I thought I would return to the Senatus Consultum website that Kim Goguen mentioned a few months ago. I included a link to that site in a previous post of mine called, The Fox, The Savior and the Global Chessboard. Essentially this Senatus Consultum website is run by the Order of the Black Sun side of the Deep State. I’m guessing one purpose is to glorify their members for the status they have achieved so they can be envied. After all, you must be ‘worthy’ of such an invite to join them, having earned it through mastering the skills of lying, acting, and a slew of perversions I would rather not think about. Marry that with their delusional beliefs they are special and therefore chosen (because they are so special), in the eyes of at least one of their fake gods, and you get a nice tidy list of the distinguished Satan lovers.
Mission senatusconsultum.eu “…‘an invite’ only society, characterized as a House of Leaders, Intellectuals, Spiritualists and Experts in their sectors. We cross-fertilize professionalism and in-depth knowledge areas to realize added value and to anchor and achieve desired results.“
New Society Members
What I found interesting right off the bat was that they have updated their site and the Society Members page seemed to have quite a few additions. While I cannot remember all the players the last time I looked (because a lot of names were just not familiar to me in the first place), there were definitely many new ones and some jumped out because I recognized the names. A few, who I think have been added recently are Kim Jung-Ung, Narendra Modi, Sheikh Hasina Wazed, and Queen Elizabeth. I would have thought the Lizard Queen was on the Dragon Family-Rothschild side, but so many play both sides it’s hard to know where their allegiances lie. She probably can’t figure out which side is likely to win and wants to cover all her bases. See my post, A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen – Part 5) for more information on Black Sun versus Dragon Families. Anyway, some new US members are, Judy Carline Woodruff (PBS News Hour), Steve Bannon, Chuck Grassley and Kellyanne Conway. And just for the record, it was getting really difficult not to see the theatre going on between Kellyanne and her husband, at least is was for me. Finally, I can’t forget Ra, King of the World, or rather wannabe King of the World, Richard Wiss.
The subtractions from the site were even more interesting, but not surprising. So who is missing? Well former President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping of China. Well, well, well, how interesting. I wish it could be because they saw the light, flipped and decided to be on the side of humanity. That would certainly be grounds for removal from the Order of the Black Sun. But that justification is very unlikely. Having listened to the Life Force calls over the last couple of months, it aligns with what Kim was saying which was they would have to undergo a “shaming” by their superiors and peers for failing in their missions. They are no longer worthy of being included in this elite Society I suppose. I guess it also incentivizes the other psychopaths, I mean Society members, to step of their game. I mean, they wouldn’t want to undergo similar unsavory consequences should they not live up to expectations.
I imagine this can’t be a comfortable position to be in for our former President DJT. After all, he is very known for saying he never ever gives up. And he values loyalty above everything. So it looks like he wants back in, at least based on his support of the vaccine and recently using his daughter as a prop. Can youimagine what it’s like to be them? You can never be assured of anything when lying is the foundation of everything.
Senatus Consultum – Society Members (As of April 28, 2021)
I thought I would outline the entire list names which can be found under the Society Members tab, in case I want to check back again in the future and compare who was added and who was removed. I can’t help but notice the names are in red ink against a black background, probably signifying blood feeds the darkness. The names are all in capital letters too which in a contract means you’re dead. At least it does for the livestock. Yep, I would agree with that, they are spiritually dead. And some are most definitely physically dead too since Vladimir Putin and Mike Pence are still on the list.
The order of the names follows the slide show on their website and I don’t know if the order has any significance. I highlighted some of the additions I could remember, as well as General John E. Hyten. I’m pretty sure he isn’t new, just of more interest as you’ll find out below.
GENERALJOHN E. HYTEN —-Currently playing the part of faux President Joe Biden!
50. Gemma O Doherty
The Beacon .ie
The Beacon.ie is a dodgy AF site which stinks of Soros, Hasbara and Mossad.
It seems to be a double act consisting of ANNIE DE BHAL (real name Antje Scheuer, a Kraut) and her Brit fella BRYAN WALL.
The former reeks of paid Israeli asset. So does their ally ANETA SAFIAK (though they have fallen out), whose husband Jakub is a wealthy banker.
The NGOs placed her in Longford after she was run out of Poland for being a globalist worm she promptly proclaimed herself ‘queen of Longford’ and started hounding the natives hangs out with all the filthiest Zio scum in the land, Tom Doorley & the like. https://the-beacon.ie/
HE RICHARD WISS – Currently playing the role of ‘Ra’ – Or rather someone who thinks he’s King of the World
Richard Wiss, (Ra & King of the World Wannabe)
I believe Richard Wiss is the guy Kim mentioned on the Life Force 4-18-2021 call, who believes he’s in charge of the Quantum Mapping System and should have her job. In his deep delusional state of mind he believes he is Ra incarnate and therefore King of the World. He had many others believing it as well based on the many phone calls she was receiving on a diplomatic line which was never used for many years apparently. Several who called were not expecting her to answer. Rather they were expecting Richard Wiss. Fed Head, Jerome Hayden Powell was one who was particularly enraged. Evidently many in these ranks never believed Kim was the Trustee/Guardian to begin with, and even if they did, they were convinced she was going to be replaced. But now many in the Military are finding out that she is still in place and this Ra guy is lying. I suppose they will come up with yet another excuse as to why he still is not in charge. I bet the Summer Solstice will be the game changer. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Remember this guy, Jon Lovitz on SNL playing the pathological liar? I can’t imagine why I thought of him. https://www.youtube.com/embed/hV85E2S-Idw?feature=oembed Yeah – That’s the Ticket!
Another Black Sun Agent – “The Viking”
So Richard Wiss is ‘The Viking’s’ boss evidently. Once Black Sun, always Black Sun and George, aka “The Viking” was recalled. I can’t say I was surprised to hear that The Viking was an infiltrator all along with the mission to bring down Life Force and Kim. I assume anyone who had a position in the cabal circles, still has a position. They will never help humanity in the way we’d like. The Assemblies that the Life Force team is helping to organize and support will continue to be infiltrated by these degenerates until they are finally starved out and no longer exist in our timeline.
So in the meantime, it’s through the dark that we find the light and who better to expose more muck than those embroiled in it. Unfortunately Kim has to wade through them. Although, I would bet the farm she is not too surprised at the Viking’s real mission either, (wink-wink). Unfortunately it has to be this way so the weed killer can permeate to the deepest roots that continue to enmesh the numerous layers of mind controlled slaves who still believe they are the slave masters.
No, the Viking’s deception truly didn’t surprise me at all. I’ve been paying particular attention to him due to his mysterious past and very high security level. What I am surprised at though was how blatantly honest he finally was. I mean there is no ambiguity as to what his real motivation was for the Black Sun if he’s telling Kim to her face she needs to commit suicide. Nobody at the highest ranks will ever flip. They are way too enslaved, mind-controlled and invested in this genocidal agenda. For more information on The Viking, see my post, The Viking’s Message to the Remnants.
