble branches.
Princess Lucia Odescalchi the wife of Prince Carlo and she owns a jewelry company and the Windsors are her customers. Princess Lucia is a child murderer.
Prince Michele Odescalchi second from the left.
Princess Vittoria Odescalchi and Princess Maria Pace Odescalchi are extremely evil witches involved with sacrificing children.
Princess Ginevra Odescalchi
Prince Scipione Borghese is an owner of the Magliana Mafia of Rome, Sicilian Mafia, and Pittsburgh crime family as well as several Camorra mafias including the La Torre clan. The Borghese family specialize in managing the African-American mafias and street gangs which pay the Italian Mafia tributes. The Borgheses are also part owners of the Vatican. The Borgheses recently married with the Paterno-Manganelli family of Sicily and now own their palazzo in Sicily. The Sicilian Mafia is still very active and have a joint headquarters in Monte Carlo, Monaco with the Russian Mafia. They launder criminal profits through Monte Carlo casinos. The Borghese family are a papal Black Nobility that founded the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 which later merged with various banks and is today part of the large Italian bank called UniCredit. UniCredit was in contract with Banco Santander. The Spanish Embassy in Rome is located at their Palazzo Borghese and Banco Santander was created by the House of Bourbon which rule Spain as the blood appointed monarchs. UniCredit was also in contract with Warburg Pincus. The Jewish Warburg family were originally the Del Banco family of Venice and they are banking agents of the Borgheses that operate in Germany and Switzerland. War-Burg and Borg-hese. The Borghese nobles are all honorary nobles of Venice. The Borghese family married with the Roman Aldobrandinis and Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini is the wife of Baron David Rene de Rothschild and she is the mother of Alexandre de Rothschild. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini and his son Prince Clemente are top members of the Aldobrandini family and they are owners of the Apulian Mafia and DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. Princess Alessandra Borghese can be seen hanging out with Baron Eric de Rothschild. The French Rothschilds work closely with the Black Nobility. The Aldobrandinis are owners of the DeCavalcante crime family in New Jersey with Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante as a covert boss from Florida. Prince Valerio Borghese was a military commander for the Fascist regime during WWII. The Borgheses finance and manage international fascists. The Borghese family have established two family branches in the United States which own a vineyard and winery in Long Island and have residences in Switzerland where banking is private. The Italian Mafia dominate the cocaine and heroin markets, rig most professional sports for bets, extort Wall Street, have national rackets in construction, real estate, and labor unions, rig casinos, and traffic weapons, drugs, and humans through ports. The Italian and Greek mafias have infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority.
Prince Scipione Borghese the Prince of Sulmona and his wife Princess Barbara Massimo. Prince Scipione is a top owner of various mafias including the Sicilian Mafia, Chicago Outfit, Bonanno crime family, and Pittsburg crime family as well as the Castellano faction fo the Gambino crime family.
Countess Alberta Cavazza is a high level witch and she is closely related to the Romanovs through her direct ancestor Nadeshda Sergeevna Annenkova and Duke Nicholas the son of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanov of Russia. Countess Alberta’s grandfather was Prince Scipione Borghese and today she is an owner their former island and palazzo on Lake Garda. Countess Alberta sacrifices children in a hidden cave or part of the basement in the Villa Borghese-Cavazza. Cavazza like cave.
Prince Lorenzo Borghese has residences in the United States and is an overseer of the Borghese mafia operations in New York and Pennsylvania. Another branch of the Borghese family reside in Long Island and own a winery and vineyard which they use for blood and adrenochrome trafficking.
Prince Fabio Borghese the 15th Prince of Leonforte in Sicily and he is a protector of the Leone family of Sicily and their bosses the Massimos which often take the name Leone. Leon-forte means lion fortress. The Borgheses directly serve the Massimos.
Donna Allegra Borghese resides in Long Island and runs a winery with her brother. They also traffic human blood and adrenochrome in wine bottles. Allegra Borghese is a child murderer.
Prince Camillo Aldobranini on the right and he is an owner of the DeCavalcante crime family in New Jersey and some Apulian Mafia clans. There are tens of thousands of Italian Mafia families in New Jersey and they are all involved with a massive child trafficking operation. There is also an Arab Mafia which work with Cosa Nostra as well as a lot of black street gangs. Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr. is a top boss and oversees the DeCavalcantes from Florida which is also a major mafia headquarters. The Aldobrandinis are closely related to the Borgheses. Prince Camillo’s son Prince Clemente Aldobrandini is a high level member of this family along with Prince Camillo’s brother who is the Apulian Duke of Brindisi and he resides at the Palazzo Antinori in Florence.
Baron David Rene de Rothschild with his wife Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini the niece of Prince Camillo Aldobrandini. The Rothschilds own some Jewish Mafias and they work closely with the Black Nobility. The Rothschilds are also a top authority over many Zionist billionaires and Jewish white collar criminals.
Alexandre de Rothschild is the son of Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini and he runs the Rothschild bank as Executive Chairman.
Princess Alessandra Borghese and standing behind her is Jacob de Rothschild at a Thurn and Taxis party in France.
Baron Eric de Rothschild with Princess Alessandra Borghese.
Prince Duccio Corsini is a high level Roman noble and a primary owner of the Corsican Mafia which has a close alliance with the Sicilian Mafia. The Corsinis originated as a merchant-banking family in Florence and Tuscany and were also involved in politics. They produced 1 Pope for the Vatican and established an international bank with operations in London. Manfredi Corsini a relative of the House of Corsini has worked for the Rothschild Bank for 19 years. The Corsinis gave the name to the island of Corsica which is off the coast of Tuscany. The Corsinis have a close alliance with the Medicis and Bonapartes which both ruled as monarchs in France. The Corsinis, Medicis, and Bonapartes are all owners of the Corsican Mafia. The Bonapartes originate as a nobility in Corsica and migrated to Corsica from Tuscany. The Bonapartes officially established the FBI through their American agent Charles Bonaparte. The French Imperial House of Bonaparte literally created the FBI in the United States. Charles Bonaparte was from Maryland. The Baltimore crime family was originally ran by the Corbi brothers. The Italian word for heart is cor. The Corsican Mafia has a US headquarters in Baltimore. Lucien Conein was a French born OSS and CIA officer that worked with the Corsican Mafia during WWII. Later Lucien Conein was made Chief of Covert Operations for the DEA or Drug Enforcement Agency. Conein died in Baltimore and was really an agent of the Corsinis and associate of the Corsican Mafia. Nancy Pelosi is an Italian-American from Baltimore and was knighted by the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. Pelosi is an agent of the Corsinis. The Corsican Mafia ran the French Connection which was a opium-heroin network from Turkey into France and then into the United States and Canada and the Corsican Mafia worked closely with the Lucchese crime family which is owned by the Lucchesi-Palli family of Italy and Austria. During and after WWI the nation of Turkey was ruled by France and through the Sykes-Picot Agreement France continued to rule regions of Turkey. Through the Treaty of Sevres the southern parts of Turkey continued to be ruled by France. This is where much of the opium came from during the French Connection. The French Connection continues today with much of the opium coming from Afghanistan and its shipped into the United States through the CIA and corrupt elements of the US military. A portion of the US and British controlled opium fields in Afghanistan are sold to pharmaceutical companies and the other portion is sold illegally and provided to the Corsican Mafia in Baltimore which then sell it to the Lucchese crime family which process it into heroin and sell it to the African American Mafia in New York which is run by gangster rappers and mostly by the Yonkers based rap group D-Block. D is slang for heroin. The mafias make tens of billions per year selling heroin.
Prince Duccio Corsini is a part owner of the Sicilian Mafia and top owner of the Corsican mafias. Prince Duccio is a disgusting liar and slanderer.
Prince Charles Napoleon Bonaparte is an owner of the Corsican Mafia and the French Milieu gangs.
Count Tomasso Corsini is a part owner and manager of the Corsican Mafia and the Jesuits.
Count Lorenzo Corsini is a part owner and manager of the Corsican Mafia and the Jesuits.
Prince Filippo Corsini and his wife Princess Giorgiana Corsini with Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and his wife Clotilde Courau.
Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini and his brother Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini are top members of the international banking mafia and the primary owners of the Armenian Mafia with some financial interests in the Lucchese crime family. The Pallavicinis have an Austrian branch and also a Hungarian branch which manage some Slavic-Serbian mafia clans. The Pallavicinis are nobles of Milan, Rome, Vienna, and Genoa. The Genoese were the most dominant bankers for centuries. They financed the creation of what is today called the Bank of America and the Genoese nobles the Pallavicinis, Odescalchis, Dorias, and Cattaneos have covert shares in. Prince Sigieri Pallavicini has worked with Merrill Lynch stated on his business profile for Athena Investments and Bank of America owns Merrill Lynch. The Pallavicinis invest in crime families for the other Black Nobility. Mafias are business enterprises and it costs money to create them and costs money to protect them. Prince Moroello and Prince Sigieri have worked at various international banks and created Global Wealth Management a private investment firm in Italy, Malta, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. The Pallavicinis have an Italian Muslim branch which are Imams in Milan with Prince Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini. The Pallavicinis are related to ancient Iranian royals and the Palavi dynasty which later established itself in Armenian as the Pahlavunis. They have command over some Iranian government officials and are involved in staging false flags and promoting war propaganda between the US and Iran and they do this when they feel threatened. The Bush-Walker family work closely with the Vatican and have a close alliance with the Pallavicinis who were the primary architects of the War on Iraq. The Bushs have had several meetings at the Vatican, George Herbert Walker Bush’s grandfather was Jesuit educated, and Jeb Bush is a Roman Catholic convert who is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus. Iran and Iraq have been enemies and have been at war with each other. Iraq banned the Jesuits after they established colleges and used them for infiltration. The Pallavicinis are both Italian and Austrian nobles. The Lucchesi-Palli family of Italy are also both Italian and Austrian nobles and their name Palli has the same origins as the Pallavicinis. The Lucchesi-Pallis which are headed up by Prince Pietro Piero Lucchesi-Palli own the Lucchese crime family which works closely with the Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach. The Russian Mafia pays tributes to the Luccheses. The Armenian Mafia which is headquartered in Hollywood works under the Russian Mafia which is partly owned by the Russian Romanov family which have established residences in California. The Austrian Margrave Alfonse Pallavicini previously worked as a top executive for Paribas Russia and Giancarlo Pallavicini from Milan was an economic adviser to the Soviet Government and he is a Russian economist.
