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Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

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Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

Being only slightly aware isnā€™t good enough!

As people slowly wake up to the reality of our world, how it is being held hostage by the top of the power pyramid, sometimes referred to as ā€˜the 13 familiesā€™ (actually families from the Babylonian/Roman Empire) and their parasites within their secret societies (the Cabals), and that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, the awakening can take many different roads. Some lead into the dark tunnels of controlled opposition (gatekeepers) and their agendas set in place to stop you from reaching further down the rabbit hole. In this little rant I will touch lightly on some of them, to help you navigate better. Letā€™s start with ā€œpoliticsā€¦ā€

People referring to those in real power pulling the strings as ā€œThe Deep Stateā€
There is no such thing as ā€œThe Deep Stateā€, that is just a silly buzz word coined by CIA and Q-tards. Originally it surfaced as a shorthand for bureaucrats wanting to undermine Trump ā€“ which is funny as politics is pure theatre (weā€™ll touch on this in a bit). In other words, do not use this terminology if you want to be taken seriously. Itā€™s an instant facepalm.
Those in real power are the people from hidden ancient bloodlines (families) of kings and queens going back to the Babylonian/Roman Empire, the powerful Italian families, followed by the Black Pope and his Jesuit Order, followed by warmongers, religious (satanic) orders, self-made billionaires, and banksters, and they all operate within secret societies, or ā€˜cabalsā€™ ā€“ working towards a One World Government aka the New World Order.
There are the Committee of 300 (300 of the most powerful men and women in the world) and the think-tank called Club of Rome created by The Jesuits aka., Society of Jesus (an order within the Catholic Church,) and then some other low-level organizations like the Freemasons (originally infiltrated by the Order of the Illuminati, founded by the Jesuit Priest Adam Weishaupt) and turned into an occult order, and all government institutions that are infiltrated by these masons; especially the police, the military and its branches, NATO, UN, GATT, the central banks, the FED, the IRS, the military-information-complex, the medical establishment, multinational corporations and organizations, and on it goes. And we also have the Bilderberg Group who host annual meetings for the low level politicians, managers, and business people who are ā€œfacesā€ to the people. This is simply where they get up to speed on what the agendas are for the coming years. We will go deeper into this in other posts.
And if you look at how the ancient bloodlines and their ā€˜shield familiesā€™ have financially infiltrated the world, you only need to look at the investment and insurance companies. Companies such as Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, and more. These companies have the majority shares in all industries and all major companies in the entire world. And they also own shares in one another. And at the top of this pyramid you have Vanguard and BlackRock, who have major shares in all the other companies below them and they all own shares in every industry and company in the world. And of these two, Vanguard is shielded and do not show their share-holders. However, with some digging you see names such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont and so on. They hide within Vanguard, and they own everything!
If we actually were to identify a ā€œDeep Stateā€, it would simply be the freemasons within the government and military complex, doing the bidding of the Jesuits, per instructed by the 13 families within Vanguard and their current goals. And no, little Swedes, your evil elite family of Wallenberg has no real power or saying in any matter. They are simply part of the European establishment of the Trilateral Commission and answer to the Italian Agnelli- and Colonna families, that is, they are puppets of the Jesuits at the Catholic Church. Marcus Wallenberg was a Knight of Malta, a protector of the Vatican and their Jesuit Order. They might be powerful within their field of business, but they are still way down the food chain and follow orders like the rest of them. Wallenbergā€™s companies such as Investor are just as controlled by Vanguard and BlackRock as everyone else.

People still discussing politics and the left and the right
Politics are theater for the sleeping masses, just as sports, tv-shows, the news, music and movies. Politicians and most presidents are puppets controlled by the Jesuits through the freemasons and their underlings to give the people a sense of control by ā€œvotingā€. If you waste your time on fighting over presidents or political parties, you are playing right into their hand. Itā€™s all about divide and conquer. Splitting the population into groups that donā€™t like each other, just as with silly nonsense such as racism, sports, climate hoaxes, political correctness and so on.

Q or ā€˜QAnonā€™
Do I even need to mention this? It should be obvious for anyone who have done more than 15 minutes of research. Q, (or QAnon as the media calls the Q-movement since Qā€™tards refer themselves as ā€˜Anons,ā€™) and also ā€˜Anynomous,ā€™ are both the old communist counterintelligence ā€˜operation trustā€™ in new packaging. Both are CIA Psy-ops to keep people believing in the beast system, the government, similar to the Tea Party. They give out tiny crumbs, as in truther chicken-feed, to those who are Diet Woke and just telling them to ā€œtrust the planā€. Sure, for how long now? 4 years, 5 years, 6? Itā€™s simply a clever way to manage those waking up that do not have the drive or capacity to do their own research. -ā€œListen slaves, donā€™t do anything, just sit back and take it deep ā€“ trust the plan.ā€

Q was put in place at the beginning of the Trump administration for the sole purpose of misleading millions of diet-woke (but mostly retarded) truth-seekers during the time of the coronavirus outbreak, the cabalā€™s latest ā€œ9/11 event.ā€ Thus Q is currently herding their sheepish followers to believe that the coronavirus fallout is a cover to arrest celebrity pedophiles, as if that makes any sense. That is how stupid it is!
Qā€™tards also believe that John F. Kennedy is of the Christ bloodline and is still alive posing as Q, and that Donald Trump is his agent. And the Trump family is not doing anything to distance themselves from Q, as they are part of this psyop. However, most likely, the man posing or pushing ā€˜Qā€™ and ā€˜Qpatriotā€™ as backed by the CIA, is Marcus Goldfinch of former ā€œMGTVā€ and now ā€œGeorge News.ā€ This was revealed several years ago by ā€˜Tim Ozman,ā€™ the handle behind Infinite Plane Media (former IPS.) There is also the likelihood that the original ā€˜Qā€™ is Mike Flynn, the master of psychological operations and propaganda.
So, no, ā€˜Qā€™ has not been around for 40+ years as some Qā€™tards believe. That is what some Q-agents has invented, as they write their own history, to connect the CIA-movement to the Jesuit Kennedy family to make it seem more powerful and ā€œright-wing.ā€

Itā€™s even more obvious that Q is controlled opposition and part of an counterintelligence agenda as they are talking about politics being real, about the left and the right, about democrats being the spawn of Satan ā€” and, of course, their super agent Jesuit and Israeli puppet Donald Trump and his ā€˜draining the swampā€™ ā€” the silliest phrase in history. They are all part of the frikkinā€™ swamp! And yes, Donald Trump is a Jesuit puppet and an immense supporter of the Zionist state of Israel, just as Barack Obama was their puppet. And George Bush before them is a high-ranking member of the Freemasonic Skull and Bones. And on it goes ā€“ all of them controlled. All of them actors.
There is also a reason why media refer to Q as QAnon, and itā€™s all in the numbers. Revelation of the Method.
And donā€™t forget that QAnon gets their symbolism from the Jesuits, through Controlled Opposition puppets Anonymous. Anonymous uses the Guy Fawkes mask, and Guy Fawkes was a Jesuit. Also, we will get to the ā€˜White Hatsā€™ in just a minuteā€¦

Also, Q might very well be a play at The Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the ā€œQ,ā€ a Masonic invitational body out of Mexico City, founded in 1945 by Arthur J. One has to be a Mason and a Shriner to become a member and membership is by invitation only. This Masonic Order is behind the ā€˜The Q Foundation for Kids,ā€™ aimed at ā€œdonationsā€ for hospital transportation (!) and hospitals for children. You do not need to be a genius to figure out what that actually means (children trafficking.) In other words, a very clever play when they say they are ā€œrescuing childrenā€ in ā€˜tunnels,ā€™ when they in reality do the opposite. And that is how, as the Satanists they are, present themselves; in opposites, backwards, inverted.

So, Q is simply a psy-op, a fake new world order agenda aka., ā€˜The Great Awakening,ā€™ running parallel with what is really going on. They use these false idols as in Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. They play of emotions and false information such as mass arrests and executions of world leaders for child trafficking. And other stupid shit like the destruction of underground tunnels and bunkers. That is how they lure you in, playing fake heroes. And that psy-op is needed to mislead those who are waking up, trapping them in pure nonsense of fake events, so that the real New World Order can be put in place without people noticing. Q is also the perfect tool to label everyone who are seen as a ā€œconspiracy theoristā€ or ā€œright wingā€ as extremists nut cases. Thus labelling anyone who try to expose lies as mentally ill and a danger to society. That is the true purpose of Q / QAnon ā€” to give fuel to the ā€˜infodemicā€™ and to kill free speech.

Also, all the silly ā€œQ-dropsā€ are distractions. For example, the leaked Hillary emails, the leaked John Gruden emails, the leaked Hunter Biden emails, the leaked Podesta emails, the leaked Ghislaine emails, and so on. None of these people are real. They are roles on the world stage, played by actors. Itā€™s the same repetitive script to keep the masses entertained. All this, including the ā€œQ-dropsā€ are simply truther chicken-feed.

This is why it is so important to expose the real lies, such as that viruses and contagious diseases do not exist, that governments and politics are theatre, that the banking and economic systems are just a game they control at will, that most shootings are staged and nobody died, and that we need wake up as many people as possible. We have to stop participating in their games. We do not need them! We do not need leaders or their laws or their government. However, they need us to make their New World Order happen. People simply need to stop playing their games and walk away from the beast system, from the slave matrix. This is why we fight, why we try to wake people up. Otherwise, it will only get worse.

And as for some Gematria, their own language they use for their rituals, false flags, psy-ops and fabricated news:

Q = 17th letter
Modern Freemasonry established in 1717

Qā€™Anon = 74, 25, 201, 666

74 as 47 is the symbolic number of the Freemasons. Event 201, the pandemic simulation, was held on October 18, 2019, the day leaving 74-days left in the year.
Masonic = 74
Occult = 74
Jewish = 74

Trump = 25
Vatican = 25

The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Saturn Worship = 201
Six Sixty-Six = 201

And 666 should need no explanation.

Also, the term ā€˜White Hatsā€™ comes from Freemasonry! That is what they call high-ranking members within Freemasonry, as they are allowed to wear ā€˜White Hatsā€™ instead of the purple hats. So, if you believe ā€˜White Hatsā€™ are out rescuing children and what not, you have been made a fool. They are mocking your ignorance and lack of knowledge and understanding.

And their language of Gematria tells you everything you need to know, as White Hats sums to 113, the number for dishonesty, and is a perfect match with ā€˜Dishonest.ā€™

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Dolores “Dolly” Cahill The Pro Vaccine Queen

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The following information is a presentation of evidence, combined with my opinions, based on factual details available in the public domain. My opinions are based on the evidence. I do not claim to present an overarching or objective truth, and I encourage all readers to engage in their own research by following the links available in this document. It is up to each individual to research for themselves in order to determine whether or not your conclusions align with my assessment and analysis of the evidence. Consider this document a starting point to a larger body of research and more thorough investigation.

Dolores Cahill is an Irish pro-vaccine queen and one of the leading voices of the so-called ā€œanti-vaccineā€ movement. The mainstream media refers to Cahill as an ā€œanti-vaccinationā€ advocate and conspiracy theorist, who is spreading medical misinformation. Professor Cahill has a degree in Molecular Genetics and a Ph.D. in Immunology. Letā€™s take a look at Dolores Cahillā€™s career and see if the mainstream mediaā€™s representation of her is accurate.

From her Bio:

Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill is a world-wide renowned expert in high-throughput proteomics technology development and automation, high content protein arrays and their biomedical
applications, including in biomarker discovery and diagnostics.

What is Protemics?

What are Protemics used for? Here are a few papers and articles.

Proteomics for development of vaccine

Single-Cell Proteomics Tackles Vaccine Development

Proteomic contributions to our understanding of vaccine and immune responses

The role of structural proteomics in vaccine development: recent advances and future prospects

Prioritization of potential vaccine targets using comparative proteomics an designing of the chimeric multi-epitope vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Proteomics and Its Application in Pandemic Diseases

What is Biomarker Discovery? According to WikiPedia:

Biomarker discovery is a medical term describing the process by which biomarkers are discovered. Many commonly used blood tests in medicine are biomarkers. There is interest in biomarker discovery on the part of the pharmaceutical industry; blood-test or other biomarkers could serve as intermediate markers of disease in clinical trials, and as possible drug targets.

New developments and concepts related to biomarker application to vaccines

So far, just from the first line of her bio, we have learned that Cahill has been involved in working on vaccine technology and is connected to the
pharmaceutical industry through her work on biomarkers. Letā€™s continue. Prof. Cahill pioneered this research area at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany, and holds several international patents in this field with research, biomedicine and diagnostic applications.

Given that she holds several international patents in this field, it is fair to assume that any vaccine company that uses her technology will pay her a lot of money
for it. To put it another way, she stands to profit from the manufacturing and development of vaccines.

ā€œThe Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics is a research institute for molecular genetics based in Berlin, Germany. It is part of the Max Planck Institute network of the Max
Planck Society for the Advancement of Scienceā€.

More from her bio:

ā— Over 20 years expertise in high-throughput protein & antibody array, automation, proteomics technology development & biomedical applications in biomarker
, diagnostics & personalised medicine.