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
The Parsons family are a high level Anglo-Irish nobility with authority over a portion of Ireland within County of Offaly and they specialize in engineering, politics, and law. They are also co-managers of the Hell Fire Club and they burn people alive usually in forests or in industrial basements with furnaces. The Parsons family and their agents need to be eradicated out of existence. Ireland is Roman territory and the top Irish clans serve the Black Nobility of Rome. The Parsons family also gained more influence during the Hanover reign of the British Crown. The Parsons family formerly held titles in England and currently are the Earls of Rosse in Ireland headed up by Brendan Parsons the 7th Earl of Rosse and his sons Lawrence Parsons the Lord of Oxmantown and Michael Parsons. The Earls of Rosse are extremely oppressive Freemasons and they oversee Wiccan gang stalking cults operating in the United States. Their ancestor was Richard Parsons the 1st Earl of Rosse and he was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and a co-founder of the Hellfire Club. The Hellfire club’s motto was Fais ce que tu voudras which means “do what thou wilt” and this motto was later used by Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley promoted murdering children as sacrifices in his book Magick In Theory and Practice.James Wassernman is a high level member of the Ordo Templi Orientis. A ruthless member of Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis is a child murdering Satanist named Carey Cowles. He is as evil as they get. The Parsons family specialize in hellish masonic warfare and are deeply involved with the Irish government, politics, and astronomy. Megyn Kelly is the head witch of the Hell Fire Club and she is indescribably wicked. Laura Ingraham is another high level member of the Hell Fire Club. The have held the position of High Sheriff of King’s County. The Parsons Earls of Rosse own Birr Castle which has a telescope called the Leviathan of Parsonstown. Leviathan is a mythological sea serpent. The town of Birr formerly called Parsonstown uses the Parsons panthers on their coat of arms and ocean waves for its flag. There are various US politicians with the last name Parsons. Irish nobility are often involved in politics. The McCain family are an Irish-Scottish bloodline involved with politics, banking, and business. They are associates of the Parsons family and serve the House of Hanover. They are married with the Johnson family and established themselves in New Brunswick. The Hanover family manage the Johnson bloodline and ruled as Dukes of Brunswick, Germany which created the name New Brunswick in Canada. Han in Hanover is for Johannes the German version of John. The founders of McCain foods were from New Brunswick, Canada and the founders of Johnson and Johnson were from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Allison McCain is the Chairman of McCain foods. The name McCain derives from Cain the first murderer mentioned in the Bible. The McCains are Christians and they are ruthless and hate filled murderers. Randal Plunkett the 21st Baron of Dunsany is a high level Irish Freemason and he works with Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano a Roman and her sister Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano. The Colonna di Stiglianos settled a family branch in Ireland recently and they manage the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church with Diarmuid Martin the Archbishop of Ireland. Princess Vittoria is known by the occult as the “Whore of Babylon.” Princess Vittoria and her blood drinking child murdering cult babbles psychotic nonsense and demented and ruthless false accusations as a defense.
Charles Algernon Parsons was a member of the Earls of Rosse and an inventor of the steam engine and created C. A. Parsons and Company which was later absorbed into Siemens a large industrial company with about 130 billion in assets. Ralph M. Parsons founded Parsons Corporation which is a US engineering company with earnings at about 3 billion which has worked with Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall a company co-founded by S. Kenneth Johnson. Parsons Brinckerhoff is another US engineering company founded by William Barclay Parsons and now a subsidiary of WSP Global. William W. Parsons was NASA’s Director of Kennedy Space Center. Jack Parsons was a rocket scientist and occultist that was known for creating “Babalon Working” which is a ritual to honor the Mother of Abominations and he carried out this ritual with the Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. The Mother of Abominations is also known as the Scarlet Woman. In Italian Rosse means red or scarlet and the name Rosse likely comes from the Florentine House of de Rossi in honor of Rome’s conquering of Ireland. The Babalon Working ritual was based on the teachings of Aleister Crowley. The Crowley family are a Anglo-Irish family that have intermarried with various British Peers. Brian Crowley is an Irish politician today. Tony Parsons and Gary Crowley have worked together in the English music industry. The Parsons family also work with the Anglo-Irish Bailey and Guinness banking families and are involved in financing and directing Wiccan cults that carry out persecution, human sacrifice, and covert terrorism for the purpose of their attempt at a global takeover. A high level witch, gang stalker, and child murdering pedophile and cannibal in my region is named Meghan Parsons who is their Vicar of Calypso. The Greek name Calypso means hidden like occult. She is one of the highest level satanic witches in society. Meghan Parsons is completely evil and relentlessly falsely accuses other women for her crimes. She is a huge problem in society. She also slanders people especially women she is envious of and then blames men for it. She is sick and hellish. Meghan Parsons needs to be executed immediately. She is entirely evil and one of the most oppressive females on the planet. Meghan Parsons says mean things about women and then blames men for it. This is similar to what Richard Parson did. He received a letter that exposed him for his crimes and depravity so Richard Parsons sent that letter and readdressed it to Robert FitzGerald accusing him of his crimes. Meghan Parsons worships the actor Jesse Johnson who is a child molester, blood drinker and psychotic terrorist that attacks other men out of envy. Meghan McCain works closely with Meghan Parsons. Meghan McCain’s grandmother is a Johnson. Meghan McCain is a highly sadistic witch and her mother Cindy McCain is an evil witch.
Brendan Parsons the 7th Earl of Rosse is a high level Irish noble with authority over the Hell Fire Club. The Hell Fire Club burns people alive as sacrifices. They are sadists.
Michael Parsons is an authority over the Hell Fire Club.
Richard Parsons, the 1st Earl of Rosse, was arguably the highest status of the Irish Hellfire Club members.
Parsons was known for his practical jokes that he particularly liked to inflict upon the religious. He used to reportedly received his neighbour, the noted clergyman and moralist Dr Madden, completely stark naked. By the age of 39, the years of excess caught up with him. It is reported that on his deathbed, he received a letter that was simply addressed to‘My Lord’. The letter was sent by his neighbour, the Reverend Dr Madden.
It contained an account of all of the Parsons’ misdemeanours in his life
“whoring, gaming, drinking, rioting, turning the day into night, blaspheming his maker, and in short, all manner of wickedness”.
The letter urged him to repent his sins. Instead of yielding or confessing, the Parsons saw a final chance for a jape. He had the letter put into fresh binding and ordered it to be immediatelydelivered to Robert FitzGerald, the famously straight-laced and pious Earl of Kildare. FitzGerald was reported to have been enraged when he received this baffling attack on his character. By the time FitzGerald had confronted Madden and realised who had played the trick, Richard Parsons had died, enjoying one last laugh at the expense of the sombre society that he so delighted in shocking in life (3, 4).