Prince Sigieri Pallavicini with Prince Moroello Pallavicini the Princes of the Victory a title given to them by the House of Savoy for their grandfathers military leadership under Fascist Italy. Prince Moroello and Prince Sigieri’s grandmother was also a Medici. The Pallavicinis are the owners of the Armenian Mafia and they financially back the Russian Mafia and the Lucchese crime family. They also some ownership over the Casamonica Mafia clans.
The Austrian Margrave Alfonso Pallavicini with his wife Countess Elisabeth of d’Udekem dAcoz who is the sister of the Queen of Belgium and she is extremely evil. Margrave Alfonso is banker who has worked for the French bank Paribas and its branch in Russia.
Prince Domenico Pallavicino is a Genoese member of the Pallavicinis and has been the Consulate General of Monaco and here he is with the billionaire Prince Albert II of Monaco from the House of Grimaldi which originated in Genoa. Prince Albert II is a pedophile and child murderer. The Republic of Genoa ruled the Black Sea region and had a close relationship with the Russian royal family. Prince Albert II of Monaco is close friends with Vladmir Putin and can be seen with his friend Putin in about a dozen different images.
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Vladimir Putin. They are documented friends who get together frequently. The Russian and Sicilian mafias have a joint headquarters in Monte Carlo and launder their criminal profits in casinos through fixed wins.
Princess Olimpia Pallavicino on the left with Prince Guido Torlonia.
Princess Maria Camilla Pallavicini the mother of Prince Moroello and Prince Sigieri. The Pallavicinis own a vineyard and winery which they use for trafficking human blood and adrenochrome obtained through mafia torture.
Prince Armando Diaz della Vittoria is an owner of the Armenian Mafia.
Prince Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini is a Milanese member of the Pallavicinis and a Muslim. The Pallavicini family really originated from Iran and are covertly related to the Palavi royal family of Iran. Iran and Iraq have been rivals and enemies. The Jesuits were banished from Iraq.
George Walker Bush bowing to Pope Benedict XVI. The Bushs have a covert alliance with the Pallavicinis and the Massimos.
Princess Luciana Pallavicini is married with the royal family of Afghanistan.
Prince Roffredo Gaetani is a top owner of the Gottis, Gotti-Agnellos, and the Philly Mob with Joey Merlino and he is close friends with Donald Trump and dated his ex wife Ivana Trump for years. People have been claiming that Prince Roffredo and the Gambinos have some kind of videotape blackmail on Donald Trump which they probably do because that is what the mafia does. That does not excuse Trump or any criminal for doing more crimes because they are blackmailed for doing another crime. That makes them more evil. Donald Trump owned casinos in Atlantic City including casinos built by the Philly Mob and Merlino family which run the Philly Mob today. The Gambinos, Gottis, and Philly Mob specialize in construction rackets and infiltration of businesses and they launder their criminal profits in Atlantic City casinos. The Philly Mob is really part of the Gambino crime syndicate which is the most powerful mafia on the planet. The Gambino crime syndicate are much bigger and wealthier than what the FBI and authorities admit. Most known mobsters are low level and most known mafia bosses have higher level bosses which don’t get their hands dirty and are more like covert overseers and these higher level bosses are often wealthy Italian businessmen involved with restaurants, bars, car dealerships, law firms, and banking. These high level mafia overseers are often legitimately worth tens of millions or up to hundreds of millions but are never worth billions to keep attention off of them. There are at least tens of thousands of members of the Italian Mafia inside the United States. The mafia is massive. The Gambinos are the most dominant mafia in the United States because they use violence and force to control others. The Gambinos also have sophisticated intelligence networks connected with the Vatican and Jesuits. The Gambino owners like the Gaetanis and Massimos use mafias to blackmail and intimidate businessmen, bankers, and politicians and this creates a layer of protection. Philadelphia is nicknamed the “City of Brotherly Love” and Roffredo’s entire last name is Gaetani-D’Aragona-Lovatelli. The Gaetanis are married with the billionaire Agnelli-Elkann family and the Agnellis rig soccer matches through Juventus for mafia bets. The Agnellis are also married with the Brandolini d’Adda family and they are married with the French Rothschilds. Prince Gherardo Gaetani Dell-Aquila-D’Aragona is another high level member of this family and a mafia owner that has command over the Gotti-Agnellos with brothers John, Carmine, and Frank and they manage the Albanian Mafia in New York through the Gambino agent Nardino Colotti and the Albanian John Alite who is a made man in the Gambino crime syndicate. Victoria Gotti is also a high level female member of Cosa Nostra. Prince Roffredo and his brother Luca faked their deaths and have been hiding out in Switzerland and northern Italy and they did this because Prince Roffredo Gaetani is the preselected President Trump’s real boss.
Prince Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona-Lovatelli with Ivana Trump. Prince Roffredo is a top owner of the Philly Mob and part owner of the Gambino crime family especially the Gotti faction.
Prince Giovanni Gaetani-Dell’Aquilla-d’Aragona with his wife Ginevra Elkann. Prince Bonafacio is a part owner of the Gambinos and the Casamonica mafia clans.
Prince Raimondo Gaetani-D’Aragona-Lovatelli on the left with James de Rothschild in the middle. The Gaetanis are married with the Elkann-Agnelli family which are married with the Brandolini d’Adda family and the Rothschilds are also married with the Brandolini d’Adda family. Count Guido Brandolini d’Adda whose grandmother was a Rothschild works for the Rothschild bank.
Prince Gherado Gaetani is a part owner of the Gotti and Gotti-Agnello faction of the Gambino crime family.
Donald Trump and his ex wife Ivana Trump with her former boyfriend Prince Roffredo Gaetani.
Princess Daniela del Secco D’Aragona is a Roman noble and a high level witch who murders children as sacrifices. The Gaetanis and Orsinis both married with the Spanish D’Aragona royal family which ruled in Sicily and incorporated their name D’Aragona.
Prince Gelasio Gaetani-D’Aragona-Lovatelli is a high level sorcerer and part owner of the Philly Mob. Prince Gelasio calls himself the “Wizard of Wine” and says he puts in “special ingredients” in his wine referring to blood and adrenochrome. Prince Gelasio owns a winery and uses it for trafficking human blood and adrenochrome.
Donald Trump is now threatening to start a global war beginning with Iran in defense of his bosses the Black Nobility.
Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani della Rovere is the primary owner of the Albanian Mafia which are an international crime group involved in various criminal activities including human trafficking. The Albanian Mafia have operations in Italy and close alliances with various Italian crime families. The Chigi family are also part owners of the Casalesi Mafia clan. The Chigis merged with the Albani family which took their name from Alban Hills and later the Albani family settled in Albania giving it its modern name. The Albanian Mafia has a large operation in New York and on the East Coast as well as in London and Israel. The Prime Minister of Italy resides at the Palazzo Chigi. The Chigi family are managers of both Nazis and Zionists. The Chigis are married with the Sayn-Wittgenstein family of Germany which had a Jewish business branch that were once considered one of the wealthiest families in Europe with Karl Wittgenstein who ran a steel empire and his wealth was likely given over to the Chigis and Sayn-Wittgensteins since its not accounted for today. The Sayn-Wittgensteins are currently married to another Sienese noble family the Spannochis. During WWII the Chigis managed the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani della Rovere as Grand Master. Several top Nazis were Knights of Malta including Germany’s Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen and Baron Philipp von Boeselager and his brother Baron George von Boeselager who were both Knights of Malta and high level Nazis. Baron Albrecht von Boeselager is the current Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Mario Chigi is a top authority over the SMOM and he is the Prince of Farnese and has authority over the Italian Bourbons which are direct descendants of the Farneses and also Knights of Malta. The Chigi family first established themselves in Siena and covertly founded the oldest continually running bank in the world called Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and today this bank finances criminals while covering it up as non performing loans. The Clintons bombed Yugoslavia and then the Albanian Mafia spread there. Then the Clintons invited and financed Albanian refugees including many Albanian mobster to come into the United States and they did pay them with refugee money. I personally know Albanian Mafia families with each member receiving up to 30,000 for coming into the United States as refugees and that was after they were paid tens of thousands by various European governments like Greece for being refugees. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has donated to the Clinton Foundation and it states this on its website. Prince Flavio’s father Prince Mario Chigi was investigated for concealing hundreds of millions in Euros in private banks in Liechtenstein. Under their Pope Alexander VII they established the headquarters of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem to their della Rovere palazzo. The Chigi papal coat of arms has 6 hexagrams on it just as the hexagram is a symbol for Zionism.
Prince Mario Chigi-Albani della Rovere the Princes of Farnese is a top owner of the Albanian Mafia and Israeli Mafias as well as a top authority over the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani della Rovere with his wife Princess Carlotta. Prince Mario an owner of the Albanian Mafia and Israeli Mafia.