ā— Since 2005 to present, Full Professor of Translational Science, School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Academic, Researcher, Lecturer, Module Coordinator in
Pathology Teaching, School of Medicine & Conway Institute

ā— 15 years as Irish, EU & international expert & advisor including Seconded National Expert to European Commission

ā— Company Co-founder & Shareholder (1997-2019) of Protagen AG in Germany ( Protagen Protein Services (2012-2019) contract services to
healthcare sector & pharmaceutical industry (

From Protagenā€™s website:

Protagen Protein Services (PPS) is a world leading CRO and recognized expert for analytical services in protein science regarding characterization, method development, validation and routine testing of antibodies, proteins, vaccines and other formates of biopharmaceuticals.

A CRO (Contract Research Organization) is a company that provides clinical trial management services for the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries.

Here is Protogenā€™s Vaccine Page.

From Cahillā€™s Bio:

ā— Since 2016, co-founding shareholder and Advisory Board member of Prof. Stephen Penningtonā€™s UCD School of Medicine/Conway Institute spin-out company, Atturos Ltd.
working to improve Prostate Cancer diagnosis ( and

From Atturosā€™s website:

Atturos is a fast growing clinical diagnostics company developing molecular diagnostic tests to support better patient decisions. Currently focusing on the identification of serum protein
biomarkers, Atturos uses cutting edge technology in collaboration with key clinical consortia and big pharma.

If you scroll to the bottom of their page, you can see some of their Big Pharma partners which include Merck and Pfizer.

It is interesting that one of the leading voices in the so-called ā€œanti-vaccineā€ movement co-founded and sits on the board of a company that partners with Merck, Pfizer and a handful of other Big Pharma companies. To put it another way, it is in her personal financial interest to make decisions that will benefit
companies like Merck and Pfizer as well as her own company, Atturos, Ltd.

Selected Academic Leadership and Contributions: Invited Speaker, Keynotes,
Conferences organised:

ā— Prof. Cahill has given over 100 Keynotes in USA, Europe, China, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, South America:
ā— 18th-19th May 2020:
Chair, Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytics & ATMP Manufacturing, Dublin.

What are ATMPs?

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) are medicines for human use with an active
therapeutic substance based on at least one of the following;
ā— Technology to modify patient genome
ā— Recombinant nucleic acids or genes
ā— Substantially manipulated cells
ā— Cells intended for a different essential function in the patient versus the donor
ā— Engineered tissue

We can learn more here, in this article by BioPharm International Editors.

NHC was announced as a preferred bidder in December 2020 to become one of the initial three centers to provide hands-on training for advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) and vaccine manufacture as part of the Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network (ATSTN)ā€”a UK-wide initiative. ATSTN has been awarded funding by the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy for the delivery of training centers across the UK that will help to develop practical skills and address the growing need in vaccine and ATMP manufacturing.June 2020: Keynote Speaker, BioTech Pharma Summit, CBB 2020, Portugal.

Back to Cahillā€™s bio:

ā— 24th-25th Sept 2020: Guest Speaker, Biotechnology Business Workshop, British Embassy & Biotech Atelier Sofia.
ā— 8th-9th October 2020: Keynote Speaker, Global Engage, Liquid Biopsies Conference, London.

From Global Engageā€™s About Me Page:

Bringing Pharma, Biotech, Academia, Technology and Investment Together
Global Engage was founded in 2009 in order to create events that enhance the knowledge pool of the life science industries and engage key stakeholders. We have a particular focus on drug discovery, biologics, genomic sequencing, agriculture and health technology.

ā— 13th-14th February 2019: Keynote Speaker Companion Diagnostics & Biomarkers Conference 2019

From their website:

Clinical biomarkers and companion diagnostics deliver significant patient benefits, healthcare cost savings, and revenue opportunities while providing a foundation for precision medicine.
Pharmaceutical companies are embracing biomarkers as a way to decrease drug failures in the clinic by streamlining patient selection and stratification. The need for open discussion between pharma and diagnostics partners to find common ground, address strategy and technology issues, and form sustainable partnerships is at an all-time high. Cambridge Healthtech Instituteā€™s Companion Diagnostics and Clinical Biomarkers conference program is designed to bring together major stakeholders in the field of drug-diagnostics co-development to foster successful science and business strategies in the rapidly changing healthcare environment.

Cahillā€™s Bio:

ā— 13th-15th March 2019: Speaker, Intergovernmental meeting in Bulgaria
ā— 10th -11th October 2019: Chair and Speaker, Immuno-oncology, London
ā— 13th-14th September 2018: Speaker, 5th Precision Medicine & Biomarkers Leadersā€™
Summit, Munich & Chair of Roundtable on Personalised Medicine & Adverse Events

Sounds like quite the sorcerer to me. The rest of her bio is also worth a read. I wonā€™t hash out the entire bio here, but if we read it in full, we will find that she was also honored with a lifetime award from the Federation of European Biochemical Societies in Norway for her research, as well as the BMBF BioFuture Prize by the German Minister of Science. You can read all about BioFuture here. I am sure you will find it quite enlightening. At this point, Iā€™d like to pause and ask a very simple and reasonable question.

Would the Federation of European Biochemcial Societies and German Minister of Science give these awards to someone whom they believed was threatening their business goals? Is it safe to assume that these awards are reserved for only the select few people that actually go above and beyond in not only their own professional achievements, but also their ability to help these entities achieve their goals?

It is also interesting to note that Dolores Cahill was involved in developing a meningitis vaccine in Africa which may have caused the Ebola outbreak.

So far, we have learned (just from her bio) that this person who is known by the majority of the public as a leading voice in the ā€œanti-vaccinationā€ movement ā€“ has spent the majority of her career developing technologies for vaccines and drugs.

What a hero. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Obviously, there is no way this person would be allowed to have such a spotlight in the ā€œopposition movementā€ unless she served the Global Agenda. But we donā€™t have to speculate or rely on unfounded conspiracy theories, we can see it all right there in her bio. So, what else can we learn about Cahill?

Well, how about we take a look at some of the things she has said to see if we can determine what some of her beliefs and opinions are. Letā€™s call this section:


Cahill: ā€œWhat I want to publicize is, itā€™s well known in immunology, you can take preventive measures to boost your own immune system, so that even if you were a little bit malnourished or rundown, that if you take vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc, your immune system will be boosted, and also if you eatā€”good nutritionā€”so that if you come across the virus [ā€¦] you will have hardly any symptoms, you will clear the virus.ā€

Really? And what virus is that? Is there any evidence that such a virus exists? Of course not. She may as well be talking about the tooth fairy , Covid was / is a HOAX. The poison is in the Vaccines

Cahill: ā€œSARS virus circulated [since] 2003 and essentially every three or four years since, so that people are immuneā€”so that everybody practically in the world is immune.ā€

How can someone claiming to be an expert in these fields, with such an impressive professional resume ā€“ not understand that viruses donā€™t cause disease and there was no ā€œcirculation of SARSā€ or any other so-called viruses, because viruses donā€™t exist? Are these not very basic, elementary concepts? Is she stupid?

Cahill: ā€œSo when they reported in the California study, in the Bakersfield study, with Dr. Erickson, it turned out the percentage [of the population that are infected with COVID-19 was around 7% right? So globally the people have antibodies in general, whether for COVID-19 or not, that would test positive in these thingsā€”itā€™s between 7% and 15%. But it just means the other people donā€™t have antibodies that are detectable or they donā€™t need to develop antibodies, because theyā€™re not attacked by these viruses and they donā€™t have any symptoms.ā€

Viruses canā€™t ā€œattackā€ anything because there is no such thing as a virus. Has this person not read a single book about the origins and history of virology? How is it that we, mere mortal researchers understand this completely ā€“ but this person who has spent her entire career in the field has no idea about this fundamental and foundational concept about what causes disease?

Cahill: ā€œHydroxychloroquine [ā€¦] was shown [ā€¦] by doctors worldwide to be the most efficient treatment for the coronavirus.ā€

Actually, no. Drugs don’t treat viruses. Drugs (allegedly) treat illnesses, disease and symptoms. Saying that something treats a virus is the same as saying that if you weren bitten by a dog, you take medicine to treat the dog. But that’s nonsense, of course. You take medicine to treat the BITE WOUND. But the real issue here is that drugs donā€™t actually do anything except add toxicity to your body, which causes illness and disease.

Viruses have no nucleus.
Thereā€™s no respiratory system.
Thereā€™s no circulatory system.
Thereā€™s no digestive system.

Therefore, Viruses are not alive,

they are not transmittable nor transmutable.


Cahill: Thereā€™s been papers published by the U.S. Army, where they have certain flu vaccines in 2017 and 2018 given to soldiers, that when they naturally come across a coronavirus, they have a cytokine storm and are severely sick. So it turns out in the vaccines that were given in Wuhan and in Italy, in the Lombardy region, ā€¦ these vaccines have been grown on dog tissue and dog tissues are known to have coronaviruses.ā€

Rather than admit and acknowledge that the unknown toxins in vaccines are causing the illness, she still insists that the virus is actually the source of the illness. And she sources “papers published by the U.S. Army” as a credible source – as if the military is the authority for truth and has an obligation or interest in providing the public with it. The job of the military is to conduct psychological warfare via fear, propaganda and deception.

Cahill: [Vaccines are] ā€œnot safety tested and a lot of the ingredients that are in vaccines are known themselves to actually be bad for the immune system, like aluminium or mercury, so there is absolutely no necessity for those kinds of toxic ingredients to be in vaccine adjuvants at all.ā€

Says the lady who has spent her entire career working for Big Pharma and developing vaccines?

Cahill: ā€œItā€™s been known for like sixty years that just simple mineral-type oil is plenty antigenic for the body to elicit an immune response, you do not need to be adding in human DNA, mercury, aluminium.ā€

An immune response to what? Oh, right – an invisible thing that nobody has ever seen or proven exists.

Cahill: ā€œThere is no need for social distancing. There are only three organisms that are transmitted in that way, and itā€™s TB and smallpox and Ebola, so this one is not. This one is transmitted if a droplet is on a door handle.ā€

Smallpox and Ebola are SCAMS. Anyone who has done even just a cursory amount of research into Smallpox or Ebola understands this clearly. Neither is caused by an ā€œorganismā€ and “this one” isn’t transmitted by a droplet on a door handle. In order to make such a claim, one would have to conduct valid scientific experiments to prove this claim, which nobody in the world has done.

Dolores Cahill is a liar.

Cahill: What a mask does, itā€™s entirely the wrong thing. It actually reduces the oxygen supply to you, so actually everybody has latent viruses within their body, and because youā€™re under oxygen stress, it allows viruses that were latentā€”because youā€™re under stress it decreases your immune system.ā€

Do you see how these swindlers operate? They always give you a bit of truth (masks reduce oxygen supply) and then misdirect you with a lie (viruses).

Cahill: “[COVID-19 patients become] immune for life and will no longer transmit the disease.ā€

Immune to what? Even if COVID19 was contagious (itā€™s not), and really was caused by a virus called Sars-Cov-2 (itā€™s not), how could anyone in the world know that you would be ā€œimmune for life,ā€ when it’s only been a year since this started (at the time of her interview)?

But this is just another stupid distraction to get us to believe that people “transmit the disease.” Disease is not contagious.

Cahill: “Hydroxychloroquine will work for all these types of viruses, these coronaviruses.ā€

What Viruses? Who has a virus? The CDC doesn’t, and neither does anyone else in the world. Is this person an idiot? How can this person possibly be considered an expert? Of course she’s going to promote HCQ, because she’s a DRUG DEALER and a whore for Big Pharma. And if you take HCQ in too high of a dose, guess what will happen? YOU WILL BECOME DEATHLY ILL. Then, this lady will blame your illness on a mysterious new and invisible virus.

Cahill: In general these [corona]viruses have 30,000 nucleotides but in this [SARS-CoV-2]ā€”thereā€™s actually a stretch of 12 nucleotides that are not present in the other viruses, and this would not happen naturally.ā€ [referencing Anderson et al. Nature Medicine, Figure 1]

As we can see, she is planting the seed for the suggestion of a ā€œman-made pathogenā€ using the common, pathetic sleight-of-hand tactics that we are used to. Since there is no natural virus, then there can be no man-made virus. Cahill can create a conspiracy theory about a bioweapon and then the mainstream fact checkers can come and debunk her lies with their mainstream lies. It’s designed this way, and it works effectively.

But how precisely could anyone in the world possibly know how many nucleotides are in SARS-CoV-2, without first isolating SARS-CoV-2? And which image does she reference? A silly chart, designed on a computer, which came from the imagination of some scientists who have never observed a virus called SARS-CoV-2.

Colourful Chart.

Yes, her evidence is literally a colorful chart, created in a computer software program. This is how far we have fallen from reality.

Cahill: “The PhD student from this lab [in Wuhan] died and it was at her funeral, it seems, in Wuhan that people started to get the initial symptoms [of COVID-19] after her funeral.ā€

Oh, it seems so, does it? What an absurd statement. Should we base scientific discoveries and conclusions on things that seem to be a certain way? Or should we be conducting rigorous experiments, with negative control groups, and having those observations and conclusions confirmed by other scientists in a manner that is consistently repeatable?

So what were the details of the funeral story? Who were the people and how many got sick? Do they have names? What sort of symptoms did they develop?
Were they hospitalized? Did they recover? Were samples drawn? Any negative controls? Was toxicity ruled out?

Oh, to hell with all of that red tape ā€¦ it seems so, letā€™s just go with that.So, what does Dolores have to gain from her role in the opposition movement, as she ā€œfightsā€ for the people of Ireland? Well, letā€™s have a look at her business dealings.