Scientist Who Conjured Spirits with L. Ron Hubbard
Born 100 years ago, Jack Parsons seemed devoted to reconciling opposites, smashing together the technical and the spiritual.
Parsons made this fact even clearer when he started to develop a growing interest in magic and the supernatural. By the late 1930s, he had begun frequenting nightly meetings of the Ordo Templi Orientis, an occult society that met in nearby Los Angeles. The OTO, as it is known, was created by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, a heroin-addicted, sexually adventuresome, God-profaning master of the dark arts, who the tabloids had christened “The Wickedest Man in the World.”
Their motto was “Fais ce que tu voudras” (“Do what thou wilt”). One of the Dublin Club founders was Richard Parsons, 1st Earl of Rosse, and Grandmaster of the Freemasons of Dublin.
The Roman Catholic Megyn Kelly is a murderous sadist and top witch of the Hell Fire Club. Megyn Kelly has burned children alive. She is a murderous psychopath. Megyn Kelly worked for Fox News which promoted the lawless and criminal wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. Rupert Murdoch the billionaire owner of Fox News is a Vatican knight of Saint Gregory.
Ó Ceallaigh is the most influential dynasty of the ancient túath of Uí Maine, and the original Irish Gaelic name for the surname commonly Anglicized as Kelley, Kelly, or Kellie. It is a name meaning “Descendant of Ceallach,” “bright haired,” or “troublesome.” Though some have linked it to the old Irish “ceall” for “church.”
In many cases Kelly is an Anglicisation of the Irish surname Ó Ceallaigh (IPA [oːˈcal̪ˠiː]), which means “descendant of Ceallach” or it can also mean warrior or fighter.
Cindy McCain is a high level witch and member of the Hell Fire Club.
Meghan McCain is an extremely evil and hate filled witch. The McCain name means the “Son of Cain” and in the Bible Cain is known as the first murderer. Her father John McCain was a war propagandist who strongly supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been suspected of financing and organizing Islamic terrorists in Syria. Meghan McCain’s grandmother was Marguerite Johnson. The McCain and Johnson families have intermarried and work closely together and both serve the German House of Hanover. The various Johnson bloodlines are agents of the House of Hanover. Han in German refers to Johannes the German version of John. The House of Hanover in Germany ruled Brunswick and gave the name to New Brunswick, Canada where the billionaire McCain family that own McCain Foods reside. The American Johnson family that owns Johnson & Johnson live in New Brunswick, New Jersey and are also agents of the Hanovers. The Hanovers were Kings of Ireland. Meghan McCain manages the satanic witch Meghan Parsons and she worships the actor Jesse Johnson.
Hans is a masculine given name. In German, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Norwegian, Icelandic and Swedish, it was originally short for Johannes[2] (John), but is now also recognized as a name in its own right for official purposes.
The House of Hanover (German: Haus Hannover), whose members are known as Hanoverians (/ˌhænəˈvɪəriənz, -noʊˈ-, -ˈvɛər-/), is a German royal house that ruled Hanover, Great Britain, and Ireland at various times during the 17th through 20th centuries.
Cindy Lou Hensley McCain (born May 20, 1954)[1] is an American businesswoman, philanthropist and humanitarian. She is the widow of United States Senatorand 2008Republican presidential nominee John McCain from Arizona.
Cindy Lou Hensley was born in Phoenix, Arizona,[2] to James Hensley, who founded Hensley & Co.,[3] and Marguerite “Smitty” Hensley (née Johnson).[2][4][5]
McCain Foods Limited is a Canadian multi-national privately owned company established in 1957 in Florenceville, New Brunswick, Canada.
Allison McCain the Chairman of McCain Foods. The Canadian McCains of New Brunswick, Canada are worth billions. McCain Foods specializes in potato products. The Potato Famine in Ireland was engineered and caused by chemists or alchemists and liars who sabotaged crops.
Randal Plunkett the 21st Baron of Dunsany is a high level Irish noble and Freemason. Here he is posing with a chess board which uses the Freemasons’ black and white checkerboard pattern.
Baron Randal Plunkett doing the Illuminati pyramid with his hands with a leopard skin in the image. The leopard is a symbol used to represent Dionysus a Greek entity of ritual madness, wine (blood) drinking, and harvest (human sacrifice). Prince William is their Vicar of Dionysus.
Diarmuid Martin the Archbishop of Dublin is the top Roman Catholic authority in Ireland and he is covertly managed by the Colonna di Stigliano family. Diarmuid Martin is a member of the Hell Fire Club and child murdering cannibal
Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano is a cannibalistic and blood drinking child murderer. She gets intoxicated on the blood of children and goes into intentional psychosis as she mentally terrorizes people. The Colonna family have neuro-computer interface technologies and electronic weapons. Her family resides in Ireland and they are from Rome.
Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano is a Roman noble who lives in Ireland and she is a babbling psychopath and major child murderer. She is the head of the Illuminati’s Project Monarch mind control and that is why she has a monarch butterfly on her hat. Monarch Mind Control is a program that turns women into sexual predators and assassins. Princess Vittoria manages thousands of female gang stalkers including a psychotic sadist named Ashley Esther Dalene who is a babbling devil. The butterfly symbol is often used in entertainment industry for young women. Disney frequently uses butterfly symbols around young women and girls. Princess Vittoria’s father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is a top authority in Ireland and he manages the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and oversees the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Princess Vittoria is their “Whore of Babylon” because she is a satanic whore that rapes, murders, and cannibalizes children and uses babble as a defense. They harass people with babbling nonsense to create confusion and irritation as a defense mechanism. The Whore of Babylon is described in the Bible as wearing purple like Princess Vittoria and having a golden cup in her hand and here she is holding a glass of wine. It says she intoxicates people with the “wine of her fortification” which represents how these evil women molest children and murder them and then extract adrenaline and adrenaline filled blood from their victims which they get intoxicated from. The same ones or bloodlines like the Colonnas that are doing this are the ones who put together the Bible and Revelation.
The Whore of Babylon or Babylon the Great is a symbolic female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is stated in Revelation 17 (verse 5) as Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth (Greek: μυστηριον, Βαβυλὼν ἡ μεγάλη, ἡ μήτηρ τῶν πορνῶν καὶ τῶν βδελυγμάτων τῆς γῆς; transliterated Mysteriōn, Babylōn hē megalē, hē mētēr tōn pornōn kai tōn bdelygmatōn tēs gēs).
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist, and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.[1] This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley
Brian Crowley is the longest serving Irish MEP in Europe. He has also served in the Irish Senate and was a member of President Mary McAleese’s Council of State.