Prince Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel is a French noble and the current Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome and member of the SMOM’s Sovereign Council. Prince Dominique holds the title of Bavarian prince and is extremely evil. The former head of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII was Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani della Rovere and his wife’s mother was a French Rochefoucauld.
Princess Ismene Chigi with the German Princess Beatrice von Hohenlohe. Princess Ismene is the first wife of Prince Mario and mother of Prince Flavio and Princess Anna. The Windsors and Hohenlohes are closely related.
Prince Charles of Wales at the Palazzo Chigi with the recent and former Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni. The Italian Prime Minister resides at the Palazzo Chigi.
Prince Charles of Wales with his cousin Prince Philipp of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.
Marchese Nicolo Cavalcanti di Verbicaro on the far left. Prince Mario Chigi’s half sister married with the Cavalcanti di Verbicaros which are part owners of the DeCavalcante crime family in New Jersey along with the Aldobrandini family.
Princess Barbara Massimo with Prince Giovanni Torlonia and Princess Anna Chigi-Albani della Rovere. The Torlonias and Chigis have intermarried twice recently.
Prince Mario and his second wife Princess Donatella and Prince Flavio.
Prince Ascanio Pacelli is a Roman noble and high level Nazi-Fascist commander as well as a part owner of the Georgian-Russian Mafia. The Pacelli family are a newer bloodline of the Black Nobility that originated from Viterbo. It was Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli who made an alliance between the Vatican and Nazi Germany through Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen who was a Roman Knight of Malta and Vatican knight. After signing the Reichskonkordat or Vatican-Nazi alliance Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli became Pope Pius XII. Euginio Pacelli was the godfather of Prince Ferfried of Hohenzollern who is a top member of the House of Hohenzollern a German imperial family that were directly involved with the Nazis. The Italian Fascists and German Nazis had a close alliance and the Vatican also had a close alliance with the Nazis and Fascists. The Black Nobility finance and direct propaganda like vaguely blaming all Jews for all corruption to deflect away from them. The Pacelli family likely originate from the Jaqeli noble family of Georgia. The Black Nobility originated from Eastern European royals and nobles that invaded Western Europe and mixed in with the ancient Latin imperial bloodlines. Black in Black Nobility refers to the Black Sea region where they originated from. The Sacchetti family of Italy are likely related to the ancient Bagrationi dynasty which ruled in Georgia. Sacchetti means Bags or Sacks. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is a current member of this family and she is a high level satanic witch. Her name Giorgia like the nation of Georgia. The Georgian Mafia are part of the Russian Mafia and they operate in Russia. Russia has a close alliance with Monaco a nation ruled by the Grimaldis a family that originated in Genoa, Italy and members are Roman Knights of Malta. A portion of the people of Georgia sided with the Nazis during WWII and had a Nazi Georgian Legion. Members of the House of Pacelli include Prince Francesco, Princess Giorgia, and Prince Ascanio.
Princess Giorgia Pacelli with Giusy Morrigi on the left. Princess Giorgia is an owner of the Georgian Mafia and one of the highest level witches on the planet.
Prince Ascanio Pacelli is an owner of the Georgian Mafia which works under the Russian Mafia.
Prince Carlo Massimo with Princess Giorgia Pacelli. Princess Giorgia burns children alive. Cosa Nostra and the Knights of Malta are child traffickers. Prince Carlo Massimo is from the Savoy-Genovese family and is a part owner of the Genovese crime family and has been the Italian President of the Knights of Malta.
Prince Bante Boncompagni-Ludovisi and his brother Prince Francesco Boncompagni-Ludovisi are owners of the Casalesi Camorra Mafia clan that operates outside of Lazio and Rome and they are also owners of the Bonanno crime family of New York with Vincent Badalementi as a top capo and extremely sadistic mafia enforcer and Michael Mancuso as a high level Bonanno boss. In 2012 Prince Bante was apparently arrested in Newport, Rhode Island for assaulting his wife. Many members of the Black Nobility have residences in the United States. His brother Prince Francesco was arrested in Italy for money laundering and tax evasion of the amount of about 10 million Euros and in 1992 Prince Francesco was arrested for a billion dollar credit card scam. The Casalesi Mafia is the largest and wealthiest Camorra clan and is believed to be worth tens of billions. They run extortion and protection rackets and infiltrate businesses like the construction industry. The Bonannos are heavily involved with extortion, assault, murder and terrorism. The Bon-Compagni name means Good Fellas a term used for made men in the Italian Mafia. The Italian-American rapper G Fella is a made man in the Bonanno crime family and his Italian-American rap associate Salesi is a Camorra member of the Casalesi clan. The Ludovisi family ruled over Venosa, Italy. The Casalesi Camorra Mafia clan in Italy have influences in Sora and one of their factions was ran by a man named Raffaele Venosa. The founder of the Casalesi Mafia Clan was from Caserta right near Sora. The Casalesi clan are a layer of defense for the Magliana and Casamonica mafias of Rome. The Boncompagnis also own the Ceritta crime family of San Jose, California which have an alliance with the Bonannos. The Cerittos have secretly moved their operations into Texas and oversee some drug trafficking networks with the Mexican drug cartels. Prince Bante’s deceased father Prince Nicolo was married to the Texan Rita Jenrette. The Fertitta family which are collectively worth about 9 billion as the owners of about dozens of casinos, former majority owners of the UFC which they still have shares in, and owners of the Houston Rockets are agents of the Torlonias and Boncompagnis. The Houston Rockets player James Harden is a violent psychopath who manages gang stalkers. The Torlonias and Boncompagnis are intermarried. The Fertittas married with the Galveston crime family and reestablished themselves in Las Vegas and Houston. The billionaire Tilman Fertitta is a top boss of the modern Galveston crime family.
Prince Bante Boncompagni-Ludovisi is part owner of the Houston crime family and an owner of the Bonanno crime family as well as the Casalesi mafia clan.
Prince Francesco Boncompagni-Ludovisi is an owner of the Casalesi mafia clan and the Bonanno crime family and he specializes in financial fraud and credit card scams which he has been arrested for.
The deceased Prince Nicolo Boncompagni-Ludovisi and his American Texan wife Rita Jenrette.
Prince Alessandro Jacopo Boncompagni-Ludovisi is an owner of a vineyard and winery which he uses for trafficking human blood and adrenochrome obtained through mafia torture.
Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the top owner of the Italian Mafia. Italian princes are called dons just like mafia bosses are called dons. Prince Fabrizio is a primary owner of the Gambino crime syndicate and the Gotti faction, Philly Mob through Joseph LiGambi, Lucchese crime family, the NAR fascist paramilitary terrorist organization, Magliana Mafia of Rome, Apulian Mafia, Corleonisi Clan of Sicily, and the Graviano hitmen of Brancaccio, Sicily as well as the Irish Mafia, Russian Mafia, and Albanian Mafia. Benedetto Graviano of Brancaccio is a top boss and enforcer for the Sicilian Mafia. The Massimos merged with the Brancaccio family of the Brancaccio region of Palermo, Sicily. The Brancaccios were also a nobility of Naples and Apulia and they established a French branch that were known for overtaxing Jews in Metz. The Black Nobility blame Jews for everything as their defense. The Graviano mafia clan of Brancaccio take their orders from Rome. Prince Fabrizio owns factions of the Apulian Mafia or Sacra Corona Unita in Bari. Don Fabrizio is the Prince of Triggiano right next to Bari which is a port city that has a human trafficking operation with the Albanian Mafia. It is documented that Albanian mobsters traffic women across the sea into Bari and pimp them out of the town of Triggiano. The Albanian Mafia are major child traffickers that target young girls. The collective yearly earnings of the Sicilian Mafia, Sacra Corona Unita, Camorra, and Ndrangheta is about 100 billion and that is per year. The Italian-American Mafias are believed to make between 40-90 billion per year. The Gambino crime family is headed up by Rosario Gambino, Thomas Gambino Sr, and his sons Carlo Gambino and Thomas Gambino Jr. who owns Dynamic Worldwide an international warehouse and distribution company headquartered in Florida. Dynamic Worldwide traffics drugs, weapons, and humans and has operations in Asia and an operation next to the Mexican border. The Massimos relatives the Gabrielli family which passed their titles to the Massimos founded and ran Banco di Roma which through a series of mergers is now part of UniCredit a large Italian bank. Mike Santomassimo is a relative of the Massimos and is the CFO of BNY Mellon which has been involved in money laundering with Russia. Santo-Massimo means Saint Massimo. The Massimos conceal their wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and mostly Liechtenstein. The Massimos married with the House of Wettin. The royal family of Liechtenstein have the Wettin coat of arms on their coat of arms. The Gabriellis also married with the Bonapartes and the Bonpartes created the FBI through Charles Bonaparte. The Bonapartes married with the Gotti family as well. When the Bonapartes took over Italy they were operating as a proxy for the Black Nobility. The Massimos of Rome are also the primary owners of the Vatican, Jesuits, Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Massimos of Roccasecca which live in London own the Clerkenwell crime syndicate, Rathkeal Rovers of Ireland and some Irish Mafias. Prince Carlo Massimo has been the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta and they run the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Tony Ressler was Jesuit educated from Georgetown and is a covert Knight of Malta who co-founded Apollo Global Management which owns Constellis Holdings which now owns the mercenary company Blackwater. Prince Fabrizio is the Prince of Arsoli and Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio’s mother is from the Solari family. Ar-soli and Solari refer to the sun and Apollo was the Greek deity of the Sun. The Massimos have authority over Apollo Global Management which manages more than 240 billion in assets. Prince Giacomo Massimo worked for Banca Finnat in Rome and its owner Giampietro Nattino has been investigated for money laundering. The Massimos produced two Popes for the Vatican over 1500 years ago and created the Jesuit Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome where Mario Draghi the President of the EU central bank was educated. The Massimos also ran the Jesuit Mondragone college with numerous presidents. Most mafias, street gangs, and drug cartels pay tributes to the Massimos. Mexican drug cartels launder their tributes to the Massimos through Spain and the billionaire Amancio Ortega who owns the clothing store Massimo Dutti and he serves the Osorio family of Spain which are currently married with the Massimos. Massimo Dutti refers to Massimo Duty. Duty can mean a tribute. The Massimos are the most dominant bloodline of the Black Nobility. The Massimos are the most powerful bloodline of the global crime syndicate and it is because they are the most violent and lawless. Prince Fabrizio is the most evil creature in all of creation.
Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio the Prince of Arsoli and Prince of Triggiano is the primary owner of most mafias on the planet and is the real head of the Black Nobility and is the most ruthless and relentless devil on the planet. His girlfriend Countess Alessandra Malesci-Boccani manages female gang stalkers and female mobsters and she is pure evil. Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio the actual devil in the flesh.
Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio with Lady Amelia Windsor. The Massimos and Windsors have a close alliance.
Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio is an owner and manager of MS13 through his relative Prince Carlo Massimo and his wife Princess Elisa Osorio because the Osorios are the primary owners of MS13.
Duke Juan Miguel Osorio-Bertran is the top owner of the Beltran-Leyva Cartel and MS13. Bertran is a variant of Beltran. The Osorios ruled in El Salvador and have relatives in Mexican politics. The Osorios are currently married with the Massimos with Prince Carlo Massimo and his wife Princess Elisa Osorio.
Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca is the owner of the Clerkenwell Mafia also called the Adams crime family in London. Prince Stefano also has a portion of ownership of the Colombo crime family and often manages them. The Genovese mobster Liborio Bellomo is really loyal to the Colombos and directly serves Prince Stefano Massimo who oversees the various Prince Stefano Colonnas in Rome which own the Colombos. The Colombos of New York run prostitution rings and pedophilia networks. The Massimos of Roccasecca are a Roman nobility that reside in London. Prince Stefano’s mother was Dawn Addams and the Adams family with Terry, Patsy, and Tommy Adams are the bosses of the Clerkenwall crime syndicate. The Clerkenwell Mafia is the most powerful organized crime group in London and is involved in murder, extortion, drug trafficking, high end thefts including gold heists, as well as running prostitution rings. Silvio Scaglia is an Italian-Swiss billionaire that lives in London and he founded and runs Pacific Global Management Group which owns Elite World an international model management company. Model agencies have been exposed for their involvement with high end prostitution. Scaglia was investigated for tax fraud ordered by Rome’s anti-mafia public prosecutor and Scaglia was later acquitted of all charges like so many other wealthy criminals operating in Rome. Remo Ruffini is another Italian billionaire and agent of the Massimos of Roccasecca. Ruffini refers to the name rufus which means red haired. Prince Stefano and his sons Tancredi and Valerio have red hair. Remo Ruffini is a part owner of the fashion company Moncler. Prince Stefano Massimo is a fashion photographer. The Adams crime family carried out the Brink’s-Mat Robbery consisting of hundreds of millions in stolen cash, diamonds, and gold. Benjamin Goldsmith the banker with his brother Frank Zac Goldsmith a British politician manage and finance some British Crime Firms and are criminal financiers for the Massimo of Roccaseccas. They serve the Massimos. Their mother Lady Annabell Goldsmith is from the Vane-Tempest-Stuart family. The Stuarts are Roman Catholic and serve the Vatican. The town of Clerkenwell and has contracts with the Royal Mint. The Clerkenwell Mafia are stealing gold from the British Crown for the Massimo family and yet the Windsors and Massimos still work closely together. Prince Valerio Massimo can be seen hanging out with Freddy Windsor and Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio took Lady Amelia Windsor as his date to a ball. The Goldsmiths finance and oversee sex trafficking of underage girls and use Pakistani criminals as a proxy. Their sister Jemima Goldsmith was married to Imran Khan the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. There have been numerous arrests and investigations of Pakistani men trafficking women in the United Kingdom.Prince Stefano Massimo’s sons are Valerio, Caesar, and Tancredi. Prince Tancredi Massimo of Roccasecca is an owner of the Rathkeale Rovers which specialize in museum and auction house thefts. Prince Tancredi Massimo works for auction houses and Christies. The name Tancredi derives from the name Thankrath. Rath-keale like Thank-rath. The Massimos which produced Popes for the Vatican over 1500 years ago established various branches in Europe including an Irish nobility called the Barons Massey. Paul Massey an English gangster who was murdered and his son Stephen Massey work with the Clerkenwell crime syndicate which has been nicknamed the A-Team. The Massimos and Masseys are the primary owners of the Irish Mafia and the Irish Republican Army. Gerry Adams is an Irish politician as the former head of the Sinn Fein and is a leader of the Irish Republican Army and he was arrested in 2014 for the murder of a woman in 1972 and later released. His brother Liam Adams was arrested and convicted of raping his own daughter and sentenced to 16 years in prison. The IRA is still active and overall is a terroristic organization that has spread and become international. Prince Stefano Massimo is pure evil, extremely ruthless, delusional, and psychotic and he is the one behind the serial murders known as the “Smiley Face Killers” which are white male gangs that kidnap young men who are then used as sex slaves for weeks or months for sadistic women which kill them by holding them under water and then later these gangs place their bodies in rivers. Prince Stefano Massimo and his minions always have sadistic grins and respond to getting exposed by grinning demonically.
Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca is the owner of the Clerkenwell Mafia in London and part owner of the Colombo crime family. Prince Stefano is the most psychotic evil on the planet.
Prince Stefano Massimo with his son Prince Tancredi Massimo who is the primary owner of the Rathkeale Rovers international crime syndicate based in Ireland.
The Zionist Jews Benjamin Goldsmith the banker with his brother Frank Zac Goldsmith a British politician and they manage and finance some British Crime Firms and are criminal financiers for the Massimo of Roccaseccas. Their mother Lady Annabell Goldsmith is from the Vane-Tempest-Stewart family. The Stewarts are Roman Catholic and serve the Vatican. The Goldsmiths also worked as bankers in Tuscany, Italy and have covert Borgia ancestry. The Borgias held noble titles in France and the Goldsmiths established themselves in France. The Company of Goldsmiths is located in Clerkenwell and has contracts with the Royal Mint. The Clerkenwell Mafia are stealing gold from the British Crown for the Massimo family and yet the Windsors and Massimos still work closely together. The Goldsmiths finance and oversee sex trafficking of underage girls and use Pakistani criminals as a proxy. Their sister Jemima Goldsmith was married to Imran Khan the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. There have been numerous arrests and investigations of Pakistani men trafficking women in the United Kingdom. David Gold is a Jewish businessman in London involved with the porn industry and he is an agent of the Goldsmiths. David Gold’s business associate David Sullivan financed the English mobster David Hunt. Kate Middleton’s mother is Carole Goldsmith.
Prince Cesare Massimo is a part owner of the Clerkenwell Mafia.
Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca with Frederick Windsor the son of Prince Michael of Kent who is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons and the brother of Prince Edward the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. The Massimos have a close alliance with the House of Windsor.
Prince Valerio Massimo on the left with his wife Princess Alexandra Massimo and they are part owners of the London crime firms and Clerkenwell Mafia. Prince Valerio is a business associate of the Spencer-Churchills who are married with the House of Windsor with Prince William and Prince Harry whose mother was Diana Spencer. Prince Valerio Massimo and Edward Spencer-Churchill are owners of Auctus Industries and SCM Capital Partners. Prince Valerio also has a residence in Los Angeles.
Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice is a high level banking authority and the primary owner of the Venetian Mafia. Venice was a major banking and merchant center for centuries. The Savoy’s top white collar Venetian mobsters are the wealthy Cipriani family which own restaurants, bars, clubs, and hotels with Maggio Cipriani as a current member. The Ciprianis were found guilty of tax evasion in the United States and they used private bank accounts in Luxembourg. The Ciprianis paid a fine to get out of prison. The Ciprianis also employed the convicted mafia financier Dennis Pappas as their Vice President of Cipriani USA. The House of Savoy are the primary owners of the Genovese crime family and various Camorra mafia clans. Count Vittorio Eugenio Frioli’s mother is Princess Maria Isabell of Savoy-Genova and he is a part owner of the Genoveses. The Friolis are the continuation of the Savoy-Genoveses. The House of Savoy are the royal family of Italy and they were kicked out of Italy for installing the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini so they moved to Geneva, Switzerland where their ancestors ruled for centuries. In the past few decades they have been let back into Italy. They have residences in Italy, France, and Switzerland and connections with various bankers and billionaires. The Prince of Venice’s father Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy the Prince of Naples was charged and imprisoned for murder and later released and also investigated for corruption, making bribes, slot machine rackets, and exploitation of prostitution. Prince Vittorio is the Prince of Naples where Camorra is headquartered. Its likely that all Camorra mafias pay tributes to the Savoys as well as the Massimos with Prince Carlo Massimo whose mother was a Savoy-Genovese. Prince Vittorio’s wife is Princess Marina Doria from the wealthy banking family of Genova also called Genoa. The Dorias ruled as Doges of the Republic of Genoa. The name Genovese means someone from Genova, Italy and the Savoys established a Savoy-Genovese branch. Genoa or Genova, Italy and Geneva, Switzerland where the Savoys reside have the same name which means New City. Nova means new. Gianluigi Aponte is an Italian billionaire that was born in Naples and now lives in Geneva and he owns Mediterranean Shipping Company the second largest shipping company in the world. The Apontes which are worth about 8 billion are agents of the Savoys and work with Camorra in infiltrating ports for criminal trafficking including human trafficking. Prince Emanuele Filiberto has worked as a Swiss banker at the Republic New York Bank in Geneva and at the private Banque SYZ in Geneva. The Savoys frequently married with the Este family which are today top Swiss bankers with Prince Lorenz of Austria-Este and Belgium the Italian Duke of Modena and Ferrara who is a partner at the Swiss Gutzwiller bank. The Savoys are also married with the Belgian royal family and Prince Lorenz is currently married to Princess Astrid of Belgium the sister of the current King of Belgium. The Swiss Gutzwiller family own a private bank and also manage 35 other Swiss banks through Entris Holdings. Banking is private in Switzerland. The southern part of Switzerland was settled by Italians and they speak Italian there. Members of Camorra have been caught laundering criminal profits in private Swiss banks especially in southern Switzerland and the Canton of Ticino. The Savoys have various bankers and billionaires working for them including the Jesuit educated Gabelli family of bankers and investors, the Geneva based Lundin billionaires, and the French billionaire Pierre Castel. The Gabellis work closely with the Genovese crime family and are involved in stock fraud and insider trading. JP Morgan was knighted by the House of Savoy in 1906 and the Savoys have authority over JP Morgan Chase & Company and Morgan Stanley through their Roman Catholic agent and JP Morgan Board Director Steve Burke and Morgan Stanley through their Jesuit educated CEO James Gorman.
Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice is the primary owner of the Venetian Mafia and a part owner of the Genovese crime family. His father Prince Vittorio was also a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was involved with the Vatican, Banco Ambrosiano, Italian government, Italian media, and organized crime like the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari fascist paramilitary group and Banda della Magliana or Magliana Mafia. The Savoy family put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini into power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Haute-Savoie in France was under military occupation by Mussolini. The House of Savoy and Black Nobility used Mussolini to establish the Vatican as a nation and to weaken and persecute their opposition in Italy. The Mussolini family still live in Rome and have married in with Italian nobility.
Prince Lorenz of Belgium and of the House of Austria-Este or Habsburg-Este and the Italian Duke of Modena and Italian Duke of Ferrara is a managing partner at Gutzwiller Bank in Basel, Switzerland a private bank founded by the Gutzwiller family which are the top banking dynasty in Switzerland. Prince Lorenz is also a board director for Six Group with Jurg Gutzwiller. Prince Lorenz began his banking career in Rome, London, and Paris. Prince Lorenz is a money launderer and criminal financier for various European royals and especially the House of Savoy.
Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy the Princes of Naples is the primary owner of the Genovese crime family and an owner of the Camorra mafia clans. Prince Vittorio has also worked as a Swiss broker, arms dealer, and military grade helicopter salesman for Agusta and was investigated for selling military weapons and aircraft to Arab nations under sanctions including providing weapon systems to the PLO. The Agusta family are a Sicilian nobility and owned Agusta Helicopters which bought the Savoy’s Savoy-Marchetti aircraft company. Agusta was also investigated for bribing Belgian officials to for military contracts and again for bribes in India. Prince Vittorio’s mother was from the Belgian royal family. Agusta Helicopters is now part of Leonardo-Finmeccanica headed up by Giovanni De Gennaro. Agusta has been in contract with the United States military and Leonardo-Finmeccanica is one of the largest defense contractors in the world.
Princess Marina of Savoy is from the Doria banking family and is the wife of Prince Vittorio. The Dorias are a Genoese and Roman family involved with banking and the papacy.
Ursula Mussolini and Vittoria Mussolini the great granddaughters of Benito Mussolini and they run the Order of the Roman Aquila. They are both ruthless child murdering Amazons.
Prince Augusto Ruffo di Calabria is a Calabrian noble and part owner of the Ndrangheta mafia clans which are headquartered in Calabria and operate internationally. The Ruffo di Calabrias oversee the Vangelo a council of high level Calabrian mafia bosses. The Ndrangheta clans operate as a defense for the Sicilian Mafia and they are involved in extortion, intimidation, blackmail, murder and various criminal activities like smuggling and business rackets. The Ruffo di Calabrias are the Dukes of Guardia Lombarda which refers to them guarding the Lombardy Goths like the Gottis that settled in Campania and mixed with the Gambinos. Gamb and Camp both mean crooked. The Gottis originated from Lombardy. Authorities claim the Ndrangheta are the most powerful organized crime syndicate in Italy however they are a proxy for the Sicilian Mafia and they serve the Sicilian Mafia which they pay tributes. They are believed to earn about 60 billion per year. One way the mafias pay their owners their tributes is through the Vatican’s charity rackets. The money is then funneled through the Vatican’s Swiss bank accounts and through the Torlonia’s Banca del Fucino. The mafias also pay them tributes through cash deliveries which usually get laundered through offshore companies or through jewelers and high end art dealers. The Ruffo di Calabria family like all mafia owners manage police, politicians, and judges and use them to maintain control over the mafias. Mario Oliverio the President of Calabria is an agent of the House of Ruffo di Calabria. Rocco Commisso is an Italian-American billionaire worth 5 billion and was born in Calabria. The Commisso family are a Nndrangheta clan in Calabria. Their name refers to Commission. When a mafia does not pay tributes or take orders from their bosses they use the government to go after them. That is how they maintain control. The Ruffo di Calabria family are high level Italian nobles that married with the Lucchesi-Palli family, Belgian royal family, and Austrian Windisch-Graetz family as well as the Spanish Borja family which are part owners of Camorra and Mexican and South American drug cartels. Prince Augusto’s grandfather Prince Fulco Ruffo di Calabria the 6th duke of Guardia Lombarda was a Senator for the Italian Fascists and Mussolini. Prince Augusto’s wife is Princess Irma Christiana of Windisch-Graetz. Members of the Ruffo di Calabria family include Prince Augusto, Prince Fulco, Prince Alessandro, and the very wicked Princess Melba. Prince Augusto is a Knight of the Order of Malta and Knight of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and he serves the Italian Bourbon royals and the Black Nobility.
Prince Augusto Ruffo di Calabria is a top owner of the Ndrangheta mafia clans.
Prince Alessanddro Ruffo di Calabria and his brother Prince Fulco Ruffo di Calabria and they are both part owners of the Calabrian mafias.
Princess Fabrizia Ruffo di Calabria and her Spanish husband Don Francesco de Borja-Benjumea. The Borjas are both an Italian and Spanish nobility and they own some Camorra mafias including the Scissionisti di Secondigliano Camorra mafia clan also called the Spagnoli for Spaniards because of their involvement in Spain. The Italian Borgias produced several Popes for the Vatican.
Don Francisco de Borja-Soto and Moreno-Santamaria the Duke of Escalona and Duke of Frias is a part owner of the Juarez Cartel and MS13. The Borgia family own and command a faction of MS-13 which are an extremely violent street gang originating in El Salvador. Alvaro Alfredo Magama Borja was put in power through Operation Condor a program that was orchestrated by United States and European intelligence agencies as a continuation of their Operation Gladio. Operation Condor included assassinations, terrorism, and military usurpation of governments in South America.
Prince Giovanni Torlonia is a top Roman banking authority with international influences. The Torlonias are the Vatican’s treasurers. The Torlonias have continual management positions at the Vatican as Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne. The Torlonias are part owners of the Bonanno crime family, Pittsburg crime family, Civella crime family, and Juarez Cartel of Mexico. The Torlonias are also part owners of the Contini and La Torre Camorra mafia clans. The Torlonias are married with the royal family of Spain the Bourbons which ruled and Latinized Mexico. The Torlonias married with the royal family of Luxembourg where banking is private and used for money laundering. The Cipriani family of Venice are billionaires that own international restaurants, hotels, and bars including in New York and they were caught in the United States laundering money through banks in Luxembourg. Princess Sibilla Torlonia is the wife of Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg and he worked for the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The Luxembourg royals go to annual IMF meetings. The Torlonias manage the royal family of Luxembourg. The US Treasury is designed very similar to the Torlonia Villa in Rome. The Torlonias are the Princes of Civitella-Cesi which is where the Civella crime family take their name from. The Torlonias have business deals with the Fertitta billionaires in the United States which own about two dozens casinos which the mafia use for money laundering. The Torlonias own the Italian private bank called Banca del Fucino which they use for laundering their mafia tributes. The mafias pay tributes to their owners through the Vatican’s charity foundations and then they launder the money in private Swiss bank accounts and through Banca del Fucino which holds the personal profits of the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility bloodlines are generally worth hundreds of millions at most however they have private bank accounts worth billions or really tens of billions which they use for financing mafia enterprises, gang stalking, and for bribes. Mafias pay their tributes through the Vatican charity rackets. The Black Nobility spend at least tens of billions per year in maintaining their power and control. The Torlonias have had banking contracts with the Rothschilds for centuries. In 2018 the Torlonia’s Banca del Fucino entered into contract with the Rothschild Bank and use them for banking intelligence. Prince Giulio Torlonia is the Vice President and an owner of Banca del Fucino. Prince Marino Torlonia and his brother Prince Giovanni Torlonia are also owners of Banca del Fucino.
Prince Giovanni Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi is an owner of the Kansas City crime family, Houston Mafia, and Bonanno crime family and the Torlonias are money launderers for the Gottis. Prince Giovanni’s grandmother was the Queen of Spain.
Prince Guido Torlonia is a high level tactician for the Black Nobility and he is friends with members of Hollywood.