Doloros Cahill is the Co-Founder of Freedom Airway and Freedom Travel Alliance (FAFTA). From their website:

The community we are creating is a group of passionate trailblazers defending freedoms and rights to travel the world. We honor people’s right to travel freely, embracing cultures, wildlife, and the environment while creating shared economic opportunities.

Do you smell a rat? I do. Hereā€™s their Facebook page. Note that they call themselves an Information Technology Company, but they also appear to be in the travel space. Exactly what they do is vague and ambiguous.

Want to join the community? Membership starts at $100 and includes $200 and $500 tiers.

Ahh yes, the inevitable sales pitch. Give your money to Dolores so that she can ā€œfight for Ireland.ā€ For those who decide to pay these people (to do what, exactly?), membership will ā€œbring you into the effort to assure that your familyā€™s natural health rights while traveling are protected from injurious regulation and discriminatory policy.ā€

I see. Apparently they’ll fight for freedom and travel rights, but only for those who pay them. Yes, itā€™s true. They will attempt to help people fly but only the people who pay for membership. So what have they accomplished for the people of Ireland so far? Hint – absolutely nothing.

On their membership page, we can also see that a monthly membership costs $11.11. They will always throw their occult numbers right in our faces, to mock us.

Recently, FAFTA was also ā€œlooking for 5 ANGEL SHARE Investors to partner with and support our 5 founders in 3 countries on 2 continents.ā€

So, the next obvious question is ā€¦ who are the founders (other than Cahill)? Susan Sweetin/Kevin Jenkins/Tara Thorton are our three American founders and Susan Standfield is our Canadian founder. –Source

Kevin Jenkins is the CEO of Global Health Alliance. Here is their Facebook Page. Notice that it is almost identical to FAFTAā€™s Facebook page. Listen to this podcast to learn more about Kevin.

I found 3 people named Susan Sweetin in the United States, but only one with an online presence, and there is no mention of her having anything to do with this organization. Is Susan Sweetin a real person? Where does she live (which state)? Youā€™d think one of the founders of this company would have more of an online presence, perhaps a LinkedIn page or something?

Tara Thorton is an interesting character. She is one of the founders of Freedom Angels. Note how they stage these events to make ā€œanti-vaxxersā€ look like ā€œright wing extremists.ā€ The other co-founder is Denise Aguilar who is connected to undercover (agent) nurse Erin Olszewski (military special ops) and pro-vax con man Del Bigtree.

Multiple non-profit organizations appear to be the key vehicle funding Aguilar, Olszewski, and her now defunct and limp partner Kevin Gene Tuttle [USAF Public Relations]. Please see Greg Wyattā€™s long standing detailed research on how these individuals are connected and the operations they are running. It must be understood that these deceivers are not grassroots and do not represent the people. They are controlled opposition agents.

Susan Standfield is the founder of Health Justice Tees. Hereā€™s an interesting article where she made the news for some controversial T-shirts. Hereā€™s another one. If you dig a little, youā€™ll find her doing interviews on all the same radio shows as the Bigtrees, the Sacha Stones, Rocco Galati, Mikki Willis, etc. etc. Same narratives, same boundaries, same ā€œmovementā€ with a lot of overlap. They are all networked together, running an operation.

Amazing how these folks are all connected, isnā€™t it? Do you think thatā€™s merely a coincidence? Of course not. The fake ā€œanti-vaccineā€ movement is a well organized, highly controlled machine. It is run by military and intelligence.

So now we have already connected FAFTA (which Dolores Cahill is one of the co-founders of) to other pro-vax groups and questionable characters (including Del Bigtree) with military ties in the United States. FAFTA was planning to issue ā€˜Faftacoinsā€™ to members which, presumably, would be redeemable against flights. In March 2021, the FAFTA website advertised a Spring trip to Ireland with the words ā€œReady to celebrate Freedom & Saint Patrickā€™s Day in Ireland? Nothing is more Irish than this trip hosting by our very own Freedom Fighter, Dr. Dolores Cahill!ā€

If we go to the ā€œFreedom Talksā€ section of their website (currently), we find an upcoming talk by Kevin Jenkins and Dr. Christine Northrup, of course! All these pro-vaccine goblins promote each other and roll in the same circles, afterall. And here is the blurb associated with that talk:

At a time when truth has been silenced & trampled by big tech and conglomerate news networks, Freedom Talks is set to provide a platform for our Natural Freedom
Audience to be a part of the discussion so we can broadcast the true opinion of the masses.

Did you notice how they just hijacked your opinion in one sentence? These are the folks who will represent the opinion of the masses. Your opinion wonā€™t matter, only theirs will. And theirs is a pro-vax, middle of the road voice. None of these people are pro-health and pro-freedom. They all love vaccines. This is something that everyone on planet Earth needs to learn.

Has the truth really been ā€œsilencedā€ by Big Tech and Conglomerate News when it comes to people like Dolores Cahill? Have most folks (outside of Ireland) ever heard of her before COVID19? Off to Google Trends we goā€¦

As we can see clearly, the data shows that Dolores Cahillā€™s popularity saw a huge spike when the so-called ā€œpandemicā€ started and she has been gaining popularity and fame ever since, just like fellow grifters Mikki Willis, David Martin, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Rashid Buttar, Del Bigtree, etc. etc. etc. To put it another way, Dolores Cahill is more famous now than she has ever been. More people search for her, more people know who she is, than ever before. So was she really censored? Or was she given an artificial boost under the costume of censorship? Faux-censorship, if you will.

We can even say that sheā€™s a household name now (at least in the ā€œtruther communitiesā€ or what have you). In other ways, we can safely speculate that she is probably also making more money right now than she was before the ā€œpandemicā€ (donations, speaking tours, membership fees, etc). Thatā€™s not including all the money that her companies will make.

In short, if we are speaking strictly from the perspective of censorship, this person has more reach, influence and more of a voice than ever before. If weā€™re speaking strictly from a financial perspective, the ā€œpandemicā€ is maybe the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to her.

Irish activist Gemma Oā€™Doherty (*Update later exposed as being a double agent and member of the secret society The Order of the Black Sun ) had a very interesting audio that exposed Dolores Cahill for the fraud that she is, but that audio has vanished.

Gemmaā€™s website and research are hard to find because Google and the rest of the Tech Giants suppress it. Unlike Dolores, who gets a boost and promotion from Big Tech, real censorship always happens quietly.

This is why most people have never heard of Gemma Oā€™Doherty or Greg Wyatt and why Dolores has been handed to us on a silver platter with a strobe light attached to it and a disco ball
above her head.

“Are you ready to be a part of something bigger and make an impact on the future of travel, tourism, and freedom!”

Then sign up now and give us your money! Freedom comes at a cost, afterall!

Protagen AG – Co-Founded by Dolores Cahill in 1996, as a spin-out from the Max Planck Institute to ā€œcommercialise her diagnostic, companion diagnostic and personalised medicine applications of her discoveriesā€. She continued to be a shareholder in the company prior to its sale in 2019. At the time of the sale, Protagen had generated revenue of Ā£1.7 million in the previous three years (2016ā€“2018). Source

In 2012, Protagen sold its protein analytical business unit to one of Germanyā€™s largest family-owned venture capital funds, ZFHN Heilbronn.

In 2014, Protagen Protein Services merged with PANATecs. In their company blurb, they noted in 2008 – ā€œPanatecs GmbH rescued a Big Pharma block buster market authorization by its innovative protein analytical approach.ā€ Cahill was also a shareholder at this time – “providing contract services to [the] healthcare sector & pharmaceutical industry.ā€

In 2016, Protagen announced a collaboration with Novartis AG, a major Swiss-based multinational pharmaceuticals company. In June 2020, Novartis signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Massachusetts General Hospitals to produce a Covid-19 Vaccine candidate.

In 2019, Protagen was sold to Oncimmune (a leading pharmaceutical company in the field of cancer detection) for Ā£4.1 million, which means Dolores made a lot of money on her stock options.

So ā€“
Professor Cahill who pretends to be fighting against the vaccine manufactures and Big Pharma is a pro-vaccine sorcerer who has spent the majority of her career working for Big Pharma, developing vaccines, and who co-founded a company that earned money by servicing pharmaceuticals.

She then sold the company to another pharmaceutical company and became a shareholder in that company, proportionate to her original holding in Protagen AG. Once that company was sold, she walked away with a pile of cash.

In January 2020, she purchased the White Castle in Athy for ā‚¬435,000. Yes, she owns a CASTLE.

She then got money in the stimulus bill as part of a preservation grant for the castle.


Then, she used some of her profits to launch the Custodean Project and used the White Castle to host a ā€˜Festival of the Butterflyā€™ party, which of course made headlines for violating anti-lockdown rules. For the record, I have no problems whatsoever with people throwing parties in 15th Irish Century Castles. Hopefully they had a good DJ.

What is the Custodean Project, and what was this ā€œFestival of the Butterflyā€ really about? I couldnā€™t find much online and donā€™t care to spend too much time on it, but these hustlers always do seem to be starting charity organizations and making lots of money in their humble efforts to save the world and fight for the people, no? You can hear Dolores promoting her project in this video. From the videoā€™s description, ā€œshe alludes to the new Custodean Project which, based on her ā€œresearch document,ā€ will call for an ā€œinquiryā€ into the deaths of our elderly by criminal medical malpractice during the SARS-CoV-2 emergence.

Ahh yes, another ā€œinquiryā€ – sign up now and donate to the cause so that Dolores can make her ā€œinquiry.ā€ So here are a few questions. What does this ā€œinquiryā€ entail? Is it an official document with an official procedure? Are their government officials or courts involved? What does the process consist of? Did anyone go to jail or lose their job as a result of the ā€œinquiry?ā€ What exactly will come from this ā€œinquiryā€ ā€“ well, in case we havenā€™t learned yet – absolutely nothing. Dolores will continue to make lots of money though, and surely will have more ā€œinquiriesā€ in the future.

Most of my research on these individuals usually uncovers the same patterns and signs of charity fraud, deception, money laundering, etc. Inquiries and lawsuits that go nowhere and people connected to Big Pharma, Big Banking, Big Trees, Big This and Big That ā€“ and always making a lot of money. Enough to buy their own 15th century castle, in some cases.

In case you were wondering, Cahillā€™s current net worth is somewhere between $1 – $5 Million. Those figures are as of December, 2020, 3 months before she bought the castle. Not too bad for someone who claims to have been ā€œcensoredā€ and is ā€œfighting the establishment.ā€ Also note, based on the information above, Cahill profits from diseases and pandemics. If diseases and pandemics disappeared tomorrow, she would lose a lot of money. You could say (from a financial perspective), that she (and her employers) might have an incentive to not only hope for diseases and pandemics but to maybe even create them out of thin air, just for profits. Thatā€™s mere speculation, of course.

If youā€™d like to join the Custodian Project, membership starts at ā‚¬100 per year, and there is also a ā€˜family/business membershipā€™ program. Who knows exactly what they’re doing ā€“ it all sounds innocent enough for now, but Iā€™m sure if I spent more time digging, I would find even more damning information about this deceiver.

As noted in a previous paper, pro-vaccine queen Dolores Cahill is also running for political office in Ireland now. Do you think that this woman, who has spent her entire career working for Big Pharma, developing vaccines, is actually fighting against the interests of Big Pharma and for the people of Ireland? Of course sheā€™s not! Sheā€™s a sub-par thespian and a pawn for globalists, engaged in deception.

She is employed by the very same people she pretends to be fighting against. You can watch, these grotesque theatrics she participated in recently to verify this. It should be clear to anyone with even only an ounce of discernment that these are nothing but third-rate, pathetic staged acts for public consumption.

She is nothing but a duplicitous actress involved in an elaborate con. Pay special notice to the part where she actually accuses the guard of rape. This is how they discredit those of us in the health and freedom movement who are sane, normal people. They do it by associating us with lunatics like this woman.

In that third video, notice the professional camera work and audio. Also take note of her ā€œAmerican campaign manager.ā€ These folks are all calling plays from the same playbook, and theyā€™re all on the same team as the bad guys. The facade of ā€œgood guysā€ vs ā€œbad guysā€ is nothing but kayfabe. They run the same marketing and PR campaigns and manipulate the public into supporting their ā€œcauses,ā€ ā€œorganizations,ā€ and political aspirations. But do they ever accomplish anything?

All I see are more and more vaccines. Dolores will make them safer though, so letā€™s put our trust in her and send her more money!

The technocratic globalists put their false opposition minions in political office so that the people will feel a sense of victory, and have their faith in the political system restored. No need to file my own lawsuit or organize my community to stand up and fight, Dolores is on the case!

The public will remain docile and complacent because they think that these people are allies ā€“ fighting the system, demanding answers, filing lawsuits and going after corruption. Nonsense. Itā€™s an intricate ruse (albeit a transparent one).

When was the last time any of these psychopaths went to jail for crimes against humanity? Think about that for as long as you need to. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it yourself.

We can see the clues clearly throughout these videos, such as when she says: ā€œLet me in, I want to go into this buildingā€¦ā€ clearly hamming it up for the cameras with overacted and contrived antics.
Or another time when she talks to one of the ā€œguardsā€ .. .ā€œAnyone who dresses up as a guardā€¦ā€

ā€¦meaning, heā€™s not a real guard, heā€™s an actor, dressing up in a costume ā€¦ and his name is Hugh Shovelin! Thatā€™s right, theyā€™re ā€œshovelinā€ it right in our faces.