MAGICK IN THEORY AND PRACTICE by The Master Therion Aleister Crowley
Of the Bloody Sacrifice: and Matters Cognate.
For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence[8] is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.
James Wasserman is a high level member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and a brainwasher like many OTO members that claims that child sacrifice and terrorizing people with witchcraft is liberty based on the teachings of Crowley and his motto of “Do what thou wilt.” Ordo Templi Orientis is under the authority of the Hell Fire Club. Since members of the Hell Fire Club and Ordo Templi Orientis support and promote the murder of children then I support and promote the killing of members of these child murdering cults.
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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The House of Colonna are an imperial bloodline. The Colonnas manage the Grand Lodge of Ireland and are a top authority of the The Freemasonic Oddfellow Order with Prince Oddone Colonna. They also oversee the Freemasonic Royal Order of Jesters with the Italian comedian and actor Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra. The German Roman Catholic Furstenberg family work with the Colonnas and also co-manage the Royal Order of Jesters which have been caught for sex trafficking. Paul Sciarra founded Pinterest and is worth a half of billion. The Colaninno family are a covert north Italian branch of the Colonnas. The Colaninnos run Piaggio with Roberto Colaninno and his son Matteo Colaninno who is an Italian politician. Read More
Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano and this branch of the Colonnas lives in Ireland. Her sister is Princess Vittoria and her father is Prince Prospero. Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is covertly managing the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Colonna di Stiglianos of Ireland have a close alliance with the Irish Guinness banking family. Freemasonry uses two pillars or columns in their temples which covertly symbolizes the two Colonna princely lines of Stigliano and Paliano
Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is covertly controlling the Grand Lodge of Ireland and overseeing the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Cardinal Timothy Dolan the Archbishop of New York works under the Colonnas
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
People in Ireland don’t realize this sociopath who is on their TV screens over the past 13 months has not sprung out of nowhere. Back in 2009 he claimed 1 million people would get Swine Flu in Ireland. He was the one who wanted to vaccinate the entire nation and subsequently 3 years later when it was found to have injured people in Ireland he said this… EXACT quote.. “Speaking on Primetime last night, Dr Tony Holohan said he was not concerned about the safety of the vaccination back two years ago, adding that it was the “right decision at the time”. “It was critical that we got access to ‘good vaccines’ as quickly as possible,” Holohan said, recalling the swine flu pandemic of 2009. He noted that all other European states who bought the drug were required to sign the same deal. “This was an unusual situation…in order to have access to this vaccine, we had to pay at the price demanded by the companies and to also accept the liability,” he explained.
How much was he paid to push the Swine Flu Vaccine in 2009? How much is he being paid to push the Covid Vaccine?
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
This site contains some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.
We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material.
Original Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SjBeBkj8D4hv/
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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Devious Plant Dave Cullen Exposed Wrote Fake Smear Sticker himself In January 2021 Dave Cullen went around the nearly empty streets of Dublin putting up Stickers on Lamposts and everywhere The Sticker read this : ‘Stop Cocooning you are not larva’ Then in March 2021 a sticker was placed on Dave Cullen’s father’s window in Dublin which read : ‘Covid is NOT a Hoax’ That incident was recorded on CCTV and released by Dave in his video ‘A message to my Harassers’ on Friday 30 July 2021
Only 2 Days earlier Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters did a video stream exposing the Plants at the GPO for Ireland’s ‘Freedom Day’ which exposed Dee Wall aka Dolores Webster – who walks you into a wall of Gardai, Sandra Giltrap ( Sinn Fein ), Prof Dolores Cahill and Glenn Miller the Yellowvests ( who work out of Sinn Fein offices at 44 Parnell Square D 1 )
Gemma O’Doherty said she fell short of naming Dave Cullen that night who was also at the GPO on 24 July 2021 for Freedom Day and left about 9.30 PM just when Plant Graham J Carey was about to Speak. The same Carey who faked a Gardai Arrest back in Oct 2020. So many were being exposed as Plants and working alongside the Gardai and Antifa and would scupper all real Resistance from the Irish People. That’s what they do.
Anyway the Sticker seen on Dave Cullen’s Father’s window by the alleged attacker or Smear Campaigner against Dave Cullen also had the very VERY Distinctive letter ‘O’ on display on the Sticker. The Exact same shape and contours and everything is the same Letter 0 as seen on Dave Cullen’s Sticker Campaign back in January 2021, so just about 6 weeks or so later on 13th March 2021 the same sticker appears outside Dave’s Father’s window.
So now we have 2 Sticker’s – One written by Dave Cullen the other by his alleged attacker / smear campaigner / harasser and both stickers look like they were written by the same person. Also it’s not just the distinctive ‘O’ in question – it’s the whole Sticker In the Graphic the first sticker, the Dave Cullen sticker was used ‘STOP’ and the second, the attacker sticker was used ‘COVID’ and then compare the two of them with the very distinctive letter ‘O’: they are the exact same.
It’s Amateur Hour in Dave Cullen’s World
It’s Dave’s Jussie Smollett Moment Very careless and very stupid. Incredibly Stupid work by Dave Cullen and who would expect anyone to believe him now Also the fact that he ran to the Gardai? Really ? The same Gardai and their ‘Bully Boys’ Antifa who scupper all Real Resistance Your asking the Irish People to believe that Dave Cullen would run to the very people who he claims are following and harrassing him for support? The Gardai and their Bully Boy Henchmen ‘Antifa’ are not according to Dave Cullen the ones doing this, but somehow the Freemason’s , hence all the Satanic Symbols. For Dave Cullen he couldn’t single out The Gardai and their Bully Boys Antifa, it had to be the Satanic Freemasons Another BIG RED FLAG !!
It’s people like Dave Cullen et al who will scupper all Real Resistance in Ireland The likes of Dave Cullen will lead you straight to the doorstep of the Gardai and worse Antifa They work with the State and the Gardai and the Government who will enforce the Fascism It will be the Irish Gardai that will stop you getting Food in Supermarkets soon because you do not have a Valid Vaccine Passport, just like they are doing already with the Face Masks.