Duke Leopold Torlonia who is a Knight of Malta shaking hands with Pope Francis.
Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg with his wife Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg whose mother was Princess Olimpia Torlonia. Prince Guillaume is Jesuit educated from Georgetown and worked for the International Monetary Fund in DC. Prince Guillaume is also an Italian Prince of Parma through his grandfather Prince Felix who was from the Italian House of Bourbon-Parma. Luxembourg uses private banking and conceals and launders wealth for both the Italian and Israeli mafias.
Count Alessandro Lequio of Assaba and Torlonia or Count Lequio with the deceased Prince Marco Torlonia. Count Alessandro is Spanish noble and an owner of the Kansas City crime family as well as the Juarez Cartel which has a covert trafficking network with the Galveston crime family and Kansas City crime family. The billionaire Fertitta family are the current heads of the Galveston crime family and operate out of Las Vegas and Houston.
Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a mafia owner of the New England crime family through the DiNunzios, Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia clan, and the Trafficante crime family of Florida as well as the Cuba Mafia which have criminal business deals with the Trafficantes which have owned casinos in Cuba. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies share their part ownership of the Cuntrera-Caruanas, Trafficantes and Cuban Mafia with their relatives the Bourbon-Parmas. Prince Carlo is also a top authority over the Jesuits and has command over Pope Francis. Prince Carlo is the uncle of Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte the current head of the Imperial House of Bonaparte and Prince Jean Christophe is a knight under the Bourbons. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is the Duke of Castro which is where the Castro family of Cuba take their name. The Castros migrated from Spain to Cuba. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parma families were founded from a marriage between the Spanish Bourbons and the Farnese family. The Jesuit headquarters in Rome has Farnesivs engraved on the front of the church. The Farneses officially established the Jesuits under their Pope Paul III and they lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola. The Jesuits are heavily infiltrated in the US military which is headquartered at the US Pentagon. Fidel Castro was Jesuit educated. Prince Michael of Bourbon-Parma was Jesuit educated in Montreal and lived in Florida until his recent death in 2018. The Trafficantes are headquartered in Florida and the Cuntrera-Caruanas are headquartered in Montreal. The House of Bourbon-Parma is married with the royal family of Luxembourg which inherited their titles of Princes of Parma and Grand Duke Henri’s wife is from Cuba and from the Batista family which ruled Cuba. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma is the head of this family and his relatives are married with the Dutch royal family. The Dutch monarch ruled over Aruba which is where the Cuntrera-Caruanas established themselves before moving to Montreal.
Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro with his wife Princess Camilla. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is an owner of the New England crime family, Montreal crime family, Cuban Mafia, and the Trafficante crime family. Prince Carlo’s sister Princess Beatrice is the mother of Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte.
Prince Jean Christopher Napoleon Bonaparte is an investment banker and the nephew of Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Prince Jean Christophe worked for Morgan Stanley, Advent International, and currently works for Blackstone in London.
Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma is a Italian royal and member of the Dutch royal family and also an owner of the Cuntrera-Caruana mafia operations in Aruba which are involved with various crimes including child trafficking. Prince Carlos worked for ABN AMRO Bank and was involved in developing the Euro.
Princess Marie Gabrielle of Savoy with Prince Amaury of Bourbon-Parma at the Swiss Club of Leaders. The Club of Leaders is an international group of royals and businessmen that meet in various European locations to discuss criminal financing and market domination.
Prince Jean Christopher with the Dutch King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. The Dutch royal family are extremely wealthy and have ownership of Royal Dutch Shell, Philips Electronics, ABN AMRO Bank, and various other corporations. ABN AMRO has over 380 billion in assets and owns several banks in Saudi Arabia. Prince Khalid bin Faisal al Saud the Governor of Mecca is a knighted under the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
Prince Jaime of Bourbon-Parma with Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. Prince Jaime is the Dutch Ambassador to the Vatican. Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands worked as a consultant for Booz Allen & Hamilton in London and for Rand Corporation in Europe. Rand is a private corporate entity that advises, develops, and plans military operations and weapons systems including artificial intelligence which is being used to target people in society. Donald Douglas Sr. was awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau and his Douglas Aircraft Company created the Rand Corporation.
Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and his family at Mar-a-lago with Trump who was Jesuit educated at Fordham.
The Jesuit Pope Francis or Jorge Mario Bergoglio with his boss Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies whose ancestors the Farnese family officially established the Jesuits. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a Knight of Malta and the Chigi-Albani della Rovere family ruled as the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Chigis are the Princes of Farnese. The Chigis manage the Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parmas. Pope Francis is a violent psychopath who oversees the Vatican’s financing of gang stalkers including the financing of human sacrifices to secret societies.
Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Calabria is an Italian-Spanish royal and an owner of some Ndrangheta mafias like the Belloco clan which operate in Spain as well as an owner of the Cuban Mafia. Prince Pedro is an Italian royal that was born in Spain and he is the President of the Royal Council of the Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara and Montesa which are Spanish military orders. Prince Pedro is also the Grand Master of the Spanish Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, a Roman Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and a Vatican Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Prince Pedro is a high level military commander and several of these military orders are reformed Knights Templar orders and they oversee the Jesuits or Society of Jesus which was officially established by his direct ancestors the House of Farnese under the Papal Bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies was created between the marriage of the Spanish House of Bourbon and the Italian House of Farnese and Prince Pedro is the Spanish head of this family while his cousin Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro is the Italian head. Prince Pedro’s mother was from the French House of Orleans which own the New Orleans crime family in the United States which have a covert alliance with the Gulf Cartel owned by their cousins the Spanish House of Bourbon. The French Orleans, and Italian-Spanish Bourbon-Two Sicilies are both families established under the French-Spanish House of Bourbon. Spain once ruled regions of Italy and especially southern Italy like Calabria. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies are the Dukes of Castro a commune of Italy which was founded by the Castro family which were also a Spanish noble family. The Castros settled in Cuba with Fidel Castro who was Jesuit educated. The Cuban Mafia have a large operation in Florida and they work with the Jesuit educated Cuban billionaire Fanjul brothers who have a monopoly on sugar. King Juan Carlos of Spain has had meetings with the Fanjul brothers. The Fanjuls traffic cocaine into the United States disguised as sugar from the Dominican Republic where they own sugar plantations. Cuba and the Dominican Republic were settled by the Spanish Empire which still has influences over their former empirical states. Prince Pedro was a member of the Spanish Royal Guard and lives in Spain.
Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Calabria is a Spanish and Italian noble and he is a top owner and authority over the Ndrangheta mafia clans including their operations in Spain.
Prince Charles-Philippe of Orleans the Duke of Anjou is a French royal and direct cousin of Prince Pedro. Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies’ mother was Princess Anne of Orleans the sister of Prince Charles-Philippe’s father. The French Orleans family are owners of the Orleans crime family in Louisiana. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Orleans families frequently intermarried and are both cadet branches of the French and now Spanish House of Bourbon.
Prince Jaime of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top commander of Hermetic cults and he is ruthlessly evil.
Prince Domenico Crenscenzi-Ottobani-Serlupi is the head of the Commission for the Bourbon’s Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in Tuscany and a top Vatican warlock and part owner of the Luppino crime family in Canada. Luppino like Ser-Lupi which both mean wolf and there is a wolf on the Crenscenzi-Ottobani-Serlupi coat of arms. The Crencenzis are an ancient papal bloodline.
Count Antonio Bufalari is an owner of the Buffalo crime family and Bufalino crime family. The Bufalari family are a Roman nobility with titles of count that are several hundred years old. The family is today headed up by Count Antonio Bufalari who is a maritime lawyer and manages the port of Anzio. Count Antonio is also involved in the yachting industry and covertly involved in child trafficking networks. Child murderers often sacrifice children on boats or yachts and throw the bodies in the ocean. Gabriele Bufalari works as nautical engineer in the Netherlands and specializes in container ships. The Bufalari family are part owners of the Bufalino crime family in Pennsylvania and Buffalo crime family of New York which are still very active and operate as mafia border agents between drug trafficking networks from the United States into Canada. The Todaro family run the Buffalo crime family in upstate New York and own a pizza shop along with its boss Bobby Panaro. They were leaders of the old Commission and are basically an extension of the Gambinos and Luccheses. The Ruspolis, Massimos and Lucchesis are also part owners of the Buffalo crime family and Bufalino crime family. The Ruspolis own some mafias in Canada including the Rizzuto crime family. The Bufalinos of Pennsylvania are a small crime family that are covertly active and have an alliance with the Lucchese crime family and the Buffalo crime family of New York which have operated in Pennsylvania. The Bufalinos operate near Scranton where the Jesuit college the University of Scranton is located. The Jesuit priest Scott Pilarz is the President of Scranton and involved in a pedophilia network. Joe Biden is from Scranton and has an honorary degree from the University of Scranton. Joe Biden is an associate of the Bufalino crime family. Tom Golisano is a Italian-American billionaire from upstate New York and he has owned the Buffalo Sabres a NHL team. Golisano also founded and owns Paychex a payroll company which is a way to extort businesses and employees. The gangster rappers Benny the Butcher and Westside Gunn work for Jay Z and are from Buffalo. Benny the Butcher or Jeremie Pennick is a satanic mobster that runs a gang which works under the Buffalo crime family and he is a human flesh trafficker. Terrence Pegula now owns the Buffalo Sabres and the Buffalo Bills NFL team. Pegula is worth 4 billion and also owns several oil and gas companies and worked for the Getty family. The Getty family are married with the Ruspoli family. Pegula is from Pennsylvani and now lives in Boca Raton, which has a mafia headquarters with Philly Mob boss Joey Merlino also as a resident of Boca Raton. Boca Raton is a mafia headquarters.