Now, if you donā€™t understand that these are staged theatrics as part of a psychological warfare operation, pay very close attention to the way this ā€œHugh Shovelinā€ speaks and acts, and watch his body language. Also note that heā€™s basically the only one of these guards that interacts with her. Ask yourself if these are the mannerisms and dialogue of regular people, having normal conversations and interactions, or if they seem more like a rehearsed production. Watch all of the details in these videos and you will undoubtedly pick up a few things. Note the way it all feels rehearsed, and the production quality and strategy of the whole thing. Pay attention to the details of the cameras, the movements of the people and the way they speak.

To recap – One of the worldā€™s ā€œleading voicesā€ in the anti-vaccine movement is a woman who has spent her entire life developing vaccine technology, winning multiple pharma awards, giving numerous high profile and prestigious Keynote Speeches at Big Pharma and Biotech conferences, and who co-founded a pharma company that partners with Merck and Pfizer, co-founded another company develops vaccines, and is a world leading CRO that provides clinical trial management services for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

That company (Protagen) also announced a collaboration with another company (Novartis), in 2016. She remained a shareholder in Protagen until 2019 when the company was sold. The following year, Novartis produced a COVID19 vaccine candidate.

Also, Cahill has made a lot of money from the sale of shares in pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines and drugs and has ties to other pro-vax undercover military operations in the United States. She also used some of her pharma money to buy her own castle and naturally has set up multiple organizations to ā€œhelp humanityā€ and steer the ā€œanti-vaccineā€ movement into an acceptable, dumbed down, soft-serve level of dissent, which she profits from as well.

And the mainstream media calls her an anti-vaccination activist. šŸ˜‚

What they are correct about, however, is that Dolores actually is a conspiracy theorist and she is spreading medical misinformation, on purpose. By continuing to lie about viruses and all things virology, Dolores is participating in a conspiracy theory ā€“ the conspiracy theory that suggests that mother nature conspires to kill human beings via ā€œdeadly pathogensā€ that nobody can see or prove actually exist. Cahill is spreading medical misinformation by subscribing to these superstitions and worshipping in the holy Church of the religion of Germ Theory.

Thatā€™s how the fact-checkers can get away with their shenanigans. They trick us by wrapping up some of the truths with lies, and vice versa. Then they can come in and debunk her claims while causing mass confusion and division, which she can respond to by claiming ā€œcensorship!ā€ ā€“ thereby garnering her more attention which leads to more money for her ā€œcause.ā€ A fabulous and cunning scam, if there ever was one.

At the same time, they can easily discredit all of the opposition, just by associating us with an insane person like her. At the end of the day, they all agree with her about viruses, contagion and Germ Theory ā€“ and that despite some injuries and deaths with this new experimental vaccine, most regular vaccines are generally safe and effective, thus further legitimizing Big Pharma and the vaccine industry and normalizing vaccines in general. These are the lies that they all protect together and the ultimate gates that they are guarding. Cahill is just pretending to be in opposition to the mainstream, in the same way that Macho Man Randy Savage pretended to ā€œhateā€ Hulk Hogan. The public thought it was all a real feud, and they had a cold beer together, behind the curtain, after the show was over.

ā€œCheers for a job well done, we sure pulled one over on them tonight, brother!ā€

Could Ireland not find someone better suited and more qualified to lead the true, grassroots health and freedom movement, someone who actually represents the real voice of the Irish people? Someone who, I dunno ā€“ hasnā€™t worked for Big Pharma developing vaccines for most of her life? Maybe someone who is opposed to vaccination all together?

You know, someone other than Cahill who is clearly a hardcore proponent and champion of vaccines and has worked for pharma companies, profiting handsomely from the sale of vaccines for her entire career? Honestly, Iā€™m not sure I can think of anyone less qualified to lead the opposition movement in Ireland.

Do we judge people by the words they say or by their current and past actions and achievements, professional and personal? What tangible results has Ireland seen from Cahillā€™s efforts ā€“ other than perhaps a meaningless, symbolic bone
thrown to them once in a while, for optics ā€“ and more vaccines? Anything? Of
course not.

Hopefully we can all acknowledge (given the evidence) that Dolores Cahill is at the very least ā€“ an unqualified and inappropriate person to lead the resistance movement in Ireland, and more egregiously ā€“ working for intelligence agencies and globalists. Intelligent Irish people understand that there is no such thing as a safe vaccine and surely deserve someone without the types of revolting conflicts of interest that Dolores Cahill has ā€“ someone who will represent them admirably. Personally, if I saw her on the street, I would turn around and run in the opposite direction, as fast as I could. I certainly wouldnā€™t let this demon anywhere near my children or pets, or even near my plants ā€“ let alone trust her to represent me in government or anything health related ā€“ given her extreme ignorance on the basics of virology and vaccines and her glaringly obvious financial conflicts of interest.

By promoting nonsensical, outdated medical mythology, Cahill (like all others of her ilk) has exposed herself as a simpleton who is living in the dark ages, in regards to understanding the basics about health and what actually causes disease. Given these unavoidable basic facts, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to listen to this necromancer for valuable medical information, or look up to her as a ā€œthought leader,ā€ ā€œexpert,ā€ or ā€œhealth advocateā€ for the people. Thatā€™s just my opinion, and you are free to disagree, of course.

Telegram 7/28/21

Dolores Cahill has just announced her latest business venture – The World Freedom Alliance. This website confirms that Dolores Cahill is a shareholder in companies that profit from vaccine manufacturing. If Dolores wants to be taken seriously as an advocate for health, shouldnā€™t she dissolve herself from these conflicts of interest? Doesnā€™t she have enough money laundering operations running already?

Iā€™m sure her defense will be that the main opposition is the new experimental vaccines but that normal vaccines are generally safe, you see. Thatā€™s the deception these people are involved in. Itā€™s an elaborate ruse to get us opposed only to the ā€œunsafeā€ experimental vaccine, so that the ā€œsafeā€ vaccines will seem like a worthy and safe, alternative choice in comparison and thus normalized.


This is the undeniable truth and the elephant in the room that all of these Pro-Vax virus lovers continue to ignore. Why isnā€™t there a single leader in the so-called ā€œanti-vaccineā€ movement who is truly 100% against all vaccines and admits that there are no such things as viruses?

Because they are all running an elaborate operation to hide the truth. They canā€™t admit that these viruses donā€™t exist because if they do that, then they also must admit that the entire concept of a vaccine is a lie, which stops the gravy train right in its tracks.

Dolores Cahill Needs Of The I.R.B. Needs To Take A Page Out Of Her Own Book And Me Done For Treason


Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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šŸ‘ļø Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei šŸ‘ļø

šŸ‘ļø Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei šŸ‘ļøMario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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Gemma O’Doherty Listed As A Member Of A Secret Society the “Order of the Black Sun”

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Gemma O Doherty And John Waters

I thought I would return to the Senatus Consultum website that Kim Goguen mentioned a few months ago. I included a link to that site in a previous post of mine called, The Fox, The Savior and the Global Chessboard. Essentially this Senatus Consultum website is run by the Order of the Black Sun side of the Deep State. Iā€™m guessing one purpose is to glorify their members for the status they have achieved so they can be envied. After all, you must be ā€˜worthyā€™ of such an invite to join them, having earned it through mastering the skills of lying, acting, and a slew of perversions I would rather not think about. Marry that with their delusional beliefs they are special and therefore chosen (because they are so special), in the eyes of at least one of their fake gods, and you get a nice tidy list of the distinguished Satan lovers.

ā€œā€¦ā€˜an inviteā€™ only society, characterized as a House of Leaders, Intellectuals, Spiritualists and Experts in their sectors. We cross-fertilize professionalism and in-depth knowledge areas to realize added value and to anchor and achieve desired results.ā€œ

New Society Members

What I found interesting right off the bat was that they have updated their site and the Society Members page seemed to have quite a few additions. While I cannot remember all the players the last time I looked (because a lot of names were just not familiar to me in the first place), there were definitely many new ones and some jumped out because I recognized the names. A few, who I think have been added recently are Kim Jung-Ung, Narendra Modi, Sheikh Hasina Wazed, and Queen Elizabeth. I would have thought the Lizard Queen was on the Dragon Family-Rothschild side, but so many play both sides itā€™s hard to know where their allegiances lie. She probably canā€™t figure out which side is likely to win and wants to cover all her bases. See my post, A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen ā€“ Part 5) for more information on Black Sun versus Dragon Families. Anyway, some new US members are, Judy Carline Woodruff (PBS News Hour), Steve Bannon, Chuck Grassley and Kellyanne Conway. And just for the record, it was getting really difficult not to see the theatre going on between Kellyanne and her husband, at least is was for me. Finally, I canā€™t forget Ra, King of the World, or rather wannabe King of the World, Richard Wiss.

Note: For more in depth information on the Black Sun, please visit Energetic Synthesis ā€“ Ascension Glossary on the Black Sun Program by Lisa Renee. | For more on Lisa, visit my post Who is Lisa Renee and What is Ascension Plan B?

Deleted Society Members

The subtractions from the site were even more interesting, but not surprising. So who is missing? Well former President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping of China. Well, well, well, how interesting. I wish it could be because they saw the light, flipped and decided to be on the side of humanity. That would certainly be grounds for removal from the Order of the Black Sun. But that justification is very unlikely. Having listened to the Life Force calls over the last couple of months, it aligns with what Kim was saying which was they would have to undergo a ā€œshamingā€ by their superiors and peers for failing in their missions. They are no longer worthy of being included in this elite Society I suppose. I guess it also incentivizes the other psychopaths, I mean Society members, to step of their game. I mean, they wouldnā€™t want to undergo similar unsavory consequences should they not live up to expectations.

I imagine this canā€™t be a comfortable position to be in for our former President DJT. After all, he is very known for saying he never ever gives up. And he values loyalty above everything. So it looks like he wants back in, at least based on his support of the vaccine and recently using his daughter as a prop. Can you imagine what itā€™s like to be them? You can never be assured of anything when lying is the foundation of everything.

Senatus Consultum ā€“ Society Members (As of April 28, 2021)

I thought I would outline the entire list names which can be found under the Society Members tab, in case I want to check back again in the future and compare who was added and who was removed. I canā€™t help but notice the names are in red ink against a black background, probably signifying blood feeds the darkness. The names are all in capital letters too which in a contract means youā€™re dead. At least it does for the livestock. Yep, I would agree with that, they are spiritually dead. And some are most definitely physically dead too since Vladimir Putin and Mike Pence are still on the list.

The order of the names follows the slide show on their website and I donā€™t know if the order has any significance. I highlighted some of the additions I could remember, as well as General John E. Hyten. Iā€™m pretty sure he isnā€™t new, just of more interest as youā€™ll find out below.

  22. GENERAL JOHN E. HYTEN ā€”-Currently playing the part of faux President Joe Biden!
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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-3.png

50. Gemma O Doherty

The Beacon .ie

The is a dodgy AF site which stinks of Soros, Hasbara and Mossad.

It seems to be a double act consisting of ANNIE DE BHAL (real name Antje Scheuer, a Kraut) and her Brit fella BRYAN WALL.

The former reeks of paid Israeli asset. So does their ally ANETA SAFIAK (though they have fallen out), whose husband Jakub is a wealthy banker.

The NGOs placed her in Longford after she was run out of Poland for being a globalist worm she promptly proclaimed herself ‘queen of Longford’ and started hounding the natives hangs out with all the filthiest Zio scum in the land, Tom Doorley & the like.

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  10. HE RICHARD WISS ā€“ Currently playing the role of ā€˜Raā€™ ā€“ Or rather someone who thinks heā€™s King of the World

Richard Wiss, (Ra & King of the World Wannabe)

I believe Richard Wiss is the guy Kim mentioned on the Life Force 4-18-2021 call, who believes heā€™s in charge of the Quantum Mapping System and should have her job. In his deep delusional state of mind he believes he is Ra incarnate and therefore King of the World. He had many others believing it as well based on the many phone calls she was receiving on a diplomatic line which was never used for many years apparently. Several who called were not expecting her to answer. Rather they were expecting Richard Wiss.  Fed Head, Jerome Hayden Powell was one who was particularly enraged. Evidently many in these ranks never believed Kim was the Trustee/Guardian to begin with, and even if they did, they were convinced she was going to be replaced. But now many in the Military are finding out that she is still in place and this Ra guy is lying. I suppose they will come up with yet another excuse as to why he still is not in charge. I bet the Summer Solstice will be the game changer. Yeah, thatā€™s the ticket! Remember this guy, Jon Lovitz on SNL playing the pathological liar? I canā€™t imagine why I thought of him. Yeah ā€“ Thatā€™s the Ticket!

Another Black Sun Agent ā€“ ā€œThe Vikingā€

So Richard Wiss is ā€˜The Vikingā€™sā€™ boss evidently. Once Black Sun, always Black Sun and George, aka ā€œThe Vikingā€ was recalled. I canā€™t say I was surprised to hear that The Viking was an infiltrator all along with the mission to bring down Life Force and Kim. I assume anyone who had a position in the cabal circles, still has a position. They will never help humanity in the way weā€™d like. The Assemblies that the Life Force team is helping to organize and support will continue to be infiltrated by these degenerates until they are finally starved out and no longer exist in our timeline.