Wake up Ireland We need Real Resistance and soon and not these Fake Frauds like Dave Cullen It’s Freedom or Fascism now
https://rumble.com/embed/vii6fl/?pub=icuj3 https://freemason.ie/museum-library-archive/ masons Freemason Hall https://freemason.ie https://freemason.ie/museum-library-archive/ Danny Boy Limerick Support My Work By Buying…
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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Controlled Opposition Dave Cullen panics and runs to the Gardai Call it the Jussie Smollett Syndrome or Dave’s Jussie Smollett moment. Dave Cullen is a youtuber and up to Dec 2016 was on youtube doing videos about movie reviews and gaming Then suddenly over time became more political His channels are incredibly successful and his videos are both informative and produced really well He has also interviewed everyone of importance one way or the other and has huge credibility both in Ireland and Internationally However like Prof Dolores Cahill there have been glaring problems of late. It all began last week on Wed 28 July 2021 when Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters discussed Controlled Opposition on her channel. Many Plants were exposed from the Yellow Vests Glenn Miller who work out of the same offices as Sinn Fein at 44 Parnell Square West Dublin 1 , to Dee Wall who walks you right into a Wall – of Gardai. Devious Plant Prof Dolores Cahill who in July 2019 admitted to getting all the names and numbers of the “awkward people” from failed Political Parties Renua and Direct Democracy Ireland. Long before the anti-lockdown protests began and all the talk on the corona virus. Take a good look at the timeline 1 – Wed 28 July 2021 Exposures 2 – Fri 30 July 2021 Dave Cullen uploads a video about him being targeted by some dark folks indeed
So just 2 Days later, Dave Cullen uploads a Strange Video In this video he is being targeted by folks and one in what looks like a Hazmat Suit and holding a bucket of paint, in his garden, caught by Dave on his CCTV Another guy nailing a photo to his Fathers house about ‘ Covid being NOT a Hoax ‘ His Car getting splashed with white paint The bridge where he lives someone had put ‘Dave Cullin Paedo’ ( Note : His name spelt wrong from Cullen to Cullin ) hmmm we wonder Satanic Symbols on his window More Graffiti written on the wall which said “Kid Lover Out” and on and on and on it went
However ask yourself this – who would go to these lengths to expose a potential nobody in Ireland? Sure his youtube channels get millions of views but do you think that really matters when it comes down to it None of his Videos have prompted anyone to come out of the blue and cause any trouble for anybody – EVER !! In fact NEVER !!
His Youtube content make absolutely no difference and so he’s not that important a figure for the Gardai or the Freemasons or anybody to go after – end of story However Dave Cullen is desperate for you to believe that there is in fact dark forces like the Freemasons out to get him There isn’t
Dave Cullen is a Coward because when he rang Gemma O’Doherty when she was protesting Croke Park at the Eid Prayer Service on 31 July 2020 last year, she asked him to come down and protest with them, instead of just doing videos. His reply was “GO FUCK YOURSELF ” and not once but 3 times. The same thing he said at the end of his video. Scare Tactic? There’s a Problem right there He sounds plausible in his videos, but responds like a Gardai or worse someone from Antifa itself.
Then again Dave Cullen doing anything ‘on the ground’ is suspect to say the least. Dave was also at the laughable ‘Freedom Day’ on Sat 24 July 2021 across from the GPO and left around 9.30 PM just as that other Plant, Graham J Carey took to the microphone. Not exactly showing any conviction to the cause is he, to leave that early. One might say that whereas Plant Graham J Carey is about as obvious as a Chinese Redhead, Dave Cullen stands out as an Irish Redhead and both are now obvious Plants. On the ground where your needed never happens with Dave Cullen Remember Controlled Opposition is NO Opposition
This is Dave Cullen’s Jussie Smollett moment and it’s backfired hugely No one is chasing Dave for his youtube political videos – he’s not that influential Sure they’re great and produced really well but ,seriously, enough to warrant harassment to THAT extent? Satanic Symbols and saying he’s a Paedo. It’s nonsense The video footage of the guy in the ‘ hazmat suit ‘ is laughable. The guy looks like an extra from the Horror Movie Halloween Also the fact that all the main graffiti smear campaigns and guy wandering around his garden with paint, happened at Dave’s Country Cottage in the middle of nowhere is another red flag
The simple fact is that Dave Cullen panicked when the controlled opposition were being called out and did something ridiculous to hide himself from being exposed It’s like an episode of Columbo where the main crime is committed but then as Columbo closes in on the Culprit, they slip up by doing another crime, which usually rumbles them That’s what’s really happened here.
Dave Cullen is a Plant, controlled opposition who showed his true colours by running to the Irish Gardai when the heat was on We need Real People and Real Opposition Wake up Ireland It’s Freedom or fascism now !
Danny Boy Limerick is crowd funded only. If you appreciate the content of my website and would like to help keep me going, please consider “tipping” me for my time invested in this project. Thanks !
I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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The House of Colonna currently hold the hereditary position of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne at the Vatican. They claim to be the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome and they directly descend from Peter de Columna and the Counts of Tusculum from the 10th century. The Counts of Tusculum produced 6 popes. Cologne Germany was named Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium named for the Julio-Claudian family.
The Colonnas descend from the Counts of Tusculum which took the name Ptolemy. The Julio-Claudian dynasty ruled Rome during the conquering of Ptolemaic Egypt and the Julio-Claudian family also married in with the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The Ptolemie family are an Italian nobility claiming ancestry from the Ptolemaic Dynasty.
They were established in the 12th century and they purchased the fiefdom of Patrica from the Colonna family. Count Claudio Ptolemie is a current member.
The Colonna family use the column on their coat of arms which is a symbol for political power.
The Colonna name derives from the Greek word kolona which means a column. The Columbus and Colombo names also derive from Columna and Peter de Columna. The South American nation of Colombia is named after Columbus. Christopher Columbus was a relative of the Colonna family and he claimed America for Rome. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa and he was partly financed by the Doria banking family which have intermarried with the House of Colonna several times in the past like with Prince Fabrizio Colonna and his wife Bianca Doria the Duchessa of Tursi as well as Prince Andrea Doria III of Melfi and his wife Princess Giovanna Colonna di Paliano.
The Colonna family ruled in Alba Longa and covertly established a branch in Salamanca, Spain as the Dukes of Alba originally ruled by the Alvarez family now the Dukes of Toledo. Salamanca uses the column on its flag and the Dukes of Alba are intermarried with Christopher Columbus’ family with his son Diego Colon and Maria de Toledo. The Alvarez family and their billionaire cousins the FitzJames family of Spain and Dukes of Alba currently work with the Colonnas. The Colonna family are primary owners of the Motisi Mafia clan of Palermo and Sicily. The House of Colonna married in with the Ventimiglia Princes of Palermo and ruled in regions of Sicily as nobles and as Viceroy of Sicily with Prince Marcantonio Colonna. Baron Niccolo Turrisi Colonna was a politician from Palermo who made early mentions of the mafia before they were officially recognized. Niccolo also claimed that the government attempting to shut down the mafia made the problem worse as if he was defending them to the point he was believed to be the head of the mafia. This is what the global crime syndicate does. When they get exposed they react by being more murderous and terroristic and then blame the people exposing them.