Count Antonio Bufalari is the primary owner of the Buffalo crime family and Bufalino crime family in Scranton.
Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta the Duke of Apulia is an Italian royal with part ownership over the Genovese crime family through the Gigantes and a part owner of the Apulian Mafia also called the Sacra Corona Unita and specifically ownership of the Apulian Mafia’s factions in Lecce which is closely connected with Greece. Prince Aimone’s wife is Princess Olga of Greece. Prince Aimone’s sister is Princess Bianca and she is married to Count Giberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga and this family currently resides in Venice and has ancestry from the Byzantine or Greece. Valenti refers to their ancestry from the Valentinian Dynasty which ruled in the Byzantine. The Gonzaga lineage is related to the Palaiologos family of Greece and the Palaiologos family married with Russian royals. Prince Aimone is the President of Pirelli Russia and has residences in Russia and has met with Vladimir Putin. Pirelli Russia is a front for the Savoy’s criminal operations in Russia. The Russian Mafia has a close alliance with Cosa Nostra and top Russian mobsters pay tributes to the Corleonisis through their joint operation in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The Savoy-Aosta family are owners of the Genovese crime syndicate through the Gigante family with the current mafia boss Andrew Gigante and Philip Gigante the Mayor of Airmont, New York. The town of Airmont is run by a mobster. The Savoy family created and owned Savoy-Marchetti aircraft company which was later purchased by Agusta helicopter company owned by the Sicilian Agusta family. Agusta was also investigated for bribing Belgian officials for military contracts and the Savoys are married with the Belgian royal family. Prince Aimone’s relative Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy worked for Agusta and sold military weapons and aircraft to Mid Eastern nations like Iran while they were under sanctions. Agusta is also in contract with Russian Helicopters. The Italian Mafia often hire international Russian assassins for their hits.
Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta the Duke of Apulia is an owner of the Apulian Mafia and his wife is Princess Olga of Greece. The Greek royal family and House of Savoy-Aosta have a close alliance.
Prince Giberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga with his wife Princess Bianca of Savoy-Aosta. Prince Giberto is a part owner of the Seattle crime family with his Gonzaga cousins and he is an owner of the Rochester crime family of New York which has spread itself into New England.
Prince Corrado Gonzaga is an owner of the Seattle crime family. The Jesuit Gonzaga University is located in the state of Washington and named after the House of Gonzaga.
Prince Amadeo of Savoy-Aosta is an owner of the Genovese crime family and their Gigante faction with Andrew Gigante and Philip Gigante.
Prince Andrea Cattaneo della Volta is a high level owner of the Camorra Mafia clans. There are an estimated 100 or more Camorra clans and they operate internationally and are headquartered in Naples. The Genoveses and Gottis work closely with Camorra and the Genoveses, Gottis, and Camorra specialize in construction rackets. About 40 bankers were found “suicided” during the recent Libor Scandal. The mafia own many construction companies and use extortion and force to gain construction contracts. The Italian businessman Flavio Cattaneo has been a high level executive for Cementir Holding. The Genoveses and Gambinos owned S&A Concrete which was involved in constructing numerous buildings in Manhattan including Trump’s building. The mafia build hidden tunnels and passageways into buildings so they can spy and also sneak in and assassinate their associates that they feel might become informants. It was the mafia that suicided many of these 40 bankers to cover up their financial crimes. Its claimed that Camorra is the oldest crime syndicate in Italy however the Sicilian Mafia, Lombardy Highwaymen, and Roman Mafia existed long before the mafia was officially recognized. The House of Cattaneo della Volta are a noble family of Genoa with an influential noble branch in Naples as Lords of Casalnuova which currently has a large Camorra faction. They produced 5 Doges of Genoa which was a position similar to a monarch or grand duke. The Cattaneo dell Voltas operated as the bankers and debt collectors for the Republic of Genoa and the Genoese bankers financed several wars for the Spanish Habsburg monarchy. The Cattaneo dell Voltas purchased numerous fiefs and some principalities in Southern Italy including around Naples and became the Lords of Flessia a fief in Spain. Prince Carlo Gregorio Cattaneo is a high level noble in Naples and overseer of Camorra. The Cattaneo della Voltas currently have a large family in Naples and they are involved in politics and journalism. As debt collectors the Genoese bankers were known for their mafia like contracts. Today the mafia make criminal loans to businessmen with extremely high interest rates and that is how they control many businesses. Instead of business owners paying back the debts they sell over a portion of their business to the mafia and their loan sharks or debt collectors. Prince Andrea Cattaneo della Volta has worked as a merchant banker that specializes in making loans to socialist nations including Vietnam. Prince Andrea was the CEO of the Italian owned London Finance a subsidiary of London Forfaiting Company. Prince Andrea was also an adviser to the Polish Ministry of Finance and now owns Zenith Energy which is a oil company based in Canada with oil fields in Azerbaijan. Prince Andrea is an owner of the Azerbaijan Mafia which works with the Russian Mafia and the Azerbaijan Mafia specialize in kidnappings and ransom.
Prince Andrea Cattaneo della Volta is a top owner of Camorra and a part owner of the Gambinos as well as an owner of the Azerbaijan gangs. Prince Andrea is a businessman involved with oil and a banker.
Flavio Cattaneo is an Independent Director for Cementir Holdings an international construction and concrete company based in Italy and owned by the Roman Caltagirone family.
Prince Fabrizio Cattaneo della Volta is a part owner and overseer of the Camorra in Naples.
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Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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The Parsons family are a high level Anglo-Irish nobility with authority over a portion of Ireland within County of Offaly and they specialize in engineering, politics, and law. They are also co-managers of the Hell Fire Club and they burn people alive usually in forests or in industrial basements with furnaces. The Parsons family and their agents need to be eradicated out of existence. Ireland is Roman territory and the top Irish clans serve the Black Nobility of Rome. The Parsons family also gained more influence during the Hanover reign of the British Crown. The Parsons family formerly held titles in England and currently are the Earls of Rosse in Ireland headed up by Brendan Parsons the 7th Earl of Rosse and his sons Lawrence Parsons the Lord of Oxmantown and Michael Parsons. The Earls of Rosse are extremely oppressive Freemasons and they oversee Wiccan gang stalking cults operating in the United States. Their ancestor was Richard Parsons the 1st Earl of Rosse and he was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and a co-founder of the Hellfire Club. The Hellfire club’s motto was Fais ce que tu voudras which means “do what thou wilt” and this motto was later used by Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley promoted murdering children as sacrifices in his book Magick In Theory and Practice.James Wassernman is a high level member of the Ordo Templi Orientis. A ruthless member of Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis is a child murdering Satanist named Carey Cowles. He is as evil as they get. The Parsons family specialize in hellish masonic warfare and are deeply involved with the Irish government, politics, and astronomy. Megyn Kelly is the head witch of the Hell Fire Club and she is indescribably wicked. Laura Ingraham is another high level member of the Hell Fire Club. The have held the position of High Sheriff of King’s County. The Parsons Earls of Rosse own Birr Castle which has a telescope called the Leviathan of Parsonstown. Leviathan is a mythological sea serpent. The town of Birr formerly called Parsonstown uses the Parsons panthers on their coat of arms and ocean waves for its flag. There are various US politicians with the last name Parsons. Irish nobility are often involved in politics. The McCain family are an Irish-Scottish bloodline involved with politics, banking, and business. They are associates of the Parsons family and serve the House of Hanover. They are married with the Johnson family and established themselves in New Brunswick. The Hanover family manage the Johnson bloodline and ruled as Dukes of Brunswick, Germany which created the name New Brunswick in Canada. Han in Hanover is for Johannes the German version of John. The founders of McCain foods were from New Brunswick, Canada and the founders of Johnson and Johnson were from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Allison McCain is the Chairman of McCain foods. The name McCain derives from Cain the first murderer mentioned in the Bible. The McCains are Christians and they are ruthless and hate filled murderers. Randal Plunkett the 21st Baron of Dunsany is a high level Irish Freemason and he works with Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano a Roman and her sister Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano. The Colonna di Stiglianos settled a family branch in Ireland recently and they manage the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church with Diarmuid Martin the Archbishop of Ireland. Princess Vittoria is known by the occult as the “Whore of Babylon.” Princess Vittoria and her blood drinking child murdering cult babbles psychotic nonsense and demented and ruthless false accusations as a defense.
Charles Algernon Parsons was a member of the Earls of Rosse and an inventor of the steam engine and created C. A. Parsons and Company which was later absorbed into Siemens a large industrial company with about 130 billion in assets. Ralph M. Parsons founded Parsons Corporation which is a US engineering company with earnings at about 3 billion which has worked with Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall a company co-founded by S. Kenneth Johnson. Parsons Brinckerhoff is another US engineering company founded by William Barclay Parsons and now a subsidiary of WSP Global. William W. Parsons was NASA’s Director of Kennedy Space Center. Jack Parsons was a rocket scientist and occultist that was known for creating “Babalon Working” which is a ritual to honor the Mother of Abominations and he carried out this ritual with the Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. The Mother of Abominations is also known as the Scarlet Woman. In Italian Rosse means red or scarlet and the name Rosse likely comes from the Florentine House of de Rossi in honor of Rome’s conquering of Ireland. The Babalon Working ritual was based on the teachings of Aleister Crowley. The Crowley family are a Anglo-Irish family that have intermarried with various British Peers. Brian Crowley is an Irish politician today. Tony Parsons and Gary Crowley have worked together in the English music industry. The Parsons family also work with the Anglo-Irish Bailey and Guinness banking families and are involved in financing and directing Wiccan cults that carry out persecution, human sacrifice, and covert terrorism for the purpose of their attempt at a global takeover. A high level witch, gang stalker, and child murdering pedophile and cannibal in my region is named Meghan Parsons who is their Vicar of Calypso. The Greek name Calypso means hidden like occult. She is one of the highest level satanic witches in society. Meghan Parsons is completely evil and relentlessly falsely accuses other women for her crimes. She is a huge problem in society. She also slanders people especially women she is envious of and then blames men for it. She is sick and hellish. Meghan Parsons needs to be executed immediately. She is entirely evil and one of the most oppressive females on the planet. Meghan Parsons says mean things about women and then blames men for it. This is similar to what Richard Parson did. He received a letter that exposed him for his crimes and depravity so Richard Parsons sent that letter and readdressed it to Robert FitzGerald accusing him of his crimes. Meghan Parsons worships the actor Jesse Johnson who is a child molester, blood drinker and psychotic terrorist that attacks other men out of envy. Meghan McCain works closely with Meghan Parsons. Meghan McCain’s grandmother is a Johnson. Meghan McCain is a highly sadistic witch and her mother Cindy McCain is an evil witch.