So in the meantime, itā€™s through the dark that we find the light and who better to expose more muck than those embroiled in it. Unfortunately Kim has to wade through them. Although, I would bet the farm she is not too surprised at the Vikingā€™s real mission either, (wink-wink). Unfortunately it has to be this way so the weed killer can permeate to the deepest roots that continue to enmesh the numerous layers of mind controlled slaves who still believe they are the slave masters.

No, the Vikingā€™s deception truly didnā€™t surprise me at all. Iā€™ve been paying particular attention to him due to his mysterious past and very high security level. What I am surprised at though was how blatantly honest he finally was. I mean there is no ambiguity as to what his real motivation was for the Black Sun if heā€™s telling Kim to her face she needs to commit suicide. Nobody at the highest ranks will ever flip. They are way too enslaved, mind-controlled and invested in this genocidal agenda. For more information on The Viking, see my post, The Vikingā€™s Message to the Remnants.

Finally, a visual for the man behind the deep voice.
Interesting that his last name is ā€˜Hartā€™, considering he sold his ā€˜heartā€˜.


ā€œDarkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.ā€
ā€• Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

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Putin the Jew

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I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun

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Germ Theory: The Lynchpin Holding the Entire Hoax Together

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Germ Theory: The Lynchpin Holding the Entire Hoax Together

Thereā€™s no such thing as a contagious ā€œvirus.ā€ Unbelievable? Shocking? Yes, it is. Here are quotations from doctors, authors and experts that refute Louis Pasteurā€™s fraudulent ā€œgerm theory.ā€

This is the lynchpin issue that holds this entire planned-demic together. When you disprove the theory that so-called viruses can be transmitted through the air from one person to another, the entire house of cards falls to the ground:

ā€œThe entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of the unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infections and contagious disorders are caused by germs.ā€ ā€” M.L. Leverson, M.D.
ā€œā€¦ Viruses are simply the excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA, with a few other proteins. They butt out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything.ā€ ā€” Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., commenting on Rudolf Steinerā€™s insights

ā€œWe said before that so-called ā€˜germsā€™ are ubiquitous. They are ever present, in many varying forms in both healthy and sick people. These microbes kick into what modern scientists call ā€˜pathogens,ā€™ when the media is toxic and conducive to clean up. When you enter into a healing crisis, and your body is throwing off toxins, these ā€˜germsā€™ appear out of your very substance, to help eliminate, process and break down these toxins. Germs have absolutely no causal relationship to disease. But germs do appear to help you clean out, because put quite simply, your disease is your cure!ā€ ā€” Dr. William P. Trebing, author of ā€œGood-Bye Germ Theory,ā€ page 154
ā€œIf the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it.ā€ ā€” B.J. Palmer, D.C.

ā€œThree criteria are, according to the scientific method needed to properly identify a virus. It must be isolated from a host cell. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be photographed and itā€™s diameter measured. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be biochemically characterized. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. This has never been done with any virus (herpes, hepatitis, h1n1, bird flu, swine flu, influenza, polio, measles) let alone HIV, HPV, SARS, Zika or Ebola.ā€ ā€” Viruses. How Much is that Dogma in the Window?, New Medicine Online
ā€œWe agree with those members of the profession who hold that no germ causes tuberculosis. Germs do not cause any disease. Further, we agree that there is more harm in the fear of germs than there is in the germs themselves.ā€ ā€” Simon Louis Katzoff, M.D., author of Timely Truths on Human Health, 1921
ā€œGerms seek their natural habitat: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.ā€ Rudolf Virchow

ā€œThe general public have been told that we do not become ill except when germs penetrate into from without. The germ theory of disease is ridiculous.ā€ ā€” E. Douglas Hume, author of Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
ā€œMedical doctors are working on the germ theory of diseaseā€¦ But the germ theory is already weakening and is due for being thrown aside. Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California have experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have been unable to produce a single disease by the introduction of germs into human subjects. Dr. Waite tried for years to prove the germ theory, but he could not do so. During the World War an experiment was conducted at Gallopā€™s Island Massachusetts, in which millions of influenza germs were injected into over one hundred men at the Government hospital, and no one got the flu. Germs are scavengers.ā€ ā€” Principles and Practice of Naturopathy, E.W. Cordingley, M.D., N.D., A.M.

ā€œYouā€™re working under a wrong premise to begin with and youā€™re never going to find the answer if you do that.

Viruses have no nucleus.
Thereā€™s no respiratory system. Thereā€™s no circulatory system. Thereā€™s no digestive system.

Therefore, Viruses are not alive.

Thatā€™s like saying soap is alive. Theyā€™re not alive.
They are solvents. They are soaps. However, more accurately, they are enzymes to fractionate tissue for waste elimination.ā€ ā€” Aajonus Vonderplanitz

ā€œWe must infer that at least some and probably all three of those Russian peasants died because of Pasteurā€™s vaccine, as did uncounted people later onā€¦ Only one thing is sure: ever since Pasteur developed his ā€œvaccine,ā€ the cases of death from rabies have increased, not diminished.ā€ ā€” Hans Ruesch, animal rights activist and pioneer of the anti-vivisection movement

ā€œHad it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteurā€™s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.ā€ ā€” E.
Douglas Hume, author of Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology

ā€œThe culprit however, is not the microbe. It is the level of toxicity you have in your own blood stream.ā€ ā€” Good-Bye Germ Theory, Dr. William P. Trebing, 2006
ā€œWe must look rationally at the bacterial issue. Consider the fact that many tribes ate primarily unsalted raw meat, unsalted raw fats and/or unsalted raw dairy products from the beginning. They did not wash their hands or sterilize their food before eating. Every form of natural bacteria, including salmonella, E. coli and campylobacter were eaten with their food abundantly and constantly. Why were they vibrant, healthy and disease free if microbes are the culprits?ā€ ā€” Aajonus Vonderplanitz, The Recipe for Living Without Disease

ā€œIn all that I have witnessed inside and outside of laboratories, there is only one cause of disease: Industrial pollution in medication, food, air, soil and water. Strengthening a bodyā€™s constitution and lymphatic system is the first step to reversing/curing diseaseā€ ā€” Aajonus Vonderplantiz

ā€œGerms cannot be the cause of disease, because disease germs are also found in healthy bodies.ā€ ā€” H. Lindlahr, M.D., author of Nature Cure

ā€œIn 1915, another medical doctor wrote an article for the top British medical journal Lancet. Dr. Montais studied 21 cases of tetanus, each of whom had received Pasteurian inoculation. The conclusion of the article, which appeared in the 23 Oct 1915 issue, was that in every case, the tetanus had been caused by the inoculation. Dr. Montais said that ā€˜Pasteur had created a new form of disease.’ā€ ā€” The Post-Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory, Dr. Tim Oā€™Shea

ā€œWhatā€™s happening is, like I said, we have colds, which are mainly bacterial, which go feed on toxic tissue thatā€™s been damaged ā€“ we donā€™t eat well enough, we donā€™t eat all raw and therefore we accumulate toxicity. So bacteria have to come in and eat that waste product because we canā€™t keep up with all the waste. OK. So thatā€™s what a cold is. Flu is mainly viral. Some bacteria may be active during flu. Some areas of our bodies may not be so contaminated that bacteria ā€“ the natural way that we cleanse with bacteria when weā€™re overloaded with toxicity or waste products, will help us. But when we are so toxic that the bacteria are poisoned by the tissue, from chemical inundation, then we have to make solvents. Each cell makes a solvent. Each cell makes a soap to help clean itself. And itā€™s a union. Itā€™s like a factory. All the particular cells get together and say, ā€œLetā€™s make this to help clean ourselves.ā€ So they make enzymes which we will call soap to do that. So thereā€™s nothing dormant about it. Itā€™s just that when the accumulation of industrially contaminated waste is so great and you canā€™t use microbes then the cells make solvents, that is, viruses we call flu.ā€ ā€” Aajonus Vonderplani

ā€œAny kind of flu is the same thing. When the climate and temperature are right, certain tissues will cleanse. They may have a 7-years cycle. They may have a 6-months cycle. It depends upon the tissue and how contaminated it is. If certain tissue needs to cleanse every two years, our bodies will create, if waste tissue is too toxic for mircrobes, our bodies will create a solvent (a virus) that fractionates and cleanses that particular tissue every two years, every 6 months, every 3 months, every 7 years, every 12 years, depending upon that tissue and how contaminated it is. The myth that herpes is contagious is pharmaceutical industry fiction to scare you into taking medication.ā€ ā€” Aajonus Vonderplanitz

ā€œActually bacteria are our symbiotic partners in both health and disease. They serve a useful role. As scavengers they make harmless or remove undesirable substances within our bodies. They also elaborate certain of our body needs. That is, they help build complex organic compounds from simple ingredients. A notable example of this is the production of vitamin B-12 in our intestines.ā€ ā€” Dr. T.C. Fry, author of The Vibrant Diet: The Timeless Guide to Eating Our Natural Biological Diet

ā€œā€˜Infectionā€™ is no war in which the body is fighting invaders. The bacteria that come to these sites are symbiotic and help the body in elaborating dead cells and tissues for expulsion-they are partners in the cleanup process. When this has been accumulated the bacteria disappear and the wound heals. Infectionā€¦ is a body-cleaning process for a body burdened with toxic materials.ā€ ā€” Dr. T.C. Fry, author of The Vibrant Diet: The Timeless Guide to Eating Our Natural Biological Diet

ā€œWe need to re-direct our perspectives of microbes and see them in a new light. In terms of bacteria, for example, we need to appreciate them as: Bodily inhabitants who assist us in such ways as protecting us from other organisms (e.g. fungi), assisting in digestion and metabolism of food, synthesizing vitamins, and helping to eliminate waste materials.ā€ ā€” Dr. Paul Goldberg

ā€œDo germs cause disease? Or could it be the other way aroundā€¦ first, the disease, then the germs. Natural Hygiene contends that germs do not cause disease. They are not the originators. Most diseases occur when people allow themselves to become enervated, that is, low in nerve energy. As a consequence, the organs of excretion fail to function normally and waste material accumulates in the body. When this waste continues to build up, exceeding the bodyā€™s toleration point, a crisis arises. The body, to offset this overabundance of poisonous matter, begins to react. The result of this reaction is sometimes a cold, the flu, pneumonia, or some such, depending on the individual. At this crisis point of elimination, germs may or may not be present. They are sure to come later, not to attack, but to assist in the cleanup or cleansing process.ā€ ā€” Dr. Alec Burton, M.Sc., D.O., D.C.

ā€œHygienists object to the germ theory of disease because germs do not cause disease. They may be present in disease processes, and they many complicate a disease with their waste products which can be very toxic at times, but the germ or virus alone is never the sole cause of disease.ā€ ā€” Dr. Virginia Vetrano, D.Sc

ā€œGerms are saprophytes; that is, they live off dead and decaying organic matter. Bacteria are actually our benefactors. They decompose our excretions, helping to rid the system of them. Bacteria are non-toxic, and non-virulent as long as body secretions and excretions are normal. When toxemia exists, that is, when metabolic wastes accumulate in the system in excess, causing the secretions and excretions of the body to become abnormal and poisonous, a non-pathogenic bacterium can turn into a so-called pathogenic one simply by feeding on toxic wastes. Bacteria excrete toxic waste only when human secretions are abnormal and when the cells of the body are killed by excessive toxic saturation, bacteria go to work to disorganize them and help the body rid itself of dead tissue. ā€˜Disease producingā€™ germs are often present in the absence of the disease they are supposed to cause. They are often found when an individual has not had the disease that a particular germ is supposed to cause and when the individual never develops the disease. Furthermore, in myriads of cases, a particular pathogenic germ is not present when the disease it is supposed to cause exists.ā€ ā€” Dr. Virginia Vetrano, D.Sc

ā€œGerms do not cause disease! Nature never surrounded her children with enemies. It is the individual himself who makes disease possible in his own body because of poor living habitsā€¦ Do mosquitoes make the water stagnant; or does stagnant water attract the mosquitoes? We should all be taught that germs are friends and scavengers attracted by disease, rather {than} enemies causing diseaseā€¦ As their internal environment is, so will be the attraction for any specific micro-organismā€¦ The germ theory and vaccination are kept going by Commercialism.ā€ ā€” Dr. Robert R. Gross

ā€œWarmth, moisture, food-these are the causes that activate latent germs and arouse them to activity. They exist, all except the food, in the mouth, nose and throat at all times. The food is thrown out into these, as excretions, in disease. The germs feed on the excretions. They are scavengers. They were never anything else and will never be anything else. They break up and consume the discharge from the tissues. This is the function ascribed to germs everywhere in nature outside the body and is their real and only function in disease. They are purifying and beneficial agents. The medical profession has worked itself into hysteria over the germ theory and is using it to exploit an all too credulous public. Germs are ubiquitous. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink. We cannot escape them. We can destroy them only to a limited extent. It is folly to attempt to escape disease by attempting to destroy or escape germs. Once they are in the body the physician has no means of destroying them that will not, at the same time, destroy the patient. We cannot avoid germs. We must be proof against them. We have to accept them as one of the joys of life.ā€ ā€” Dr. Herbert Shelton

ā€œJust remember that there are no contagious diseases, just contagious habits which lower your vitality. There have been many people who have had diphtheria and yet no germ could be found. The same can be said of tuberculosis and other diseases. This is why the virus had to be discovered ā€” to save the germ theory.ā€ ā€” Dr. Virginia Vetrano, D.Sc.