The Colonnas are the primary owners of the Colombo crime family and were part owners of the Jewish Mafia which infiltrated Hollywood creating Columbia Pictures through their New York mafia associates like Harry Cohn who met with Mussolini and was friends with mafia associates like John Roselli and Jack Entratter. Chris Colombo is the top boss of the Colombo crime family today. Michael Franzese is a covert member of the modern Commission while claiming to be a reformed gangster as a made man in the Colombos. An extremely evil associate of the Colombos named Vincent Martello is involved in criminal spying for the mafia, making threats on behalf of the mafia, gang stalking, pedophilia, and trafficking children.
The Colonna family are also the primary owners of the Chicago Outfit along with the Florentine House of Capponi headed up today by Count Neri Capponi, Count Sebastiano Capponi, and Count Niccolo Capponi and the Florentine House of Rosselli Del Turco headed up by Marquis Niccolo Rosselli Del Turco. The Clintons and Obamas are deeply connected with Chicago and covertly work with the Chicago Outfit. Barack Obama has numerous associations with criminals connected with the organized crime in Chicago including Tony Rezko who was convicted of wire fraud and money laundering and Obama’s friend Alexi Giannoulias whose Broadway bank financed several mobsters.
The Colonna and Capponi families likely made an alliance during the Siege of Florence with Stefano Colonna di Palestrina as the Florentine Militia Commander. The House of Colonna held various titles in the former Papal States as well as ruled as the Dukes of Cesaro, Sicily. The Colonna family are the owners of the Knights of Columbus which use the Roman fasces symbol on its logo. Carl Anderson is the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus and serves the Vatican and House of Colonna. Many police and federal agents are members of the Knights of Columbus and some of them are used to infiltrate law enforcement and provide assistance and intelligence for the Italian Mafia. Terence Monahan is the current Chief of the New York City police and was Jesuit educated at Fordham. Monahan is also a knight of associate of the Knights of Columbus. The Colonna family have influence over both police and organized crime.
The Five Families function as covert criminal business enterprises for the Italian nobility and they use their mafias to blackmail, extort, and control politicians, bankers, and businessmen. In the 19th century Princess Livia Colonna married into the their ancient cousins again with Duke Fernando Alvarez de Toledo and their grandson was Alvaro Alvarez de Toledo who married Anna Maria DuPont. The DuPont family of France use the Colonna’s column on their coat of arms. The DuPont family founded DuPont an international chemical company which is located in Delaware and has about 46 billion in assets. The Colonna and Alvarez families have covert shares in and authority over DuPont now called DowDuPont which is one of largest chemical companies in the world. Jeff Fettig is Chairman of Dupont, Howard Ungerleider is CFO, and Edward Breen is the CEO. Robert Richards is a member of the DuPont family which is worth about 16 billion and he was convicted of raping his 3 year old daughter and received no prison time. The Alvarez family that inherited the Colonna’s Avella Palazzo sold it to the Italian government for 800 million lire equal to 203 million dollars.
Prince Guido Colonna di Paliano was a Commissioner of the European Union, Italian Vice Consul to New York City and a member of the Trilateral Commission. The Vallone family are New York City Council members all Jesuit educated from Fordham with Paul Vallone as a current city council member and his father Peter Vallone Sr and brother Peter Vallone Jr as former council members. Jerry Colonna is a financier from New York City who helped to establish Silicon Valley. Jerry Colonna who is believed to be worth over 50 million started a small investment group called Flatiron Partners which was in the business of making billions for companies like JP Morgan Chase. Jerry Colonna appears to be used for handling their criminal transactions and for money laundering. The Colonna family ceremonially rule over Capitoline Hill in Rome which represents the political power of Rome’s corporate empire. The column symbolizes the political support that maintains their fraudulent claim to corporate-governmental ownership over a land. The Colonna family are a corporate mafia involved in infiltrating politics and businesses, financing organized crime, and supplanting cultures.
Freemasonry uses two pillars or columns in their temples which covertly symbolizes the two Colonna princely lines of Stigliano and Paliano. Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is covertly controlling the Grand Lodge of Ireland and overseeing the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Cardinal Timothy Dolan the Archbishop of New York works under the Colonnas. Charles Dolan was Jesuit educated from John Carroll University and is worth 6 billion as the founder of Cabelvision. Charles Dolan is an agent of the Colonnas and is also a trustee of the Jesuit Fairfield University. Some of the Colonna di Stigliano family members have recently established residences in Ireland. Saint Alban was really from Alban Hills and set up Alban-Colonna clans in England early on. The name Romney means Roman. The Earls of Romney in the UK are agents of Rome as well as the Romney political family in the US with Mitt Romney who co-founded Bain Capital which manages about 75 billion in assets. Mitt Romney was also CEO of Bain & Company. Prince Filippo Colonna di Paliano has worked for Bain & Company which is stated in his work history on LinkedIn.
Tom Monaghan is an Irish-American billionaire that founded Dominos and he sold it to Bain Capital. Monaghan is an agent of the Colonnas and has donated large amounts of his wealth to the Roman Catholic Church. The House of Colonna established a Polish branch called the Colonna-Walewski family. The Polish Mafia in the United States have been allied with the Chicago Outfit starting out early on with Polish mobsters like Hymie Weiss allied with Bugs Moran and Jake Guzik allied with Al Capone. The Polish Mafia pay tributes to the Colombos and Chicago Outfit. The Colonna family have made at least tens of billions from their mafias and drug cartels over recent decades.
The House of Colonna are an imperial bloodline. Washington DC is designed with Roman architecture and has the Roman fasces symbol all over United States federal buildings and federal seals. The Fasces symbol is also on the flag of the city of Norte de Santander in Columbia. Fascism means a centralization of power. Capitol Hill in DC is named after Capitoline Hill in Rome. Washington DC was called Rome in 1669 and this is stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Most of the architecture in the District of Columbia is Roman architecture. America is named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci who created the term “New World” for the Americas. The United States has been in tax contract with the Government of Ireland through the 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act. The Colonnas have been stealing from the American people through US tax contracts with the Irish government. The Colonnas have a hidden alliance with the Irish Guinness banking family. The Colonnas manage the Grand Lodge of Ireland and are a top authority of the The Freemasonic Oddfellow Order with Prince Oddone Colonna. They also oversee the Freemasonic Royal Order of Jesters with the Italian comedian and actor Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra. The German Roman Catholic Furstenberg family work with the Colonnas and also co-manage the Royal Order of Jesters which have been caught for sex trafficking. Paul Sciarra founded Pinterest and is worth a half of billion. The Colaninno family are a covert north Italian branch of the Colonnas. The Colaninnos run Piaggio with Roberto Colaninno and his son Matteo Colaninno who is an Italian politician.