Brendan Parsons the 7th Earl of Rosse is a high level Irish noble with authority over the Hell Fire Club. The Hell Fire Club burns people alive as sacrifices. They are sadists.
Michael Parsons is an authority over the Hell Fire Club.
Richard Parsons, the 1st Earl of Rosse, was arguably the highest status of the Irish Hellfire Club members.
Parsons was known for his practical jokes that he particularly liked to inflict upon the religious. He used to reportedly received his neighbour, the noted clergyman and moralist Dr Madden, completely stark naked. By the age of 39, the years of excess caught up with him. It is reported that on his deathbed, he received a letter that was simply addressed to‘My Lord’. The letter was sent by his neighbour, the Reverend Dr Madden.
It contained an account of all of the Parsons’ misdemeanours in his life
“whoring, gaming, drinking, rioting, turning the day into night, blaspheming his maker, and in short, all manner of wickedness”.
The letter urged him to repent his sins. Instead of yielding or confessing, the Parsons saw a final chance for a jape. He had the letter put into fresh binding and ordered it to be immediatelydelivered to Robert FitzGerald, the famously straight-laced and pious Earl of Kildare. FitzGerald was reported to have been enraged when he received this baffling attack on his character. By the time FitzGerald had confronted Madden and realised who had played the trick, Richard Parsons had died, enjoying one last laugh at the expense of the sombre society that he so delighted in shocking in life (3, 4).
Scientist Who Conjured Spirits with L. Ron Hubbard
Born 100 years ago, Jack Parsons seemed devoted to reconciling opposites, smashing together the technical and the spiritual.
Parsons made this fact even clearer when he started to develop a growing interest in magic and the supernatural. By the late 1930s, he had begun frequenting nightly meetings of the Ordo Templi Orientis, an occult society that met in nearby Los Angeles. The OTO, as it is known, was created by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, a heroin-addicted, sexually adventuresome, God-profaning master of the dark arts, who the tabloids had christened “The Wickedest Man in the World.”
Their motto was “Fais ce que tu voudras” (“Do what thou wilt”). One of the Dublin Club founders was Richard Parsons, 1st Earl of Rosse, and Grandmaster of the Freemasons of Dublin.
The Roman Catholic Megyn Kelly is a murderous sadist and top witch of the Hell Fire Club. Megyn Kelly has burned children alive. She is a murderous psychopath. Megyn Kelly worked for Fox News which promoted the lawless and criminal wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. Rupert Murdoch the billionaire owner of Fox News is a Vatican knight of Saint Gregory.
Ó Ceallaigh is the most influential dynasty of the ancient túath of Uí Maine, and the original Irish Gaelic name for the surname commonly Anglicized as Kelley, Kelly, or Kellie. It is a name meaning “Descendant of Ceallach,” “bright haired,” or “troublesome.” Though some have linked it to the old Irish “ceall” for “church.”
In many cases Kelly is an Anglicisation of the Irish surname Ó Ceallaigh (IPA [oːˈcal̪ˠiː]), which means “descendant of Ceallach” or it can also mean warrior or fighter.
Cindy McCain is a high level witch and member of the Hell Fire Club.
Meghan McCain is an extremely evil and hate filled witch. The McCain name means the “Son of Cain” and in the Bible Cain is known as the first murderer. Her father John McCain was a war propagandist who strongly supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been suspected of financing and organizing Islamic terrorists in Syria. Meghan McCain’s grandmother was Marguerite Johnson. The McCain and Johnson families have intermarried and work closely together and both serve the German House of Hanover. The various Johnson bloodlines are agents of the House of Hanover. Han in German refers to Johannes the German version of John. The House of Hanover in Germany ruled Brunswick and gave the name to New Brunswick, Canada where the billionaire McCain family that own McCain Foods reside. The American Johnson family that owns Johnson & Johnson live in New Brunswick, New Jersey and are also agents of the Hanovers. The Hanovers were Kings of Ireland. Meghan McCain manages the satanic witch Meghan Parsons and she worships the actor Jesse Johnson.
Hans is a masculine given name. In German, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Norwegian, Icelandic and Swedish, it was originally short for Johannes[2] (John), but is now also recognized as a name in its own right for official purposes.
The House of Hanover (German: Haus Hannover), whose members are known as Hanoverians (/ˌhænəˈvɪəriənz, -noʊˈ-, -ˈvɛər-/), is a German royal house that ruled Hanover, Great Britain, and Ireland at various times during the 17th through 20th centuries.
Cindy Lou Hensley McCain (born May 20, 1954)[1] is an American businesswoman, philanthropist and humanitarian. She is the widow of United States Senatorand 2008Republican presidential nominee John McCain from Arizona.
Cindy Lou Hensley was born in Phoenix, Arizona,[2] to James Hensley, who founded Hensley & Co.,[3] and Marguerite “Smitty” Hensley (née Johnson).[2][4][5]
McCain Foods Limited is a Canadian multi-national privately owned company established in 1957 in Florenceville, New Brunswick, Canada.
Allison McCain the Chairman of McCain Foods. The Canadian McCains of New Brunswick, Canada are worth billions. McCain Foods specializes in potato products. The Potato Famine in Ireland was engineered and caused by chemists or alchemists and liars who sabotaged crops.
Randal Plunkett the 21st Baron of Dunsany is a high level Irish noble and Freemason. Here he is posing with a chess board which uses the Freemasons’ black and white checkerboard pattern.
Baron Randal Plunkett doing the Illuminati pyramid with his hands with a leopard skin in the image. The leopard is a symbol used to represent Dionysus a Greek entity of ritual madness, wine (blood) drinking, and harvest (human sacrifice). Prince William is their Vicar of Dionysus.
Diarmuid Martin the Archbishop of Dublin is the top Roman Catholic authority in Ireland and he is covertly managed by the Colonna di Stigliano family. Diarmuid Martin is a member of the Hell Fire Club and child murdering cannibal
Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano is a cannibalistic and blood drinking child murderer. She gets intoxicated on the blood of children and goes into intentional psychosis as she mentally terrorizes people. The Colonna family have neuro-computer interface technologies and electronic weapons. Her family resides in Ireland and they are from Rome.
Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano is a Roman noble who lives in Ireland and she is a babbling psychopath and major child murderer. She is the head of the Illuminati’s Project Monarch mind control and that is why she has a monarch butterfly on her hat. Monarch Mind Control is a program that turns women into sexual predators and assassins. Princess Vittoria manages thousands of female gang stalkers including a psychotic sadist named Ashley Esther Dalene who is a babbling devil. The butterfly symbol is often used in entertainment industry for young women. Disney frequently uses butterfly symbols around young women and girls. Princess Vittoria’s father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is a top authority in Ireland and he manages the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and oversees the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Princess Vittoria is their “Whore of Babylon” because she is a satanic whore that rapes, murders, and cannibalizes children and uses babble as a defense. They harass people with babbling nonsense to create confusion and irritation as a defense mechanism. The Whore of Babylon is described in the Bible as wearing purple like Princess Vittoria and having a golden cup in her hand and here she is holding a glass of wine. It says she intoxicates people with the “wine of her fortification” which represents how these evil women molest children and murder them and then extract adrenaline and adrenaline filled blood from their victims which they get intoxicated from. The same ones or bloodlines like the Colonnas that are doing this are the ones who put together the Bible and Revelation.
The Whore of Babylon or Babylon the Great is a symbolic female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is stated in Revelation 17 (verse 5) as Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth (Greek: μυστηριον, Βαβυλὼν ἡ μεγάλη, ἡ μήτηρ τῶν πορνῶν καὶ τῶν βδελυγμάτων τῆς γῆς; transliterated Mysteriōn, Babylōn hē megalē, hē mētēr tōn pornōn kai tōn bdelygmatōn tēs gēs).
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist, and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.[1] This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley
Brian Crowley is the longest serving Irish MEP in Europe. He has also served in the Irish Senate and was a member of President Mary McAleese’s Council of State.
MAGICK IN THEORY AND PRACTICE by The Master Therion Aleister Crowley
Of the Bloody Sacrifice: and Matters Cognate.
For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence[8] is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.
James Wasserman is a high level member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and a brainwasher like many OTO members that claims that child sacrifice and terrorizing people with witchcraft is liberty based on the teachings of Crowley and his motto of “Do what thou wilt.” Ordo Templi Orientis is under the authority of the Hell Fire Club. Since members of the Hell Fire Club and Ordo Templi Orientis support and promote the murder of children then I support and promote the killing of members of these child murdering cults.