ā€œMedical science is based on a false premise: namely, that diseases are caused by extraneous influences.ā€ ā€” Dr. John Henry Tilden, M.D., author of Toxemia Explained
Vaccine Fraud: Centuries of Testimonials from Doctors and Researchers Proving that Vaccines are Dangerous and Profitable
The first smallpox vaccine was conceptualized in 1796. Since that time, vaccination has been rife with controversy. Letā€™s review what writers, doctors, and scientists have observed about vaccines across three centuries: the 19th, 20th, and 21stā€¦
19th Century (1800ā€™s)

ā€œThere does not exist one single fact, in all the experiments and improvements made in science, which can support the idea of vaccination. A vaccinated people will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.ā€ ā€” Dr. Alexander Wilder, MD, author of Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy, editor of the New York Medical Tribune, 1879

ā€œI have seen leprosy and syphilis communicated by vaccination. Leprosy is becoming very common in Trinidad; its increase being coincident with vaccination.ā€ ā€” Dr. Hall Bakewell, Vaccinator General of Trinidad, 1868
ā€œCancer is reported to be increasing not only in England and the Continent, but in all parts of the world where vaccination is practiced.ā€ ā€” Dr. William S. Tebb, MA, MD, DPH, author of The Increase of Cancer, 1892
ā€œLeprosy arose with vaccination.ā€ ā€” Sir Ronald Martin, MD, 1868

ā€œSyphilis has undoubtedly been transmitted by vaccination.ā€ ā€” Sir William Osier Bt., MD, FRS, FRCP

ā€œTo no medium of transmission is the widespread dissemination of this class of disease (syphilis) so largely indebted as to Vaccination.ā€ ā€” Dr. B.F. Cornell, MD, 1868

ā€œEvery intelligent person who takes the time to investigate vaccination, will find abundant evidence in the published writings and public records of the advocates of vaccination, to prove its utter worthlessness, without reading a line of anti-vaccination literature. And if we could add to this all the suppressed facts, we would have a mass of evidence before which no vaccinator would dare to hold up his head.ā€ ā€” Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils, 1882

ā€œI have no faith in vaccination, nay, I look upon it with greatest disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases from one child to another, and it is no protection from smallpox.ā€ ā€” Dr. William Collins, MD, London, 1882

ā€œVaccination has made murder legal. Vaccination does not protect against smallpox, but is followed by blindness and scrofula. Jennerism (Edward Jenner, an English physician who was a contributor to the development of the smallpox vaccine) is the most colossal humbug which the human race has been burdened with by FRAUD and DECEIT.ā€ ā€” Mr. Mitchell, member of the British House of Commons

ā€œOf these dogmas, I believe the practice known as vaccination to be the most absurd and most pernicious. I do not believe that a single person has ever been protected from smallpox by it; while I know that many serious bodily evils and even deaths, have resulted from its employment. The whole theory is founded upon assumption, contrary to common sense and entirely opposed to all known principles of physiology. Every physician of experience, has met with numerous cases of cutaneous emptions, erysipelas and syphilis, which were directly traceable to vaccination, and if these cases could be collected and presented in one report, they would form a more terrible picture than the worst that has ever been drawn of the horrors of smallpox.ā€ ā€” Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, Dean of the United States Medical College of New York
ā€œVaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicineā€¦ Believe not in vaccination, it is a worldwide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.ā€ ā€” Dr. Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy, 1896

ā€œVaccination is a grotesque superstition.ā€ ā€” Dr. Charles Creighton, MD, MA

ā€œVaccination is a gigantic delusion. It has never saved a single life. It has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the foulest blot.ā€ ā€” Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, 1898
20th Century (1900ā€™s)

ā€œThe great epidemics of deadly diseases, in animals and mankind, are caused by vaccination.ā€ ā€” Charles M. Higgins, author of The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and Illustrated, 1920

ā€œI believe vaccination has been the greatest delusion that has ensnared mankind in the last three centuries. It originated in FRAUD, ignorance and error. It is unscientific and impracticable. It has been promotive of very great evil, and I cannot accredit it any good.ā€ ā€” Dr. R. K. Noyse, MD, Resident Surgeon of the Boston City Hospital, author of Self Curability of Disease

ā€œThe chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination.ā€ ā€” Dr. Robert Bell; Vice President, International Society for Cancer Research, British Cancer Hospital, 1922
ā€œVaccination is the most outrageous insult that can be offered to any pure-minded man or woman. It is the boldest and most impious attempt to mar the works of God that has been attempted for ages. The stupid blunder of doctor-craft has wrought all the evil that it ought, and it is time that free American citizens arise in their might and blot out the whole blood poisoning business.ā€ ā€” Dr. J.M. Peebles, MD, MA, PhD, author of Vaccination: A Curse and Menace to Personal Liberty, 1900
ā€œCancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an unvaccinated person.ā€ ā€” Dr. W.B. Clark, MD, Indiana, New York Times article, 1909

ā€œAt present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.ā€ ā€” George Bernard Shaw, Author and Playwright, 1944

ā€œThe English Ministry of Health omits to state that in 1872, when 85% of the infants born were vaccinated, there were 19,000 deaths from smallpox in England and Wales. While in 1925, when less than half the children born were vaccinated, there were only 6 deaths from that disease.ā€ ā€” Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, author of The Poisoned Needle, 1957

ā€œVaccination causes miscarriage. A careful check showed that 47% of women who had been vaccinated in the second or third month of pregnancy, failed to give birth to a normal child.ā€ ā€” Vaccination at Work, The Consulting Pediatrician of Lanarkshire County Council, The Lancet (London), p.47, December 6, 1952

ā€œMy honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name.ā€ ā€” Dr. Harry R. Bybee

ā€œVaccination, instead of being the promised blessing to the world, has proved to be a curse of such sweeping devastation that it has caused more death and disease than war, pestilence, and plague combined. There is no scourge (with the possible exception of atomic radiation) that is more destructive to our nationā€™s health than this monument of human deception-this slayer of the innocent-this crippler of body and brain-the poisoned needle.ā€ ā€” Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, author of The Poisoned Needle, 1957

ā€œThe greatest LIE ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.ā€ ā€” Dr. Leonard Horowitz, MPH (Master of Public Health), DMD, MA, Harvard University graduate
21st Century (2000ā€™s)

ā€œThe entire vaccine program is based on massive FRAUD.ā€ ā€” Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., neurosurgeon, editorial staff of Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons

ā€œVaccinations do not work. They donā€™t work at all.ā€ ā€” Dr. Lorraine Day, MD

ā€œVaccinations are now carried out for purely commercial reasons because they fetch huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations are of any benefit.ā€ ā€” Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD, author of Vaccination: A Business Based on FEAR

ā€œDonā€™t get your flu shot.ā€ ā€” Dr. Raymond Francis, D.Sc., M.Sc., RNC, chemist, MIT graduate

ā€œMy own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and WORTHLESS. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again. Vaccines may be profitable but in my view, they are neither safe nor effective.ā€ ā€” Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB, ChB, DSc (Hon)
ā€œEveryone who is vaccinated is vaccine injured-whether it shows up right away or later in life.ā€ ā€” Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., PhD, Fellow of the World Health Organization, former senior scientist at Health Canada
ā€œThe pediatrician indoctrinates your child from birth into a lifelong dependency on medical intervention. The first stage of indoctrination is the ā€˜well-babyā€™ visit. The well-baby visit is a cherished ritual of the pediatrician that enhances their income and does nothing constructive for your child. Itā€™s a worthless visit.ā€ ā€” Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, board certified pediatrician

ā€œVaccines are the backbone of the entire Pharmaceutical Industry. If they can make these children sick from a very early age, they become customers for life. The money isnā€™t really to be made in the vaccine industry. The money is made by Big Pharma with all of the drugs that are given to treat and address all of the illnesses that are subsequent to the side effects of vaccines.ā€ ā€” Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.

ā€œStudies are increasingly pointing to the conclusion that vaccines represent a dangerous assault to the immune system leading to autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Juvenile Onset Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, and Cystic Fibrosis, as well as previously rare disorders like brain cancer, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), childhood leukemia, autism, and asthma.ā€ ā€” Dr. Zoltan Rona, M.D., author of Natural Alternatives to Vaccination

ā€œThe vaccine industry is itself a FRAUD. I spent my whole career studying vaccines.ā€ā€“ Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., Ph.D., Fellow of the World Health Organization, author of Corrupt to the Core

ā€œThe greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices modern medicine.ā€ ā€” Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, board certified pediatrician
Here are more testimonials from the book The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean (1957):

ā€œI have been a regular practitioner of medicine in Boston for 33 years. I have studied the question of vaccination conscientiously for 45 years. As for vaccination as a preventative of disease, there is not a scrap of evidence in its favor. Injection of virus into the pure bloodstream of the people does not prevent Smallpox. Rather, it tends to increase its epidemics and makes the disease more deadly. Of this we have indisputable proof. In our country (U.S.) cancer mortality has increased from 9 per 100,000 to 80 per 100,000 or fully 900 per cent increase, within the past 50 years, and no conceivable thing could have caused this but the universal blood poisoning now existing.ā€ ā€” Dr. Charles E. Page, Boston

ā€œAfter collecting the particulars of 400,000 cases of small pox I am compelled to admit that my belief in vaccination is absolutely destroyed.ā€ ā€” Professor Adolf Vogt, who held the chair of vital Statistics and Hygiene in Berne University for 17 years

ā€œI have very little faith in Vaccination even as modifying the disease, and none at all as a protective in virulent epidemics. Personally, I contracted smallpox less than six months after a most severe re-vaccination.ā€ ā€” Dr. L Hall Bakewell, Vaccinator General of Trinidad

ā€œVaccination is the infusion of contaminating element into the system, and after such contamination you can never be sure of regaining the former purity of the body. Consumption follows in the wake of vaccination as certainly as effect follows cause.ā€ ā€” Dr. Alexander Wilder, Editor of the New York Medical Times, Professor of Pathology at the United States Medical College of New York and author of Wilderā€™s History of Medicine

ā€œVaccination does not stay the spread of smallpox nor even modify it in those who get it after vaccination. It does introduce into the system, and therefore contributes to the spread of, tuberculosis, cancer and even leprosy. It tends to make more virulent epidemics of smallpox and to make them more extensive. It does just what inoculation did ā€“ cause the spread of disease.ā€ ā€” Dr. Walter M. James, Philadelphia
ā€œI can add my testimony to the othersā€¦ that vaccination contributes to the great increase in cancer.ā€ ā€” Dr. Forbes Laurie

ā€œWe have no proof of the boasted effectiveness of any form of anti-toxin, vaccine or serum. The true figures on vaccination for smallpox have never gotten before the public, though they can be seen in the files of the various departments of the Army as well as the government, if one cares to look for them. If the record of vaccination in the Philippines alone were ever to become a matter of general knowledge it would finish vaccination in the whole country, at least among those who are able to read and think for themselves. After three years of the most rigid vaccination, when every Philippino had been vaccinated from one to six times, there occurred the severest epidemic of smallpox that the Islands had ever seen, with a death-rate running in places to over 70 per cent, and in all, well over 60,000 deaths. Is it any wonder the public is getting a little suspicious of us and our vaunted ā€˜medical discoveries?ā€™ The wonder to me is that there are still millions of them willing to submit to vaccination and serum treatment.ā€ ā€” Dr. William Howard Hay, Buffalo, New York
ā€œWhat hope is there for medical science to ever become a true science when the entire structure of medical knowledge is built around the idea that there is an entity called disease which can be expelled when the right drug is found?ā€ ā€” Dr. John Henry Tilden, M.D., author of Toxemia Explained

ā€œThere is no question but that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated smallpox, and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when the time comes, in all probability the credit will be give to vaccination.ā€ ā€” Dr. John Henry Tilden, M.D., author of Toxemia Explained


ā€œIt is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicineā€ (1).

More recently, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that ā€œThe case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darknessā€ (2).
Source: Skeptical of medical science reports?ā€¦
and furthermore:
ā€œThe medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think itā€™s disgracefulā€ Dr Relman former chief editor for the New England Journal of Medicine.