The Colaninno family own the Palazzo Canossa in Mantua and are owners of the holding company IMMSI which is involved in real estate, resorts, hotels, maritime vessels, motorcycles and scooters. Paolo Andrea Colombo is an Italian businessman and worked as a top executive for Interbanca which financed and advised Roberto Colaninno and some of his business deals. Both Paolo Andrea Colombo and Roberto Colaninno have worked as high level executives for Alitalia. Stefano Colonna is an Italian chemist who created the Julia-Colonna epoxidation process used by pharmaceutical companies like Bayer. Stefano Pessina is an agent of the House of Colonna and worth about 13 billion as the primary shareholder of Walgreens Boots Alliance headquartered in Chicago which owns pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The House of Colonna were one of the families behind the Vatican Inquisition. Their ancestors the Counts of Tusculum produced at least 6 Popes and the Colonnas directly produced Pope Martin V. Today Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano is highly trained in alchemy and involved in chemically torturing people.
Members of the Colonna crime family include
Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano,
Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano,
Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano,
Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano,
Princess Frances Colonna di Stigliano,
Princess Catherine Colonna di Stigliano,
Count Fabio Colonna di Stigliano,
Countess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano,
Don Fabio Colonna di Stigliano,
Prince Oddone Colonna,
Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano,
Prince Filippo Colonna di Paliano,
Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano,
Prince Stefano Colonna di Paliano,
Princess Laurentia Colonna di Paliano,
Prince Piero Colonna di Paliano,
Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra, unofficially Jerry Colonna the financier, and Stefano Colonna from the University of Milan. The House of Colonna are large shares holders over the Holy See corporation and are one of the most powerful and corrupt imperial families on the planet. Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano and Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano are the current heads of this wicked clan. The Colonnas need to be exterminated.
Princess Jeanne Colonna di Paliano with her husband Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano and he is a Prince Assistant to the Papal Throne and he oversees pedophilia networks within the Vatican and Roman Catholic priesthood. Their son is Prince Filippo.
Prince Filippo Colonna di Paliano works as an Associate Consultant for Bain & Company.
Palazzo Colonna in Rome with two pillars in the hall.
Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra is an Italian prince, actor, and comedian as well as a top authority over the Freemasonic Royal Order of Jesters.
Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra prince de Carbognano (11th), duc de Bassanello (11th), duc de Nerola (9th), duc de Montelibretti (10th), comte de Palazzuolo, de Pacentro, de Cicoli, de Lucoli, de Rojo and de Tornimparte Born 18 September 1961 – Roma Age : 57 years old Acteur, comédien https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/buffalo/press-releases/2010/bffo111910.htm Former Erie County Sheriff’s Deputy Pleads Guilty in Connection with Jester Prostitution Case Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert C. Moscati, who is handling the case, stated that Lesinski admitted to transporting women in April, 2005 from the Buffalo airport to a hotel in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, where the Royal Order of Jesters was holding its national convention. While there, the women engaged in sex acts with members of the Jesters in exchange for money.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Colonna_(entertainer) Gerardo Luigi “Jerry” Colonna (September 17, 1904 – November 22, 1986) was an American musician, actor, comedian, singer, songwriter and trombonist best remembered as the zaniest of Bob Hope’s sidekicks in Hope’s popular radio shows and films of the 1940s and 1950s.
Prince Piero Colonna is a member of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and a tactician for the House of Colonna.
Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano with the deceased Prince Carlo Giovannelli on the left. Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano is an owner of the Chicago Outfit.
Prince Stefano Colonna and his wife Princess Vittoria Torlonia next to him and they are with Guendalina Mancinelli-Scotti and her husband is Manfredi Mancinelli-Scotti. Prince Stefano Colonna is a ruthless alchemical tormentor and a part owner of the Colombo crime family and the Chicago Outfit.
Manfredi Mancinelli-Scotti is an Italian noble related to the Douglas-Scott clan of Scotland and he is a Roman overseer of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Colonna family are the top architects of Freemasonry and they work closely with the Scotti family and the Ruspoli-Marescotti family. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotti_(famiglia)&prev=search Scotti (Scoto) or Scotti Douglas or Douglas Scotti is an ancient and noble Piacenza family. He came from the Douglas lineage of Scotland when a certain William Douglas , son of Sholto Douglas and cousin of the mythical Achaian king of the Scots, came to Italy to fight Desiderius, king of the Lombards and settled in Piacenza.[1]
Count Fabio Colonna di Sigliano in the middle with his wife Countess Vittoria Colonna and they are with Prince Lorenzo de Medici who resides in Portugal. These Colonna di Stiglianos own the Villa Torrigiani.
Villa Torrigiani in Lucca, Italy. The Colonna di Stiglianos in Lucca work closely with the Lucchesi-Pallis of Lucca headed up by Count Adinolfi Lucchesi-Palli.
Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano with Ivana Trump in Italy. Prince Marcantonio is an owner of the Colombo crime family and a high authority in the Black Nobility.
The Colonna family, also known as Sciarrillo or Sciarra, is an Italian noble family. It was powerful in medieval and Renaissance Rome, supplying one Pope (Martin V) and many other Church and political leaders.
According to tradition, the Colonna family is a branch of the Counts of Tusculum — by Peter (1099–1151) son of Gregory III, called Peter “de Columna” from his property the Columna Castle in Colonna, Alban Hills. Further back, they trace their lineage past the Counts of Tusculum via Lombard and Italo-Roman nobles, merchants, and clergy through the Early Middle Ages — ultimately claiming origins from the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
The counts of Tusculum were the most powerful secular noblemen in Latium, near Rome, in the present-day Italy between the 10th and 12th centuries. Several popes and an antipope during the 11th century came from their ranks.
ca 1108 – 1126 PtolemyI (Tolomeo I), (Consul, comes Tusculanus) son Gregory III; 1126 – 1153 Ptolemy II (Tolomeo II), (Illustrissimus, dominus Consul et dux) son of Ptolemy I; Tusculan popes
John XI, son of Alberic I, pope from 931 to 935 John XII son of Alberic II, pope from 955 to 964 Benedict VII, nephew of Alberic II, pope from 974 to 983 Benedict VIII, son of Gregory I, pope from 1012 to 1024 (also count) John XIX, son of Gregory I, pope from 1024 to 1032 (also count) Benedict IX, son of Alberic III, pope from 1032 to 1048 (also count) Benedict X, antipope from 1058 to 1059
According to tradition, the successors of the Tusculum counts were the Colonna family, founded by Peter (1099–1151), son of Gregory II and called Peter “de Columna” from his fief of Colonna, east of Rome.
The Ptolemies were an ancient and illustrious Sienese family, which a compliant genealogy wanted to link to the homonymous dynasty of the sovereigns of ancient Egypt
Tradition has it that, from the union of Gaius Julius Caesar with Cleopatra VII Queen of Egypt , Ptolemy XV was born, called Cesarione
In 1503 they bought the fief of Patrica from the Colonna
Count Claudio Ptolemie
Trump’s apartment has two pillars with a portrait of Apollo between them. The Massimos which are the Princes of Arsoli and married with the Solari family are the head of the Cult of Apollo.