ā€œAny kind of flu is the same thing. When the climate and temperature are right, certain tissues will cleanse. They may have a 7-years cycle. They may have a 6-months cycle. It depends upon the tissue and how contaminated it is. If certain tissue needs to cleanse every two years, our bodies will create, if waste tissue is too toxic for mircrobes, our bodies will create a solvent (a virus) that fractionates and cleanses that particular tissue every two years, every 6 months, every 3 months, every 7 years, every 12 years, depending upon that tissue and how contaminated it is. The myth that herpes is contagious is pharmaceutical industry fiction to scare you into taking medication.ā€ ā€“ Aajonus Vonderplanitz

Dr. William P. Trebing says this in the book Good-Bye Germ Theory:
ā€œThe Human bodyā€™s energy fields are more powerful than most can even imagine. When one Human body is detoxing, an almost magnetic effect radiates out from such individuals causing the same purifying effects in the immediate environment of people around them. We are not witnessing epidemics or contagious infections; we are witnessing a group healing process which is totally natural to our species.ā€
We can also perhaps compare it to how women all living in the same house synchronise their menstrual cycles.
This, from the video ā€˜Germ Theory Deception Part 2ā€™, can also help us understand what is occurring ā€“ Alex Loglia reciting the work of Dr. Bill Holub:

ā€œWhat is really happening with these supposed epidemics is the following. Actually the word epidemic from the Greek, means literally on or at and people. And means something that happens to people as a group all at once ā€“ NOT a slow contagion. The actual epidemic process is very simple ā€“ remember that everyone already has their daily compliment of germs and remember also a large population of people, such as a town or a region of a city, is continually being exposed to the same environmental hazards all at the same time. For example large numbers of people are exposed to the same weather changes, water quality changes, pesticides, foods and water, contaminated food of a fast food chain, bad news in the media, batches of drugs and medication, holiday moods, air quality changes and many other toxic insults.
The, quote on quote, group healing reaction to these toxic challenges is what you are seeing when people start coughing, sneezing or whatever. They are not catching it from each other. They are experiencing it with others. In addition, at many levels, we are all connected. About the only thing that is catching about all of this is paranoia. After all, medicine has had about a century to literally instil the fear of germs into our culture. So people fear the germs in the air, in the water ā€“ they fear germs from touching people, which, in turn leads to our general fear of people. When they read or see reports about infections going around, so to speak, the fear, paranoia and anticipation has been shown to lower ā€˜immunityā€™ and precipitate illness ā€“ now isnā€™t that interesting. Our self imposed stress about holidays has the same effect.ā€
Source: “In a Strange Land

ā€œThe case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darknessā€¦ā€

ā€œ Consider that the body can observe another body and learn how to detoxify his/her own body. For instance, if I see how someone else’s body is detoxifying through a skin rash, my own body may learn the processes by observing another’s body in action. This occurs by observing with our 5 senses, specifically our eyes, which transmits energy throughout the nervous system that can inform cellular behavior. However, this will ONLY occur if detoxification is needed by the body. In a child, this is much more likely as their bodies are still forming and the immune system is learning and strengthening. Note: Immunity comes from a relationship with microbes, which is developed at an early age when children begin sticking their fingers in their mouths, etc. If we prevent this, this relationship will be hindered.

The microbial and cellular functions in the body are intelligent and alive and can be informed via the 5 senses of the body. But it is not entirely down to touch or sightā€”It is reliant upon if there is a toxic accumulation in the body, and only then will such processes likely be signaled to occur. One way I can prove this is through mass hysteria, and the ‘row of dominoes’ effect that plays out during pandemics. Fear, for example, can bring about bodily changes that were on the precipice of occurring anyway. So then, the mind and body are powerful.
This is merely one way detoxifications can occur. Of course, if a toxic accumulation is too strong, it will be forced to do it eventually anyway. However, observation of another’s body is helpful in teaching our own body how it can detoxify.
Also, do not rule out coincidence; the illusion of viral activity.”
Source: “Jeff G.

ā€œChickenpox will occur in a child without ever being around another child. Consider that 100’s of school children in a school will develop colds and flu, or measles, and chickenpox, or any various number of viruses, and many others will not. Merely having a large group of people in one area is going to increase the number of illnesses because of the fact that so many people are able to be monitored and tracked at once. I have observed many children around those that were sick that never ‘contracted’ any illness whatsoever. I have observed the same behavior in adults.ā€œWhatā€™s happening is, like I said, we have colds, which are mainly bacterial, which go feed on toxic tissue thatā€™s been damaged ā€“ we donā€™t eat well enough, we donā€™t eat all raw and therefore we accumulate toxicity. So bacteria have to come in and eat that waste product because we canā€™t keep up with all the waste. OK. So thatā€™s what a cold is. Flu is mainly viral. Some bacteria may be active during flu. Some areas of our bodies may not be so contaminated that bacteria ā€“ the natural way that we cleanse with bacteria when weā€™re overloaded with toxicity or waste products, will help us. But when we are so toxic that the bacteria are poisoned by the tissue, from chemical inundation, then we have to make solvents. Each cell makes a solvent. Each cell makes a soap to help clean itself. And itā€™s a union. Itā€™s like a factory. All the particular cells get together and say, ā€œLetā€™s make this to help clean ourselves.ā€ So they make enzymes which we will call soap to do that. So thereā€™s nothing dormant about it. Itā€™s just that when the accumulation of industrially contaminated waste is so great and you canā€™t use microbes then the cells make solvents, that is, viruses we call flu.ā€- Aajonus Vonderplanitz

ā€œThe apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data. Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of ā€˜significanceā€™ pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-taleā€¦Journals are not the only miscreants. Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and talentā€¦ā€
Source: What is medicineā€™s 5 sigma?ā€¦/PIIS0140-6736%2815%2960696ā€¦

ā€œThere will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolutionā€
ā€• Aldous Huxley

Danny Boy Limerick

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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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Irish People’s Freedom Rally Against The UNs Pandemic Treaty

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(After all that’s exactly why they were really sent here)

This Tuesday Rally is for those that don’t want to be led by Marxists .. in whatever guise

We need to be out every day now .. we are looking at the outright destruction of everything if this isn’t stoppedā€¦ sharing this comment/blog/article received now URGENT

‘Do you want NGO’S non government organization run by people who believe the world’s over populated making decisions on behalf of you & your unelected government.

If that WHO treaty goes through, the WHO can declare a pan-demic any time they see fit, even if we don’t agree and they can lock us down in the guise of the greater good.

George O-rwell 1984ā€¦.
Animal farm
Soylent green

The hunger games. Comes to mindā€¦.

None of this is for our benefits, it’s for the full control of all the people for the 4th industrial revolution Klaus Schwab Great Reset. Klaus wrote the book for the WEF.

The Co-mmunist is now called communterisim, it claims to be sustainable, progressive, innovative & inclusive. It’s a really a technocratic dictatorship monitored digital currency, digital ID, carbon & social credits, universal basic income & C-hinese style future of endless pro-paganda and YOU must show endless love & respect for your owners the NGO’S & the Royal Globalists.

They have prepared us through decades of social engineering, orchestrated wars, bank crashes, political pseudo Science, orchestrated terrorism & orchestrated lack of resources for the common people.’

(After all that’s exactly why they were really sent here)

James Warburg Of The Council Of Foreign Relations Which Later Formed The Council Of UN Europe



Regarding the World Health Organisation’s Pandemic Treatyā€¦..
People are asking me if there is a protest organised and rightly saying to me that a huge protest is needed .. here is my response just now ā€¦

Diarmuid O’CĆ”dhla, the long time hard left socialist/communist and avowed Marxist has, through his ‘civil rights and truth ‘ organisation (which I believe is a political backstop for the regime.. working for the cabal .. whether or not those involved know it.. that they are being played) has one protest organised.

A MARXIST isn’t going to save our Nation or our people that’s for sure.
As Lenin said .. ‘the best way to control the opposition is to BE the opposition ‘

You’re right .. a genuine protest by people not in the hands of false opposition is required.
How about next Tuesday.. Dail in session.
In Dublin all day .. World Health Organisation meeting starts May 22nd..-28th this is URGENT.
So let’s have a national day of action next Tuesday 24th May .. focus on Leinster House
All hold the line activists and everyone who cares about our freedom needed ..

I know from talking with people that a huge protest is needed .. and they don’t support O’CĆ”dhlaā€¦ and won’t be involved in his activities

MARXIST FREE ā€¦ People’s Freedom Rallyā€¦
to STOP the WHO Pandemic Treatyā€¦ at Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin on Tuesday 24th of May from 12 noon ā€¦ see you there

BE SAFE. Hereā€™s our guide on being prepared for safe protests. PLEASE READ ā¬‡ļø

1. LOOK OUT FOR THINGS THAT DONā€™T SEEM RIGHT. There are increasing reports and investigations that white supremacists may be infiltrating these protests, breaking windows and destroying property. If anything seems off to you, DOCUMENT IT. Always check who is organizing.
2. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OF GRASSROOTS BLACK ORGANIZERS. They have been at this a long time and are disciplined in the ropes of community organizing and demonstration. It IS a discipline. Follow trusted leaders whose goal has been the focused pursuit of justice. If they just showed up, thatā€™s a red flag.
3. HAVE A BUDDY. Make sure someone is keeping an eye on you and check in on them.
4. STAY SAFE and take care of each other.


Vaccination Horror Show Cover Telegram comP


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Louis Pasteur, Freemason!

Louis Pasteur, Freemason, father of the false theory of microbes, vaccines and pasteurization.On his deathbed,…

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šŸ‘ļø Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei šŸ‘ļø

šŸ‘ļø Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei šŸ‘ļøMario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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Hash: #opWeCanSeeYou


#OpWeCanSeeYou #DannyBoyLimerick #TheMostCensoredManInIreland

I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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We are making such material available in our efforts to expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here.

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ā€œGreat Cullingā€ of the Human Population has Quietly Begun Will your genetic lineage survive?

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(The ā€œGreat Cullingā€ of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive?

Thatā€™s what this article explores: WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? HOW can you protect yourself from those threats? WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving the great culling.

First, letā€™s dismiss any idea that the great culling is some sort of fanciful conspiracy theory. World power brokers like Bill Gates and Ted Turner openly discuss reducing the world population by 90%. Bill Gates, in particular, happily funds infertility technologies, vaccines and GMOs, all of which are purposely designed to cause infertility and halt new baby births, thereby sharply contracting the human population.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example provided significant funding to the University of North Carolina to develop ultrasound infertility technology that could render human sperm unviable for up to six months. Reported by the BBC, this technology was proven effective on rats, and itā€™s only one of 78 different research projects the Gates Foundation has funded under the guise of ā€œglobal health programs.ā€

Bill Gates famously explained his depopulation agenda through the use of vaccines with this quote, delivered to a live TED audience in 2010:

The world today has 6.8 billion peopleā€¦ thatā€™s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. (

ā€œEliminate the weakā€

That this is the desire of the global controllers is no secret. Itā€™s not debated. This is what todayā€™s politicians, bureaucrats and even some misinformed activists of the ā€œenvironmentalā€ movement wish to achieve ā€” the reduction of world population to under one billion people. To them, humanity is seen as a threat to the planet and even to itself.

From one point of view, this analysis may actually be correct. Itā€™s difficult to see how todayā€™s mindless masses of dumbed-down consumers ā€” steeped in video games, television and junk food ā€” can offer any meaningful contributions to the future of human civilization. So, from the point of view of the global controllers, ā€œculling the herdā€ of humanity is actually a good thing. It makes humanity stronger, they say, in much the same way that culling the weaklings from a herd of wild animals improves the aggregate gene pool of the targeted species as a whole.

The globalists argue that todayā€™s human gene pool is stalled. The weak and the stupid reproduce just as much as everybody else ā€” if not more so. The human gene pool is actually devolving, they say, and the only way to bring it back to a point where we have a species capable of reaching for the stars is to eliminate those who arenā€™t smart enough to deserve a spot in the human gene pool.

The word for this is, of course, eugenics. Adolf Hitler pursued the same philosophy: Improve the human race through genocide. Eliminate the weak, the ugly, the stupid. Fire up the incinerators, disarm the target race to be exterminated, and herd them into gas chambers or open pits.

Modern eugenics

Todaā€™s eugenicists are more subtle. Theyā€™ve learned, through experience, that openly gassing entire populations doesnā€™t win over the hearts and minds of the public. So theyā€™ve developed covert methods of accomplishing the same thing. These coverts methods include convincing people to eat genetically modified foods ā€” which promote infertility ā€” to drink fluoride, take vaccines, use synthetic chemicals, increase abortions and pursue other actions that either kill people outright or drastically reduce rates of reproduction.

The idea behind these is that, first off, the culling of the human race can now be accomplished without all the horrifying images of Nazi Germanyā€™s gas chambers. While the Jews in World War II had to be forcibly lined up and herded into railroad cars, todayā€™s eugenics victims willfully line up at pharmacies to be injected with flu vaccines containing stealth cancer viruses that accomplish the same thing: Death.

Death by vaccines is just slower and more covert than death by Zyklon B.

The great intelligence test

Importantly, the genocidal properties of vaccines, GMOs, chemical food additives, medications and other synthetic chemicals function as a sort of intelligence test for the population. Those who routinely take vaccines are, of course, stupid. Removing the stupid people ā€” the ā€œuseless eatersā€ ā€” from the gene pool is one of the goals of the global controllers. Thus, vaccine propaganda serves as the perfect filter for removing ā€œstupid genesā€ from the human gene pool. This is no doubt why globalists so aggressively push vaccines on low-income families ā€” they equate ā€œlow incomeā€ with ā€œnot qualified to reproduce.ā€

Importantly, vaccines contain stealth cancer viruses that are passed along through multiple generations. The SV40 viruses introduced to the population through polio vaccines in the 1950ā€™s still exists today in the grandchildren of those who were first vaccinated. This is openly admitted by top scientists who helped develop these vaccines (

Meanwhile, the efficacy of these vaccines is completely and utterly fabricated, as has been exposed by two whistleblower scientists who blew the lid on scientific fraud taking place at Merck (ā€¦).

Many pharmaceuticals directly cause infertility, by the way. Propecia, a Merck baldness drug, has now been linked to infertility and ejaculation disorders (ā€¦.).

The game is on: You are living a reality game called ā€œSurvivorā€

The big picture here is this: The game is on. You are a contestant in a reality game called ā€œSurvivor.ā€ If you win, you survive and your genes go on to represent the future of the human race. If you lose, your genetic lineage is annihilatedā€¦ permanently removed from the future of the human race.

My goal is to help you ā€” the intelligent reader of NaturalNews ā€” ensure that your genetic material remains in the ā€œsurvivorā€ side of this equation. I want you to beat Bill Gates at his own game. And surviving is winning

Remember: the goal of the controllers is to kill off roughly 90% of the existing population, either through a fast-kill weapon release, or the ā€œslow killā€ method of causing global infertility. While Bill Gates only publicly mentioned 10% ā€“ 15% in his 2010 quote (above), Ted Turner publicly announced, on video, that he believes the population should be reduced by roughly 70% to the ā€œtwo billionā€ level. You can see that astonishing video, filmed by Luke Rudkowski, at: (This Video Has Since Been Taking Down So I’ve Reuploaded And Mirrored It Here

Behind the scenes at secret meetings, the real reduction levels being discussed are in the 90% range. If this is the real goal, it would mean a typical person only has a 1 in 10 chance of winning the survivor game.

In this article, I show you how to flip those odds, giving you roughly a 90% chance of winning the survivor game. Thatā€™s the ultimate victory: Surviving, having healthy babies, and raising them to contribute to the betterment of human civilization. Thereā€™s probably very little you or I can do to stop the culling of 90% of the population, as many people today seem bent on their own self destruction. But at least we can make sure we remain in the 10% of the survivors who go on to have healthy offspring and contribute to a future of liberty, freedom and spiritual advancement.

So, to begin, letā€™s first explore the threats to your life and your fertility. These are things you must avoid if you hope to win the survivor game.

The 7 threats to your survival and fertility

1) GMOs ā€“ Engineered to grow poisonous chemicals right in the crops themselves, GMOs are also designed to cause reproductive failure in any mammal consuming them.

2) Vaccines ā€“ Loaded with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants, vaccines are the primary cause behind todayā€™s rising rates of infertility, birth defects and spontaneous abortions. Vaccines are aggressively pushed in minority neighborhoods and low-income areas.

3) Chemtrails ā€“ Formulated with aluminum, barium and other heavy metals, chemtrails cause human exposure to toxic metals that impair brain function and neurological function. This exposure may contribute to birth defects and deformities, but details need to be further explored.

4) Prescription medications ā€“ Prescription drugs and chemotherapy damage DNA, promote impotence and decrease both sperm quality and egg quality.

5) Chemical food additives ā€“ These chemicals damage DNA and egg quality, causing infertility to be passed down through multiple generations of females. What you eat today can damage the eggs of your great-great-great granddaughter. Poisons in the food supply right now include sodium nitrite (in nearly all processed meats), MSG, aspartame and chemical preservatives.

6) Biological weapons release ā€“ A possible ā€œfast killā€ scenario being explored by world governments, a biological weapons release can burn through the population with high kill rates while being conveniently blamed on any desired scapegoat such as a fictional terrorist group. ā€œWe are at war with Eurasia!ā€

7) Food fascism leading to starvation ā€“ Corporations like Monsanto are seeking total global domination (and corporate ownership) over the entire food supply. This concept is called ā€œfood fascism,ā€ and it would allow corporations and governments to determine who eats and who starves. Notice how home gardens are under attack? ( Raw milk centers are raided at gunpoint? ( Backyard ranching is being criminalized? ( This is all part of the food fascism assault thatā€™s already underway in our world.

Those are the top threats to your survival and fertility. What follows next is how to beat them.

The 10 strategies for beating the odds and winning the survivor game

#1) Avoid all poisons ā€“ These means eliminating all GMOs, fluoride, aspartame, MSG, artificial fragrances, chemical medications, chemical food additives and all other synthetic chemicals from your life. For most families, this means gutting your pantry, bathroom counters, garage chemicals and lawn care chemicals. Remember: The globalist controllers refuse to eat GMO and consume only organic foods. Ever wonder why? Because they know the chemical-laden, genetically modified foods are being used to kill off the uninformed masses.

#2) Use nutrition to protect your DNA ā€“ This is absolutely crucial. Good nutrition (superfoods, high mineralization, antioxidants, plant concentrates, etc.) can prevent DNA damage from exposure to low-levels of radiation as well as toxic chemicals. Above all, good nutrition boosts reproductive health, sperm quality, egg quality, and even brain function (so you think more clearly and donā€™t get suckered into globalist propaganda).

#3) Do not vaccinate your children ā€“ This is a key defense against the great culling. Those who vaccinate their children condemn them to increased risks of infertility, thereby putting their entire genetic line at risk of annihilation. By avoiding vaccines and allowing your children to naturally experience the chicken pox or measles, you actually make them stronger and more resistant to future infections.

#4) Grow your own food ā€“ The only food you can truly trust is food you grow yourself. Using heirloom seeds, ocean water trace mineral concentrates, soil probiotics and rainwater, grow food that nourishes your body and brain. Save your seeds and re-plant them each season. Over time, they will adapt to your specific soils and climate, improving yields and seed viability. See our heirloom survival seed solution at:

#5) Learn skills of self defense and physical security ā€“ Be prepared to physically defend your life, home and property against tyrants, looters, criminals or even zombies (!). Learn the fundamental skills of self defense, weapon competency and marksmanship. I teach this information in a downloadable preparedness course at:

#6) Reject mainstream propaganda ā€“ In order to protect your mind, you must refuse to subject yourself to the mind-numbing propaganda of the mainstream media. This means throwing out your television, shutting off cable news, and shifting to information sources such as truth-telling websites and books.

#7) Do not try to ā€œsaveā€ everyone. Most of the masses will be culled. They are already beyond hope, having been poisoned with fluoride, vaccines, GMOs and other chemicals into a state of total denial. Have compassion for them, for they are the last of their kind. But do find other aware and informed survivors and get to know them. Share skills and knowledge. Form a community defense plan for a worst-case scenario possibility. Cross-train each other to spread skills across the group. There is strength in numbers.

#8) Follow a philosophy of core redundancies. Examine all the critical infrastructure necessary to support your life ā€” food, water, heat, shelter, emergency medicine, defense, communications, etc. ā€” and put at minimum a second layer of redundancy in place for each one.

#9) Train yourself for mental adaptability. In order to survive, you must not allow yourself to ever be locked into the ā€œtunnel visionā€ of narrow thinking. To survive, you must be able to adapt, solve problems, and use resources in innovative ways. Training for this can include solving mental puzzles (including playing ā€œproblem solvingā€ puzzle video games), exploring the outdoors, learning new skills (such as juggling), and trying out new hobbies. Do not let your mind stagnate. You will need it to be flexible.

#10) Avoid radiation exposure. Nothing damages your DNA faster than radiation, and sources of radiation are all around us. From the TSA body scanners at the airport to the CT scans ordered by your doctor, these harmful, ionizing radiation procedures damage your DNA and compromise fertility. Avoid using cell phones, Smart Meters and even wi-fi, if possible. Especially avoid medical imaging scans, dental X-rays and security scans of all kinds. Radiation damage is cumulative, meaning it gets progressively worse over time as you are exposed to repeated doses of low-level radiation.

Donā€™t be a victim, be a survivor

The point of all this information is simple: The ā€œGreat Cullingā€ is upon us. (Thatā€™s also the name of a new documentary coming out that youā€™ll see announced here on NaturalNews.)

Population reduction has begun. For many, itā€™s already too late for their children and grandchildren because their DNA has been compromised beyond repair. They wonā€™t realize this until their children or grandchildren canā€™t have their own children, but the damage has already been done nowā€¦ todayā€¦ in our time.

Remember: The eggs that produce a womanā€™s granddaughter are formed inside the womb of her own daughter during the time that daughter is forming in her own womb. (Yeah, really.) What a pregnant woman eats today, in other words, directly shapes the egg quality of her granddaughter. This also means it takes, at minimum, two generations to recover from toxic chemical exposure.

Years ago, I coined the term ā€œGenopocalypse.ā€ That genopocalypse is now under way, happening right in front of us. But most people arenā€™t aware of it, so they easily fall victim to it. But through awareness, education and proactive strategies of self-preservation, we can each refuse to become a victim of the depopulation agenda.

You are a survivor. Thatā€™s probably why you read NaturalNews. Now itā€™s time to put your knowledge and awareness into action. Make the changes outlined in this article ā€” starting right now ā€” and safeguard not only your own future, but the future of your entire genetic line for generations to come.

Learn more: via natural news

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I am a one man operation that has been trying to filter through all the “New Aged” worldwide propaganda preached to the truth community / freedom fighters through fake “truth gurus/mentors”, so that i can bring you the “actual” truth. I have been doing this since 2016 and went mainstream in 2018.
These “wolves in sheeps clothing” are “planted” within the community as “Gatekeepers” to, sow division, utilize delay/deflect tactics misinform and mislead the “free-thinkers” or anyone that opposes the “Occultist Hidden Hand” or “Shadow Government” , straight to the slaughterhouse.

I would like to say thanks to all the fellow “watchmen”, “Shill Hunters” and “Genuine truthers/researchers/free thinkers” working tirelessly around the clock out there, putting yourself in the trenches, laying it all on the line by sounding the alarm over the last several years, sacrifices have been made, reputations tarnished, online friends and family members have been lost and lots more put on the back burner. You are the real warriors of the so called “End Times”. The unsung Heroes.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Keep On Fighting The Good Fight.


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Scientific Nazi Occultism

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The Nazis were and are spiritual-occultic supremacists. The Nazi Party was formed from the Thule Society which was founded by Rudolf von Sebottendorf. Rudolf was a Freemason, Islamic mystic or Sufi and trained in alchemy, astrology, and numerology.

Alchemy is the manipulation of the human psyche and biology through chemicals. Astrology is about interpreting celestial patterns to predict likely events based on cause and effect. It is used for making predictions similar to the idea of predicting the weather by studying warm fronts and air currents. Numerology is about developing words and phrases into a geometry which gives the words and phrases more influence through a geometric structure. Numerology is for designing mind control spells. Freemasonry is an occultic organization and is involved with numerology, astrology, and alchemy and most high-level politicians in the world are Freemasons including former US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, and George Herbert Walker Bush. The Nazis incorporated their occultic beliefs into their technologies. After WWII Nazi scientists and intelligence officers were brought into the United States under Operation Paperclip.

Coronado Naval Base in California has a barracks designed as a swastika

The Coronado Naval Base in California has a barracks designed as a swastika and is working with HAARP and other electronic systems used for mental harassment and mass mind control. Captain Scott Mulvehill is the head of the Coronado Naval Base with Christopher E. Sund as the Coronadoā€™s Naval Air Station North Island.

The Nazi salute is the ancient Roman salute and the United States formerly used the Roman salute known as the Bellamy salute in the US for the pledge of allegiance.

Nazi scientists helped to develop the US rocket programs, US nuclear program, NASA, DARPA, and electronic systems. For decades the United States Department of Defense used tax paying dollars for their Project Stargate which was research into psychic phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, and astral projection or out of body experiences.

The Roman Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen was a Nazi military general and the chief of intelligence of the east. When the US took over Germany they used Reinhard Gehlen to continue running intelligence for them under their Gehlen Organization which later absorbed into the still existing Federal Intelligence Service of Germany which is allied with the CIA today.

Raytheon BBN Technologies is in contract with the Department of Defense and develops Parallel computing software used for predicting outcomes based on calculating all information similar to the concept of astrology and predicting patterns. Vannevar Bush founded Raytheon and was the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and Manhattan Project. Also Mission and Operation Epsilon was a US and UK joint operation where they ā€œimprisonedā€ Nazi scientists working on the German nuclear weapons project which included the Nazi scientists Werner Heisenberg, Horst Korsching, Karl Wirtz, Walther Gerlach, Erich Bagge, Kurt Diebner, Otto Hahn, Paul Harteck, and Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker.

Operation Paperclip

The Nazi scientist Heinz Schlicke worked for Allen-Bradley a division of Rockwell Automation and specialized in electromagnetic emissions and was president of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Society. The modern-day electronics are emitting electromagnetic emissions or radio frequency interferences using geometric structures for the purpose of hacking into the human nervous system. US Patent 6506148 under Loos Hendricus G. is titled ā€œNervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitorsā€ and his other patent is US Patent US6238333B1 titled ā€œRemote Magnetic Manipulation of nervous systemsā€ and both support the scientific basis for using electromagnetic frequencies emitted from electronics to manipulate the physiology by hacking the human nervous system.

Erich Traub was a Nazi virologist who was brought into the United States and worked at Plum Island which is believed to be the source for Lyme disease. IG Farben was a chemical company that developed the deadly chemical agent Zyklon B used by the Nazis for carrying out genocides. IG Farben was redeveloped into several chemical and pharmaceutical companies like Bayer. Alchemy is used for covert chemical warfare on society. The Nazis were also financed and promoted by some American businessmen and companies like Henry Ford, Chase Bank, General Electric, IBM, and Standard Oil. Henry Ford was awarded the Order of the German Eagle under the Nazis for distributing Nazi propaganda in Europe. IBM developed electronic tracking for concentration camps. The US rounded up Japanese-Americans during WWII and put them in concentration camps.

More on this real soon………….

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šŸ‘ļø Meet the Freemasonic Ciummei šŸ‘ļøMario Carlo Ciummei Melissa Ciummei Ciummei…
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