Two pillars are a primary symbol in Freemasonry and really represent the two main Colonna bloodlines the Colonna di Palianos and Colonna di Stiglianos.
Michael Franzese is a made man in the Colombo crime syndicate and he pretends to be a reformed gangster. Michael Franzese is still an active member of the Colombos and works as a high level consiglieri. https://michaelfranzese.com/ Michael Franzese grew up as the son of the notorious Underboss of New York’s violent and feared Colombo crime family. At his most affluent, he generated an estimated $5 to $8 million per week from legal and illegal businesses. It was a life filled with power, luxury…and deadly violence. Just a few years ago, mafia boss, Michael Franzese was named one of the biggest money earners the mob had seen since Al Capone, by Vanity Fair.
Chris Colombo is the top boss of the Colombo crime family. The Colombos specialize in cocaine trafficking and prostitution. The Colombo crime family have cocaine contracts with Colombian drug cartels. The Colombian drug cartels have operations in New York City.
Vincent Martello is an associate of the Colombo crime family and he works in car sales. He uses cars as fronts for trafficking drugs, cash, and children for the mafia. Vincent Martello runs a spy network for the Italian Mafia and sends people death threats on behalf of Cosa Nostra. Vincent Martello is a major pedophile and ruthlessly evil gang stalker that pretends to be nice and friendly as his cover.
Prince Fabio Colonna di Stigliano owns a watch and jewelry company in Italy. Criminals use jewelry companies for money laundering because they can easily rig the value of products. Prince Fabio is a part owner of the Colombo crime syndicate.
Orologi Colonna® was born from an idea of Fabio Colonna di Stigliano: an indissoluble bond between Neapolitan tailors’ tradition and Swiss technology precision. Refined timekeeper made precious by refined textiles’cuffs handicrafted with ancient traditional Neapolitan tailors’ technique. A wide range of models for Gentlemen and Ladies, entirely conceived for Beauty’s Lovers.
Princess Catherine Colonna di Stigliano with Prince Arvin Singh Mewar of India.
Prince Oddone Colonna is an extremely creepy child molester and the top Roman manager of the Masonic Oddfellow Order.
The Freemasonic Order of Oddfellows specialize in strange mind control and depraved sexual programming including incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and transsexualism.
Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano and this branch of the Colonnas lives in Ireland. Her sister is Princess Vittoria and her father is Prince Prospero. Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is covertly managing the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Colonna di Stiglianos of Ireland have a close alliance with the Irish Guinness banking family.
Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano is a high level witch and Rome’s “Whore of Babylon.” Princess Vittoria is a ruthless child murdering cannibal and on her hat she is wearing the butterfly because she is the head of the MK Ultra and Project Monarch mind control program which uses the butterfly for its symbol. Hollywood uses butterfly symbols in movies with most female actresses when they are young. They program women into becoming sexual cannibals that murder children which is their metamorphosis.
Vittoria Colonna is a writer, director and producer. Growing up between Ireland and Italy, Vittoria was influenced to study fine art painting in Rome’s L’Accademia di Belle Arti.
Vittoria has directed numerous music videos, which have received international acclaim, such as an Irish Music Television Award (IMTV) in 2009, Best Music Video at the The Los Angeles Film and Script Festival 2012, The Golden Ace Award at the Las Vegas International Film Festival 2012 and The Golden Palm Award at The Mexico International Film Festival 2012.
To date, Vittoria has built a reputation for investigating complex ethical questions, using film, documentary, video and art to reveal the harsher aspects of existence, yet exploring sensitive and dramatic themes with honesty and dark humour. She is also a member of the Screen Directors Guild of Ireland (SDGI).
Carl Anderson is the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus and he is a ruthless gang stalking commander and terrorist. The Knights of Columbus have infiltrated the police and US military. http://www.kofc.org/en/todays-knights/sk-full-bio.html As supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, Carl A. Anderson is the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization, which has nearly 2 million members. From 1983 to 1987, he served in various positions of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, including special assistant to the President and acting director of the White House Office of Public Liaison. Mr. Anderson is a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester, a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great and a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. He serves as a member of the International Scientific Council of the Studium Generale Marcianum of Venice. In 1994, he was a member of the Vatican delegation for the Fifteenth Meeting of the International Jewish Liaison Committee held in Jerusalem. He is a member of the bar of the District of Columbia and is admitted to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court. http://www.kofc.org/un/en/todays-knights/supreme-officers.html Biographies and print-quality photos of Knights of Columbus officers. Carl A. Anderson As supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus Archbishop William E. Lori, S.T.D. As supreme chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Patrick E. Kelly Patrick E. Kelly serves as deputy supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus. Michael J. O’Connor Michael J. O’Connor serves as the supreme secretary of the Knights of Columbus. Ronald F. Schwarz Ronald Schwarz serves as supreme treasurer of the Knights of Columbus. John A. Marrella John A. Marrella is the Supreme Advocate and General Counsel of the Knights of Columbus
Terence Monahan the Chief of the New York City Police Department was Jesuit educated at Fordham and is a covert Knight of Columbus. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/about/leadership/chief-of-department.page Terence A. Monahan is the 40th Chief of Department for the New York City Police Department. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts from Fordham University. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/about/leadership/first-deputy-commissioner.page First Deputy Commissioner Benjamin Tucker First Deputy Commissioner Tucker holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from John Jay College, a J.D. from Fordham University School of Law, and is a tenured professor at Pace University.
Charles Dolan has been the majority shareholder of Cablevision which controls AMC Networks, MSG Networks, Newsday, and The Madison Square Garden Company. Cablevision was sold to Altice USA. His son James Dolan manages the Madison Square Garden Company which controls the New York Knicks and New York Rangers. His other son Patrick Dolan manages Newsday. Charles Dolan’s brother Larry Dolan is the owner of the Cleveland Indians. Larry Dolan was Jesuit educated from Saint Ignatius High School and also went to the University of Notre Dame. The Dolan family are Irish Jesuit billionaires.
Stefano Pessina is a billionaire worth about 12 billion and he runs Walgreens. Stefano Pessina is an alchemical tormentor with high authority over the Rosicrucian Order and he works for the Colonna family.
The Juliá–Colonna epoxidation is an asymmetric poly-leucine catalyzed nucleophilic epoxidation of electron deficient olefins in a triphasic system. The reaction was reported by Sebastian Juliá at the Chemical Institute of Sarriá in 1980,[1] with further elaboration by both Juliá and Stefano Colonna Furthermore, the reaction has been effectively scaled up to industrially useful levels, with work conducted notably by Bayer and Evonik. Finally, the enzyme-like activity of the poly-amino acid segments is suggestive of a role of the reaction in the prebiotic origin of life.[5][6]
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I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018. These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.
I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.
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